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Hi friends my name is Daylen Reyes

In this text, I have to talk you about my
I was born in 1988
I like to read mystery books I have been
reading a lot .
I waste a lot of time on line watching
cute puppy videos
When I have free time I watch TV, and
I really like the marvel´s movies, iron man,
hulk, and the avengers
Sometimes I am going to the gym whit my
sister, we go together
I enjoy the time this way.
I don't like whas the dishes
Always I go to the restaurant, I eat
crabs, fish, sea food I love it
I don't like onion
I have two children’s usually work late
but I always arrive home in time to put
my kids to bed
i am bartender , my first job after
university was in Bogota Colombia.
it really hard for me in the beginning, but
after i made a few friends and got used to
my new routine .
i really started to love that city .

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