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TITLE OF ACTION RESEARCH Ameliorating the Pupils engagement in Araling Panlipunan using the
SM (Supplementary and Multimedia) Instructional Materials of Grade 5
Pupils of Port Holland Central Elementary School

I. INTRODUCTION Instructional materials refer to a diverse range of educational resources,

tools, and aids that educators use to facilitate and enhance the teaching
and learning process. These materials are designed to support the
acquisition of knowledge and skills, promote understanding, and engage
learners in various subjects and educational settings. Instructional
materials that aids in conveying information and promoting learning.

Instructional materials are essential in the Araling Panlipunan subject for

several major reasons:

Enhancing Understanding: Instructional materials, such as maps, charts

help pupils visualize and comprehend complex historical events,
geographical concepts, and social phenomena. They make abstract
concepts more tangible and relatable.

Engagement: Varied instructional materials make the learning process

more engaging and interactive. They can capture pupils' interest and
curiosity, making the subject matter more appealing.

Multiple Learning Styles: Different pupils have various learning styles

(visual, auditory, kinesthetic). Instructional materials cater to these
diverse needs, ensuring that all pupils can access and understand the
content effectively.

Real-World Application: Araling Panlipunan often deals with real-world

issues, historical events, and societal challenges. Instructional materials
can connect classroom learning to real-life situations, fostering a deeper
understanding of the subject matter's relevance.

Reinforcement: Instructional materials serve as valuable tools for

reinforcing key concepts and promoting retention. For instance,
timelines, historical artifacts, and primary source documents can help
students remember and recall information more effectively.

Differentiation: Instructors can use instructional materials to

differentiate instruction, adapting their teaching methods to
accommodate pupils with varying abilities and learning needs.

Cultural Appreciation: Araling Panlipunan includes the study of Filipino

culture and heritage. Instructional materials can showcase the richness
of Filipino culture, traditions, and history, fostering a sense of pride and
appreciation among pupils.

Accessibility: In some cases, instructional materials can make the subject

more accessible to pupils

Visual Stimulation: Instructional materials like maps, charts, and

diagrams provide visual stimulation, making the subject more visually
appealing and easier for pupils to understand. Visual aids can simplify
complex concepts and data.

Engagement Variety: Different pupils have various learning preferences

and styles. Instructional materials provide variety in teaching methods,
catering to auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners. This variety keeps
pupils engaged and attentive.

Concept Clarity: Complex historical events, geographical information, and

social concepts can be challenging for pupils to grasp. Instructional
materials break down these complexities into more digestible forms,
improving concept clarity.

Inclusivity: Instructional materials can be adapted to meet the needs of

diverse learners, including those with disabilities. This inclusivity ensures
that all pupils have equal access to learning resources.

Motivation: Engaging instructional materials can motivate pupils to

become more interested in Araling Panlipunan. The excitement of
exploring these materials can lead to increased curiosity and enthusiasm
for the subject.

When you plan or design an active participation of the pupils, it’s crucial
that your assessments, objectives, and instructional materials align with
each other.Supplementary Instructional Material are the nonrequired
educational materials but it's depends on teachers approach. When you
used Instructional Material effectively, these assets can inspire and
transform learning, enhance motivation, and even supply additional
assistance for pupils engagement, you must carefully select
Supplementary Instructional Materials that are in alignment with your

Instructors can include Supplementary Materials to help those pupils

who may need remediation for their low of interest. There are two areas
of support you can provide to your pupils: proactive support and reactive
support. In proactive support, you select the materials that you
anticipate will be the greatest challenge for your pupils. In reactive
support, you send your pupils Supplementary Materials where you
notice that pupils are not meeting the learning objectives.

When the instructor used the Instructional Materials effectively, they can
help engage, motivate, and support pupils with making connections to
your lecture. Including these supplementary materials can add value to
your course and provide learning opportunities to ask questions and to
formulate the answers.

In the Multimedia Instructional Material, When planning to used

multimedia instruction project, activities and interactions should be
chosen that are based on the desired type of pupils learning. Activities
should be chosen that help develop both higher levels of learning
(evaluation and analysis) as well as lower levels of learning
(understanding and applying).

Multimedia Instructional Materials that includes words ( printed or

spoken text) and pictures (graphics such as illustrations, diagrams, charts,
maps, and photos, or dynamic graphics such as animation and video).
Rationale for Multimedia Instruction The Multimedia Instructional
Materials is that pupils can learn and anticipate more deeply from words,
pictures and presentation rather than from words alone.

Overall, instructional materials are essential tools that contribute

significantly to the educational process by making learning more
engaging, comprehensible, and meaningful for students.

Instructional materials in Araling Panlipunan specifically refer to

educational resources and materials that are designed to support the
teaching and learning of topics within the Araling Panlipunan subject in
the Philippines. These materials are tailored to the curriculum and
content of Araling Panlipunan and are used by educators to enhance the
quality of instruction and engage pupils effectively.
Supplementary Instructional Materials are designed to provide pupils
with a well-rounded and immersive learning experience in Araling
Panlipunan. Teachers often use these materials to cater to different
learning styles and to make the subject more interesting, engaging and
accessible to pupils.

Textbooks: Specialized textbooks that cover topics in Philippine history,

geography, government, and culture, designed to align with the
curriculum standards.

Cultural Materials: Traditional clothing, music, dance, and crafts that

promote an understanding and appreciation of Filipino culture.

Maps: Geographic maps and charts that help pupils understand the
physical and political geography of the Philippines and the broader

Historical Documents: Primary source documents, such as historical

letters, treaties, or speeches, to provide pupils with authentic insights
into historical events.

Visual Aids: Posters, charts, diagrams, and infographics that illustrate

important concepts and data related to Araling Panlipunan topics.

Supplemental Instructional Materials are an added benefit for your

pupils. It can enhance their motivation about a given topic. In this regard,
it helps students stay up to date in their field.

Multimedia Instructional Materials in Araling Panlipunan incorporate

various forms of media and technology to enhance the teaching and
learning experience. These materials leverage multimedia elements such
as text, images, audio, video, animations, and interactive features to
make the subject more engaging and informative. Here are some
examples of multimedia instructional materials used in Araling

Educational Videos: Videos and documentaries that provide visual

explanations of historical events, cultural practices, and geographical
features. They can include interviews with experts, reenactments, and
historical footage.

Digital Storytelling: Using digital tools to create multimedia stories that

convey historical events, cultural traditions, or important figures in a
compelling and interactive manner.

Podcasts: Audio recordings or podcasts that discuss Araling Panlipunan

topics, providing aural explanations and interviews with experts or
individuals with relevant experiences.

Virtual Field Trips: Virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR)

experiences that allow students to explore historical sites, cultural
landmarks, or geographical locations without leaving the classroom.

Online Databases: Access to digital libraries, databases, and archives that

provide pupils and teachers with a wealth of primary and secondary
source materials for research and exploration.

Multimedia Presentations: Using software like PowerPoint or interactive

whiteboards to create visually engaging presentations that summarize
key Araling Panlipunan concepts.

These multimedia instructional materials not only cater to different

learning styles but also help pupils connect with the subject matter on a
deeper level. They make Araling Panlipunan more interactive, dynamic,
and accessible, enhancing the overall educational experience.

In summary, instructional materials play a crucial role in the Araling

Panlipunan subject by enhancing comprehension, engagement, and
retention, catering to diverse learning styles, and connecting classroom
learning to real-life experiences.

A. Research Questions Research Questions:

1. What are the major strengths and weaknesses of SM Instructional

Materials in Pupils engagement in Araling Panlipunan 5.

2. How does the implementation of SM Instructional Materials impact

the pupils engagement in Araling Panlipunan 5.

3. What modification can be suggested for the instructional materials

based on the instructor on their classroom practices.

B. Hypothesis Hypothesis:

H¹: There is significant effects of using of SM Instructional Materials in

Araling Panlipunan 5 in pupils engagement.
II. BRIEF REVIEW OF Derraco and Derraco (2022) found that students perceived Araling
RELATED LITERATURE AND Panlipunan as a boring subject due to the use of traditional teaching
STUDIES methods, such as lectures and textbooks. Students had difficulty
understanding the subject matter, which contributed to their low
learning interest. Kelley (2021) also claimed that students found the
subject to be uninteresting and irrelevant to their daily lives. Their study
revealed that Araling Panlipunan was the third least-liked subject of
elementary pupils, with only 17.6% expressing a liking for the subject.

The low learning interest in Araling Panlipunan is a significant challenge

that needs to be addressed by educators and policymakers (Lorbis,

Schukajlow and Krug (2014) also identified that pupils’ interest was
positively related to their motivation to learn. Their study revealed that
pupils who had a higher interest in the subject were also more motivated
to learn and had higher academic achievement.

Teachers who use engaging teaching strategies such as multimedia,

group activities, and interactive discussions can increase students'
interest in learning and make the subject more meaningful and relevant
to them (Anwer, 2019).

Students' interest in a subject can be enhanced by incorporating real-life

examples and activities that relate to their experiences. Teachers should
tailor their lessons to fit the needs and interests of their students (Reber
et al., 2018).

Hsin and Cigas (2013) used short videos to enhance student satisfaction
and motivation for the learners. They achieved a significantly higher
percentage of involved pupils and their average grades increased.

Another method to engage and to motivate pupils is showing

entertainment videos (Steffes & Duverger, 2012). As Steffes and
Duverger reported, showing supplementary videos within an
entertainment context at the beginning of the class can be used to
increase the positive mood of the students. Both previous studies, Bravo
et al. (2011)and Steffes and Duverger (2012), emphasize the importance
of the proper design of supplementary video content and the
methodology of displaying video to students.Another method to engage
and to motivate students is showing entertainment videos (Steffes &
Duverger, 2012).

Evaluating the effectiveness of the use of teaching materials in video

format in distance learning environments and the measuring of “viewer
engagement” is important for improvement of the learning process
(Stiubiener et al., 2012).

According to the teacher's opinion as mentioned by Brito, Cherrez,

Montalvan, and Ochoa (2018) children work better when they are
motivated in the classroom, and supplementary material has really
helped him to reach this goal. He believes that students need to visualize
and hear information in order to adopt into the new language. Flashcards
and pictures were the most appealing material for the children because
it had fun drawings and many colors; this helped children to develop
their creativity and imagination.

Fidalgo, Santos and Thormann (2017) discussed that students said that
their preferred means of representation to support their learning were
PowerPoint with voiceover and videos followed by text.

As Singh (2005) defines: “Any device which by sight and sound increase
the individual s' practice, outside that attained through read labeled as
an audio visual aids”. Visual aids are those instructional devices which
are used in the classroom to encourage learning and make it easier and

The material like models, charts, film strip, projectors, radio, television,
maps etc called instructional aids. (Rather, 2004).

These authors have contributed significantly to the field of education and

the study of supplementary instructional materials. Their works cover a
wide range of topics related to instructional design, technology
integration, and pedagogical approaches that involve the use of
supplementary materials in educational settings.

III. SCOPE AND In this research, the researcher determined the scope of the research as

1. Subject of the research:

The subject of the research is the Grade 3 Pupils at Portholland Central
Elementary School

2. Object of the research:

The object of the research is Ameliorating the Pupils engagement in

Araling Panlipunan using the SM (Supplementary and Multimedia)
Instructional Materials of Grade 5 Pupils of Port Holland Central
Elementary School.

3. Place of the research:

The research will conduct at Portholland Central Elementary School

Maluso, Basilan.

4. Time of research:

The research will conduct in Grade 5 school year 2023-2023.

The data were collected through pretest and post-test.

IV. METHODOLOGY A. Researcher Design

Aaker et al (2002) defines a research design as the detailed blue print

used to guide a research study towards its objectives.

Descriptive research design method of research was used in this study.

Descriptive research a powerful tool used by researchers to gather
information about a particular group or phenomenon. Hence, this
research type is deemed to be the most appropriate for the perceived
since this method involved the survey and questionnaire.

Descriptive research design is a type of research design that aims to

systematically obtain information to describe a phenomenon, situation,
or population. More specifically, it helps answer the what, when, where,
and how questions regarding the research problem rather than the why.

A researcher can conduct this research using various methodologies. It

predominantly employs quantitative data, although qualitative data is
sometimes used for descriptive purposes.
It is important to note that in the descriptive research method, the
researcher does not control or manipulate any variables, unlike in
experimental research. Instead, the variables are only identified,
observed, and measured.

Surveys and observation are the most used method to conduct this
research design. You can leverage online survey tools or offline survey
tools to gather data as per your research objective.

B. Research Locale

The research locale for these research will conduct at Portholland Central
Elementary School barangay Lower Portholland, Zone IV, Maluso,

C. Population

According to Frankel, et. al, (2012, p. 92), the population is the group of
interest to the researcher, the group of whom the researcher would like
to generalize the result of study. Meanwhile, Arikunto (2010, p. 173)
defines that Population is all the subjects of investigation. In this study,
the population will conduct in Grade 5 pupils of Port Holland Central
Elementary School academic year 2023-2024. The total population of
grade 5 is 200 pupils with 100 male and 100 female.

D. Sampling Procedure

The respondents will select using convenient sampling, under this

sampling, that sample elements are selected from population based on
their availability of the participants and because this is the easiest for the
researchers to access. This study population will conduct at Portholland
Central Elementary School Maluso, Basilan. The main target groups of
sampling are the pupils of grade 5 pupils.

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