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EFFECT AND APPLICATION OF LAWS about $7000 failed to sell the same to the Central Bank through its
agents within one day following the receipt of such foreign exchange as
Effectivity of Laws required by Circular No. 20. The appeal is based on the claim that said
1. Tañada v. Tuvera circular No. 20 was not published in the Official Gazette prior to the act or
omission imputed to the appellant, and that consequently, said circular
FACTS: Tañada with a group of lawyers came to court and claimed that had no force and effect. It is contended that Commonwealth Act No. 638
they have plenty of presidential decrees issued by former president and Act 2930 both require said circular to be published in the Official
Marcos. and that these decrees were not published. Invoking the Gazette, it being an order or notice of general applicability.
people's right to be informed on matters of public concern (Section 6,
Article IV of the 1973 Philippine Constitution) as well as the principle that ISSUE: Whether or not Que Po Lay can be penalized under the CN 20
laws to be valid and enforceable must be published in the Official Gazette despite lack of publication?
or otherwise effectively promulgated. Tañada’s group filed a case to
compel the public officials concerned to publish, and or cause the HELD: NO. Que Po Lay cannot be penalized. While CN 20 of the
publication in the Official Gazette of various presidential decrees, letters Central Bank is not a statute or law, it was however issued for the
of instructions, general orders, proclamations, executive orders, letter of implementation of the law authorizing its issuance. It has the force and
implementation and administrative orders issued by then President effect of law according to settled jurisprudence. In the present case,
Marcos. although CN 20 of the Central Bank was issued in the year 1949, it was
not published until November 1951, that is, about 3 months after
ISSUE: Whether publication in the Official Gazette is not a requirement appellant's conviction of its violation. It is clear that said circular,
for the effectivity of laws where the laws themselves provide for their own particularly its penal provision, did not have any legal effect and bound no
effectivity dates one until its publication in the Official Gazette or after November 1951. In
HELD: The Supreme Court ruled that all unpublished issuances should other words, appellant could not be held liable for its violation, for CN 20
be published in the Official Gazette and newspapers for general was not binding at the time he was found to have failed to sell the foreign
circulation. The Supreme Court explained that the publication of all exchange in his possession within one day of his taking possession
presidential issuances "of a public nature" or "of general applicability" is thereof.
mandated by Art. 2 of the Civil Code and shall take effect after fifteen 5. Victorias Milling Corp. v. Social Security Commission,
days upon completion of their publication. Obviously, presidential decrees
that provide for fines, forfeitures or penalties for their violation or
otherwise impose a burden or the people, such as tax and revenue
measures, fall within this category. Other issuances however, which apply Ignorance of Law
only to particular persons or class of persons such as administrative and 6. Marbella-Bobis v. Bobis
executive orders need not be published on the assumption that they have
been circularized to all concerned. IMELDA MARBELLA-BOBIS, Petitioner, -versus- ISAGANI D. BOBIS,
Respondent G.R. No. 138509, FIRST DIVISION, July 31, 2000,
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J. Article 40 of the Family Code, which was
2. People v. Simon effective at the time of celebration of the second marriage, requires a
prior judicial declaration of nullity of a previous marriage before a party
3. GSIS v. COA may remarry. The clear implication of this is that it is not for the parties,
particularly the accused, to determine the validity or invalidity of the
4. People v. Que Po Lay marriage. Whether or not the first marriage was void for lack of a license
FACTS :In 1949, the Central Bank issued Circulat No. 20 requiring is a matter of defense because there is still no judicial declaration of its
persons in possession of foreign exchange to sell the same to the Central nullity at the time the second marriage was contracted. It should be
Bank. The appellant who was in possession of foreign exchange remembered that bigamy can successfully be prosecuted provided all its
consisting of US dollars, US checks and US money orders amounting to elements concur two of which are a previous marriage and a subsequent
marriage which would have been valid had it not been for the existence information on the ground of prejudicial question is in effect a question on
at the material time of the first marriage. the merits of the criminal charge through a non-criminal suit. Article 40 of
the Family Code, which was effective at the time of celebration of the
FACTS On October 21, 1985, respondent contracted a first marriage with second marriage, requires a prior judicial declaration of nullity of a
one Maria Dulce B. Javier. Without said marriage having been annulled, previous marriage before a party may remarry. The clear implication of
nullified or terminated, the same respondent contracted a second this is that it is not for the parties, particularly the accused, to determine
marriage with petitioner Imelda Marbella-Bobis on January 25, 1996 and the validity or invalidity of the marriage. Whether or not the first marriage
allegedly a third marriage with a certain Julia Sally Hernandez. Based on was void for lack of a license is a matter of defense because there is still
petitioners complaint-affidavit. Sometime thereafter, respondent initiated no judicial declaration of its nullity at the time the second marriage was
a civil action for the judicial declaration of absolute nullity of his first contracted. It should be remembered that bigamy can successfully be
marriage on the ground that it was celebrated without a marriage license. prosecuted provided all its elements concur two of which are a previous
Respondent then filed a motion to suspend the proceedings in the marriage and a subsequent marriage which would have been valid had it
criminal case for bigamy invoking the pending civil case for nullity of the not been for the existence at the material time of the first marriage. In the
first marriage as a prejudicial question to the criminal case. case at bar, respondents clear intent is to obtain a judicial declaration of
nullity of his first marriage and thereafter to invoke that very same
ISSUE Whether the subsequent filing of a civil action for declaration of judgment to prevent his prosecution for bigamy. He cannot have his cake
nullity of a previous marriage constitutes a prejudicial question to a and eat it too. Otherwise, all that an adventurous bigamist has to do is to
criminal case for bigamy. (NO) disregard Article 40 of the Family Code, contract a subsequent marriage
and escape a bigamy charge by simply claiming that the first marriage is
RULING A prejudicial question is one which arises in a case the void and that the subsequent marriage is equally void for lack of a prior
resolution of which is a logical antecedent of the issue involved therein. It judicial declaration of nullity of the first. A party may even enter into a
is a question based on a fact distinct and separate from the crime but so marriage aware of the absence of a requisite - usually the marriage
intimately connected with it that it determines the guilt or innocence of the license - and thereafter contract a subsequent marriage without obtaining
accused. It must appear not only that the civil case involves facts upon a declaration of nullity of the first on the assu
which the criminal action is based, but also that the resolution of the
issues raised in the civil action would necessarily be determinative of the
criminal case. Consequently, the defense must involve an issue similar or 7. Bank of America, NT & SA vs American Realty Corp.
intimately related to the same issue raised in the criminal action and its
resolution determinative of whether or not the latter action may proceed. Prospective Application of Laws
Its two essential elements are:
8. People vs Valdez
(a) the civil action involves an issue similar or intimately related to the
issue raised in the criminal action; and 9. Erectors, Inc vs NLRC
(b) the resolution of such issue determines whether or not the criminal
action may proceed. Repeal of Laws
10. Aguetas vs CA
A prejudicial question does not conclusively resolve the guilt or innocence
of the accused but simply tests the sufficiency of the allegations in the 11. Laguna Lake Development Authority vs CA,
information in order to sustain the further prosecution of the criminal
case. A party who raises a prejudicial question is deemed to have 12. De Agbayani vs PNB
hypothetically admitted that all the essential elements of a crime have
been adequately alleged in the information, considering that the
prosecution has not yet presented a single evidence on the indictment or Judicial Decisions
may not yet have rested its case. A challenge of the allegations in the
13. Co vs CA "extreme cruelty, entirely mental in character". On 21 October 1950, a
decree of divorce, "final and absolute", was issued in open court by
14. Filoteo, Jr. vs. Sandiganbayan the said tribunal. In 1951 Mamerto and Mena Escaño filed a petition
with the Archbishop of Cebu to annul their daughter's marriage to Pastor.
On 10 September 1954, Vicenta sought papal dispensation of her
marriage On 13 September 1954, Vicenta married an American,
Russell Leo Moran, in Nevada. She now lives with him in California,
and, by him, has begotten children. She acquired American citizenship on
8th of August 1958

ISSUE: WON the plaintiff is entitled to be declared legally separated from

the defendant Vicenta F. Escaño, and the latter liable for damages
amounting to 1 million pesos.

HELD: YES, plaintiff is entitled to a decree of legal separation from

the defendant-appellee Vicenta Escaño. But on the liability for
damages amounting to 1 million pesos, the latter is required only to
Nationality Principle (Lex Nationalii) pay plaintiff-appellant Tenchavez the amount of P25,000 for damages
15. Tenchavez vs Escano and attorneys' fees. Neither party to recover costs.

FACTS: Vicenta Escaño, 27 years of age, exchanged marriage vows

with Pastor Tenchavez, 32 years of age, without the knowledge of
her parents. Mamerto and Mena Escaño were surprised, because 16. Van Dorn vs Romillo, Jr.,
Pastor never asked for the hand of Vicenta, and were disgusted because FACTS: Petitioner Alice Reyes Van Dorn is a citizen of the Philippines
of the great scandal that the clandestine marriage would provoke. The while private respondent Richard Upton is a citizen of the United
following morning, the Escaño spouses sought priestly advice. Father States. They were married in Hong Kong in 1972. In 1982 they were
Reynes suggested a recelebration to validate what he believed to be divorced in Nevada, USA. Petitioner re-married in Nevada, this time to
an invalid marriage, from the standpoint of the Church. The Theodore Van Dorn. In 1983, private respondent filed suit against the
recelebration did not take place, because on 26 February 1948 petitioner in the RTC of Pasay City stating that petitioner Alice’s
Mamerto Escaño was handed by a maid, a letter disclosing an business in Ermita, Manila, the Galleon Shop, is their conjugal
amorous relationship between Pastor Tenchavez and Pacita Noel; property and that the private respondent be declared with the right to
Vicenta thereafter would not agree to a new marriage. As of June, manage the conjugal property.
1948 the newlyweds were already estranged. Vicenta had gone to
Jimenez, Misamis Occidental, to escape from the scandal that her Petitioner moved to dismiss the case on the ground that the cause
marriage stirred in Cebu society. A lawyer filed for her a petition, of action is barred by previous judgment in the divorce proceedings
drafted by then Senator Emmanuel Pelaez, to annul her marriage. before the Nevada Court wherein respondent had acknowledged that
She did not sign the petition and the case was dismissed without he and petitioner had “no community property”. The Court below
prejudice because of her non-appearance at the hearing. On 24 June denied the Motion to Dismiss on the ground that the property involved
1950, she applied for a passport, indicating in her application that she is located in the Philippines so the Divorce Decree has no bearing in
was single, that her purpose was to study, and that she was domiciled in the case.
Cebu City. The application was approved, and she left for the United
States. On 22 August 1950, she filed a verified complaint for divorce Petitioner contends that the respondent is estopped from laying
against the Tenchavez in the Second Judicial District Court of the claim on the alleged conjugal property because of the representation
State of Nevada in and for the County of Washoe, on the ground of he made in the divorce proceedings. Respondent on the other hand
maintain that,the divorce is not valid and binding in this jurisdiction, the was granted to the petitioner. More than five months after the issuance
same being contrary to local law and public policy. of the divorce decree, Geiling filed two complaints for adultery
before the City Fiscal of Manila alleging that while still married to
ISSUE: What is the effect of the foreign divorce on the parties and Imelda, the latter had an affair with a certain William Chia as early as
their alleged conjugal property in the Philippines? 1982 and another man named Jesus Chua sometime in 1983.
Petitioner filed a petition asking to set aside the cases filed against her
HELD: The divorce decree is binding on private respondent as an and be dismissed. Thereafter, petitioner moved to defer her arraignment
American citizen. For instance, private respondent cannot sue petitioner, and to suspend further proceedings. Justice Secretary Ordoñez issued
as her husband, in any State of the Union. a resolution directing to move for the dismissal of the complaints
against petitioner.
It is true that owing to the nationality principle embodied in Article 15
of the Civil Code, only Philippine nationals are covered by the policy Issue: Whether or not private respondent Geiling can prosecute
against absolute divorces the same being considered contrary to petitioner Pilapil on the ground of adultery even though they are no
our concept of public police and morality. However, aliens may obtain longer husband and wife as decree of divorce was already issued.
divorces abroad, which may be recognized in the Philippines,
provided they are valid according to their national law. In this case, Held:
the divorce in Nevada released private respondent from the marriage The law provides that in prosecution for adultery and concubinage,
from the standards of American law, under which divorce dissolves the the person who can legally file the complaint should be the offended
marriage. spouse and nobody else. In this case, it appeared that private
respondent is the offended spouse, the latter obtained a valid
Thus, pursuant to his national law, private respondent is no longer the divorce in his country, the Federal Republic of Germany, and said
husband of the petitioner. He would have no standing to sue in the divorce and its legal effects may be recognized in the Philippines in so far
case below as petitioner’s husband entitled to exercise control over as he is concerned. Thus, under the same consideration and rationale,
conjugal assets. As he is bound by the Decision of his own private respondent is no longer the husband of the petitioner and
country’s Court, which validly exercised jurisdiction over him, and has no legal standing to commence the adultery case under the
whose decision he does not repudiate, he is estopped by his own imposture that he was the offended spouse at the time he filed suit.
representation before said Court from asserting his right over the alleged
conjugal property.
Principle of Lex Rei Sitae:
17. Pilapil vs Ibay-Somera Real property as well as personal property is subject to law where it
is situated
Facts: Petitioner Imelda Manalaysay Pilapil, a Filipino citizen married
private respondent Erich Ekkehard Geiling, a German national on 18. Testate Estate of Bohanan vs Bohanan
Sept. 7, 1979 at Federal Republic of Germany. They lived together in
Malate, Manila and had a child named Isabella Pilapil Geiling. Facts: Bohanan was born in Nebraska therefore he is a citizen of
Unfortunately, after about three and a half years of marriage, such Nebraska even though he lived in the Philippines for a long period of
connubial disharmony eventuated in Erich initiating divorce proceedings time. He still remained a citizen of the United States. Bohanan
against Imelda in Germany. He claimed that there was failure of their eventually chose Nevada to spend the rest of his days when he
marriage and that they had been living apart since April 1982.On the died. He remained a citizen of the United States.
other hand, petitioner filed an action for legal separation before a
trial court in Manila on January 23, 1983 Issues1. Whether or not the disposition of Bohanan’s Estate is valid
because of the petitioner. His Former wife, Magdalena Bohanan, and two
The decree of divorce was promulgated on January 15, 1986 on the of her children Mary Lydia and Edward Bohanan claim that they have
ground of failure of marriage of the spouses. The custody of the child
been deprived of their share of the Estate under the laws of the (b) P120,000.00 to his three illegitimate children or P40,000.00 each
Philippines and
2. The claim of the testator’s children, Edward and Mary Lydia Bohanan, (c) after the foregoing two items have been satisfied, the remainder
who had received legacies in the amount of PHP 6, 000 each only, and, shall go to his seven surviving children by his first and second
therefore, have not been given their shares in the estate which in wives.
accordance with the laws, should be two-thirds of the estate left by the
Amos G. Bellis was a citizen of the State of Texas and of the United
Ruling: The wife of the Testator, Magdalena Bohanan claims that she States. He had five legitimate children with his first wife (whom he
should be entitled to receive but the last will has not given her any divorced), three legitimate children with his second wife (who survived
share of the Estate left by the testator. Therefore the court refused to him), and, finally, three illegitimate children. 6 years prior Amos Bellis’
recognize her claim on the ground that the laws of Nevada of which death, he executed two(2) wills, apportioning the remainder of his estate
the deceased is a citizen allow him to dispose of all of his estate or and properties to his seven surviving children. The appellants filed their
properties without requiring him to leave any portion of his estate to oppositions to the project of partition claiming that they have been
his wife. Therefore Magdalena Bohanan has no right to share in the deprived of their legitimes to which they were entitled according to the
inheritance left by the testator. For the second issue, the old Civil Philippine law. Appellants argued that the deceased wanted his
Code, which is applicable to this case because the testator died in Philippine estate to be governed by the Philippine law, thus the creation
1944, expressly provides that successional rights to personal of two separate wills.
property are to be earned by the national law of the person whose
succession is in question, thus the two-third rule is not ISSUE: Whether or not the Philippine law be applied in the case in the
enforceable determination of the illegitimate children’s successional rights
RULING: Court ruled that provision in a foreigner’s will to the effect that
19. Bellis vs Bellis his properties shall be distributed in accordance with Philippine law and
not with his national law, is illegal and void, for his national law cannot be
Whatever public policy or good customs may be involved in our system of ignored in view of those matters that Article 10 — now Article 16 — of the
legitimes, Congress has not intended to extend the same to the Civil Code states said national law should govern.
succession of foreign nationals. For it has specifically chosen to leave,
inter alia, the amount of successional rights, to the decedent's national
Where the testator was a citizen of Texas and domiciled in Texas, the
Law. Specific provisions must prevail over general ones.
intrinsic validity of his will should be governed by his national law. Since
Texas law does not require legitimes, then his will, which deprived his
illegitimate children of the legitimes, is valid.
Amos G. Bellis was "a citizen of the State of Texas and of the United
States." By his first wife, Mary E. Mallen, he had five legitimate
children: Edward A. Bellis, George Bellis (who pre-deceased him in The Supreme Court held that the illegitimate children are not entitled to
infancy), Henry A. Bellis, Alexander Bellis and Anna Bellis Allsman; by his the legitimes under the texas law, which is the national law of the
second wife, Violet Kennedy, who survived him, he had three deceased.
legitimate children: Edwin G. Bellis, Walter S. Bellis and Dorothy Bellis;
and finally, he had three illegitimate children: Amos Bellis, Jr., Maria
Cristina Bellis and Miriam Palma Bellis. Amos G. Bellis executed a will
in the Philippines, in which he directed that his distributable estate
should be divided in the following manner:

(a) $240,000.00 to his first wife; 20. In the Matter of the Testate Estate of Edward E. Christensen
Edward E. Christensen, though born in New York, migrated to II. HUMAN RELATIONS Art. 19-21
California, where he resided and consequently was considered a
California citizen. In 1913, he came to the Philippines where he became 21. Amonoy vs Gutierrez,
a domiciliary until his death. However, during the entire period of his
residence in this country he had always considered himself a citizen In 1965, Atty. Sergio Amonoy represented Alfonso Fornilda in a
of California. In his will executed on March 5, 1951, he instituted an partition case. Since Fornilda had no money to pay, he agreed to
acknowledged natural daughter, Maria Lucy Christensen as his only make use of whatever property he acquires as a security for the
heir, but left a legacy of sum of money in favor of Helen Christensen payment of Amonoy’s attorney’s fees which amounts to P27k. In July
Garcia who was rendered to have been declared acknowledged natural 1969, Fornilda died. A month later, the property was finally adjudicated
daughter. Counsel for appellant claims that California law should be and Fornilda, through his heirs, got his just share from the property in
applied; that under California law, the matter is referred back to the law of dispute. Fornilda was however unable to pay Amonoy. Hence, Amonoy
the domicile; that therefore Philippine law is ultimately applicable; sought to foreclose the property in 1970. The heirs of Fornilda, the
that finally, the share of Helen must be increased in view of the spouses Jose Gutierrez and Angela Fornilda then sued Amonoy
successional rights of illegitimate children under Philippine law. On questioning the validity of his mortgage agreement with Fornilda. It
the other hand, counsel for the heir of Christensen contends that in as was their claim that the attorney’s fees he was collecting was
much as it is clear that under Article 16 of our Civil Code, the national unconscionable and that the same was based on an invalid mortgage
law of the deceased must apply, our courts must immediately apply due to the existing attorney-client relationship between him and Fornilda
the internal law of California on the matter; that under California law at the time the mortgage was executed.
there are no compulsory heirs and consequently a testator could dispose
of any property possessed by him in absolute dominion and that finally, The spouses lost in the trial court as well as in the Court of Appeals
illegitimate children not being entitled to anything and his will but they appealed to the Supreme Court, docketed as G.R.No. L-72306.
remain undisturbed. Meanwhile, in 1973, Amonoy was able to foreclose the property.
Amonoy was also the highest bidder in the public sale conducted in view
ISSUE: of the foreclosure. He was able to buy the property of Fornilda for
Whether or not the Philippine law should prevail in administering P23k. But constructed on said property was the house of the spouses
the estate of Christensen? Gutierrez.

RULING: Pending the spouses’s appeal with the Supreme Court, Amonoy was
The court in deciding to grant more successional rights to Helen said able to secure a demolition order and so on May 30, 1986, Amonoy
in effect that there are two rules in California on the matter: started demolishing the house of the spouses. But on June 2, 1986, the
Supreme Court issued a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against
It is ultimately the Philippine Law. The California law has two rules on the the demolition order. On June 4, 1986, Amonoy received a copy of the
matter. The internal law which should apply to Californians domiciled in TRO. Finally, on June 24, 1989, the Supreme Court promulgated a
California and the conflicts rule which should apply to Californians decision in G.R.No. L-72306 where it ruled that the mortgage between
domiciled outside of California. Edward being domiciled outside California Amonoy and Fornilda is void, hence, Amonoy has no right over the
(in the Philippines) follows that the law of his domicile. The validity of the property. But by this time, the house of the spouses was already
provisions of his will depriving his acknowledged natural child, Helen, demolished because it appears that despite the TRO, Amonoy
should be governed by the Philippine law in determining the successional continued demolishing the house until it was fully demolished in the
rights of Helen. middle of 1987.The spouses then sued Amonoy for damages. It is now
the contention of Amonoy that he incurred no liability because he was
merely exercising his right to demolish (pursuant to the demolition order)
hence what happened was a case of damnum absque injuria (injury
without damage).
ISSUE: Whether or not Amonoy is correct. whether QUESTOR had indeed acquired theregistration rights
over the mark "Spalding" from A.G. Spalding Bros., Inc.,
HELD: No. Amonoy initially had the right to demolish but when he
received the TRO that right had already ceased. Hence, his continued After the prosecution rested its case, Sehwani filed a demurrer to
exercise of said right after the TRO was already unjustified. As quoted by evidence arguing that the act of selling the manufactured goods was an
the Supreme Court: “The exercise of a right ends when the right essential and constitutive element of the crime of unfair competition
disappears, and it disappears when it is abused, especially to the under Art. 189 of the Revised Penal Code, and the
prejudice of others.” prosecution could not prove that he sold the products. In its
Order of January 12 1981, the trial court granted the demurrer and
dismissed the charge against SehwaniAfter that, UNIVERSAL and
What Amonoy did is an abuse of right. Article 19, known to contain
Sehwani filed a civil case for damages with the Regional Trial Court
what is commonly referred to as the principle of abuse of rights,
of Pasig,charging that PROLINE and QUESTOR maliciously and
sets certain standards which may be observed not only in the exercise of
without legal basis committed the following acts to their damage and
one’s rights but also in the performance of one’s duties. These standards
are the following: to act with justice; to give everyone his due; recognizes
the primordial limitation on all rights: that in their exercise, the norms of
human conduct set forth in Article 19 and results in damage to another, a
legal wrong is thereby committed for which the wrongdoer must be 1. Whether private respondents Sehwani and UNIVERSAL are entitled
held responsible. to recover damages for thealleged wrongful recourse to court
proceedings by petitioners PROLINE and QUESTOR; and,

22. Pro Line Sports Center VS. CA 2. Whether petitioners' counterclaim should be sustained.
Ruling: PROLINE and QUESTOR cannot be adjudged liable for
This case stemmed from a criminal case for unfair competition filed damages for the alleged unfounded suit. Thecomplainants could
by Pro Line Sports Center, Inc. and Questor Corporation against not prove two essential elements of the crime of malicious
Monico Sehwani, president of UNIVERSAL. In that case, Sehwani was prosecution: absence ofprobable cause and legal malice on the part
exonerated. As a retaliatory move, Sehwani and UNIVERSAL filed a of petitioners.UNIVERSAL failed to show that the filing of Crim.
civil case for damages against PROLINE and QUESTOR for what Case No. 45284 was bereft of probable cause. Probablecause is the
they perceived as the wrongful and malicious filing of the criminal existence of such facts and circumstances as would excite the
action for unfair competition against them. Edwin Dy Buncio, General belief in a reasonable mind
Manager of PROLINE, sent a letter-complaint to the NBI regarding the
alleged manufacture of fake "Spalding" balls by UNIVERSAL.
23. Albenson Enterprises Corp. vs CA
On February 23, 1981, the NBI applied for a search warrant with Judge Article 19, known to contain what is commonly referred to as the
Vera and issued Search Warrant No. 2-81 authorizing the search of the principle of abuse of rights, sets certain standards which may be
premises of UNIVERSAL in Pasig. In the course of the search, observed not only in the exercise of one's rights but also in the
some 1,200 basketballs and volleyballs marked"Spalding" were seized performance of one's duties. The elements of an abuse of right under
and confiscated by the NBI Meanwhile, on February 26 1981, Article 19 are the following: (1) There is a legal right or duty; (2)
PROLINE and QUESTOR filed a criminal complaint for unfair which is exercised in bad faith; (3) for the sole intent of prejudicing
competition against respondents Monico Sehwani and Robert, or injuring another. In this case, petitioners could not be said to have
Kisnu, Arjan, and Sawtri, all surnamed Sehwani and Arcadio del los violated the a forestated principle of abuse of right. What prompted
Reyes, before the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal. The complaint was petitioners to file the case for violation of BP 22 against private
dropped on June 24, 1981, for the reason that it was doubtful respondent was their failure to collect the amount of P2,575.00 due on a
bounced check which they honestly believed was issued to them by a
private respondent. Moreover, private respondent did nothing to clarify
the case of mistaken identity at first propitious hand. Instead, private exercised in bad faith; (3) for the sole intent of prejudicing or injuring
respondent waited in ambush and thereafter pounced on the hapless another. Petitioners could not be said to have violated the forested
petitioners at a time he thought was propitious by filing an action for principle of abuse of right. What prompted petitioners to file the case for
damages violation of BP 22 against private respondent was their failure to collect
the amount of P2,575.00 due on a bounced check which they honestly
FACTS: Petitioner Albenson Enterprises Corporation delivered to believed was issued to them by a private respondent. Petitioners had
Guaranteed Industries, Inc. the mild steel plates which the latter ordered. conducted inquiries regarding the origin of the check, and yielded the
As part payment thereof, Albenson was given by Pacific Banking following results: from the records of the SEC, it was discovered that the
Corporation Check No. 136361 in the amount of P2,575.00 and drawn President of Guaranteed (the recipient of the unpaid mild steel plates),
against the account of E.L. Woodworks. When presented for payment, was one "Eugenio S. Baltao"; an inquiry with the Ministry of Trade and
the check was dishonored for the reason "Account Closed." Thereafter, Industry revealed that E.L. Woodworks, against whose account the check
petitioner Albenson, through counsel, traced the origin of the dishonored was drawn, was registered in the name of one "Eugenio Baltao";
check. From the records of the Securities and Exchange Commission verification with the drawee bank, the Pacific Banking Corporation,
(SEC), Albenson discovered that the president of Guaranteed, the revealed that the signature appearing on the check belonged to one
recipient of the unpaid mild steel plates, was one "Eugenio S. Baltao." In "Eugenio Baltao"
addition, upon verification with the drawee bank, Pacific Banking
Corporation, Albenson was advised that the signature appearing on the 24. Garciano vs CA
subject check belonged to one "Eugenio Baltao". After obtaining the
foregoing information, Albenson made an extrajudicial demand upon Facts: The petitioner was hired to teach during the 1981-82 school year
private respondent Eugenio S. Baltao, president of Guaranteed, to in the Immaculate Concepcion Institute in the Island of Camotes. she
replace and/or make good the dishonored check. Respondent Baltao, applied for an indefinite leave of absence because her daughter was
through counsel, denied that he issued the check, or that the signature taking her to Austria The application was recommended for approval by
appearing thereon is his. On February 14, 1983, Albenson filed with the the school principal, Emerito O. Labajo, and approved by the President of
Office of the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal a complaint against Eugenio S. the school's Board of Directors Emerito Labajo addressed a letter to the
Baltao for violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22. petitioner through her husband, Sotero Garciano (for she was still
abroad), informing her of the decision of Fr. Joseph Wiertz, the school's
It appears, however, that private respondent has a namesake, his son founder, concurred in by the president of the Parent-Teachers
Eugenio Baltao III, who manages a business establishment, E. L. Association and... the school faculty, to terminate her services as a
Woodworks, on the ground floor of Baltao Building, 3267 V. Mapa Street, member of the teaching staff because of: (1) the absence of any written
Sta. Mesa, Manila, the very same business address of Guaranteed. contract of employment between her and the school due to her refusal to
Because of the alleged unjust filing of a criminal case against him for sign one; and (2) the difficulty of getting a substitute for her on a
allegedly issuing a check that bounced in violation of Batas Pambansa temporary... basis as no one would accept the position without a written
Bilang for a measly amount of P2,575.00, respondent Baltao filed before contract Directors of the school, with the exception of Fr. Joseph Wiertz,
the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City a complaint for damages against signed a letter notifying her that she was "reinstated to report and do your
herein petitioners Albenson Enterprises, Jesse Yap, its owner, and usual duties as Classroom Teacher . . .
Benjamin Mendiona, its employee.
effective July 5, 1982," and that "any letter or notice of termination
ISSUE: Whether or not petitioners are liable for damages. (NO) received by you before this date has no sanction or authority by the
Board of Directors of this Institution, therefore it is declared null and void.
RULING: Article 19, known to contain what is commonly referred to as On September 3, 1982, the petitioner filed a complaint for damages in the
the principle of abuse of rights, sets certain standards that may be Regional Trial Court, Cebu, Branch XI, against Fr. Wiertz, Emerito
observed not only in the exercise of one's rights but also in the Labajo, and some members of the faculty of the school for discrimination
performance of one's duties. The elements of an abuse of right under and unjust and illegal dismissal. the lower court rendered a decision on
Article 19 are the following: (1) There is a legal right or duty; (2) which is August 30, 1985, ordering the defendants jointly and severally to pay her
P200,000 as moral damages, P50,000 as exemplary damages, P32,400 Vice-President and General Manager of GMCRC. Sometime in 1972,
as lost earnings for nine years, and P10,000 as litigation expenses and GMCRC discovered fictitious purchases and other fraudulent
attorney's... fees.The defendants (now private respondents) appealed to transactions for which it lost several thousands of pesos. Thereafter,
the Court of Appeals... which on August 30, 1990 Hendry ordered Tobias to take a force leave so as to have Tobias
investigated. Hendry declared that Tobias was their number one suspect
Issue: they should not have been held liable to plaintiff-appellee for in the anomaly. Thus, criminal complaints for estafa were filed against
damages Tobias. These charges were, however, dismissed for lack of probable
cause. Subsequently, Hendry dismissed Tobias from employment.
Ruling: The defendants (now private respondents) appealed to the Court Claiming that he was illegally dismissed, Tobias filed a complaint for
of Appeals Defendants- Appellants had no authority to dismiss the damages against GMCRC and Hendry with the RTC. The RTC decided
plaintiff. appellee and the latter was aware of this. Hence, the letter of in favor of Tobias. On appeal, the CA affirmed. Now, GMCRC and Hendry
termination sent to her... through her husband by the defendants- assail the decision of the CA. It asseverates that the dismissal of Tobias
appellants had no legal effect whatsoever. It did not effectively prevent was in lawful exercise of its right. Hence, this petition.
her from reporting for work.
ISSUE: Whether or not GMCRC and Hendry exercised lawfully their right
Liability for damages under Articles 19, 20, and 21 of the Civil Code to dismiss Tobias. (NO)
arises only from unlawful, willful, or negligent acts that are contrary RULING: An employer who harbors suspicions that an employee has
to law, morals, good customs, or public policy the Court of Appeals committed dishonesty might be justified in taking the appropriate action
was correct in finding that the petitioner's discontinuance from such as ordering an investigation and directing the employee to go on a
teaching was her own choice. leave. Firmness and the resolve to uncover the truth would also be
Article 21 should be construed as granting the right to recover damages expected from such employer. But the high-handed treatment accorded
to injured... persons who are not themselves at fault Tobias by petitioners was certainly uncalled for. The imputation of guilt
The trial court's award of exemplary damages to her was not justified for without basis and the pattern of harassment during the investigations of
she is not entitled to moral, temperate or compensatory damages (Art. Tobias transgress the standards of human conduct set forth in Article 19
2234, Civil Code)... the petition is DISMISSED for lack of merit and the of the Civil Code. The Court has already ruled that the right of the
decision of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED. employer to dismiss an employee should not be confused with the
manner in which the right is exercised and the effects flowing therefrom.
25. Globe Mackay Cable & Radio Corp, vs CA If the dismissal is done abusively, then the employer is liable for damages
to the employee. Under the circumstances of the instant case, the
Articles 19, 20, and 21 of the NCC are known to contain what is petitioners clearly failed to exercise in a legitimate manner their right to
commonly referred to as the principle of abuse of rights, which sets dismiss Tobias, giving the latter the right to recover damages under
certain standards which must be observed not only in the exercise of Article 19 in relation to Article 21 of the Civil Code.
one's rights but also in the performance of one's duties. These standards
are the following: to act with justice; to give everyone his due; and to 26. RCPI vs CA
observe honesty and good faith. In this case, the petitioners clearly failed Facts:
to exercise in a legitimate manner their right to dismiss Tobias, giving the
latter the right to recover damages under Article 19 in relation to Article the freight company claimed that due to "utter, patent, and wanton...
21 of the Civil Code.The imputation of guilt without basis and the pattern carelessness, gross negligence and unpardonable fault" of the personnel
of harassment during the investigations of Tobias transgress the of RCPI, the latter transmitted erroneously a telegram which should have
standards of human conduct set forth in Article 19 of the Civil Code. read "No truck available" but instead read "Truck available", As a
consequence, the freight company suffered damages, and prayed for...
FACTS: Restituto M. Tobias (Tobias) herein private respondent was an an award of P100,00.00 as actual damages, P30,000.00 as moral
employee of Globe Mackay Cable and Radio Corp (GMCRC) herein damages, exemplary or corrective damages in the discretion of the Court,
petitioner. Herbert Hendry (Hendry) herein petitioner, was the Executive and P15,000.00 as attorney's fees
Issues: cases, rather than that the plaintiff should suffer, without redress from
the... defendant's wrongful act.
The respondent court erred in condemning the petitioner to pay
corrective damages and attorney's fees plus costs and litigation Exemplary damages were likewise properly imposed. In contracts and
expenses quasi-contracts, exemplary damages may be awarded if the defendant
acted in a wanton, fraudulent, reckless, oppressive or malevolent
Ruling: We gave due course to the Petition on January 28, 1981, only in manner.[4] There was gross negligence on the part of RCPI personnel in
so far as the aspect of damages is concerned, having found that transmitting the wrong telegram, for which RCPI must be held liable.
respondent Court correctly concluded that the error in the transmission of Gross carelessness or negligence constitutes wanton misconduct
the telegram was due to the gross negligence of RCPI employees and...
not to atmospheric disturbances as it claimed, and that there was no WHEREFORE, the judgment of respondent Court is hereby modified and
contributory negligence on the part of the freight company. the damages awarded hereby reduced to P3,000.00 as actual and
compensatory damages; P2,000.00 as exemplary or corrective damages;
In respect of compensatory and actual damages, it is not entirely and P1,000.00 as attorney's fees and... litigation expenses.
erroneous to grant both items of damages. They were so awarded in MD
Transit vs. Court of Appeals, et al., 22 SCRA 559 (1968). True,
compensatory and actual... damages are dealt with in the Civil Code 27. Tanjanco vs CA,
under the same Chapter 2 thereof and that the two terms are used
therein as equivalent to one another. However, as provided for in Article Facts: From December, 1957, petitioner APOLONIO TANJANCO courted
2200 of the Civil Code, which is part of the aforementioned Chapter 2,... the respondent, ARACELI SANTOS, both being of legal age. Tanjanco
indemnification for damages shall comprehend not only the value of the expressed and professed his undying love and affection for Santos who
loss suffered, or actual damages ("damnum emergens"), but also that of eventually reciprocated such feelings. With Tanjanco’s promise of
the profits which the obligee failed to obtain, or compensatory damages marriage in mind, Santos acceded to his pleas for carnal knowledge
("lucrum cessans").[1] In other words, there are two components to actual sometime in July, 1958. For one year, Tanjanco had carnal access to
or compensatory damages. Santos which eventually led to Santos getting pregnant. As a result of her
pregnancy, Santos had to resign from her job as secretary in IBM
In this particular case, the value of the actual loss suffered by Yabut has Philippines, Inc. In her state of unemployment Santos became unable to
been proven to be P132.12 (not P500.00 as held by respondent Court). support herself and her baby, and because Tanjanco did not fulfill his
[2] This is compensable. Compensatory... damages were also awarded promise of marriage she suffered mental anguish, a besmirched
for injury to Yabut's "business reputation or business standing", "loss of reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock, and social humiliation. Santos
goodwill and loss of customers or shippers who shifted their patronage to prayed to the court that Tanjanco be compelled to recognize the unborn
competitors". The grant thereof is proper under the provisions of Article child she was bearing, and pay her for support and damages.
2205 of the
Civil Code, which provides that damages may be recovered "for injury to Tanjanco filed a motion to dismiss which the court granted for failure to
the plaintiff's business standing or commercial credit." And even if not state cause of action. Santos appealed the case to the Court of Appeals
recoverable as compensatory damages, they may still be awarded in the and the latter decided the case, stating that no cause of action was
concept of temperate or moderate damages. shown to compel recognition of the unborn child nor for its support, but a
cause of action was present for damages, under Article 21 of the Civil
"There are cases where from the nature of the case, definite proof of Code. Tanjanco appealed such decision pleading that actions for breach
pecuniary loss cannot be offered, although the court is convinced that of a promise to marry are not permissible in this jurisdiction.
there has been such loss. For instance, injury to one's commercial credit
or to the goodwill of a business... firm is often hard to show with certainty Issue:
in terms of money. Should damages be denied for that reason? The WON Tanjanco is compelled to pay for damages to Santos for breach of
judge should be empowered to calculate moderate damages in such his promise to marry her.
Held: and support fell on deaf ears; that Amelita had no... sexual relations with
No case can be made since the plaintiff Araceli was a woman of adult any other man except Ivan who is the father of the child yet to be born at
age, maintained intimate sexual relations with appellant with repeated the time of the filing of the complaint; that because of her pregnancy,
acts of intercourse. Such is not compatible to the idea of seduction. Amelita was forced to leave her work as a waitress; that Ivan is a
Plainly, there is voluntariness and mutual passion; for had the appellant prosperous businessman of
been deceived she would not have again yielded to his embraces much
less for one year without exacting fulfillment of the alleged promises of Davao City with a monthly income of P5,000 to P8,000. As relief, Amelita
marriage and she would have cut all relationship upon finding that the prayed for the recognition of the unborn child, the payment of actual,
defendant did not intend to fulfill his promises. One cannot be held liable moral, and exemplary damages, attorney's fees plus costs.
for a breach of promise to marry. Ivan admitted that he met Amelita at Tony's Cocktail Lounge but denied
having sexual knowledge or illicit relations with her. He prayed for the
In its decision, Court of Appeals relied upon the memorandum submitted dismissal of the complaint for lack of cause of action.
by the Code Commission to the Legislature in 1949 to support the
original draft of the Civil Code. In the example set forth by the the trial court rendered a decision... rendered in favor of plaintiff Amelita
memorandum, Court of Appeals failed to recognize that it refers to a tort Constantino and against defendant Ivan Mendez, ordering the latter to
upon a minor who has been seduced. Seduction connotes the idea of pay Amelita Constantino the sum of P8,000.00 by way of actual and
deceit, enticement, superior power or abuse of confidence on the part of moral damages; and, the sum of P3,000.00, as and by way of attorney's
the seducer to which the woman has yielded. That definition of seduction fees.On appeal to the Court of Appeals, the above amended decision
is not consistent with the position of Santos, who was of legal age, and was set aside and the complaint was dismissed.
granted carnal access to Tanjanco and had sexual relations with him for
one whole year. Rather than being deceived, Santos exhibited mutual Petitioners contend that the Court of Appeals erred in reversing the
passion to Tanjanco which is incompatible with the premise behind the factual findings of the trial court and in not affirming the decision of the
idea of seduction. trial court. They also pointed out that the appellate court committed a
misapprehension of facts when it concluded that Ivan did... not have
28. Constantino vs Mendez, sexual access with Amelita during the first or second week of November,
1976 (should be 1974), the time of the conception of the child.
Facts: It appears on record that on June 5, 1975, petitioner Amelita Issues:
Constantino filed an action for acknowledgment, support, and damages
against private respondent Ivan Mendez. In her complaint, Amelita whether or not the Court of Appeals committed a reversible error in
Constantino alleges, among others, that sometime in the month of setting aside the decision of the trial court and in dismissing the
August 1974, she met Ivan Mendez at Tony's Restaurant located at Sta. complaint
Cruz, Manila, where she worked as a waitress; that the day following...
their first meeting, Ivan invited Amelita to dine with him at Hotel Enrico Ruling:
where he was billeted; that while dining, Ivan professed his love and In the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction, it is the duty of the Court of
courted Amelita; that Amelita asked for time to think about Ivan's Appeals to review the factual findings of the... trial court and rectify the
proposal; that at about 11:00 o'clock in the evening, Amelita asked errors it committed as may have been properly assigned and as could be
Ivan to bring her home to which the latter agreed, that on the pretext of established by a re-examination of the evidence on record. It is the
getting something, Ivan brought Amelita inside his hotel room and factual findings of the Court of Appeals, not those of the trial court, that
through a promise of marriage succeeded in having sexual intercourse as a rule are considered final and... conclusive even on this Court
with the latter; that after the sexual contact, Ivan confessed to It is the conclusion of the Court of Appeals, based on the evidence on
Amelita that he is a married man; that they repeated their sexual contact record, that Amelita Constantino has not proved by clear and convincing
in the months of September and November, 1974, whenever Ivan is in evidence her claim that Ivan Mendez is the father of her son Michael
Manila, as a result of which Amelita got pregnant; that her pleas for help Constantino. Such conclusion based on the evaluation of the... evidence
on record is controlling on this Court as the same is supported by the of their family. The defendant frequented the house of Lolita on the
evidence on record. Even the trial court initially entertained such posture. pretext that he wanted her to teach him how to pray the rosary. The two
eventually fell in love with each other and conducted clandestine love
Michael Constantino is a full-term baby born on August 3, 1975 (Exhibit affairs. When the rumors about their illicit affairs reached the knowledge
6) so that as correctly pointed out by private respondent's counsel, citing of her parents, the defendant was forbidden from going to their house
medical science (Williams Obstetrics, Tenth Ed., p. 198) to the effect that and even from seeing Lolita. Nevertheless, the defendant continued his
"the mean duration of actual pregnancy, counting... from the day of love affair with Lolita until she disappeared from the parental home.
conception must be close to 267 days", the conception of the child
(Michael) must have taken place about 267 days before August 3, 1975 Plaintiffs then brought an action to recover moral, compensatory,
or sometime in the second week of November, 1974. While Amelita exemplary and corrective damages. They based their action on Article 21
testified that she had sexual contact with Ivan in November,... 1974, of the New Civil Code, which provides that “Any person who wilfully
nevertheless said testimony is contradicted by her own evidence (Exh. causes loss or injury to another in a manner which is contrary to morals,
F), the letter dated February 11, 1975, addressed to Ivan Mendez good customs or public policy shall compensate the latter for the
requesting for a conference, prepared by her own counsel Atty. Roberto damage.” Defendant set up as a defense that the facts alleged therein,
Sarenas to whom she must have confided the attendant circumstances... even if true, do not constitute a valid cause of action.
of her pregnancy while still fresh in her memory, informing Ivan that
Amelita is four (4) months pregnant so that applying the period of the ISSUE:
duration of actual pregnancy, the child was conceived on or about Did the defendant commit injury to Lolita’s family in a manner contrary to
October 11, 1974. morals, good customs and public policy as contemplated in Article 21 of
Petitioner's assertion that Ivan is her first and only boyfriend (TSN, the New Civil Code?
December 8, 1975, p. 65) is belied by Exhibit 2, her own letter addressed
to Mrs. Mendez where she revealed the reason for her attachment to HELD:YES. Alfonso committed an injury to Lolita’s family in a manner
Ivan who possessed certain traits not possessed by... her boyfriend. She contrary to morals, good customs and public policy contemplated in
also confided that she had a quarrel with her boyfriend because of Article 20 of the Civil Code. The wrong caused by Alfonso is
gossips so she left her work. immeasurable considering the fact that he is a married man.
The defendant took advantage of the trust of the plaintiffs and even used
The burden of proof is on Amelita to establish her affirmative allegations the praying of rosary as a reason to get close with Lolita. The defendant
that Ivan is the father of her son. Consequently, in the absence of clear tried to win Lolita’s affection thru an ingenious scheme or trickery,
and convincing evidence... establishing paternity or filiation, the complaint seduced Lolita to the extent of making her fall in love with him. No other
must be dismissed. conclusion can be drawn from this chain of events than that defendant
not only deliberately, but through a clever strategy, succeeded in winning
As regards Amelita's claim for damages which is based on Articles19* & the affection and love of Lolita to the extent of having illicit relations with
21** of the Civil Code on the theory that through Ivan's promise of her.
marriage, she surrendered her virginity, we cannot but agree with... the
Court of Appeals that mere sexual intercourse is not by itself a basis for 30. Gashem Shookat Baksh vs CA
recovery. Damages could only be awarded if sexual intercourse is not a The existing rule is that a breach of promise to marry per se is not an
product of voluntariness and mutual desire. actionable wrong. This notwithstanding, the said Code contains a
provision, Article 21, which is designed to expand the concept of torts or
29. Pe vs Pe quasi-delict in this jurisdiction by granting adequate legal remedy for the
untold number of moral wrongs which is impossible for human foresight
FACTS: Plaintiffs are the parents, brothers, and sisters of one Lolita Pe, to specifically enumerate and punish in the statute books. Prior decisions
who is 24 years old and unmarried. Defendant, Alfonso Pe, on the other of this Court clearly suggest that Article 21 may be applied-in a breach of
hand, is a married man. Because of the similarity in their family name, the promise to marry where the woman is a victim of moral seduction
defendant became close to the plaintiffs who regarded him as a member
FACTS: On 27 October 1987, private respondent, without the assistance thereafter. It is essential, however, that such injury should have been
of counsel, filed with the aforesaid trial court a complaint for damages committed in a manner contrary to morals, good customs or public policy.
against the petitioner for the alleged violation of their agreement to get In the instant case, respondent Court found that it was the petitioner's
married. She alleges in said complaint that petitioner courted and "fraudulent and deceptive protestations of love for and promise to marry
proposed to marry her; she accepted his love on the condition that they plaintiff that made her surrender her virtue and womanhood to him and to
would get married; they therefore agreed to get married after the end of live with him on the honest and sincere belief that he would keep said
the school semester, which was in October of that year; petitioner then promise, and it was likewise these fraud and deception on appellant's
visited the private respondent's parents in Bañaga, Bugallon, Pangasinan part that made plaintiff's parents agree to their daughter's living-in with
to secure their approval to the marriage; sometime in 20 August 1987, him preparatory to their supposed marriage." In short, the private
the petitioner forced her to live with him in the Lozano Apartments; she respondent surrendered her virginity, the cherished possession of every
was a virgin before she began living with him; a week before the filing of single Filipina, not because of lust but because of moral seduction — the
the complaint, petitioner's attitude towards her started to change; he kind illustrated by the Code Commission in its example earlier adverted
maltreated and threatened to kill her; as a result of such maltreatment, to. Prior decisions of this Court clearly suggest that Article 21 may be
she sustained injuries, during a confrontation with a representative of the applied-in a breach of promise to marry where the woman is a victim of
barangay captain of Guilig a day before the filing of the complaint, moral seduction
petitioner repudiated their marriage agreement and asked her not to live
with him anymore and; the petitioner is already married to someone living 31. Buñag vs CA
in Bacolod City. Private respondent then prayed for judgment ordering the
petitioner to pay her damages in the amount of not less than P45,000.00, Facts: Plaintiff and defendant Bunag, Jr. were sweethearts, he invited her
reimbursement for actual expenses amounting to P600.00, attorney's to take their merienda at the Aristocrat Restaurant in Manila, to which
fees and costs, and granting her such other relief and remedies as may plaintiff obliged. But instead to Aristocrat he brought plaintiff to a motel or
be just and equitable. The lower court applying Article 21 of the Civil hotel where he raped her. Later that evening, defendant brought plaintiff
Code ruled in favor of respondent. The CA affirmed the decision in toto. to the house of his grandmother Juana de Leon in Pamplona, Las Piñas,
Metro Manila, where they lived together as husband and wife for 21 days.
ISSUE: W/N Article 21 is applies to the case at bar Defendant-appellant Bunag, Jr. and plaintiff-appellant filed their
respective applications for a marriage license with the Office of the Local
RULING: The existing rule is that a breach of promise to marry per se is Civil Registrar of Bacoor, Cavite. October 1, 1973, Defendant-appellant
not an actionable wrong. Congress deliberately eliminated from the draft Bunag, Jr. filed an affidavit withdrawing his application for a marriage
of the New Civil Code the provisions that would have made it so. This license.
notwithstanding, the said Code contains a provision, Article 21, which is
designed to expand the concept of torts or quasi-delict in this jurisdiction Defendant Bunag, Jr. left and never returned, humiliating the plaintiff and
by granting adequate legal remedy for the untold number of moral compelled her to go back to her parents. The plaintiff was ashamed when
wrongs which is impossible for human foresight to specifically enumerate she went home and could not sleep and eat because of the deception
and punish in the statute books. In the light of the above laudable done against her by appellants. Petitioner filed a complaint for damages
purpose of Article 21, We are of the opinion, and so hold, that where a for an alleged breach of promise to marry.The trial court ruled in favor of
man's promise to marry is in fact the proximate cause of the acceptance the plaintiff and against the petitioner, but absolved his father.
of his love by a woman and his representation to fulfill that promise
thereafter becomes the proximate cause of the giving of herself unto him Issue: Whether or not the failure to comply with the promise of the
in a sexual congress, proof that he had, in reality, no intention of marrying marriage of the defendant is considered contrary to morals, good custom
her and that the promise was only a subtle scheme or deceptive device or public policy.
to entice or inveigle her to accept him and to obtain her consent to the
sexual act, could justify the award of damages pursuant to Article 21 not Held: It is true that in this jurisdiction, we adhere to the time-honored rule
because of such promise to marry but because of the fraud and deceit that an action for breach of promise to marry has no standing in the civil
behind it and the willful injury to her honor and reputation which followed law, apart from the right to recover money or property advanced by the
plaintiff upon the faith of such promise. Generally, therefore, a breach of right to litigate. One who exercises his rights does no injury. If damage
promise to marry per se is not actionable, except where the plaintiff has results from a person's exercising his legal rights, it is damnum absque
actually incurred expenses for the wedding and the necessary incidents injuria
Unjust Enrichment / Accion In Rem Verso
32. Ponce vs Legaspi 33. Obaña vs CA

FACTS: Petitioner Ponce and husband Manuel, owned 43% of the DOCTRINE: No person should be benefited without a valid basis or
stockholdings of L'NOR Marine Services, Inc. (L'NOR). 48% of it was justification and shall enrich himself at the expense of another.
owned by the spouses Porter.The allegations of petitioner states that FACTS: Sandoval sold 170 cavans of rice to Chan Lin at P37.25 per
during the time while respondent Legaspi is the legal counsel of L’NOR, cavan, to be delivered at Obana's store in San Fernando, La
there occurred fraudulent manipulations by spouses Porter and other Union. Chan Lin accompanied the delivery and sold the same rice to
officers; that with the aid of Legaspi, they incorporated the Yrasport Obana at P33.00 per cavan. When Sandoval's driver tried to collect the
Drydocks, Inc. which was done to compete with L’NOR but still used the payment from Chan Lin, he was nowhere to be found. Obana
office space, equipments and goodwill of L’NOR. On account of flagrant refused to pay Sandoval, claiming that he had already paid Chan Lin.
frauds committed by Porter, a charge for estafa was filed where Legaspi Sandoval filed a suit for replevin against Obana. The Municipal Court
appeared as counsel for Porter; that complainant asked Legaspi to take ordered Obana to pay Sandoval half of the cost of the rice. The
steps to protect L’NOR but the latter refused. Complainant filed for Court of First Instance dismissed the complaint. The Court of
disbarment against Legaspi which was dismissed. Legaspi subsequently Appeals reversed and ordered Obana to return the rice or pay its value
filed a complaint for damages against petitioner which was granted by the to Sandoval.
lower court and affirmed by CA.
ISSUE: Did Obana unjustly enrich himself at the expense of Sandoval?
ISSUE: W/N the complaint for damages by Legaspi is justified.
RULING: Decision reversed and set aside. RULING: YES. Obana unjustly enriched1 himself by holding on to the
rice that did not belong to him. He did not acquire ownership of the rice
RATIO: While generally, malicious prosecution refers to unfounded because Chan Lin was not authorized by Sandoval to sell it to him. 2
criminal actions and has been expanded to include unfounded civil suits, Chan Lin was merely an agent who had no power to dispose of the
the foundation of an action for malicious prosecution is an original goods entrusted to him. Obana should have verified Chan Lin's
proceeding, judicial in character. A disbarment proceeding is, without authority before paying him. Sandoval did not receive any payment
doubt, judicial in character and therefore may be the basis for a for the rice and was deprived of his property by Chan Lin's fraud.
subsequent action for malicious prosecution. However, malice and want Therefore, Sandoval is entitled to recover the rice or its value from
of probable cause must both exist in order to justify the action. In the Obana, who benefited from Chan Lin's swindling. Notably, Obana
case at bar, in the mind of petitioner, the act of the respondent in himself testified before the Court of First Instance, he admits that three
appearing as counsel for Porter, who had allegedly swindled L'NOR, the days after the delivery, he was repaid the sum of P5,600.00 by Chan
interest of which he was duty bound to protect, constituted grave Lin, who was then accompanied by SANDOVAL's driver, and that he
misconduct and gross malpractice. Since the petitioner, however, was of had delivered the rice back to them. On rebuttal, however, the driver
the honest perception that YRASPORT was actually organized to denied that the rice had ever been returned. Having been repaid the
appropriate for itself some of L'NOR's business, then we find that she purchases price by Chan Lin , the sale, as between them, had
had probable cause to file the disbarment suit. been voluntarily rescinded, and petitioner-defendant was thereby
divested of any claim to the rice. Technically, therefore, he should
Atty. Legaspi may have suffered injury as a consequence of the return the rice to Chan Lin, but since even the latter, again from
disbarment proceedings. But the adverse result of an action does not per petitioner-defendant's own testimony above-quoted, was ready to
se make the action wrongful and subject the actor to make payment of return the rice to SANDOVAL, and the latter's driver denies that the
damages for the law could not have meant to impose a penalty on the rice had been returned by petitioner-defendant cannot be allowed to
unjustly enrich himself at the expense of another by holding on to negligence in parking her car alongside Aurora Boulevard, which entire
property no longer belonging to him.7 In law and in equity, therefore, area Li points out, is a no parking zone.
SANDOVAL is entitled to recover the rice, or the value there of
since he was not paid the price therefor. WHEREFORE, albeit on a Ruling: Contributory negligence is conduct on the part of the injured
different premise, the judgment under review is hereby AFFIRMED. party, contributing as a legal cause to the harm he has suffered, which
Costs against petitioner. falls below the standard to which he is required to conform for his own
protection. Based on the foregoing definition,... the standard or act to
Article 24 which, according to petitioner Li, Valenzuela ought to have conformed for
34. Valenzuela vs CA her own protection was not to park at all at any point of Aurora
Boulevard, a no parking zone. We cannot agree. While the emergency
Facts: At around 2:00 in the morning of June 24, 1990, plaintiff Ma. rule applies to those cases in which reflective thought, or the opportunity
Lourdes Valenzuela was driving a blue Mitsubishi lancer with Plate No. to adequately weigh a threatening situation is absent, the conduct which
FFU 542 from her restaurant at Marcos highway to her home at Palanza is required of an individual in such cases is dictated not exclusively by the
Street, Araneta Avenue. Before reaching A. Lake Street, she noticed suddenness of the event which... absolutely negates thoughtful care, but
something wrong with her tires; she stopped at a lighted place where by the over-all nature of the circumstances.
there were people, to verify whether she had a flat... tire and to solicit
help if needed. A woman driving a vehicle suddenly crippled by a flat tire on a rainy night
will not be faulted for stopping at a point which is both convenient for her
Having been told by the people present that her rear right tire was flat to do so and which is not a hazard to... other motorists. It would be
and that she cannot reach her home in that car's condition, she parked hazardous for her not to stop and assess the emergency (simply because
along the sidewalk, about 1½ feet away, put on her emergency lights, the entire length of
alighted from the car, and... went to the rear to open the trunk. She was Aurora Boulevard is a no-parking zone) In the instant case, Valenzuela,
standing at the left side of the rear of her car pointing to the tools to a upon reaching that portion of Aurora Boulevard close to A. Lake St.,
man who will help her fix the tire when she was suddenly bumped by a noticed that she had a flat tire. To avoid... putting herself and other
1987 Mitsubishi Lancer driven by defendant Richard Li and registered in motorists in danger, she did what was best under the situation.
the name of... defendant Alexander Commercial, Inc.he was brought to
the UERM Medical Memorial Center where she was found to have a Principles: Under the circumstances described, Valenzuela did exercise
"traumatic amputation, leg, left up to distal thigh (above knee)." She was the standard reasonably dictated by the emergency and could not be
confined in the hospital for twenty (20)... days and was eventually fitted considered to have contributed to the unfortunate circumstances which
with an artificial leg Defendant Richard Li denied that he was negligent.he eventually led to the amputation of one of her lower extremities. The
was suddenly confronted, in the vicinity of A. Lake Street, San Juan, with emergency... which led her to park her car on a sidewalk in Aurora
a car coming from the opposite direction, travelling at 80 kph, with "full Boulevard was not of her own making, and it was evident that she had
bright lights. taken all reasonable precautions

when he was suddenly confronted, in the vicinity of A. Lake Street, San 35. Rongavilla vs CA
Juan, with a car coming from the opposite direction, travelling at 80 kph,
with "full bright lights. Temporarily blinded, he instinctively swerved to the 36. Cayabyab vs CA
right... to avoid colliding with the oncoming vehicle, and bumped plaintiff's
car, which he did not see because it was midnight blue in color, with no FACTS: Alpha Jane was born on November 26, 1994, and the eldest
parking lights or early warning device, and the area was poorly lighted. among the six children of Conrado and Metchie Bertiz. She was six years
and nine months old when the rape was committed on August 7, 2001.
Issues: Having come to the conclusion that Li was negligent in driving his
company-issued Mitsubishi Lancer, the next question for us to determine On that day, at around 6:00 p.m., Alpha Jane was at home in Manlunas
is whether or not Valenzuela was likewise guilty of contributory St., Lagoon Area, Villamor Airbase, Pasay City, taking care of her
younger siblings. Her mother went to buy kerosene, while her father was
out. On the guise of teaching arithmetic, appellant went to the victim’s Protection of Human Dignity
house and asked her to lie down on her father’s bed. When she refused, 37. Concepcion vs CA
appellant removed her clothes and his own clothes, then forced her to lie Facts: 1985 the spouses Nestor Nicolas and Allem Nicolas resided at No.
down on the bed and laid on top of her and inserted his penis into her 51 M. Concepcion St., San Joaquin, Pasig City, in an apartment leased
vagina. Alpha Jane shouted in pain which startled the appellant who to them by the owner thereof, Florence "Bing" Concepcion, who also
sprayed her with tear gas and left. Her mother, Metchie arrived shortly resided in the same compound... where the apartment was located.
thereafter and Alpha Jane told her what had happened. She immediately Nestor Nicolas was then engaged in the business of supplying
reported the incident to the barangay officials and brought Alpha Jane to government agencies and private entities with office equipment,
the Philippine Air Force General Hospital for medical examination. She appliances and other fixtures on a cash purchase or credit basis.
also sought assistance from the police at the 521st Air Police Squadron Florence Concepcion joined this venture by contributing... capital on
who, after gathering information from the victim, arrested the appellant at condition that after her capital investment was returned to her, any profit
his house. Alpha Jane was brought to the PNP Crime Laboratory at earned would be divided equally between her and Nestor. Sometime in
Camp Crame the following day, and on August 10, 2001, to the Child the second week of July 1985 Rodrigo Concepcion, brother of the
Protection Unit (CPU) at UP-PGH for further medical examinations, which deceased husband of Florence, angrily accosted Nestor at the latter's
both found hymenal abrasions and lacerations, respectively, on the apartment and accused him of conducting an adulterous relationship with
victim’s genitalia. Florence. He shouted, "Hoy Nestor, kabit ka ni Bing!

ISSUE: won the photocopy of birth certificate may be admitted. Binigyan ka pa pala ni Bing Concepcion ng P100,000.00 para umakyat
ng Baguio. Pagkaakyat mo at ng asawa mo doon ay bababa ka uli para
HELD: Yes. We are not unaware of our ruling in People v. Mantis that a magkasarilinan kayo ni Bing." To clarify matters, Nestor went with
mere photocopy of the birth certificate, in the absence of any showing Rodrigo, upon the latter's dare, to see some relatives of the Concepcion
that the original copy was lost or destroyed, or was unavailable, without family who allegedly knew about the relationship. However, those whom
the fault of the prosecution, does not prove the victim’s minority, for said they were able to see denied knowledge of the alleged affair. The same
photocopy does not qualify as competent evidence for that purpose. accusation was hurled by Rodrigo against Nestor when the two (2)
However, there are other exceptions to the “best evidence rule” as confronted Florence at the terrace of her residence. Florence denied the
expressly provided under Section 3, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court, imputations and Rodrigo backtracked saying that he just heard the rumor
which reads: . . . (d) When the original is a public record in the custody of from a relative. Thereafter, however, Rodrigo called Florence over the
a public officer or is recorded in a public office. Without doubt, a telephone reiterating... his accusation and threatening her that should
certificate of live birth is a public record in the custody of the local civil something happen to his sick mother, in case the latter learned about the
registrar who is a public officer. Clearly, therefore, the presentation of the affair, he would kill Florence.
photocopy of the birth certificate of Alpha Jane is admissible as
secondary evidence to prove its contents. Production of the original may Nestor Nicolas felt extreme embarrassment and shame to the extent that
be dispensed with, in the trial court’s discretion, whenever in the case at he could no longer face his neighbors. Florence Concepcion also ceased
hand the opponent does not bona fide dispute the contents of the to do business with him by not contributing capital anymore so much so
document and no other useful purpose will be served by requiring that the business venture of the Nicolas spouses declined as they could
production. In the case at bar, the defense did not dispute the contents of no longer cope with their commitments to their clients and customers. To
the photocopied birth certificate; in fact it admitted the same. Having make matters worse, Allem Nicolas started to doubt Nestor's fidelity
failed to raise a valid and timely objection against the presentation of this resulting in frequent bickerings and quarrels during which Allem even
secondary evidence the same became a primary evidence, and deemed expressed her desire to... leave her husband. Consequently, Nestor was
admitted and the other party is bound thereby. In fine, we find that the forced to write Rodrigo demanding public apology and payment of
prosecution sufficiently proved that Alpha Jane was only six-years-old, damages. Rodrigo pointedly ignored the demand, for which reason the
being born on November 26, 1994, when the rape incident happened on Nicolas spouses filed a civil suit against him for damages.
August 7, 2001.
Rodrigo denied that he maligned Nestor by accusing him publicly of If indeed the confrontation as described by private respondents did not
being Florence's lover. Initially, he discussed with Nestor certain aspects actually happen, then there would have been no cause or motive at all for
of the joint venture in a friendly and amiable manner, and then only them to consult with their lawyer, immediately demand an apology, and
casually asked the latter about his rumored affair with his sister-in-law. not obtaining a response from petitioner, file an action for... damages
against the latter. That they decided to go to court to seek redress
Issues: whether there is basis in law for the award of damages to bespeaks of the validity of their claim. On the other hand, it is interesting
private respondents, the Nicolas spouses; to note that while explaining at great length why Florence Concepcion
testified against him, petitioner never advanced any... reason why the
Ruling: All told, these factual findings provide enough basis in law for the Nicolas spouses, persons he never knew and with whom he had no
award of damages by the Court of Appeals in favor of respondents. We dealings in the past, would sue him for damages. It also has not escaped
reject petitioner's posture that no legal provision supports such award, our attention that, faced with a lawsuit by private respondents, petitioner
the incident complained of neither falling under Art. 2219 nor sent his lawyer, a certain Atty. Causapin, to talk... not to the Nicolas
spouses but to Florence, asking her not to be involved in the case,
Art.26 of the Civil Code.There is no question that private respondent otherwise her name would be messily dragged into it. Quite succinctly,
Nestor Nicolas suffered mental anguish, besmirched reputation, wounded Florence told the lawyer that it was not for her to decide and that she
feelings and social humiliation as a proximate result of petitioner's could not do anything about it as she was not a... party to the court case.
abusive, scandalous and insulting language. Petitioner attempted to
exculpate himself by... claiming that he made an appointment to see
Nestor through a nephew, Roncali, the son of Florence, so he could talk 38. St. Louis Realty Corp vs CA
with Nestor to find out the truth about his rumored illicit relationship with
Florence. He said that he wanted to protect his nephews and nieces and FACTS: Petitioner, St. Louis Realty caused to be published with the
the name of... his late brother (Florence's husband).[13] How he could be permission of Arcadio S. Arcadio but without permission of private
convinced by some way other than a denial by Nestor, and how he would respondent Dr. Aramil, a neuropsychiatrist and faculty member of UERM
protect his nephews and nieces and his family's name if the rumor were Medical Center, in the issue of the Sunday Times of December 15, 1968,
true, he did not say. Petitioner admitted that he had... already talked with an advertisement with the heading “WHERE THE HEART IS”. The same
Florence herself over the telephone about the issue, with the latter advertisement was republished in the Sunday Times dated January 5,
vehemently denying the alleged immoral relationship. Yet, he could not 1969.
let the matter rest on the strength of the denial of his sister-in-law. He had
to go and confront Nestor, even in... public, to the latter's humiliation. The private respondent noticed the mistake and wrote a letter of protest.
The letter was received by St. Louis Realty’s officer in charge of
We cannot help noting this inordinate interest of petitioner to know the advertising. He stopped the publication of the advertisement. However,
truth about the rumor and why he was not satisfied with the separate no rectification or apology was made. Private respondent’s counsel
denials made by Florence and Nestor. He had to confront Nestor face to demanded from St. Louis Realty actual, moral, and exemplary damages
face, invade the latter's privacy and hurl defamatory words at him... in the of P110,000. It published in the issue of the Manila Times on March 18,
presence of his wife and children, neighbors and friends, accusing him - 1969, a new advertisement with the Arcadio family and their real house
a married man - of having an adulterous relationship with Florence. This but it did not publish any apology to Dr. Aramil and an explanation of the
definitely caused private respondent much shame and embarrassment error. Dr. Aramil filed a complaint for damages. St. Louis Realty
that he could no longer show himself in his neighborhood... without published in the issue of the Manila Times of April 15, 1969, a notice of
feeling distraught and debased. This brought dissension and distrust in rectification.
his family where before there was none. This is why a few days after the St. Louis Realty argued that the case was not covered by Article 26 of the
incident, he communicated with petitioner demanding public apology and Civil Code.
payment of damages, which petitioner ignored.
ISSUE: Whether the case at bar is covered by Article 26 of the Civil
Article 1155 of the Civil. Code provides that the prescription of an action,
HELD: YES. St. Louis Realty’s employee was grossly negligent in mixing involving in the present case the 10-year prescriptive period for filing an
up the Aramil and Arcadio residences in a widely circulated publication action on a written contract under Article 1144(1) of the Code, is
like the Sunday Times. To suit its purpose, it never made any written interrupted by (a) the filing of an action, (b) a written extrajudicial demand
apology or explanation of the mix-up. It just contented itself with a by the creditor, and (c) a written acknowledgment of the debt by the
cavalier “rectification “. debtor.
Persons, who know the residence of Doctor Aramil, were confused by the
distorted, lingering impression that he was renting his residence from The correct interpretations of Article 1155 of the Civil Code are reflected
Arcadio or that Arcadio had leased it from him. Either way, his private life in and furnished by the doctrinal pronouncements in the case of
was mistakenly and unnecessarily exposed. He suffered a diminution of Overseas Bank of Manila and Philippine National Railways Company.
income and mental anguish.
Article 1155 has been interpreted in both case to mean that upon the
Liability of Public Servants or Employees cessation of the suspension of the prescriptive period, the full period of
39. Ledesma vs CA prescription commences to run anew. Petitioner is wrong in insisting that
in case of the filing of an action, the prescriptive period is merely tolled
FACTS:On August 21, 1980, private respondent Rizal Commercial and continues to run again, with only the balance of the remaining period
Banking Corporation filed Case No. 38287 in the then Court of First available for the filing of another action. This postulation of petitioner, if
Instance of Rizal against petitioner to enforce the terms of Trust Receipt we are to adopt it, would result in an absurdity wherein Article 1155
Agreement No. 7389 executed by them on April 1, 1974 but which would be interpreted in two different ways, i.e., the prescriptive period is
petitioner had failed to comply with. As summons could not be served on interrupted in case of an extrajudicial demand and a written
the latter, said case was dismissed without prejudice on March 3, 1981. acknowledgment of a debt, but it is merely tolled where an action is filed
in court.
On December 2, 1988, private respondent bank instituted Civil Case No.
88-2572 in the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Metro Manila, Branch 133, Hence, the present motion is hereby DENIED with FINALITY.
against petitioner on the same cause of action and subject matter.
Civil Liability Arising from Criminal Offenses and from Quasi Delict
Petitioner's motion to dismiss on the ground of prescription which was 40. Caiña vs People
denied and judgment was rendered in favor of private respondent. Said
judgment was affirmed by respondent Court and petitioner's motion for Merlin P. Caiña, whom we denominate petitioner, questions the award of
reconsideration thereof was denied. damages made by the Municipal Trial Court while acquitting him of the
charge of reckless imprudence resulting in serious physical injuries. The
Petitioner's petition for review on certiorari of the said judgment was award of damages was initially deleted on appeal but was later on
denied its present motion for reconsideration contending that the second reinstated by the Regional Trial Court upon a motion for reconsideration.
action filed by private respondent bank had already prescribed.
The records of this case were sent to the Court of Appeals inspite of the
appellant's error in filing a notice of appeal to the Supreme Court on a
ISSUE:Whether the second action filed by private respondent bank had
pure question of law. The appellate court forwarded the case to us.
already prescribed
Instead of rejecting the case at that time, this Court considered the issue
sufficiently important to warrant this review. The completed records were
RULING: re-assigned to the undersigned ponente for study and report preparatory
to full court deliberations only on August 5, 1992.
No. The Court ruled that the filing of the first action interrupted the
running of the period, and then declared that at any rate, the second The facts of the case are as follows:
action was filed within the balance of the period remaining.
The petitioner, Merlin P. Caiña, accused of reckless imprudence resulting the decision of the trial court that the fact from which the civil liability
in serious physical injuries, was acquitted of the criminal charge against might arise does not exist.
him in a decision rendered by the Municipal Trial Court of Cagayan de
Oro City, Branch 4. However, the petitioner was ordered to pay the Before discussing the merits of this case, we first discuss the procedural
private complainant, Dolores Perez, the sum of P2,893.40 representing aspect.
actual damages. The dispositive portion of said decision reads: The procedure adopted by the petitioner in this case is improper. This is
"IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, and for failure of the prosecution evident from the fact that the petitioner filed a notice of appeal with the
to establish the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt, the Regional Trial Court to the Supreme Court claiming that the issue raised
accused is hereby acquitted. is a pure question of law (Records, p. 805). The proper procedure that
should have been followed was to file a petition for review
"However, the accused is ordered to pay the private complainant the on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
amount of P2,893.40 representing the actual damages incurred by the
private complainant in connection with this case." (Records, pp. 479-480) The Regional Trial Court in its order issued March 31, 1987 (Records, p.
807) correctly reminded the petitioner that the appeal to the Supreme
The petitioner, questioning the award of damages, appealed to the Court shall be through a petition for certiorari governed by Rule 45 of the
Regional Trial Court. The Regional Trial Court of Misamis Oriental, Rules of Court. However, the Regional Trial Court forwarded the records
Branch 24 rendered its decision, the dispositive portion of which reads as of the case to the Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals, in turn, noting
follows: in the Notice of Appeal that only questions of law were involved,
thereupon transmitted the records of said case to this Court (Rollo, p. 1).
"WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing observations, the decision
pertaining to the civil aspect only, appealed from, is hereby REVERSED This Court en banc, through a resolution entitled Murillo v. Consul, UDK-
and a new one entered, absolving accused of civil liability. It is 9748, March 1, 1990 laid down the following guidelines for appeals in civil
understood that this decision does not touch the trial court's decision on cases and criminal cases except where the penalty of death, reclusion
the acquittal of the accused." (Rollo, p. 33) perpetua or life imprisonment is imposed: (1) If an appeal is attempted
from a judgment of a Regional Trial Court by notice of appeal, that appeal
The private complainant subsequently filed a Motion for Reconsideration can and should never go to this Court, regardless of any statement in the
upon which the Regional Trial Court reversed its former decision, to wit: notice that the court of choice is the Supreme Court; (2) If an appeal by
"WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing observations, this court hereby notice of appeal is taken from the Regional Trial Court to the Court of
RESOLVES to reconsider its decision dated February 17, 1986 and Appeals and in the latter Court, the appellant raises naught but issues of
consequently to AFFIRM as it hereby affirms in toto the decision law the appeal should be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction; (3) If an
appealed from as far as the civil aspect of the same is concerned." appeal is essayed from the judgment rendered by a Regional Trial Court
(Rollo, p. 43) in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction by notice of appeal, instead of
by petition for review, the appeal is inefficacious and should be
As a result of such reversal, the petitioner filed this appeal raising one dismissed; and (4) it is only through petitions for review on certiorari that
legal Issue to be resolved: the appellate jurisdiction of this Court may properly be invoked.
"THAT THE TRIAL COURT AND THE RESPONDENT REGIONAL Applying the rules abovementioned, the Court of Appeals should hot
TRIAL COURT ERRED IN AWARDING CIVIL LIABILITY AGAINST THE have transmitted the records to this Court.
ILLEGAL." (Rollo p. 26) But even assuming arguendo that a petition for review on certiorari under
Rule 45 was correctly filed, from a reading of the petitioner's brief, it can
The petitioner alleges that the award for damages is void and illegal as be seen that what the petitioner is raising is a question of fact.
there was no finding of any preponderance of evidence as to the causal
connection between the given set of facts and the damage suffered by The case
the private complainant. In fact, there is a clear showing from the face of of Cheesman v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 193 SCRA 93, 100-101
[1991], distinguishes between questions of fact and questions of law. We It is clear from the decision of the Municipal Trial Court that there was no
quote: finding of recklessness, negligence and imprudence on the part of the
accused. We quote:
xxx xxx xxx
"With respect to the evidence presented by the prosecution, it is the
"x x x a question of law - which exists 'when the doubt or difference arises thinking of the court that the most important or paramount factor in cases
as to what the law is on a certain state of facts' 'there is a question of fact of this nature, is to evidently prove the recklessness, negligence and
when the doubt or difference arises as to the truth or the falsehood of imprudence of the
alleged facts,' (Ramos, et al. v. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of the P.I., et al., accused. The prosecution failed to show a clear and convincing evidence
19 SCRA 289, 292, citing II Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 2784, and II Martin, of such recklessness, negligence and imprudence. Prosecution witness R
Rules of Court, 255; SEE also, Francisco, The Rules of Court, Annotated ene Abas stated that the speed of the jeep of the accused was on a regul
and Commented, 1968, ed., Vol. III, pp. 485-488) or when the 'query ar speed or not so fast or just the very speed the jeep can run. (Decision,
necessarily invites calibration of the whole evidence considering mainly p. 5, Records, p. 477, Underlining Supplied).
the credibility of witnesses, existence and relevancy of specific
surrounding circumstances, their relation to each other and to the whole It can be gleaned therefore from the decision that the act from which civil
and the probabilities of the situation.' (See Lim v. Calaguas, 83 Phil. 796, liability might arise does not exist.
799, and Mackay Radio & Tel. Co. v. Rich, 28 SCRA 699, 705, cited in
Moran, Comments on the Rules, 1979 ed., p. 474) It is noted by the Court that in the dispositive portion of the decision of the
Municipal Trial Court, the accused (petitioner in this case) acquittal was
xxx xxx xxx based on the ground that his guilt was not proved beyond reasonable
doubt making it possible for Dolores Perez to prove and recover
Questions on whether or not there was a preponderance of evidence to damages. (See Article 29, Civil Code) However, from a reading of the
justify the award of damages or whether or not there was a causal decision of the Municipal Trial Court, there is a clear showing that the act
connection between the given set of facts and the damage suffered by from which civil liability might arise does not exist. Civil liability is then
the private complainant or whether or not the act from which civil liability extinguished. (See Padilla v. Court of Appeals, 129 SCRA 558, 570
might arise exists are questions of fact. [1984])
In this regard, the petitioner's case should not have been elevated to this WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The questioned order of the
Court since a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 allows only Regional Trial Court issued on July 14, 1986 is SET ASIDE while the
questions of law to be raised (Section 2, Rule 45, Rules of Court). Regional Trial Court's decision issued on February 17, 1986 reversing
The proper procedure that he should have adopted was to file a petition the decision of the Municipal Trial Court pertaining to the civil aspect,
for review with the Court of Appeals within 15 days from notice of absolving accused of civil liability, is hereby REINSTATED.
judgment pointing out errors of fact or law that will warrant a reversal or
modification of the decision or judgment sought to be reviewed (See
Resolution of Court of Appeals dated August 12, 1971, par. 22 [b] of 41. Tayag vs Alcantara
Interim Rules of Court and Sec. 22, BP 129).
However, this Court noting that this case was last acted upon by the Acquittal in a criminal case is not a bar to prosecution in a civil
Regional Trial Court six (6) years ago and the records of the case have action for damages based on quasi-delict against the driver and the
already been brought to this Court, has decided to delve on the merits of operator.
the case.
Facts: On Sept. 2, 1974, Pedro Tayag, Sr. was bumped and hit by a
The petitioner's contention is meritorious. We grant the petition. Philippine Rabbit Bus bearing Body No. 1107 and Plate No. YL 604 PUB
’74 and as a result of he was physically injured causing his instantaneous
death as well as destroying the bike he was riding. The bus was being
driven by the defendant, Romeo Villa y Cunanan, at the time of the
accident at a faster and greater speed than what was reasonable and Independent Civil Actions
proper and in a grossly negligent, careless, reckless, and imprudent
manner. The heirs of Pedro Tayag, Sr., petitioners, filed with the Court of 42. Carandang vs Santiago
First Instance a complaint for damages against Philippine Rabbit Bus
Lines, Inc. and Romeo Villa y Cunanan, private respondents, on Sept. FACTS: • This is a petition for certiorari against Honorable Vicente
25, 1974. The private respondents admitted some and denied the other Santiago to annul his order in Civil Case No. 21173 suspending the trial
allegations in the complaints; thereafter, filed a motion to suspend trial on of said civil case to await the result of the criminal Case No. 534 Tomas
the grounds of a pending criminal case against the driver of the bus, Valenton, Jr. who was found guilty of the crime of frustrated homicide
Romeo Villa y Cunanan. The respondent Judge granted the motion and committed against the person of Cesar Carandang, petitioner herein.
subsequently suspended the hearing of the Civil Case. The respondent Tomas Valenton, Jr. appealed the decision to the Court of Appeals where
judge acquitted the accused, Romeo Villa, of the crime of homicide on the case is now pending. • Petitioner herein filed a complaint in the Court
the ground of reasonable doubt in the criminal case filed against him. The of First Instance of Manila to recover from the defendant Tomas Valenton,
private respondents then filed a motion to dismiss the civil case on the Jr. and his parents, damages, both actual and moral, for the bodily
ground that petitioners have no cause of action on the basis of the injuries received by him on occasion of the commission of the crime of
frustrated homicide by said accused Tomas Valenton Jr. The judge ruled
driver’s acquittal in the related criminal case. The petitioners then that the trial of the civil action must await the result of the criminal case
opposed the motion alleging that their cause of action is based on a on appeal. A motion for reconsideration was submitted, but the court
quasi-delict, not on a crime, but the respondent Judge dismissed the denied the same; hence this petition for certiorari.
complaint and denied the motion for reconsideration filed by the
petitioners. Hence, this petition for certiorari, to annul and set aside the ISSUE: Whether or not Judge Santiago erred in suspending the civil
order of the respondent Judge was filed. case?

Issue: Whether or not the respondent Judge acted without or in HOLDING & RATIO DECIDENDI Yes, Article 33 of the new Civil Code
excess of his jurisdiction and/or with grave abuse of discretion in provides: • In cases of defamation, fraud and physical injuries, a civil
dismissing the civil case. action for damages, entirely separate and distinct from the criminal
action, may be brought by the injured party. Such civil action shall
Held: Yes, The respondent Judge acted with grave abuse of discretion in proceed independently of the criminal prosecution, and shall require only
dismissing the civil case. In this case, the allegations in the complaint a preponderance of evidence. • The Code Commission itself states that
show that the petitioner's cause of action was based upon a quasi -delict. the civil action allowed under Article 33 is similar to the action in tort for
The essential averments for a quasi delictual action are present, libel or slander and assault and battery under American law. But
namely:1) An act or omission constituting fault or negligence on the part respondent argue that the term "physical injuries" is used to designate a
of private respondent:2) Damage caused by the said act or omission;3) specific crime defined in the Revised Penal Code, and therefore said
Direct causal relation between the damage and the act or omission;4) No term should be understood in its peculiar and technical sense, in
pre-existing contractual relation between the parties. As stated in the accordance with the rules statutory construction • In the case at bar, the
case of Elcano vs. Hill, the civil liability for the same act considered as a accused was charged with and convicted of the crime of frustrated
quasi-delict only and not as a crime is not extinguished by the acquittal of homicide, and while it was found in the criminal case that a wound was
the accused in the criminal action arising from the same act. inflicted by the defendant on the body of the petitioner herein Cesar
Carandang, which wound is bodily injury, the crime committed is not
The petitioner’s cause of action is based on a quasi-delict, therefore, the physical injuries but frustrated homicide, for the reason that the infliction
acquittal of the driver, Romeo Villa, in the criminal case is not a bar to the of the wound is attended by the intent to kill. So the question arises
prosecution in the civil case for damages based on a quasi-delict. The whether the term "physical injuries" used in Article 33 means physical
petition is granted and the order of dismissal rendered by the respondent injuries in the Revised Penal Code only, or any physical injury or bodily
Judge is set aside and the case is remanded to the lower court for further injury, whether inflicted with intent to kill or not. • The Article in question
proceedings. uses the words "defamation", "fraud" and "physical injuries." Defamation
and fraud are used in their ordinary sense because there are no specific 43. Madeja vs Caro
provisions in the Revised Penal Code using these terms as means of FACTS: A criminal case for Homicide through Reckless Imprudence was
offenses defined therein, so that these two terms defamation and fraud instituted before the CFI of Eastern Samar against Dr. Eva Japzon in
must have been used not to impart to them any technical meaning in the relation to the death of her patient Cleto Madeja after an appendectomy.
laws of the Philippines, but in their generic sense. With this apparent The offended party, Carmen Madeja (Cleto’s widow) reserved her right to
circumstance in mind, it is evident that the term "physical injuries" could file a separate civil action for damages.While the criminal case was still
not have been used in its specific sense as a crime defined in the pending, Carmen filed for damages with the same court. Carmen alleged
Revised Penal Code, for it is difficult to believe that the Code that her husband died because of the gross negligence of Dr.Japzon.
Commission would have used terms in the same article, some in their Granted Japzon’s Motion to Dismiss, the instant civil action may be
general and another in its technical sense. In other words, the term instituted only after final judgment has been rendered in the criminal
"physical injuries" should be understood to mean bodily injury, not the action.
crime of physical injuries, because the terms used with the latter are
general terms. • For the foregoing considerations, we find that the ISSUE: W/N the order of respondent judge to grant the MTD should
respondent judge committed an error in suspending the trial of the civil be set aside.
case, and his order to that affect is hereby revoked, and he is hereby
ordered to proceed with the trial of said civil case without awaiting the HELD: YES. In INDEPENDENT CIVIL ACTION; RECOGNIZED UNDER
result of the pending criminal case, with costs against the defendant ARTICLE 33 OF THE NEW CIVIL CODE. — The term "physical
injuries"in Article 33 of the Civil Code includes death and may give rise to
Article 33 (Carandang v. Santiago) an independent civil action, that reckless imprudence is not included in
Article 33 of the Civil Code, is not authoritative doctrine because it was
Facts:The petitioner seeks the help of the Supreme Court for a writ of concurred in by only five Justices.
certiorari to annul the order of Judge Vicente Santiago suspending the
civil case filed by the petitioner against Tomas Valenton, Sr. and Tomas Prejudicial Question
Valenton, Jr. to await the result of a criminal case filed by said petitioner 44. Ras vs Rasul
against the defendants.In his contention, Judge Santiago stated that trial Facts: On or about April 27, 1978, Luis Pichel filed a complaint against
of the civil action must await the result of the criminal case on appeal. petitioner Alejandro Ras and a certain Bienvenido Martin before the Court
The court anchored its decision on the contention of the defendants that of First Instance of Basilan, docketed therein as Civil Case No. 73
the plaintiff cannot invoke article 33 since the defendants were charged praying for the nullification of the deed of sale executed by Alejandro
with frustrated homicide and not for physical injuries.
Ras in favor of his co-defendant Bienvenido Martin and for the
declaration of the prior deed of sale allegedly executed in his favor by the
Issue: Whether or not the order of the court of first instance is correct. defendant Alejandro Ras as valid. Provincial Fiscal of Basilan filed on or
about September 5, 1978 an Information for Estafa in the same court
against Alejandro Ras arising from the same alleged double sale
Ruling:No. The supreme court in its ruling decided in favor of the
appellant, the term physical injuries just like the words defamation and Issues: prejudicial question
fraud mentioned in the aforementioned article were used in its generic
On November 6, 1978, petitioner, through counsel, filed a "Motion for
sense. It does not pertain to the “physical injury” stated in the Revised
Suspension of Action" in said Criminal Case No. 240 claiming that the
Penal Code, since the defendant in his attempt to kill the plaintiff caused
same facts and issues were involved in both the civil and criminal case
him bodily injury the court deemed it proper for the plaintiff to invoke
and that the resolution of the issues in the civil case would... necessarily
article 33 of the Civil Code.
be determinative of the guilt or innocence of the accused
Ruling: Wherefore, the Order of respondent judge in Criminal Case No.
240 dated December 12, 1978 is hereby set aside. The temporary
restraining order issued by this Court on May 16, 1979 is hereby made
permanent and respondent judge is enjoined from proceeding with the... After investigation, the Provincial Prosecutor instituted a criminal
arraignment and trial of Criminal Case No. 240 until and unless Civil complaint for estafa against Paras with the Municipal Circuit Trial Court of
Case No. 73 shall have been finally decided and terminated adversely Glan-Malapatan, South Cotabato, presided by Judge Alfredo D.
against petitioner. No costs Barcelona, Sr.
Principles: On April 17, 1991, before arraignment of the accused, the trial judge
motu proprio issued an order dismissing the criminal case on the ground
For a civil case to be considered prejudicial to a criminal action as to that:
cause the suspension of the criminal action pending the determination of
the civil, it must appear not only that the civil case involves the same x x x after a careful scrutiny of the statements of complainant, Juliana P.
facts upon which the criminal prosecution is based, but also... that the Yap and of the respondent Martin Paras and his witnesses, the Court
resolution of the issues raised in said civil action would be necessarily holds and maintained (sic) that there is a prejudicial question to a civil
determinative of the guilt or innocence of the accused. action, which must be ventilated in the proper civil court. In the case of
Ras vs. Rasul, 100 SCRA 125, the Supreme Court had already made a
The petitioner Alejandro Ras claims in his answer to the complaint in Civil pronouncement that "a criminal action for Estafa for alleged double sale
Case No. 73 that he had never sold the property in litigation to the of property is a prejudicial question to a civil action for nullity of the
plaintiff (Luis Pichel) and that his... signatures in the alleged deed of sale alleged Deed of Sale and defense of the alleged vendors of forgeries of
and that of his wife were forged by the plaintiff. It is, therefore, necessary their signatures to the Deed." [3]
that the truth or falsity of such claim be first determined because if his
claim is true, then he did not sell his property twice and no estafa was... The petitioner moved for reconsideration, which was denied on April 30,
committed. The question of nullity of the sale is distinct and separate 1991. She then came to this Court for relief in this special civil action for
from the crime of estafa (alleged double sale) but so intimately connected certiorari.
with it that it determines the guilt or innocence of herein petitioner in the
criminal action. The Court could have referred this petition to the Court of Appeals, which
has concurrent jurisdiction under BP 129, but decided to resolve the case
directly in view of the peculiar circumstances involved.
45. Yap vs Paras
The petitioner's contention is that where there is a prejudicial question in
This is still another dispute between brother and sister over a piece of a civil case, the criminal action may not be dismissed but only
property they inherited from their parents. The case is complicated by the suspended. Moreover, this suspension may not be done motu proprio by
circumstance that the private respondent's counsel in this petition is the the judge trying the criminal case but only upon petition of the defendant
son of the judge, the other respondent, whose action is being questioned. in accordance with the Rules of Court. It is also stressed that a reversal
Petitioner Juliana P. Yap was the sister of private respondent Martin of the order of dismissal would not bar the prosecution of the accused
Paras.[*] under the double jeopardy rule because he has not yet been arraigned.

On October 31, 1971, according to Yap, Paras sold to her his share in The Court notes that the counsel for private respondent Paras who filed
the intestate estate of their parents for P300.00. The sale was evidenced the comment in his behalf is the son and namesake of Judge Barcelona.
by a private document. Nineteen years later, on May 2, 1990, Paras sold Atty. Alfredo L. Barcelona, Jr. is employed in the Public Attorney's Office.
the same property to Santiago Saya-ang for P5,000.00. This was He has made it of record that he was not the counsel of Paras at the time
evidenced by a notarized Deed of Absolute Sale. the questioned order of dismissal was issued by his father. He thus
impliedly rejects the charge of bias against his father.
When Yap learned of the second sale, she filed a complaint for estafa
against Paras and Saya-ang with the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor Perhaps out of filial loyalty, Atty. Barcelona suggests there may have
of General Santos City[1] . On the same date, she filed a complaint for the been a basis for the order in view of the alleged double sale of the
nullification of the said sale with the Regional Trial Court of General property which was being litigated in the regional trial court. He
Santos City.[2] concedes, however, that the order may have been premature and that it
could not have been issued motu proprio. Agreeing that double jeopardy
would not attach because of the lack of arraignment, he asks that his We have held that "for a civil case to be considered prejudicial to a
Comment be considered a motion for the suspension of the criminal criminal action as to cause the suspension of the criminal action pending
action on the ground of prejudicial question. the determination of the civil action, it must appear not only that the civil
case involves the same facts upon which the criminal prosecution is
The Court has deliberated on the issues and finds that the respondent based, but also that the resolution of the issues raised in said civil action
judge did indeed commit grave abuse of discretion in motu would be necessarily determinative of the guilt or innocence of the
proprio issuing the order of dismissal. accused." [6]
Section 6, Rule 111 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure as It is the issue in the civil action that is prejudicial to the continuation of the
amended by this Court on July 7,1988, provides as follows: criminal action, not the criminal action that is prejudicial to the civil action.
Section 6. Suspension by reason of prejudicial question. A petition for The excerpt quoted by the respondent judge in his Order does not
suspension of the criminal action based upon the pendency of a appear anywhere in the decision of Ras v. Rasul.[7] Worse, he has not
prejudicial question in a civil action may be filed in the office of the fiscal only misquoted the decision but also wrongly applied it. The facts of that
or the court conducting the preliminary investigation. When the criminal case are not analogous to those in the case at bar.
action has been filed in court for trial, the petition to suspend shall be filed
in the same criminal action at any time before the prosecution rests. In that case, Ras allegedly sold to Pichel a parcel of land which he later
also sold to Martin. Pichel brought a civil action for nullification of the
Judge Barcelona's precipitate action is intriguing, to say the least, in light second sale and asked that the sale made by Ras in his favor be
of the clear provision of the above-quoted rule. The rule is not even new, declared valid. Ras's defense was that he never sold the property to
being only a rewording of the original provision in the Rules of Court Pichel and his purported signatures appearing in the first deed of sale
before they were amended. It plainly says that the suspension may be were forgeries. Later, an information for estafa was filed against Ras
made only upon petition and not at the instance of the judge alone, and it based on the same double sale that was the subject of the civil action.
also says suspension, and not dismissal. One also wonders if the person Ras filed a "Motion for Suspension of Action" (that is, the criminal case),
who notarized the disputed second sale, Notary Public Alexander C. claiming that the resolution of the issues in the civil case would
Barcelona, might be related to the respondent judge. necessarily be determinative of his guilt or innocence.
But more important than the preceding considerations is the trial judge's Through then Associate Justice Claudio Teehankee, this Court ruled that
misapprehension of the concept of a prejudicial question. a suspension of the criminal action was in order because:
Section 5, Rule 111 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure as On the basis of the issues raised in both the criminal and civil cases
amended provides: against petitioner and in the light of the foregoing concepts of a
Section 5. Elements of prejudicial question. The two (2) essential prejudicial question, there indeed appears to be a prejudicial question in
elements of a prejudicial question are: (a) the civil action involves an the case at bar, considering that petitioner Alejandro Ras' defense (as
issue similar or intimately related to the issue raised in the criminal defendant) in Civil Case No. 73 of the nullity and forgery of the alleged
action; and (b) the resolution of such issue determines whether or not the prior deed of sale in favor of Luis Pichel (plaintiff in the civil case and
criminal action may proceed. complaining witnesses in the criminal case) is based on the very same
facts which would be necessarily determinative of petitioner Ras' guilt or
A prejudicial question is defined as that which arises in a case the innocence as accused in the criminal case. If the first alleged sale in
resolution of which is a logical antecedent of the issue involved therein, favor of Pichel is void or fictitious, then there would be no double sale
and the cognizance of which pertains to another tribunal. The prejudicial and petitioner would be innocent of the offense charged. A conviction in
question must be determinative of the case before the court but the the criminal case (if it were allowed to proceed ahead) would be a gross
jurisdiction to try and resolve the question must be lodged in another injustice and would have to be set aside if it were finally decided in the
court or tribunal.[4] It is a question based on a fact distinct and separate civil action that indeed the alleged prior deed of sale was a forgery and
from the crime but so intimately connected with it that it determines the spurious.
guilt or innocence of the accused.[5]
The petitioner Alejandro Ras claims in his answer to the complaint in Civil 1902-G is ordered REINSTATED for further proceedings, but to be
Case No. 73 that he had never sold the property in litigation to the assigned to a different judge.
plaintiff (Luis Pichel) and that his signatures in the alleged deed of sale
and that of his wife were forged by the plaintiff. It is, therefore, necessary SO ORDERED.
that the truth or falsity of such claim be first determined because if his
claim is true, then he did not sell his property twice and no estafa was
committed. The question of nullity of the sale is distinct and separate 46. Balgos, Jr. vs Sandiganbayan
from the crime of estafa (alleged double sale) but so intimately connected
with it that it determines the guilt or innocence of herein petitioner in the Does the denial by the Sandiganbayan of the motion to withdraw the
criminal action. information and of another motion to suspend proceedings on the ground
In the Ras case, there was a motion to suspend the criminal action on the of a prejudicial question in a pending civil action constitute a grave abuse
ground that the defense in the civil case - forgery of his signature in the of discretion correctible by the writs of certiorari and prohibition?
first deed of sale - had to be threshed out first. Resolution of that question The facts are undisputed. Petitioners were charged with violation of
would necessarily resolve the guilt or innocence of the accused in the Section 3(c) of Republic Act No. 3019, otherwise known as the Anti-Graft
criminal case. By contrast, there was no motion for suspension in the and Corrupt Practice Act, as amended, in an information that was filed
case at bar; and no less importantly, the respondent judge had not been with the Sandiganbayan on April 18, 1986 by the Special Prosecutor
informed of the defense Paras was raising in the civil action. Judge which was approved by the Deputy Tanodbayan, after a preliminary
Barcelona could not have ascertained then if the issue raised in the civil investigation. The information reads as follows:
action would determine the guilt or innocence of the accused in the
criminal case. "That on December 27, 1984, in Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya and within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the accused Flaviano D. Balgos, Jr.,
It is worth remarking that not every defense raised in the civil action will a public officer, being the acting Clerk of Court of the Regional Trial Court
raise a prejudicial question to justify suspension of the criminal action. in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya and also the Ex-Officio provincial sheriff of
The defense must involve an issue similar or intimately related to the the said province; and the other accused Virgilio F. Dacayo, Jesus
same issue raised in the criminal action and its resolution should C. Sison and Leon C. Cuaresma, all public officers, being Deputy
determine whether or not the latter action may proceed. Provincial Sheriffs of said province, acting with evident bad faith and
The order dismissing the criminal action without a motion for suspension manifest partiality, did then and there, wilfully and unlawfully enforce a
in accordance with Rule 111, Section 6, of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Writ of Execution against a Mustang car registered in the name of Leticia
Procedure as amended, and even without the accused indicating his Acosta-Ang, despite their knowledge that the registered owner is not the
defense in the civil case for the annulment of the second sale, suggests judgment debtor in Civil Case No. 4047 of the Regional Trial Court
not only ignorance of the law but also bias on the part of the respondent of Nueva Vizcaya which is the subject of the said writ of execution,
judge. thereby causing undue injury to the said Leticia Acosta-
Ang (complainant) and giving unwarranted benefits to the judgment
Judge Alfredo D. Barcelona, Sr. is sternly reminded that under the Code creditor in said civil case."[1]
of Judicial Conduct, "a judge shall be faithful to the law and maintain
professional competence" and "should administer justice impartially." He On March 18, 1987, Antonio Uy Lim, the plaintiff and prevailing party in
is hereby reprimanded for his questionable conduct in the case at bar, Civil Case No. 4047 filed a complaint for rescission of the sale of the car
with the warning that commission of similar acts in the future will be dealt by Juanito Ang to private respondent Leticia Acosta-Ang for being
with more severely. allegedly in fraud of creditors. The said complaint was filed with the
Regional Trial Court of Nueva Vizcaya and was docketed as Civil Case
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Order issued by Judge No. 5307. On the same day, petitioners filed a motion for reinvestigation
Alfredo D. Barcelona, Sr. dated April 17, 1991, dismissing Criminal Case in the Tanodbayan. The same was granted on May 18, 1987.
No. 1902-G, and the Order dated April 30, 1991, denying the motion for
reconsideration, are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Criminal Case No.
After conducting the reinvestigation, the Tanodbayan issued an order dismissal of the case, such proposed course of action must be addressed
resolving to: to the sound discretion of the court.
"(a) set aside and render without force and effect its Resolution in this In the past, a government prosecutor could practically impose his
case dated March 25, 1986; judgment or opinion on the court as it was recognized that the
prosecution of offenses is his exclusive domain which resulted then and
b) to dismiss the case for lack of merit. again in a clash or conflict of opinion between the prosecutors and the
"(c) to withdraw the Information filed in Criminal Case No. 11414 as soon courts to the detriment of the administration of justice. Such a situation
as possible in the interest of justice."[2] may no longer be possible since Crespo. It is the court that has now the
final say on any subsequent disposition or action once the case is
On April 22, 1988 the Tanodbayan filed with the Sandiganbayan a motion brought before it.
to withdraw the information against petitioners. This was denied on June
29, 1988. On September 1, 1988, petitioners filed a motion to suspend The only instance when the appellate court should stay the hand of the
proceedings in the criminal case against them on the ground of the trial court in such cases is when it is shown that the trial court acted
existence of a prejudicial question in Civil Case No. 5307. This was without jurisdiction or in excess of its jurisdiction or otherwise committed
likewise denied by the Sandiganbayan on October 24, 1988. a grave abuse of discretion amounting to such lack or excess of
Hence, the instant petition where it is alleged that
the Sandiganbayan committed a grave abuse of discretion amounting to In this case, the petitioners are public officers charged with having
lack or excess of jurisdiction in denying the aforestated motions. violated Section 3(c) of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended, for evident
bad faith and manifest partiality in enforcing the writ of execution in Civil
On June 6, 1989, the Court, acting on the ex-parte urgent motion of Case No. 4047 against a Mustang car registered in the name of Leticia
petitioners for the issuance of a temporary restraining order enjoining Acosta-Ang (complainant) who is not the judgment debtor thereby
the Sandiganbayan from setting the arraignment of petitioners, and after causing undue injury to said complainant and giving unwarranted benefits
requiring the Solicitor General to comment thereon, granted the to the judgment creditor in said case.
motion. Thereafter, the Solicitor General filed a Manifestation in support
of the stand taken by the petitioners. Upon reinvestigation of the criminal case by the Tanodbayan, he found
evidence tending to show that the sale of said car to the complainant
The petition is devoid of merit. by Juanito Ang, the judgment debtor, was a sham intended to defraud his
creditors; that the deed of absolute sale which ostensibly was executed
In the case of Crespo vs. Mogul,[3] this Court laid down the ground rules before a notary public on June 18, 1983 appeared to be fictitious
and the parameters pertaining to the direction and control of the inasmuch as the entry of the document in the notarial register of said
prosecution of a criminal action by the fiscal or government prosecutor as notary public on said date referred to a catering contract of other parties;
provided for in the rules[4] in relation to the jurisdiction of the competent that the certificate of registration of the car was issued to complainant
courts over such cases. We ruled that while the public prosecutor has only on June 13, 1984 which showed that the document of sale was
the sole direction and control in the prosecution of offenses, once the actually executed only on or about the same date, that is, seven (7) days
complaint or information is filed in court, the court thereby acquires after Juanito Ang received copy of the adverse decision in Civil Case No.
jurisdiction over the case and all subsequent actions that may be taken 4047 on June 8, 1984; and that upon the execution of the judgment, the
by the public prosecutor in relation to the disposition of the case must be car was found in the possession of Alvin, the son of Juanito Ang, who
subject to the approval of the said court.[5] admitted that the car belonged to his father by showing the receipt of its
In such an instance, before a re-investigation of the case may be repair in the name of Juanito Ang. This is the basis of the motion for
conducted by the public prosecutor, the permission or consent of the withdrawal of the information of the Tanodbayan.
court must be secured. And if after such reinvestigation the prosecution In denying said motion the public respondent Sandiganbayan stated in its
finds a cogent basis to withdraw the information or otherwise cause the resolution dated June 29, 1988 that the issue in the criminal case was not
so much whether the car was owned by Juanito Ang or Leticia Ang but
whether it was rightly seized, that is, whether or not it was attended with comes into play usually in a situation where a civil action and a criminal
partiality as to extend unwarranted benefits to the judgment creditor, action are both pending and there exists in the former an issue
quoting the resolution of the Tanodbayan after a preliminary investigation which must be preemptively resolved before the criminal action may
for the filing of the information: proceed, because whatsoever the issue raised in the civil action is
resolved would be determinative juris et jure of the guilt or innocence of
"In the implementation of the writ of execution it is the bounden duty of the accused in the criminal case.[7]
the sheriffs to ascertain the true owner of the property sought to be
levied. Assuming that they have not seen the Certificate of Registration In this case, as correctly held by public respondent, the pending civil case
showing that the real owner is Leticia Acosta-Ang, they could have easily for the annulment of the sale of the car to Leticia Ang (Civil Case No.
verified the same at the Land Transportation Commission. Their 5307) is not determinative of the guilt or innocence of the petitioners for
contention that they were informed by Alvin Ang and the neighbors the acts allegedly committed by them in seizing the car. Even if in the
of Juanito Ang (the judgment debtor) that the latter is the owner of the car civil action it is ultimately resolved that the sale was null and void, it does
is clearly hearsay evidence. The best evidence is the document itself -- not necessarily follow that the seizure of the car was rightfully
the Certificate of Registration shown to the respondents. Their undertaken. The car was registered in the name of Leticia Ang six (6)
conclusion that the transfer of ownership to Leticia Ang, even if true, may months before the seizure. Until the nullity of the sale is declared by the
be simulated to defraud the judgment creditor is plainly untenable, for the courts, the same is presumptively valid. Thus, petitioners must
same should be addressed to the sound discretion of a competent court demonstrate that the seizure was not attended by manifest bad faith in
in an action for annulment of the Deed of Sale. order to clear themselves of the charge in the criminal action.
The respondents are aware that the complainant is not a party to the civil WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED for lack of merit and the
case filed by the creditor against spouses Juanito and Lydia Ang and that restraining order dated June 6, 1989 is hereby lifted. No costs.
a writ of execution cannot be implemented validly against one who is not
a party to the action. All these, coupled with the undue haste in which SO ORDERED.
the levy on the Mustang car was made without first ascertaining the true
owner thereof demonstrate quite convincingly the evident bad faith and 47. La Chemise Lacoste, S.A. vs Fernandez
manifest partiality of the respondents, thereby giving unwarranted
benefits to the judgment creditor to the damage and prejudice of the The petitioner is a foreign corporation, organized and existing under the
complainant. x x x "[6] laws of France and not doing business in the is the actual
We agree. Although at the reinvestigation, the Tanodbayan was owner of the abovementioned trademarks used on... clothings and other
persuaded that in fact the sale of the car to Leticia Ang was fraudulent, goods specifically sporting apparels
this did not necessarily clear petitioners of the aforesaid Anti-Graft charge In 1975, Hemandas & Co., a duly licensed domestic firm applied for and
against them. Still the burden is on the petitioners to establish that they was issued Reg. No. SR-2225 (SR stands for Supplemental Register) for
acted in good faith in proceeding with the execution on the car even as the trademark "CHEMISE LACOSTE & CROCODILE DEVICE" by the
they were presented evidence tending to show it did not belong Philippine Patent Office for use on T-shirts, sportswear and other...
to Juanito Ang anymore. garment products of the company. Two years later, it applied for the
In its resolution dated August 11, 1988 denying the motion for registration of the same trademark under the Principal Register.
reconsideration filed by petitioner, the Sandiganbayan held that the Thereafter, Hemandas & Co. assigned to respondent Gobindram
arguments adduced relate to matters of defense. The Court finds that Hemandas all rights, title, and interest in the trademark "CHEMISE
the public respondent did not err in denying the motion for withdrawal of LACOSTE & DEVICE".
the information.
On November 21, 1980, the petitioner filed its application for registration
By the same token, the denial of the motion to suspend the criminal of the trademark "Crocodile Device""Lacoste"... the latter was opposed by
proceedings on the ground of the pendency of a prejudicial question in Games and Garments In 1982, the petitioner filed a Petition for the
Civil Case No. 5307 is well taken. The doctrine of prejudicial question Cancellation of Reg. No. SR-2225
On March 21, 1983, the petitioner filed with the National Bureau of Protection of Industrial Property to which the Philippines and France are
Investigation (NBI) a letter-complaint alleging therein the acts of unfair parties. We are simply interpreting and enforcing a solemn international
competition being committed by Hemandas commitment of the Philippines embodied in a multilateral treaty to which
we are a party and which we entered into because it is in... our national
The NBI conducted an... investigation and subsequently filed with the interest to do so.
respondent court two applications for the issuance of search warrants
which would authorize the search of the premises used and occupied by The Paris Convention provides in part that:
the Lacoste Sports Center and Games and Garments both owned and
operated by Hemandas. ARTICLE 1

The respondent court issued Search Warrant Nos. 83-128 and 83-129 for "(1) The countries to which the present Convention applies constitute
violation of Article 189 of the Revised Penal CodeHemandas filed a themselves into a Union for the protection of industrial property.
motion to quash the search warrants alleging that the trademark used by ARTICLE 2
him was different from petitioner's trademark
"(1) Nationals of each of the countries of the Union shall, as regards the
The respondent court was, however, convinced that there was no protection of industrial property, enjoy in all the other countries of the
probable cause to justify the issuance of the search warrants. Thus, in its Union the advantages that their respective laws now grant, or may
order dated March 22, 1983, the search warrants were recalled and set hereafter grant, to nationals, without prejudice to the... rights specially
aside and the NBI agents or officers in custody of the seized items... provided by the present Convention. Consequently, they shall have the
were ordered to return the same to Hemandas. same protection as the latter, and the same legal remedy against any
Hemandas argues in his comment on the petition for certiorari that the infringement of their rights, provided they observe the conditions and
petitioner being a foreign corporation failed to allege essential facts formalities imposed upon nationals.
bearing upon its capacity to sue before Philippine courts. He states that ARTICLE 8
not only is the petitioner not doing business in... the Philippines but it also
is not licensed to do business in the Philippines. "A trade name shall be protected in all the countries of the Union without
the obligation of filing or registration, whether or not it farms part of a
Issues: trademark.
THE PETITIONER HAS NO CAPACITY TO SUE BEFORE PHILIPPINE We have carefully gone over the records of all the cases filed in this
COURTS. Court and find more than enough evidence to sustain a finding that the
Ruling: petitioner is the owner of the trademarks "LACOSTE", "CHEMISE
LACOSTE", the crocodile or alligator device, and the composite mark of
even assuming the truth of the private respondent's allegation that the
petitioner failed to allege material facts in its petition relative to capacity LACOSTE and the representation of the crocodile or alligator. Any
to sue, the petitioner may still maintain the present suit against pretensions of the private respondent that he is the owner are absolutely
respondent Hemandas. without basis. Any further ventilation of the issue of ownership before the
Patent Office will be a superfluity and a dilatory tactic.
As early as 1927, this Court... was, and it still is, of the view that a foreign
corporation not doing business in the Philippines needs no license to sue The records show that the goodwill and reputation of the petitioner's
before Philippine courts for infringement of trademark and unfair products bearing the trademark LACOSTE date back even before 1964
competition. when LACOSTE clothing apparels were first marketed in the Philippines.
To allow Hemandas to continue using the trademark Lacoste for the...
In upholding the right of the petitioner to maintain the present suit before simple reason that he was the first registrant in the Supplemental
our courts for unfair competition or infringement of trademarks of a Register of a trademark used in international commerce and not
foreign corporation, we are moreover recognizing our duties and the belonging to him is to render nugatory the very essence of the law on
rights of foreign states under the Paris Convention for the trademarks and tradenames.
Principles: in the criminal case, he manifested a Motion for Dismissal of the IBP
a foreign corporation which has never done any business in the
Philippines and which is unlicensed and unregistered to do business Commissioner Jose brushed aside respondent's contention on the
here, but is widely and favorably known in the Philippines through the use ground that the criminal case for estafa is completely different from the
therein of its products bearing its corporate and... tradename, has a legal proceedings before him. Acquittal in the former did not exonerate
right to maintain an action in the Philippines to restrain the residents and respondent in the latter. He further noted that the RTC Decision itself
inhabitants thereof from organizing a corporation therein bearing the
hinted at the administrative liability of respondent, since it found him
same name as the foreign corporation, when it appears that they have
civilly liable to herein complainant for $2,555. He was suspended by the
personal knowledge of the existence of... such a foreign corporation, and
it is apparent that the purpose of the proposed domestic corporation is to IBP for one (1) year. Thus, he appealed before the Supreme Court.
deal and trade in the same goods as those of the foreign corporation. Issues:
The purpose of the law protecting a trademark cannot be
(1) Whether or not respondent should be freed of the administrative
overemphasized. They are to point out distinctly the origin or ownership
proceeding since he was acquitted of the criminal charge.
of the article to which it is affixed, to secure to him, who has been
instrumental in bringing into market a superior article of merchandise, (2) Whether or not respondent is negligent when he appealed the
the... fruit of his industry and skill, and to prevent fraud and imposition decision of the POEA knowing it to be final and executory.
The law on trademarks and tradenames is based on the principle of
business integrity and common justice. This law, both in letter and spirit,
is laid upon the premise that, while it encourages fair trade in every way (1) Administrative cases against lawyers belong to a class of their own.
and aims to foster, and not to hamper, competition, no one,... especially a They are distinct from and they may proceed independently of civil and
trader, is justified in damaging or jeopardizing another's business by criminal cases.
fraud, deceipt, trickery or unfair methods of any sort. This necessarily
precludes the trading by one dealer upon the good name and reputation Thus, a criminal prosecution will not constitute a prejudicial question even
built up by another if the same facts and circumstances are attendant in the administrative

It should be emphasized that a finding of guilt in the criminal case will not
48. Gatchalian Promotions Talents Pool, Inc. vs Naldoza, necessarily result in a finding of liability in the administrative case.
Conversely, respondent’s acquittal does not necessarily exculpate him
Facts: The case at bar is a petition for disbarment against Atty. Primo L. administratively. In the same vein, the trial court’s finding of civil liability
Naldoza for appealing a decision which is final and executory, deceitfully against the respondent will not inexorably lead to a similar finding in the
obtaining $2,555 from the client allegedly for “cash bond” in the appealed administrative action before this Court.
case, and issuing a spurious receipt to conceal the illegal act.
(2) Complainant has failed to present proof regarding the status of the
Respondent denies that he persuaded complainant to file an appeal and
appeal. Neither has there been any showing that the appeal was
asserted that it was the latter who initiated the action to delay the
dismissed on the ground that the POEA Decision had become final and
execution of POEA decision. He also denied the two other charges. Trial
executory. Worse, there has been no evidence that respondent knew that
procedures were instituted before the IBP.
the case was unappealable. Indeed, the records of this Court shows that
Meanwhile, a criminal case based on the same facts was filed before the Petition for Review was dismissed for petitioner's failure to submit an
RTC Makati, Branch 141. Although acquitted on reasonable doubt, he Affidavit of Service and a legible duplicate of the assailed Order. Clearly,
was declared civilly liable in the amount of $2,555. Having been acquitted this charge has no leg to stand on.
received, no such right of action could derivatively accrue to its parents or
heirs. In fact, even if a cause of action did accrue on behalf of the unborn
PART 2 child, the same was extinguished by its pre-natal death since no
transmission to anyone can take place from on that lacked juridical
personality (or juridical capacity as distinguished from capacity to act).
Good noon. Here is another set of cases for you to read: This is not to say that the parents are not entitled to collect any damages
at all. But such damages must be those inflicted directly upon them, as
III. CIVIL PERSONALITY distinguished from the injury or violation of the rights of the deceased
Minority child, his right to life and physical integrity. Because the parents cannot
49. Sia Suan vs Alcantara expect either help, support or services from an unborn child, they would
50. Braganza vs Villa Abrille normally be limited to moral damages for the illegal arrest of the normal
51. Bambalan vs Maramba development of the spes hominis that was the foetus, i.e., on account of
distress and anguish attendant to its loss, and the disappointment of their
Natural Persons parental expectations as well as to exemplary damages, if the
52. Geluz vs CA circumstances should warrant them.
FACTS: In 1950, before Nita Villanueva and Oscar Lazo were married,
Villanueva became pregnant. To conceal her pregnancy from her parents In this case, however, both the trial court and the Court of Appeals have
and upon her aunt’s advice, she had an abortion by Antonio Geluz, a not found any basis for an award of moral damages, evidently because
physician. After Villanueva and Lazo got married, she became pregnant the appellee’s indifference to the previous abortions of his wife, also
for the second time. As she was an employee of the Commission on caused by the appellant herein, clearly indicates that he was
Elections and found it inconvenient, she had her second abortion by unconcerned with the frustration of his parental hopes and affections.
Geluz in October 1953. In less than two years, she again became Even after learning of the third abortion, the appellee does not seem to
pregnant. On 21 February 1955, Villanueva went to the clinic of Geluz in have taken interest in the administrative and criminal cases against the
Manila accompanied by her sister and her niece. Unknown to Lazo and appellant. His only concern appears to have been directed at obtaining
without his consent, his wife had an abortion for the third time, an from the doctor a large money payment. Hence, the decision appealed
abortion of a two-month old fetus. Villanueva paid Geluz fifty pesos. At from is reversed, and the complaint ordered dismissed
that time, Lazo was in Cagayan campaigning for his election to the
provincial board. On the basis of the last abortion, Lazo instituted an 53. Quimiguing vs Icao
action in the Court of First Instance of Manila against Geluz. The trial
court ordered Geluz to pay Lazo damages, attorney’s fees and costs of FACTS: Quimiging sued Icao before the court of first instance of
the suit. On appeal, the Court of Appeals sustained the decision of the Zamboanga del norte. Quimiguing averred that she and Icao, succeeded
trial court. Hence, Geluz filed a petition for certiorari to the Supreme in having sexual relations with her through force and intimidation. As a
Court. result, she became pregnant despite efforts and drugs supplied by Icao
ISSUE: Did the unborn child acquire civil personality? and had to stop studying. She then claimed for monthly support,
HELD: No, the unborn child did not acquire civil personality. damages and attorney’s fees.The lower court dismissed the case and
subsequently denied further amendment to the complaint, ruling that no
Article 40 of the Civil Code expressly limits the provisional personality by amendment was allowed for failure of the original complaint to state a
imposing the condition that the child should be subsequently born alive: cause of action.
“provided it be born later with the condition specified in the following ISSUE: Whether or not the plaintiff-appellants can ask for support and
article.” In this case, there is no dispute that the child was dead when damages from defendant despite failure to allege fact of birth in
separated from its mother’s womb. Since an action for pecuniary complaint.
damages on account of personal injury of death pertains primarily to the HELD: Yes. The Court ruled that plaintiff-appellant had right to support of
one injured, it is easy to see that if no action for such damages could be the child she was carrying and an independent cause of action for
instituted on behalf of the unborn child on account of the injuries it damages. This is pursuant to the provision of the Civil Code (Art. 40)
which recognizes the provisional personality of the unborn child, which By letter-complaint[1] dated June 1, 1994, Edwin A. Acebedo charged
includes its right to support from its progenitors; even it is only just a Eddie P. Arquero, Process Server of the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) of
conceived child “en ventre de sa mere.” Additionally, “for a married man Brooke's Point, Palawan for immorality
to force a woman not his wife to yield to his lust xxx constitutes a clear
violation of the rights of his victim that entitles her to claim compensation Complainant alleged that his wife, Dedje Irader Acebedo, a former
for damage caused” per Article 21 of the Civil Code, a provision stenographer of the MTC Brooke's Point, and respondent unlawfully and
supported by Article 2219, which provides moral damages for victims of scandalously cohabited as husband and wife at Bancudo Pulot, Brooke's
seduction, abduction, rape or other lascivious acts. Point, Palawan as a result of which a girl, Desiree May Irader Arquero,...
54. De Jesus vs Syquia, was born to the two on May 21, 1989. Attached to the letter-complaint
was the girl's Baptismal Certificate[2] reflecting the names of respondent
FAMILY CODE and Dedje Irader as her parents. Also attached to the letter-complainant
ARTICLE 2 No marriage shall be valid, unless these essential requisites was a copy of a marriage... contract[3] showing that complainant and
are present: Dedje Irader contracted marriage on July 10, 1979.
(1) Legal capacity of the contracting parties who must be a male and a respondent vehemently denied the charge of immorality, claiming that it
female; and is "just a (sic) mere harassment and a product of complainant's hatred
(2) Consent freely give in the presence of the solemnizing officer. and extreme jealousy to (sic) his wife."[6] Attached to... the answer were
ARTICLE 3 The formal requisites of marriage are: the September 27, 1987 affidavit of desistance[7] executed by
(1) Authority of the solemnizing officer complainant in favor of his wife with respect to an administrative
(2) A valid marriage license except in the cases provided for in Chapter 2 complaint he had much earlier filed against her, and complainant's sworn
of this Title; and statement. dated September 13, 1994 acknowledging paternity of a child
(3) A marriage ceremony which takes place with the appearance of the born out of wedlock, which documents, respondent claims, support his
contracting parties before the solemnizing officer and their personal contention that the complaint filed against him is but a malicious scheme
declaration that they take each other as husband and wife in the concocted by complainant to harass him.
presence of not less than two witnesses of legal age
respondent claimed that sometime in 1991, complainant likewise
ARTICLE 26 All marriages solemnized outside the Philippines, in instituted a criminal complaint against him for "adultery" which was,
accordance with the laws in force in the country where they were however, dismissed after preliminary investigation.
solemnized, and valid there as such, shall also be valid in this country,
except those prohibited under Articles 35 (1), (4), (5), and (6), 36, 37, and Finally, respondent claimed that complainant himself had been cohabiting
38. with another woman.
Where a marriage between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner is validly Issues:
celebrated and a divorce is thereafter validly obtained abroad by the alien
spouse capacitating him or her to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall have GUILTY of immorality
capacity to remarry under Philippine Law.
GENERAL RULE: If valid in the country where it is celebrated, it is also By Resolution of February 6, 1995, this Court referred the case to then
valid in the Philippines by the doctrine of lex loci celebrationis. Executive Judge Filomeno A. Vergara of the Regional Trial Court of
Puerto Princesa, Palawan for investigation, report and recommendation.
EXCEPTIONS: Article 35 – (1) minors; (4) bigamy/polygamy; (5) mistake [9] Judge Vergara having retired during the... pendency of the
of identity; and (6) without judicial declaration of previous marriage is investigation, the case was referred to Executive Judge Nelia Y.
terminated Article 36 – Psychological incapacity Article 37 – Incestuous Fernandez who was, by Resolution of August 16, 2000, directed by this
marriage Article 38 – Against Public policy. Court to (1) verify the authenticity of the marriage certificate and
1. Acebedo vs Arquero: baptismal certificate submitted by complainant; (2) conduct... an
Facts: investigation as to the information contained in the said baptismal
certificate and the circumstances under which it was issued, and such Under Rule IV, Section 52A (15) of the Revised Uniform Rules on
other verifiable matters relevant to the charge; and (3) submit her report Administrative Cases in the Civil Service, an immoral conduct is
and recommendation thereon classified as a grave offense which calls for a penalty of suspension for
six (6) months and one (1) day to one (1) year for the first offense, and...
In her Investigation Report of February 12, 2001, Judge Fernandez dismissal is imposed for the second offenseSince the present charge of
recommends that the complaint be dismissed for failure to adduce immorality against respondent constitutes his first offense, his
adequate evidence to show that respondent is guilty of the charge.[11] suspension for six (6) months and one (1) day is in order.
The report focuses on the non-appearance of complainant... and Dedje
Irader Acebedo WHEREFORE, this Court finds respondent Eddie P. Arquero, Process
Server of the Municipal Trial Court of Brooke's Point, Palawan, GUILTY
By Resolution of April 25, 2001, this Court referred the case to the Office of immorality, for which he is hereby SUSPENDED for six (6) months and
of the Court Administrator (OCA) for evaluation, report and one (1) day without pay with a STERN WARNING that commission of the
recommendation same... or similar acts shall be dealt with severely
By Memorandum of December 12, 2001, the OCA, disagreeing with the
recommendation of the Investigating Judge that the case should be 2. Adong vs Cheong Seng Gee
dismissed, recommends that respondent be held guilty of immorality and Facts:
that he be suspended from office for a period of one (1) year without...
pay Cheong Boo, a native of China, died intestate in Zamboanga, Philippine
Islands, on August 5, 1919. He left property worth nearly P100,000. The
While complainant appears to have lost interest in the prosecution of the estate of the deceased was claimed, on the one hand, by Cheong Seng
present case, the same does not ipso facto warrant its dismissal. Once Gee, who alleged that he was a legitimate child by a marriage...
administrative charges have been filed, this Court may not be divested of contracted by Cheong Boo with Tan Dit in China in 1895. The estate was
its jurisdiction to investigate and ascertain the truth... thereof. claimed, on the other hand, by the Mora Adong who alleged that she had
Respondent justified his pursuing a relationship with complainant's wife been lawfully married to Cheong Boo in 1896 in Basilan, Philippine
with the spouses having priorly entered into a settlement with respect to Islands, and her daughters, Payang, married to Cheng Bian Chay, and
their marriage which was embodied in a "Kasunduan", the pertinent Rosalia Cheong Boo, unmarried.
portions of which are reproduced hereunder
the trial judge reached the conclusion that the marriage between the
By respondent's own admission, however, he had an illicit relationship Mora Adong and the deceased had been adequately proved but that
with complainant's wife under the laws of the Philippine Islands it could not be held to be a lawful
Respondent's justification fails. Being an employee of the judiciary, marriage;
respondent ought to have known that the Kasunduan had absolutely no Cheong Boo then left China for the Philippine ;lands and sometime
force and effect on the validity of the marriage between complainant and thereafter took to himself a... concubine Mora by whom he had two
his wife. Article 1 of the Family Code provides that... marriage is "an children
inviolable social institution whose nature, consequences, and incidents
are governed by law and not subject to stipulation." It is an institution of Issues:
public order or policy, governed by rules established by law which cannot
be made inoperative by the... stipulation of the parties 2. Validity of the Mohammedan Marriage
Respondent's act of having illicit relations with complainant's wife is,
within the purview of Section 46 (5) of Subtitle A, Title I, Book V of Ruling:
Executive Order No. 292, otherwise known as the Administrative Code of Principles:
1987, a disgraceful and immoral conduct.
"The inhabitants of the territories... over which Spain relinquishes or she also passed away. Pugeda prayed that the properties, acquired as
cedes her sovereignty shall be secured in the free exercise of their conjugal properties, be partitioned and one-half thereof begiven as share
religion." of his since he contracted a lawful marriage with Maria. But Maria’s
children, the defendants, denied the existence of the marriage and
"that no law shall... be made respecting an establishment of religion or introduced a photo static copy of the record of marriages in the
prohibiting the free exercise thereof, and that the free exercise and municipality of Rosario, Cavite, in the month of January 1916,which
enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination ox showed that no record of the alleged marriage existed therein; but this
preference, shall forever be allowed. absence was explained by the Justice of the Peace that perhaps the
no minister of religion shall be interfered with or molested in following his person who kept the register forgot to make an entry of the marriage in
calling, and that the separation between state and church shall be real, the registry. Because of this, the lower court affirmed the existence of the
entire, and... absolute. marriage. Hence, this appeal.

"with all... solemnity to the Sultan and other inhabitants of Sulu the free Issue: Whether or not the absence of marriage record in the registry
exercise of their religions with which it will not interfere in the slightest renders the marriage void or nonexistent
way, and it will also respect their customs." Ruling: NO. As ruled in Madridejo vs. De Leon, “The mere fact that the
parish priest who married the plaintiff's natural father and mother, while
"Judges of the Court of First Instance and justices of the peace deciding the latter was in articulo mortis, failed to send a copy of the marriage
civil cases in which the parties are Mohammedans or pagans, when such certificate to the municipal secretary, does not invalidate said marriage,
action is deemed wise, may modify the application of the law of the since it does not appear that in the celebration thereof all requisites for its
Philippine Islands, except laws of the United States applicable to the validity were not present, and the forwarding of a copy of the marriage
Philippine Islands, taking into account local laws and customs. certificate not being one of said requisites.”

The basis of human society throughout the civilized world is that of Thus, similarly, the absence of a marriage record in the registry does not
marriage. Marriage in this jurisdiction is not only a civil contract, but it is a render the marriage void since it is not one of the requisites of marriage
new relation, an institution in the maintenance of which the public is to comply with. The person who officiated at the solemnization is
deeply interested. Consequently, every intendment of... the law leans competent to testify as an eyewitness to the fact of marriage and can
toward legalizing matrimony. Persons dwelling together in apparent prove the existence of such marriage; as in this case, it was Ricardo
matrimony are presumed, in the absence of any counter-presumption or Ricafrente who was the solemnizing officer. Testimony is an admissible
evidence special to the case, to be in fact married. The reason is that evidence of the existence of marriage. This is pursuant to Article 53 of the
such is the common order of society, and if the parties... were not what Civil Code which states that “As to marriages contracted subsequently,
they thus hold themselves out as being, they would be living in the no proof other than a certificate of the record in the civil register shall be
constant violation of decency and of law. A presumption established by admitted, unless such books have never been kept, or have disappeared,
our Code of Civil Procedure is "that a man and woman deporting or the question arises in litigation, in which cases the marriage may be
themselves as husband and wife have entered into a lawful... contract of proved by evidence of any kind." FOR ALL THE FOREGOING
marriage. CONSIDERATIONS, the plaintiff's complaint is hereby dismissed, and the
judgment of the Court of First Instance of Cavite, Hon. Antonio G. Lucero,
Public policy should aid acts intended to validate marriages and should presiding, decreeing the division of the properties of the deceased Maria
retard acts intended to invalidate marriages. C. Ferrer among her eight children and plaintiff, is hereby modified in the
sense that all of her properties be divided among her eight children at the
3. Pugeda vs Trias rate of one- eighth per child. As thus modified, the judgment of Judge
FACTS :Maria Ferrer and Mariano Trias were husband and wife and Lucero is hereby affirmed.
acquired lands. However, when the latter died, Maria contracted marriage 4.Hernandez vs CA
with Fabian Pugeda. Now, there has been conflicting claim of the said FACTS: Lucita Estrella Hernandez, petitioner, filed a petition seeking the
lands between Pugeda and Maria’s children with his first husband when annulment of her marriage to private respondent, Mario C. Hernandez on
the ground of psychological incapacity of the latter. She alleged that from FACTS: Petitioner Mercedita Arañes charges Judge Salvador Occiano for
the time of their marriage up to the time of the filing of the suit, the Gross Ignorance of the Law. It was known that the respondent judge
respondent failed to perform his obligation to support the family and solemnized the petitioner and her late groom Dominador Orobia in
contribute to the management of the household. He devoted most of his Nabua, Camarines Sur which is outside his territorial jurisdiction which
time to engaging in drinking sprees with his friends. During their should be in Balatan, Camarines Sur. They also had no marriage license
marriage, he cohabitated with another woman with whom he had an making their marriage void. Due to ththe is, petitioner’s rights to inherit
illegitimate child. He also had affairs with different women which the vast property of Orobia and his pension was not recognized. Judge
endangered the health of the petitioner for infecting her with a sexually avers that he was asked to go to Nabua due to Orobia’s difficulty of
transmitted disease (STD). She averred that the respondent was walking and Balatan is far from them. Then when the judge was about to
irresponsible, immature, and unprepared for the duties of a married life. A solemnize, he found out that there was no marriage license, and he
initially refused. Due to the pleas of the couple together with all the
petitioner’s friend, Ester Alfaro testified and confirmed that the petitioner preparation and possibility of endangering the health of Orobia, he
was once hospitalized continued to solemnize the marriage out of human compassion. On the
because she was beaten up by the respondent. Alfaro tried to talk to the condition that they will provide the judge the Marriage License afternoon
petitioner but was accused by the latter of meddling with their marital life. of the same day. However, the license was not complied with. It was later
Petitioner prayed that for having abandoned the family, the respondent found out that the marriage license cannot be given due to the late
be ordered to give support to their three children in the total of P9000 Orobia’s failure to provide the death certificate of his previous spouse.
every month; that she be awarded the custody of their children; and that Later, petitioner filed an Affidavit of Desistance owing her negligence. Is
she be adjudged as the sole owner of a parcel of land located at Don the respondent judge liable for the irregularity of the formal requisite of
Gregorio Subdivision I in Bo. Bucal, Dasmariñas, Cavite, purchased the marriage of the petitioner?
during the marriage, as well as the jeep which respondent took with him
when he left the conjugal home. BP 129: Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980 Authority of the RTC
and lower judges to solemnize marriages is confined to their territorial
ISSUE: Whether or not the court will grant the petition for annulment of jurisdiction. Where a judge solemnizes outside jurisdiction, there is a
marriage on the ground of psychological incapacity of the respondent. resultant irregularity in the formal requisite, while it may not affect the
validity of the marriage, may subject the officiating official to
HELD: No. Petitioner failed to establish the fact that at the time they were administrative liability. (Navarro vs. Domagtoy).
married, private respondent was suffering from a psychological defect
which in fact deprived him of the ability to assume the essential duties of Marriage License Authorizes Solemnizing Officer Except in cases
marriage and its concomitant responsibilities; It was not sufficiently provided by law, it is the marriage license that gives the solemnizing
proved that private respondent was really incapable of fulfilling his duties officer the authority to solemnize a marriage. Respondent judge did not
due to some incapacity of a psychological nature and not merely possess such authority when he solemnized the marriage of the
physical. petitioner. Subsequent issuance of such license cannot render valid or
even add an iota of validity to the marriage.
The respondent’s alleged habitual alcoholism, sexual infidelity or
perversion, and abandonment do not by themselves constitute grounds Withdrawal of Complaint Does Not Necessarily Exonerate
for finding that he is suffering from a psychological incapacity within the Disciplinary Actions – The Affidavit of Desistance is not enough,
contemplation of the Family Code. because the prompt and fair administration of the law, as well as the
Expert testimony should have been presented to establish the precise discipline of personnel of justice will be undermined.
cause of the private respondent’s psychological incapacity, if any, in
order to show that it existed at the inception of the marriage. DECISION: His act of solemnizing the marriage of the petitioner and
Orobia is contrary to law. WHEREFORE, respondent Judge Salvador M.
5. Arañez vs Occiano Occiano, Presiding Judge of MTC Balatan, Camarines Sur, is fined is
P5,000 with a STERN WARNING that a repetition of the same or similar the petition, the court granted the same. The Republic, herein petitioner,
offense in the future will be death with more severely. SO ORDERED through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), sought reconsideration
but it was denied. Orbecido filed a petition for review of certiorari on the
6. Morigo vs People Decision of the RTC.
FACTS: Lucio Morigo and Lucia Barrete were boardmates in Bohol for
four years. The lost contacts when the school year ended. When Lucio ISSUE: Whether or not respondent Orbecido can remarry under Article
received a card from Lucia Barrete from Singapore, constant 26 of the Family Code?
communication took place between them. They later became HELD: No. The records are bereft of competent evidence duly submitted
sweethearts. In 1986, Lucia returned to the Philippines but left again for by respondent concerning the divorce decree and the naturalization of
Canada to work there. While in Canada, they maintained constant respondents wife. It is settled rule that one who alleges a fact has the
communication. In 1990, Lucia came back to the Philippines and burden of proving it and mere allegation is not evidence. Accordingly, for
proposed to petition appellant to join her in Canada. Both agreed to get his plea to prosper, respondent herein must prove his allegation that his
married, thus they were married on August 30, 1990 in Bohol. Lucia wife was naturalized as an American citizen. Likewise, before a foreign
reported back to her work in Canada leaving appellant Lucio behind. On divorce decree can be recognized by our own courts, the party pleading it
August 19, 1991, Lucia filed with the Ontario Court a petition for divorce must prove the divorce as a fact and demonstrate its conformity to the
against appellant which was granted on January 17, 1992 and to take foreign law allowing it. Such foreign law must also be proved as our
effect on February 17, 1992. On October 4, 1992, appellant Lucio Morigo courts cannot take judicial notice of foreign laws. Like any other fact,
married Maria Jececha Lumbago in Bohol. On September 21, 1993, such laws must be alleged and proved. Furthermore, respondent must
accused filed a complaint for judicial declaration of nullity of the first also show that the divorce decree allows his former wife to remarry as
marriage on the ground that no marriage ceremony actually took place. specifically required in Article 26. Otherwise, there would be no evidence
sufficient to declare that he is capacitated to enter into another marriage.
ISSUE: Whether Morigo must have filed declaration for the nullity of his
marriage with Barrete before his second marriage in order to be free from
the bigamy case? HELD: Morigo’s marriage with Barrete is void ab initio
considering that there was no actual marriage ceremony performed
between them by a solemnizing officer instead they just merely signed a
marriage contract. The petitioner does not need to file declaration of the Marriages Exempt from the License Requirement
nullity of his marriage when he contracted his second marriage with 1.Marriage in Articulo Mortis (Art. 27)
Lumbago. Hence, he did not commit bigamy and is acquitted in the case 2. Marriage in a remote place (Art. 28) :
filed. f the residence of either party is so located that there is no means of
transportation to enable such party to appear personally before the local
7. Republic vs Orbecido civil registrar, the marriage may be solemnized without the necessity of a
marriage license.
FACTS: Cipriano Orbecido III married Lady Myros M. Villanueva at the
United Church of Christ in the Philippines in Lam-an, Ozamis City, on 3.Marriage among Muslims and among members of the ethnic and
May 24, 1981. Related imageThey were blessed with a with a son and a cultural communtiies, provided that they are solemnized in accordance
daughter, Kristoffer Simbortriz V. Orbecido and Lady Kimberly V. with their customs, rites and practices. (Article 33)
Orbecido. Lady Myros left for the United States bringing along their son
Kristoffer in 1986. After few years, Cipriano discovered that his wife had 4.Ratification of marital cohabitation (Article 34) : No license shall be
been naturalized as an American citizen. Cipriano learned from his son necessary for the marriage of a man and a woman who lived together as
that his wife had obtained a divorce decree sometime in 2000 and then husband and wife for at least five years and without any legal impediment
married a certain Innocent Stanley and lived in California. He then filed to marry each other. The contracting parties shall state the foregoing
with the trial court a petition for authority to remarry invoking Paragraph 2 facts in an affidavit before any person authorized by law to administer
of Article 26 of the Family Code. No opposition was filed. Finding merit in oaths. The solemnizing officer shall also state under oath that he
ascertained the qualifications of the contracting parties and found no among the persons who could file an action for "annulment of marriage"
legal impediment to marriage. under Article 47 of the Family Code.

Legal Ratification of Marital Cohabitation ISSUE: W/N the marriage was valid
(a) The parties must have lives as husband and wife for at least five
years; HELD: The 5-year common law cohabitation period, which is counted
(b) There is no legal impediment to marry each other during this period; back from the date of celebration of marriage should be a period of legal
(c) An affidavit be executed by the parties stating the foregoing facts union. Pepito and Teodulfa’s marriage was still subsisting 5 years prior to
(d) The solemnizing officer shall also state under oath that he ascertained Pepito and Norma’s marriage. 2nd marriage is void ab initio. Note:
the qualifications of the parties and found no legal impediment to However, other than for purposes of remarriage, no judicial action is
marriage. necessary to declare a marriage an absolute nullity. For other purposes,
such as but not limited to determination of heirship, legitimacy or
5. In case either or both of the contracting parties are the point of death, illegitimacy of a child, settlement of estate, dissolution of property regime,
marriage may be solemnized without the necessity of a marriage license or a criminal case for that matter, the court may pass upon the validity of
and shall remain valid even if the ailing party subsequently survives. marriage even in a suit not directly instituted to question the same so
long as it is essential to the determination of the case.
Marriage in Articulo Mortis
• Point of death but must be still conscious of what they are doing. Mere 9. Sy vs CA
sickness will not justify a marriage in point of death. There must be a FACTS: Filipina Sy and Fernando Sy were married on November 15,
dying party. 1973 that during their marriage Fernando left their conjugal dwelling.
• It remains valid even if the ailing or dying party survives or does not Filipina filed for a petition legal separation but later amended to filing of
die. dissolution of conjugal partnership on 1987. On 1988 she filed for a
• May be solemnized by a religious sect, a judge, or any persons cited in criminal case of attempted parricide after the incident in the dental clinic
Arts. 31 and 32. when Fernando punched Filipina, choked her and released her only
• At the point of death – when one is in a situation of life and death and when he though she was dead. On 1991, a decree of legal separation
already dying, it is different from ‘danger of death’ refers to a situation was granted to her. On 1992, she filed for a petition of declaration of
wherein one is only in danger of dying but not at the point of dying. absolute nullity of marriage due to psychological incapacity citing habitual
alcoholism among others. RTC denied her petition due to lack of
quantum evidence and the CA affirmed decision. Appeal for petition thus
8. Niñal vs Bayadog the case at bar, for the first time on appeal she raised the issue on the
FACTS: Pepito Niñal was married to Teodulfa Bellones on September 26, lack of marriage license. Is the marriage void ab initio due to the absence
1974. Teodulfa was shot by Pepito resulting in her death on April 24, of marriage license at the of celebration? Is Fernando Sevilla
1985. One year and 8 months thereafter or on December 11, 1986, psychologically incapable to consummating the marital obligations?
Pepito and respondent Norma Badayog got married without any marriage
license. They executed an affidavit dated December 11, 1986 stating that New Issue Upon Appeal Not Allowed; Relaxed Rule Litigants could not
they had lived together as husband and wife for at least five years, thus, raise an issue for the first time on appeal as this would contravene the
they are exempted from securing a marriage license. On February 19, basic rules of fair play and justice, nut this observance of procedural rules
1997, Pepito died in a car accident. After their father’s death, petitioners, are relaxed when its enforcement defeats its very reason to exist. Thus,
children of Pepito in the first marriage, filed a petition for declaration of the issue at hand.
nullity of the marriage of Pepito to Norma alleging that the said marriage Incongruity of Dates on License and Celebration It was found out on
was void for lack of a marriage license. The case was filed under the the birth certificates of the children that they were married November 15,
assumption that the validity or invalidity of the second marriage would 1973. However, the marriage contract and license shows that it was
affect petitioner’s successional rights. Norma filed a motion to dismiss on issued on September 17, 1974 which was issued almost one year after
the ground that petitioners have no cause of action since they are not marriage celebration. DECISION: These documents (testimony of
admittance of 1973 marriage and birth certificates) are deemed sufficient Facts: The issue for resolution in the case at bar hinges on the validity of
proof of that the marriage was celebrated without a valid marriage the two marriages contracted by the deceasedSPO4 Santiago S. Cariño,
license. MARRIAGE STATUS: VOID AB INITIO due to the absence of whose “death benefits” is now the subject of the controversy between the
marriage license at the time of celebration. two Susans whom he married. His first marriage was with Susan Nicdao
Carino with whom he had two offspring’s (Sahlee and Sandee) and the
10. Republic vs CA and Castro second marriage was with Susan Yee Carino with whom he had no
children in their almost ten year cohabitation. In 1988, SPO4 Santiago S.
FACTS: Angelina M. Castro and Edwin F. Cardenas were married on Cariño became ill and bedridden due to diabetes complicated by
June 24, 1970 without the knowledge of their parents. They cohabitated pulmonary tuberculosis. He passed away on November 23, 1992, under
for only four months and had a baby. Angelina M. Castro wants to leave the care of Susan Yee, who spent for his medical and burial expenses.
Philippines with a desire to go to United States, and she wants to settle Both petitioner and respondent filed claims for monetary benefits and
her issues on their marriage. Upon the work of her lawyer, it was financial assistance pertaining to the deceased from various government
discovered that there was no marriage license at the time of the marriage agencies. Nicdao was able to collect a total of P146,000.00 and Yee
celebration. DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE: Civil Registrar issued a received a total of P21,000.00. Yee filed an action for collection of sums
Certificate stating that “said license cannot does not appear from our of money against Nicdao, contending that the marriage of the latter with
records” Santiago is void ab initio because their marriage was solemnized without
the required marriage license. The trial court ruled in favor of Yee,
TESTIMONIAL EVIDENCE: Castro did not go to the Civil Registrar in ordering Nicdao to pay Yee half of acquired death benefits. The Court of
Pasig to apply for a marriage license. RTC denied her petition because Appeals affirmed the decision of the trial court.
there was no sufficient evidence. CA reversed this ruling. Petitioner
Republic of the Philippines raised the issue of the disregard of the legal Issue
presumption of marriage. Are the evidences sufficient to establish the 1.Whether or not the marriage of Santiago Carino and Susan Nicdao is
absence of marriage license between Castro and Cardenas? Rules of void for lack of marriage license.
Court, Rule 132, Section 28 Proof of lack of record. – A written statement
signed by an officer having custody of an official record or by his deputy, Ruling: NO. Under the Civil Code, which was the law in force when the
that after diligent search, no record or entry of specified tenor is found to marriage of Nicdao and Carino was solemnized in1969, a valid marriage
exist in the records of his office, accompanied by a certificate as above license is a requisite of marriage and the absence thereof, subject to
provided, is admissible as evidence that the records of his office contain certain exceptions, renders the marriage void ab initio. In the case at bar,
no such record or entry. the marriage does not fall within any of those exceptions and a marriage
license therefore was indispensable to the validity of it. This fact is
Certification of Due Search and Inability to Find Having done diligent certified by the Local Civil Registrar of San Juan, Metro Manila. Such
search, the certificate issued by the Civil Registrar enjoys probative value being the case, the presumed validity of the marriage of Nicdao and
which sufficiently proves that there was no issuance of the marriage Carino has been sufficiently overcome and cannot stand. The marriage of
license being questioned. Secret Marriage A legally non-existent phrase Yee and Carino is void ab initio as well for lack of judicial decree of nullity
but ordinarily used to refer to a civil marriage without the knowledge of of marriage of Carino and Nicdao at the time it was contracted. The
the relatives of the contracting parties. marriages are bigamous; under Article 148 of the Family Code,
properties acquired by the parties through their actual joint contribution
DECISION: Under the circumstances of the case, the documentary and shall belong to the co-ownership. The decision of the trial court and Court
testimonial evidence presented by the private respondent Castro of Appeals is affirmed
sufficiently established the absence of the subject marriage license.
Psychological Incapacity
MARRIAGE STATUS: VOID AB INITIO due to the absence of marriage A marriage contracted by any party, who at the time of the celebration,
license at the time of celebration. was psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential martial
11. Cariño vs Cariño
obligations of marriage, shall likewise be void even if such incapacity was established that: 1) marriage was valid 2) child exists and is in
become manifest only after its solemnization (as amended by EO 227). custody of the wife 3) couple separated for almost 3 years 4) no support
and no damages are sought. Wifey entered into evidence testimony of
friends, a social worker and a psychiatrist. (RTC declares marriage void,
CA affirm in toto)
Characteristics of Psychological Incapacity
1. Gravity Grave or serious enough such that the party cannot carry out ISSUE: W/N CA erred in its interpretation of psych incapacitated The
the ordinary duties required in the marriage life. OSG assails that this will have been the most liberal divorce procedure in
2. Juridical Antecedence It must be rooted in the past history of the party the world, if such cases are allowed. So the court needs to lay down a
antedating the marriage. Although the overt manifestations may emerge guideline on what is applicable under Art. 36. Argument of the wife is that
only after the marriage. this is a case of “opposing and conflicting personalities” - OSG says that
3. Incurability It must be incurable and it is beyond the means of the party is not equivalent to psych incapacitated, that is only neglect of duty, not
involved Applicable to sadists, unbearable jealousies, paranoids, anti-sex defect in psych nature which would render one incapable of performing
and homosexuality. marital responsibility.

12. Santos vs CA HELD: Petition granted, CA decision set aside, marriage still valid This is
FACTS: Leouel Santos invokes Art. 36 in attempt for declaration of nullity now the controlling doctrine for application of Art. 36.
of marriage to Julia Rosario Bedia-Santos. Leouel is 1st Lieutenant of
Army. He and Julia met in 1986 and married in July 1987. After marriage
they lived with Julia’s parents but were having marital issue. Julia then
leaves for the US to work as a nurse, promising to return when her Molina Doctrine
contract was done but never did. He tried looking for her when he was 1.The burden of proof to show the nullity of the marriage belongs to the
assigned in the US but to no avail.Leouel argues that failure to establish plaintiff.
contact for 5 years is indicative of psychological incapacity to marry. 2.The root cause of the psychological incapacity must be: a) medically or
clinically identified, b)alleged in the complaint, c) sufficiently proven by
ISSUE: W/N Julia was psychologically incapacitated experts and d) clearly explained in the decision
3.The incapacity must be proven to be existing at "the time of the
HELD: Contention has no merit, petition denied. Unable to qualify for the celebration" of the marriage.
three characteristics of Psych Incap: 1) gravity 2) juridical antecedent 3) 4.Such incapacity must also be shown to be medically or clinically
incurability Under Art 68 of FC obligations of marriage: 1) mutual permanent or incurable.
obligation to live together; 2) observe love, respect and fidelity; 3) render 5.Such illness must be grave enough to bring about the disability of the
help and support. Constitution Section 1 & 2 Art. 15 protects sanctity of party to assume the essential obligations of marriage.
marriage - marriage is foundation of family and an inviolable social 6.The essential marital obligations must be those embraced by Articles
institution. 68 up to 71 (68 live together, love & fidelity, mutual support; 69 fixed
13. Republic vs CA and Molina domicile; 70 joint responsibility of support to family; 71 management of
FACTS: The couple, Roridel Molina and Reynaldo Molina got married in household is duty of both) of the Family Code as regards the husband
1985. A year later, they had a son but the wife, Roridel asserts that and wife as well as Articles 220 (in:re duties of parents to unemancipated
Reynaldo showed “immaturity and irresponsibility” b/c he would squander child), 221 (civil liability for acts injurious to unemancipated) and 225
their money, spend more time with his friends, depend on his parents for (joint legal guardianship of unemancipated child’s property) of the same
financial support, etc. In 1996, Reynaldo was jobless and Roridel became Code in regard to parents and their children.
sole breadwinner. The couple was already estranged by this time, further 7.Interpretations given by the National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal of
in 1997, wife resigns from job and lives with parents and husband the Catholic Church in the Philippines, while not controlling or decisive,
abandons wife and child. So, in 1990 the wife petitions for declaration of should be given great respect by our courts. (in this case 2 justices from
nullity of marriage to Reynaldo on the grounds of Art. 36. During trial, it the tribunal became amicus curiae)
8) Trial court must order the prosecuting attorney and the Solicitor 4) claimed to be a recording artist, that there was a show in her honour,
General to appear as counsel for the state. No decision shall be handed 5) She invented friends and sent petitioner letters through them saying
down unless the SolGen issues a certification (15 days from date case is that she was #1 money maker of her record label - she’s like P2 Million
deedmed submitted for resolution of the court). worth;
6) she represented herself to be earning a higher income than what she
14. Republic vs Quintero-Hamano actually earns, spends lavishly and borrowing money on false pretexts;
FACTS: On January 14, 1988 Loila Quintero-Hamano and Toshio 7) she was extremely jealous of everyone and would monitor his actions
Hamano was married and had a daughter. Unknown to Loila, Toshio was even in his work.
psychologically incapacitated to fulfill marital obligations. Respondent The psychiatrist and a clinical psychologist testifying on behalf of
alleged that Toshio had a commonlaw wife in Japan in 1986, who he had petitioner stated that the respondent exhibited signs of being a
brought to the Philippines as well in 1987. After they were married for 1 pathological liar. That this undermined the basic relationship which should
month, Toshio returned to Japan and promised to come back. The first 2 be based on mutual love, trust and respect. Hence this should be ground
months Loila received support for her and daughter but then later and no for psychological incapacity. Respondent denies this and gives reasons
contact. She learned later that in 1991 Toshio visited the Philippines but with regard to why she acted in the way that the petitioner described. She
never bothered to see her. So on June 17, 1996 she filed for declaration also presented a psychiatrist to refute the testimonies of the other two
of nullity of marriage on the ground of psychological incapacity, which the expert witnesses wherein he stated that respondent was subjected to the
RTC ruled in affirmative on August 28, 1997 marriage declared null & Comprehensive Psycho-Pathological Rating Scale which he himself
void. OSG questioned this in the CA but was denied. Rationale of CA is conducted. He postulated that respondent did not exhibit signs of
that the cases of Molina and Santos were marriages involving Filipino regressive behavior, gross neuroticism and psychotic tendencies, etc.
spouses. This was different because it is a mixed marriage. Before the RTC decision to annul, the Metropolitan Tribunal of the
Archdiocese of Manila annulled the Catholic marriage already. Then the
ISSUE: W/N the abandonment of Toshio and insensitivity to them, as well CA reversed the decision of the RTC later. Appellate court concluded on
as the existence of his common-law wife and the fact that this was a the basis that such evidence was not sufficient to prove psychological
mixed marriage be ground for declaring that he was psychologically incapacity.
incapacitated to contract marriage.
ISSUE: W/N the state of facts as presented by petitioner can be sufficient
HELD: Petition has merit, ergo reversed the decision of the RTC and the to meet the standards as laid down in the Molina case to rule the
CA marriage still valid. Molina and Santos cases apply - mixed marriage declaration of Nullity of marriage on the grounds of psychological
is an irrelevant fact, no distinction in nationality when proving incapacity.
psychological incapacity. The abandonment was not presented as a
showing of psychological disorder on the part of Toshio. There was no HELD: Petition granted, RTC decision reinstated, marriage null and void.
evidence submitted to show this either. This is only grounds for separatio 1.Petitioner had sufficiently overcome his burden of proving the psych
15. Antonio vs Reyes incapacitated 2) Root cause is indeed psych in capitated as evidenced by
the 2 expert witness
FACTS: Leonilo Antonio and Marie Ivonne Reyes got married on 6 Dec 3) Juridical antecedence - the letters sent by the fictitious friends was
1990. The union bore a child who sadly died at 5- months old. On 1993 from before the marriage
Leonilo (petitioner) filed for petition to have his marriage declared null 4) Gravity - intolerable behavior made petitioner leave his wife
and void alleging that Marie was psychologically incapacitated to comply 5) Inability to comply with essential marital obligations - live together,
with essential marital obligations. Manifestations of this include: mutual love, respect and fidelity not present
1) she concealed that she previously gave birth to an illegitimate son, 6) Catholic church annulled the marriage already On incurability - the
instead introduces him as the adopted son; Santos case did not clearly mandate that the incurability of the
2) she fabricated a rape story re her bro-in-law; psychological incapacity established in action for declaration of nullity. In
3) she misrepresented herself as a psychiatrist with a graduate degree in this case there was no testimony from expert witness if this condition was
psychology; curable or incurable because there was no legal necessity. From totality
of evidence the Court is convinced that psychological incapacity of the financial losses and the closure of Design and Construction Matrix. He
wife is established. would leave their house for several days without informing Rosanna of
16. Dedel vs CA his whereabouts. Once he returned home, he would refuse to go out and
would sleep for days. Mario was also "hyper-active" late at night.
FACTS: David Dedel and Sharon Corpuz-Dedel got married first civil in
1966 and church in 1967. Union had 4 children with the last kid born in Mario allegedly did not assist Rosanna when she gave birth to their child,
1976. Four children resulted from union. Wife had a lot of extramarital Ma. Samantha. He left her in the hospital, knowing that she could not
affairs - “irresponsible and immature wife.” She also had children outside move until the effects of the spinal anesthesia had worn off. He only
of the marriage. (Nymphomania for women or satyriasis for men). Wife returned to the hospital later that evening to sleep. When Rosanna and
received treatment from a clinical psychiatrist but wife still continued with Ma. Samantha were discharged from the hospital, Mario showed
her behavior. So on 1997, David sought declaration of nullity of marriage symptoms of paranoia. He thought everyone was out to attack him and,
on the ground of psych incap. Testimony for the petitioner asserted that at times, would hide Ma. Samantha from those he thought were out to
Sharon had AntiSocial Personality Disorder as she exhibited blatant hurt them. Further, during the times when Ma. Samantha was sick, Mario
display of infidelity. RTC declared marriage null. The Republic through would instead ignore the ill child.
the OSG appealed and stated RTC erred and that based on the Molina Rosanna petitioned the Regional Trial Court (“RTC”) to voluntarily commit
case there should have been a certification issued by the OSG. So CA Mario for drug rehabilitation at the National Bureau of Investigation
set aside the RTC decision Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, and, eventually, at the Seagulls
Flight Foundation. Mario remained confined there until 24 December
ISSUE: W/N the totality of evidence presented is sufficient to sustain 2000, when the rehabilitation center released Mario without completing
finding that respondent if psych incap. his rehabilitation program. Rosanna wrote the trial court as to Mario's
premature release from the rehabilitation center. Since Mario's release,
HELD: Petition denied. CA decision stands. Just like in the Marcos case, Rosanna and Mario had been separated and had not lived together.
the evidence presented is only grounds for legal separation. The wife’s Mario also failed to give support to Rosanna and Ma. Samantha.These
sexual infidelity does not constitute psychological incapacity. events, according to Rosanna, showed Mario's psychological incapacity
to comply with his essential marital obligations to her. Rosanna
17. Tan-Andal v. Andal contended that Mario's drug use was the manifestation of a grave
Mario Andal and Rosanna Tan-Andal were childhood friends. They lost personality disorder "deeply rooted within Mario's adaptive system." She
contact with each other for 17 years. Mario had worked in Switzerland, prayed that the trial court nullify their marriage and that she be declared
Germany, and Italy before returning to the Philippines in April 1995. The the sole and absolute owner of the parcel of land donated to her by her
parties reconnected and eventually became a couple. Mario left for Italy aunt as well as the duplex built on it.
in July 1995. Barely two (2) months after he had left, he had quit his job
and stayed in the country. To prove Mario's psychological incapacity, Rosanna presented Dr.
Mario and Rosanna married on 16 December 1995 at the Saints Peter Garcia, a physician-psychiatrist, as expert witness. Dr. Garcia found
and Paul Parish in Poblacion, Makati City. On 27 July 1996, Rosanna Rosanna "psychologically capacitated to comply with her essential
gave birth to Ma. Samantha, the only child of the parties. The family lived marital obligations." As for Mario, Dr. Garcia diagnosed him with
in a duplex in Parañaque City, with Rosanna's parents living in the other narcissistic antisocial personality disorder and substance abuse disorder
half of the duplex. with psychotic features. Mario's narcissistic antisocial personality
According to Rosanna, Mario exhibited odd behaviors prior their wedding disorder, which Dr. Garcia found to be grave, with juridical antecedence,
and during their marriage. Mario had difficulty in managing his finances. and incurable, allegedly rendered Mario psychologically incapacitated to
Rosanna taught him to run Design and Construction Matrix, the comply with his essential marital obligations to Rosanna. Dr. Garcia
construction firm she had set up before she married. However, Mario testified that Mario's personality disorder was grave and "deeply rooted"
continued with his "emotional immaturity, irresponsibility, irritability, and in his character. Dr. Garcia added that persons suffering from personality
psychological imbalance." He made numerous cash advances and disorders are "impermeable to any form of psychiatric therapeutic
purchases using supplementary credit card, which resulted to the family’s
modality" because of "the presence of denial and cognizance on the psychological incapacity as a mental (not physical) incapacity to comply
basic pathology of the person suffering from the disorder." with the essential marital obligations. It involves the most serious cases
Mario contended that it was Rosanna who was psychologically of personality disorders clearly demonstrative of an utter insensitivity or
incapacitated to comply with her essential marital obligations. He prayed inability to give meaning and significance to the marriage. In the past,
that the trial court nullify his marriage to Rosanna due to her however, the Court has been inconsistent in requiring expert evidence in
psychological incapacity, and that the properties they had acquired psychological incapacity cases. In light of said inconsistencies, the Court
during their cohabitation be divided equally between them. He also now categorically abandons the second Molina guideline. Now,
prayed that the custody of Ma. Samantha be awarded to him. psychological incapacity is neither a mental incapacity nor a personality
The RTC nullified the parties’ marriage on the ground of Mario's disorder that must be proven through expert opinion. There must,
psychological incapacity. It awarded the custody of Ma. Samantha to however, be proof of the durable or enduring aspects of a person’s
Rosanna, with Mario having visitation rights. As to the Parañaque duplex, personality which manifests itself through clear acts of dysfunctionality
the trial court declared Rosanna as its sole and absolute owner, including that undermines the family. Such personality structure must make it
the parcel of land on which it was built. impossible for him or her to understand and comply with their marital
The Court of Appeals (“CA”) reversed the ruling of the lower court and obligations. The proof required for this need not be given by an expert.
declared the parties’ marriage to be valid and subsisting. It found Dr. Ordinary witnesses who have been present in the life of the spouses
Garcia's psychiatric evaluation of Mario to be "unscientific and unreliable" before the latter contracted marriage may testify on behaviors that they
since she diagnosed Mario without interviewing him. It ruled that Dr. have consistently observed from the incapacitated spouse.
Garcia "was working on pure suppositions and second-hand information With regard to the juridical antecedence requirement of the psychological
fed to her by one side." incapacity under Article 36 of the Family Code, the incapacity must be
Before the Supreme Court, Rosanna argued that psychological characterised as incurable. However, the Court acknowledges that
incapacity need not be grounded on psychological illness, as this is psychological incapacity, not being an illness in a medical sense, is not
allegedly more consistent with psychological incapacity being a “liberal something to be cured. As such, the third Molina guideline is amended to
ground” for nullifying marriages. She cited cases where the Supreme mean incurability in a legal sense, not a medical sense, Particularly, this
Court held that competent evidence, not necessarily expert opinion, may means that the incapacity is so enduring and persistent with respect to a
establish psychological incapacity, and that what matters is the totality of specific partner, and contemplates a situation where the couple’s
the evidence presented. Rosanna added that psychological incapacity is respective personality structures are so incompatible and antagonistic
incurable, but not necessarily in a medical or clinical sense. For her, that the only result of the union would be the inevitable and irreparable
incurability is manifested by ingrained behavior manifested during the breakdown of the marriage.
marriage by the psychologically incapacitated spouse. Considering the foregoing, the Court found Mario psychologically
ISSUE: incapacitated to comply with his essential marital obligations. Rosanna
Does psychological incapacity need to be medically or clinically was able to discharge the burden of proof required to nullify her marriage
identified? to Mario. Clear and convincing evidence of his incapacity was shown
RULING: through testimonies on Mario’s personality and how it formed primarily
NO. The Supreme Court ruled that psychological incapacity need not be through his childhood and adult experiences well before he married
medically or clinically proven. In effect, the Court modified the doctrine Rosanna. Dr. Garcia was also able to recount how Mario developed traits
enunciated in Republic vs. Court of Appeals and Molina (“Molina”). exhibiting chronic irresponsibility, impulsiveness, lack of remorse, lack of
Considering the inconsistencies with which the doctrine laid down in empath, and a sense of entitlement, behaviours which manifest his
Molina has been applied, the Court took a more comprehensive but inherent psychological incapacity to comply with his essential marital
nuanced approach regarding the proper interpretation and application of obligations.
said doctrine. While drug addiction is a ground for legal separation, it will not prevent
Under the second guideline in Molina, the root cause of psychological the court from voiding a marriage so long as it can be proven that the
incapacity must be a) medically or clinically identified, b) alleged in the drug abuse is a manifestation of psychological incapacity existing at the
complaint, c) sufficiently proven by experts, and d) clearly explained in time of marriage. Here, the totality of evidence presented by Rosanna
the decision. In Santos vs. Court of Appeals (“Santos”), the Court defined clearly and convincingly proved that Mario’s drug abuse was of sufficient
durability that antedates the marriage. His persistent failure to
rehabilitate, even bringing his child into a room where he did drugs,
The court emphasized that the burden of proof to show the nullity of the
indicates a level of dysfunctionality that shows utter disregard of his
marriage belongs to the petitioner, and any doubt should be resolved in
obligations not only to his wife, but also to his child.
His failure to render mutual help and support was also clearly proven by favor of the existence and continuation of the marriage. The court also
his consistent failure to find gainful employment and even driving to clarified that psychological incapacity is not limited to personality
bankruptcy the construction firm founded by Rosanna by siphoning its disorders and can be proven through the totality of evidence, including
funds for his drug abuse. the testimony of ordinary witnesses who have observed the behavior of
the allegedly incapacitated spouse.
18. Datu vs Datu
This case involves a petition for review on certiorari filed by Irene
Constantino Datu against Alfredo Fabian Datu. The case revolves
around the issue of whether Alfredo's psychological incapacity is
20. Pugoy-Solidum vs Republic
sufficient grounds to void their marriage under Article 36 of the Family
Facts: This case involves a petition for nullity of marriage filed by
Code. The trial court ruled in favor of Alfredo, finding that his
Hannamer C. Pugoy-Solidum against her husband, Grant C. Solidum.
schizophrenia rendered him psychologically incapacitated to fulfill his
Hannamer alleged that Grant was psychologically incapacitated to fulfill
essential marital obligations. The Court of Appeals affirmed the trial
his essential marital obligations. The Regional Trial Court (RTC) granted
court's decision. Irene argues that Alfredo's schizophrenia does not
the petition, but the Court of Appeals (CA) reversed the decision and
automatically make him psychologically incapacitated and questions the
declared the marriage valid. Hannamer filed a petition for review on
authenticity and admissibility of the evidence presented. The Supreme
certiorari before the Supreme Court.
Court denied Irene's petition, upholding the lower courts' findings and
ruling that Alfredo's psychological incapacity was proven.
To declare a marriage void ab initio under Article 36 of the Family Code,
Doctrine: psychological incapacity must be characterized by gravity, juridical
Psychological incapacity, as a ground to void a marriage under Article
antecedence, and incurability. Expert testimony is important, but a
36 of the Family Code, is a legal concept and not a medical one. It is
personal examination of the alleged incapacitated spouse is not always
enough for the parties to prove that an enduring part of their personality
mandatory. The petitioner bears the burden of proving the gravity,
renders them incapable of performing their essential marital obligations.
juridical antecedence, and incurability of the psychological incapacity.
The requirement that the psychological incapacity be rooted in a
particular psychological illness is no longer necessary.

21. Chi Ming Tsoi vs CA

19. De Silva v. De Silva: This case involves a petition for the One of the essential marital obligations under the Family Code is "To
declaration of nullity of marriage under Article 36 of the Family Code procreate children based on the universal principle that procreation of
due to psychological incapacity. The petitioner, Raphy Valdez de Silva, children through sexual cooperation is the basic end of marriage."
alleged that her husband, Donald de Silva, was psychologically Constant non-fulfillment of this obligation will finally destroy the integrity
incapacitated to fulfill the essential obligations of marriage. The or wholeness of the marriage. In the case at bar, the senseless and
Regional Trial Court (RTC) declared the marriage void ab initio, but the protracted refusal of one of the parties to fulfill the above marital
Court of Appeals (CA) reversed the decision. The petitioner filed a obligation is equivalent to psychological incapacity.
petition for review on certiorari before the Supreme Court.
FACTS: Chi Ming Tsoi and Gina Lao-Tsoi were married on 22 May 1988.
On the night of their wedding day, they slept together on the same bed in
the same room. According to Gina, they were supposed to have sexual force her to have sex with him despite her weariness. He would also
intercourse, but Chi Ming Tsoi turned his back on her and went to sleep. It inflict physical harm on their children for a slight mistake and was so
continually happened on the second, third and fourth nights. When they severe in the way he chastised them. Brenda also submitted herself to a
had their honeymoon in Baguio City for four days, Chi Ming Tsoi psychologist for psychological evaluation while the appellant on the other
distanced himself and there was still no attempt of sexual intercourse hand did not. The RTC found the Wilson to be psychologically
between them. Because of this, they both submitted themselves for incapacitated to perform his marital obligations mainly because of his
medical examinations. The result of Gina’s physical examination was she failure to find work to support his family and his violent attitude towards
was healthy, normal, and still a virgin. As for Chi Ming Tsoi, his penis was Brenda and their children. Reversing the RTC, the CA held that
examined for the purpose of finding out whether he was impotent. The psychological incapacity had not been established by the totality of the
result showed that there was no evidence of impotency and he was evidence presented. It ruled that it is essential in a petition for annulment
capable of erection and of having sexual intercourse with a woman is the allegation of the root cause of the spouse’s psychological
ISSUE: Whether or not the alleged refusal to have sexual intercourse incapacity which should also be medically or clinically identified,
constitutes psychological incapacity. sufficiently proven by experts and clearly explained in the decision.
Wilson was not subjected to any psychological or psychiatric evaluation.
(YES) RULING: Chi Ming Tso also claims that he wanted to have sex with The psychological findings about Wilson by the psychiatrist were based
Gina; that the reason for Gina's refusal may not be psychological but only on the interviews conducted with Brenda.
physical disorder as stated above. Assuming it to be so, he would have
discussed with Gina or asked her what is ailing her, and why she balks ISSUE: Whether or not CA could set aside the findings by the RTC of
and avoids him every time he wanted to have sexual intercourse with her. psychological incapacity of a respondent in a Petition for declaration of
He never did. At least, there is nothing in the record to show that he had nullity of marriage simply because the respondent did not subject himself
tried to find out or discover what the problem with his wife could be. One to psychological evaluation.
of the essential marital obligations under the Family Code is "To
procreate children based on the universal principle that procreation of (NO) RULING: The guidelines set in Santos vs. CA do not require that a
children through sexual cooperation is the basic end of marriage." physician examine the person to be declared psychologically
Constant non-fulfillment of this obligation will finally destroy the integrity incapacitated. In fact, the root cause may be "medically or clinically
or wholeness of the marriage. In the case at bar, the senseless and identified." What is important is the presence of evidence that can
protracted refusal of one of the parties to fulfill the above marital adequately establish the party's psychological condition. For indeed, if
obligation is equivalent to psychological incapacity. the totality of evidence presented is enough to sustain a finding of
psychological incapacity, then actual medical examination of the person
22. Marcos vs Marcos concerned need not be resorted to.

The guidelines set in Santos vs. CA do not require that a physician 23. Buenaventura vs CA
examine the person to be declared psychologically incapacitated. In fact,
the root cause may be "medically or clinically identified." What is Marriages void under Article 36; no moral damages, Article 147 FACTS:
important is the presence of evidence that can adequately establish the This was petition for the declaration of nullity of marriage on the ground
party's psychological condition. For indeed, if the totality of evidence of psychological incapacity between both Noel Buenaventura and Isabel.
presented is enough to sustain a finding of psychological incapacity, then
actual medical examination of the person concerned need not be FACTS: This case was instituted by Petitioner Noel Buenaventura where
resorted to. he stated that he and his wife, Isabel Lucia Singh Buenaventura,
were both psychologically incapacitated to comply with the
FACTS: Brenda filed before the RTC a complaint for Declaration of essential obligations of marriage. The lower court found that petitioner
Nullity of Marriage under Art. 36 of the Family Code. She alleged that due was merely under heavy parental pressure to marry, and deceived
to Wilson’s failure to engage in any gainful employment, they would often Private Respondent Isabel Singh to marry. Buenaventura was unable to
quarrel and as a consequence, he would hit and beat her. He would even
relate tohis wife, as a husband, and their son, Javy, as a father. Moreso,
he had no inclination to make the marriage work such that in times of
trouble, he’d rather choose to leave his family than reconcile with his

ISSUE/S:1. Whether or not, based on the findings of the lower court, the
marriage between Buenaventura and Singh may be declared null and
void under Article 36 of the Family Code, due to the psychological
incapacity of the petitioner.

2. Whether or not the award of moral damages to the aggrieved spouse

is proper in such cases.

RULING:1. Yes. The Court of Appeals and the trial court considered the
acts of the petitioner after the marriage as proof of his psychological
incapacity, and therefore a product of his incapacity or inability to comply
with the essential obligations of marriage. Psychological incapacity has
been defined, as no less than a mental (not physical) incapacity
that causes a party to be truly in cognitive of the basic marital
covenants that concomitantly must be assumed and discharged by the
parties to the marriage which, as so expressed by Article 68 of the Family
Code, include their mutual obligations to live together, observe love,
respect and fidelity and render help and support. There is hardly any
doubt that the intendment of the law has been to confine the meaning of
"psychological incapacity" to the most serious cases of personality
disorders clearly demonstrative of an utter insensitivity or inability
to give meaning and significance to the marriage

2. Based on the above definition of psychological incapacity, by

declaring the petitioner as psychologically incapacitated, the
possibility of awarding moral damages on the same set of facts was
negated. The award of moral damages should be predicated,
not on the mere act of entering into the marriage, but on specific
evidence that it was done deliberately and with malice by a party who
had knowledge of his or her disability and yet willfully concealed the

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