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I dedicate this work to my parents and my entire family for their constant support in this
long journey of life.

1) INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH: The work, loreto is undoubtedly one of the
most important in the Peruvian reality, the work tells a sweet love story that
emerged in the midst of the big gangs, and, tells us the coldness of criminal youth
life in the country thanks ala detailed research of the author, we can realize that the
field in which the work takes place is very real, even in many of the cases that are
related, in which we almost feel identified. As we can see there are so many
misdeeds that can occur in any given area if we do not take the necessary
precautions; this work makes us collide with the reality that is almost not very far
away and in a way to raise awareness that if we do not put a stop to what happens
around us, whether our street, block or alley can become a so-called loreto.

2) PARAGRAPH OF JUSTIFICATION: The present work is carried out with the

purpose of, in the first place, developing our analysis skills and social conscience,
since it is the delinquency that we will face day by day and this allows us to have
tools that reveal us from different perspectives to the criminal action of the country
since if we have this well clear it adds us as future non-commissioned officers of the
national police of Peru that we will be.


work is developed by VI chapters.

 CHAPTER I: This chapter narrates the beautiful love story that was born between
Silverio and Laurita, a love that arose in the midst of Silverio's growth and the gangs
that were emerging at that time.
 CHAPTER II: This chapter tells us about Silverio's development, where he
becomes a man of very tall stature and a strong character. Some time later, Silverio
returned to Loreto where he continued his life of crime.
 CHAPTER III: In this chapter we are told about the reunion of Silverio and
Laurita, Silverio realizes that Laurita was no longer alone, but even so, Silverio
realized that Laurita still liked him. Chito's band also attacked the Castilian band,
accompanied by Silverio.
 CHAPTER IV: Here he tells us about the attack that Chito made on the Castilian
band, and that it was there, where he realized that Silverio cared for him as family.
At that time Chito decides to give her sister Laurita, knowing that she was dating
 CHAPTER V: Chito continues to plan a new attack on the Castilian gang, but now
they are organizing themselves in a better way, where the attack is successful. They
said to each other, (I would never sell my Loreto, this is my street, this is my life.
 CHAPTER VI: In this he tells us about the ambush that Silverio and Laurita suffer
by the Castilian band, there Silverio dies, days later the streets and walls of Loreto
were filled with images of Silverio, who for them was like a legend.
to us, because it helps us a lot, and to have a better knowledge. For example, now
with this beautiful work that I have read, it has helped me a lot to have a more
precise knowledge about the criminal life and that alerts me as a future non-
commissioned officer to know how to act in a similar situation. The writing and
spelling course also helps me to know how to write a document in a proper way and
with a good, clear and legible writing.

Identify according to the location of the accent: 30 acute, 30 grave, 30 esdrújulos
and 10 sobreesdrújula, respectively.

 Acute Graves Oversdrújulas overdrújulas
 Belt 1. I had 1. Victim 1. Quickly
 I divided 2. There were. 2. Choleric 2. Suddenly
 He reported 3. He smiled 3. Explicit 3. Prodigiously
 It happened 4. It flowed 4. Domestic 4. Coldly
 You can visit 5. Days 5. Prójimo 5. Clearly.
 Girón 6. I could 6. Epoch 6. Lately
 Fritó 7. Heard at 7. Lightning 7.
 He noted 8. Lacked 8. Talking to him 8.
 Miró 9. He alluded 9. Looking at it 9.
 Crossed 10. Police 10. Snapshot 10.
 Won 11. It looked like 11. Angle
 He left 12. Watchdog 12. Musician
 Consoló 13. Character 13. Plastic
 Missing 14. Still 14. Gusts
 Region 15. Asshole 15. Republic
 Noted 16. Difficult 16. Choleric
 Enamored 17. Fall 17. Youth
 Mirón 18. Automobile 18. Quick
 19 shouted. They yielded 19. Kill him
 Arranged 20. They wanted 20. Uploading
 Fascinated 21. Fantasy 21. Feeling
 According to 22. Soccer 22. Giving them
 Precipitation 23. They knew 23. Let me go
 Converted 24. Watch 24. Frenzied
 Traction 25. Act 25. Gusts
 Concluded 26. Irony 26. Fanatic
 Turned 27. Allowed 27. Prójimo
 28 muttered. They looked like 28. Epoch
 Commented 29. I was leaving. 29. Number
 Observed 30. I was faking 30. Saturday
Identify 20 sentences containing monosyllables with diacritical tilde.

 Laurita, you remember Me.

 That's how He is, He looks hungry.
 Tell me what you know about Him.
 Laurita ! He insisted this time in a clear voice.
 I know that, you idiot _ she smiled as she watched the cars go by.
 I'm only six months younger than you. It's not much," he said.
 I cannot live without You.
 He didn't say He, I'm back in the neighborhood.
 Yes, the one who looked at the shadow.
 You are blind.
 He is loreto's link to legality.
 Yes, I give him a cold stare.
 One (L) He said, taking her hands.
 Yes? I don't think so.
 Of course I do, I murmur.
 I don't think so. I see rather coldness
 You think poorly of me
 So if there are people like you.
 In Siberia You saw that I pointed you at some point.
 Because you won't forget either.
 You want it," murmured Silverio.
 Identify 20 sentences where capitalization is used applying all the rules.

1) Because he did what he had to do! One comes to this life to live and to die.
2) Doña Rosa, El Tramboyo has died.
3) The Loreto neighborhood was back to its own.
4) I can't live without you, Laurita.
5) I am not a chibolo, Laurita, Silverio clarified.
6) A touch said Chito. I don't know if this little boy will be of any use to us.
7) Loreto won. A total of four of its tips died.
8) He is alive, Doña Rosa. But your son has to anchor.
9) Silverio had read this in the newspaper "La República".
10) In two weeks, maybe. It is necessary to wait for the occasion.
11) The only one looking at him was Klever.
12) That's right, kiddo. For you I am blind.
13) Look," said a Miki suddenly.
14) Shoot to kill. I don't want any injuries.
15) The noise is coming from inside," said Silverio.
16) I have proved it to you. I'll bet on it.
17) Neither He, nor the boys from Loreto missed El, chucha.
18) Of course not! And you will know that I am telling the truth.
19) That's right, Doña Sara; and they have turned out well.
20) There will be a costume party at Rogelio's house.

 Identify 30 diphthongs and 20 hiatuses.

1. Neighborhood. 1. They knew.
2. Agrietas. 2. There were.
3. Malodorous. 3. Had.
4. Darkness. 4. It flowed.
5. Goddess. 5. I was leaving.
6. Betrayal. 6. I got.
7. Reality. 7. I could.
8. Reojojo. 8. He insisted.
9. Idea. 9. Empty.
10. Silhouette. 10. I would see.
11. Laurita. 11. He pretended.
12. Sky. 12. Majority.
13. Curious. 13. Alluded to.
14. Owner. 14. It held.
15. They felt. 15. Photographs.
16. Business. 16. I would look at.
17. Egg. 17. I would say hello.
18. Shit. 18. They wrote.
19. Iron. 19. They demanded.
20. Volunteers. 20. Category,
21. It came up. 21. Watch.
22. He insisted. 22. They competed.
23. Good. 23. They came from.
24. Attire. 24. Belonged.
25. Parties. 25. Lucia.
26. Old. 26. Falling.
27. Faena. 27. They heard.
28. Clients. 28. They would bring.
29. To annoy him. 29. Take care.
30. Principle. 30. Police Station.

Write in a coherent manner and with properly cohesive ideas a critical analysis of
the play "Loreto".

Loreto is a novel of actions. Here there is street, violence, slang and sex, in it we
enter into more than one personal universe; this makes us imagine a gray and humid
novel, which puts on a platter a story marked by alienation, pride and ambition, which
we could represent in the protagonists Chito, Laurita and Silverio.
Chito is the Man of jiron loreto. He is respected by the neighbors, he is the walking
authority, everyone is afraid of him. In short, we are talking about an invulnerable guy,
but he also has a weak point, his sister Laura, a young woman with generous flesh and a
devilish gait that arouses more than one emotion in the young and not so young people
of the neighborhood. One of the main obsessed is precisely the teenager Silverio, who is
deeply in love with the beautiful Laurita and it is for her that he does a number of
actions in order to attract the attention of everyone. To prove his bravery, Silverio
participates in a neighborhood confrontation, including a shooting, from which he
comes out victorious. This triumph makes Silverio leave the neighborhood for a while,
to protect himself so that the others will forget about him. While he is away, Chito
continues with business, he is still the most fearsome of the barrio, but there are Manes
from other shreds, such as Catilla from where they threatened to take away his
hegemony (power). So Chito finds it necessary to summon new men and among them
he summons Silverio, who returns to the neighborhood turned into a cold-blooded
murderer, and, obviously, with an obsession for Laurita, who has become a woman, in
an affair with a corrupt businessman in collusion with the Regional Government of
Callao. Knowing this, Silverio has two objectives: to reinforce his legend as a street
hero and to win Laurita's heart. Silverio and Laurita desire each other and consummate
not their love, but rather their wild hormonal need that had been delayed for years. The
relationship is approved by Chito, who is no fool. What better way to keep your best
man performing with your sister's love.

Today we can see how crime and rivalry between certain criminal gangs still
prevail. This is what reigns most in our society, so after reading this book I realize that
humanity should take into account that crime does not lead us to anything good.
Rather, we must change and develop a good empathy, building good and great values,
since happiness does not lie in a world full of violence and accompanied by money and
power. But in the simple, how to live in a world full of love and peace.
Therefore, the characters in that novel should go back to their beginnings and dig into
their pasts and realize what they are today and imagine what they could become
tomorrow. Thus creating a new way of life, since it will have a different meaning. Only
in this way will their path be different, thus obtaining a more humanizing and non-
violent society in the future.

 Letting go of material things that only give us pleasure and momentary happiness.
 To become a society of the common good requires human beings who demonstrate
such acts, so we must be part of the change and not the resistance to change.
 Our pleasure and power cannot go beyond ourselves, the consequence we get are the
decisions taken, therefore, we must analyze thoroughly.
 Appearance is external, our real value and quality of personhood is manifested in
how we treat others. This gives us food for thought and makes us work for a
peaceful society.

The digital Loreto has been registered with ISBN 978-612-319-085-9 at the Peruvian
ISBN Agency. It was published by Planeta Perú in 2016 in the city of Lima, Peru.
Editorial: Planeta Peru.
Author: Fernando Ampuero Del Bosque.
Date of publication: 2016-05-02.
Language: Spanish.
Subject: Peruvian novelist.

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