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Odo, Giovanni Koji U.


Performance task 1

Performance Task 1. Short response/essay writing.

1. What is it about mathematics did you learn?

Mathematics taught us to count, add, subtract, multiply, divide and so

much more that could help us in our daily lives. On the other hand, Mathematics
is more than just numbers; it is also about functions, figures, and other concepts.
Mathematics taught me how to visualize relative position and relationship
between objects and concepts.

2. What is it about mathematics that might have changed your thoughts about it?

Mathematics in my perspective is about solving problems. We study it to

have a better understanding of the universe but I have realized that mathematics
is not only just solving problems and understanding things around us. But
Mathematics is also an art and it could be fun and beautiful to study. It is
mesmerizing that nature loves mathematics because of its patterns and

3. What is most useful about mathematics for humankind?

Mathematics was a key factor in the rise of human civilization. Without it,
the world we know today will be far different almost everything in our modern
lives requires mathematics. The construction of buildings, our phones, our cars,
and even the rockets that have sent humanity into space all owe their success to
the precise calculations that won’t be possible without Mathematics.

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