Ethics Examination

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His siblings had a favorable situation, where he could participate in the interaction with new people

that could bring him happiness and new joys, such as his nephews and nieces. He began to relate
more with his family, he began to have a high participation in family events and also began to
consider each of the people who were in the social circle of their families. It was then when he met
Carlos Morales, this individual had a well structured organization of the alloy of materials for
marketing, such as gold and precious metals, for that reason Juan was integrated to participate in
a project that has implementation for a new social cause. Carlos Morales had a great economic
capacity to influence the society in which he lived. For this reason, Juan began...


- Question 1

• Question 1
1 of 1 points
What is a challenge from an organizational point of view?
An articulated proposal

An articulated proposal

Question 2
1 of 1 points
From the following examples of company slogans, select the one that matches a market and
competitive view:

Selected answer: Q

To be the leading
company in the industry

Correct answer: o

To be the leading
company in the industry

Question 3
1 of 1 points
What is the basis of a leader from the point of view of continuity with objectives?

Reply Q
selected: Confiden

Correct answer: o


• Question 4
0 of 1 points

This is an example of a measurable objective from a negotiation

point of view:

Reply o

Reply o

Question 5
Selected answer: o
From an organizational point of view, the cultural trait allows:
To have perspective

Correct answer:

To have perspective
1 of 1 points
For an organization to have clear objectives, what is the factor that makes those
objectives concrete?

• Question 6 Selected answer: 9


Correct answer:


1 of 1 points
Question 7
1 of 1 points
For a target to be fluid, what is required from an organizational point of view?

Continued d

Continued d

• Question 8
1 of 1 points
The articulation of a development plan for a company usually depends on each of the
stages in which objectives are defined. Which of the following statements is a specific

Selected answer: 9

Decrease production time by 50%.

Correct answer:

Decrease production time by 50%.

Question 9
1 of 1 points
Some negotiation processes may fail due to cultural differences. What is the reason for this?

Selected answer: Q

To the incompatibility of

Correct answer: o

To the incompatibility of
Question 10
What is the objective of a company in relation to its competitors?

1 of 1 points

Reply Q



Tuesday, August 13, 2019 09H08' CDT -

Question 1
1 of 1 point
It is one of the elements of power, as part of the defining characteristics of

Selected o

answer: •

Question 2
1 of points
For a target to be fluid, what is required from an organizational point of view?

Selected o

Question 3
1 of 1 point
It is an example of an articulated proposal, as part of a process to achieve established

Reply Q
Steps to be the best company in the industry

Correct answer:

Steps to be the best company in the industry

Question 4
1 of 1 points
What is a challenge from an organizational point of view?

Selected answer: o

An articulated proposal

Correct answer:

An articulated proposal

Question 5
1 of 1 points
One of the reasons why the implementation of leadership action plans fails is the lack of
reality in the objectives. What is the reason for this situation?

Selected answer: Q

Lack of quantification

Correct answer: o

Lack of

Question 6
1 of 1 points
Of the examples noted below, point out the one that coincides with articulated business

Selected answer: O

Achieving progress in 10 years

Reply e
correct: Achieving progress in 10 years

Question 7
1 of 1 points
From the following examples of company slogans, select the one that matches a market
and competitive view:

Selected answer: Q

To be the leading
company in the industry

Correct answer: o

To be the leading
company in the industry

Question 8
1 of 1 points
The articulation of a development plan for a company usually depends on each of the
stages in which objectives are defined. Which of the following statements is a specific

Selected answer: Q

Decrease production time by 50%.

Correct answer:

Decrease production time by 50%.

One of the constants in leadership is respect for the authority figure. How is the above

Selected 9
answer: 1 of 1 points

Ability to generate legitimacy

Correct answer: Q

Ability to generate
Question 10
1 of 1 points
Subordination within an organization is usually associated with the character of the leader.
How is this situation exemplified in an organizational entity?

Selected answer: Q

Respect for the


Correct answer: •

Respect for the

Tuesday, August 13, 2019 09H03' CDT

1 of 1 points

A good example of leadership focused on organizational objectives is:

Selected answer: O

To have the best product for the customer

Correct answer: ©

To have the best product for the customer

• Question 2

1 of 1 points

Imagine you are negotiating a contract with a company and you are about to sign it. What is the
most common mistake you could make?

Reply ®
Failure to read the contract properly, underestimating the
final wording of the contract

Correct answer: ©

Failure to read the contract properly, underestimating the

final wording of the contract

• Question 3

1 of 1 points

Considering that leadership can generate conflicts, for example, regarding navigation, what are the
two forms of negotiation?

Selected answer: C

Cooperative and competitive negotiation

Correct answer: C

Cooperative and competitive negotiation

• Question 4

1 of 1 points

One of the traits of values-based leadership is that it has its own ideals, for example:

Selected answer: Q

Passion for the respect of human rights

Correct answer: o

Passion for the respect of human rights

• Question 5

1 of 1 points

Within the leadership scheme, what are the obstructive tactics?

Reply ®
They intend to resist the arguments and pressures of the
other party.

Correct answer: ©

They intend to resist the arguments and pressures of the

other party.

• Question 6

1 of 1 points

What are the characteristics identified as key to success in the management function?

Reply Q
Leadership and analytical skills, and desire for

Correct answer: e
Leadership and analytical skills, and desire for

• Question 7

1 of 1 points

Considering an example of leadership applied in a specific context, what should the ideal leader in
male societies be like?

Reply Q
Assertive, decisive, aggressive and self-directed decision

Correct answer: ©

Assertive, decisive, aggressive and self-directed decision


• Question 8

1 of 1 points

This is one of the most frequent mistakes when negotiating:

Reply G
Underestimating the negotiating capacity and position of
the opposing party

Correct answer: ©

Underestimating the negotiating capacity and position of

the opposing party

• Question 9

1 of 1 points

One of the benefits of leadership negotiating skills is to be better prepared to find agreements.
Which of the following situations best exemplifies the above?

Reply Q
To know the counterpart extensively, in each aspect to be

Correct answer: e
To know the counterparty extensively, in every aspect to

• Question 10

1 of 1 points

Which of the following corresponds to a leadership trait?

Selected answer: ©


Correct answer: ©


• Question 1

1 of 1 points

A leader acts at different times within an organization. In what situations is it absolutely necessary?

Selected answer: C

When a crisis occurs

Correct answer: o

When a crisis occurs

• Question 2

1 of 1 points

A leader's capacity for innovation enables him/her to take action and make decisions in conflict
situations. Which of the following actions corresponds to this capability?

Selected answer: C

Implement alternative ways to produce

Correct answer: C

Implement alternative ways to produce

• Question 3

1 of 1 points

Given the attributes of a leader, what type of environment or organizational climate do they generate
in the company?

Selected answer: C

Confidence and stability

Correct answer: C

Confidence and stability

• Question 4

1 of 1 points
In addition to efficiency in the execution of objectives, another equally decisive factor is
effectiveness. Which phrase would best express this situation?

Selected answer: C

Perform activities well, the first time

Correct answer: C

Perform activities well, the first time

• Question 5

1 of 1 points

Imagine that you are about to deal with a case of workplace harassment. What would be your
position in relation to both personal and organizational values?

Selected answer: ©

Defending social principles and values

Correct answer: C

Defending social principles and values

• Question 6

1 of 1 points

Indicate which of the following values corresponds to a case of identity theft by one of the members
of the company where someone works:

Selected answer: C


Correct answer: Q

• Ask 7
1 of 1 points

How can tasks that are necessary in a company be prioritized?

Selected answer: C

Classifying them by importance or urgency

Correct answer: ©

Classifying them by importance or urgency

• Question 8

1 of 1 points

According to a leadership model, what is one of the options for companies not to go under?

Selected answer: C

Seek alternatives, e.g. strategic partnerships

Correct answer: ©

Seek alternatives, e.g. strategic partnerships

• Question 9

1 of 1 points

If we carry out our activities efficiently, with quality and taking into account that these activities
are aimed at establishing principles in our personal and professional lives, what model
of leadership are we generating?

Selected answer: C

Effective leadership

Correct answer: &

Effective leadership

• Question 10

1 of 1 points


• Question 1
1 of 1 points

One of the defining moments of a leader is when outstanding events or actions occur. What
should these acts be like?

Selected answer: &

Outstanding for the community

Correct answer: o

Outstanding for the community

• Question 2

1 of 1 points

It is one of the characteristics of a good leader:

Selected answer: C


Correct answer: ©


• Question 3

1 of 1 points

In addition to efficiency in the execution of objectives, another equally decisive factor is

effectiveness. Which phrase would best express this situation?

Selected answer: Q

Perform activities well, the first time

Correct answer: •

Perform activities well, the first time

• Question 4

1 of 1 points

One of the conditions of effective leadership is to generate actions in accordance with a

scheme of personal and social values. Which of the following situations coincides with such a

Selected answer:
Seek to ensure that the members of the organization are respected in
their human rights.
Correct answer: C

Seek to ensure that the members of the organization are respected in

their human rights.

• Question 5

0 of 1 points

According to a leadership model, what is one of the options for companies not to go under?

Response selected: 6 [ None given].

Correct answer: C

Seek alternatives, e.g. strategic partnerships

• Question 6

0 of 1 points

How can the word leadership be defined when talking about making changes in an

Reply ©
It is the way in which everyone involved assumes different leadership

Correct answer: C

It is the ability to innovate in processes that are more efficient

• Question 7

1 of 1 points

Of the following options, indicate which one corresponds to a characteristic leadership skill:

Selected answer: C

Ethics and safety

Correct answer: C

Ethics and safety

• Question 8

1 of 1 points

It is an example of leadership, in which orders are given to the work team:

Selected answer: Q


Correct answer: Q


- Question 9

1 of 1 point

In an innovation scheme, what does the success of a leader consist of?

Selected answer: C

In the ability to perform unexplored actions

Correct answer: C

In the ability to perform unexplored actions

- Question 10

1 of 1 points

Taking into account that there are multiple personalities within a work team, point out
the two factors that determine leadership based on teamwork:

Selected answer: C

Listening and teaching to do

Correct answer: C

Listening and teaching to do

- Question 1
1 of 1 points

Faced with situations that pose different scenarios, for example, in other cultures,
what is the most important capability of a leader?

Selected answer: C


Correct answer: C


• Ask 2
1 of 1 points

Imagine you are in a situation where you have to motivate your work team, and you
are faced with the problem that one of the workers does not understand how a
machine works. As a leader, what would you do?

Selected answer: Q

Employee training

Correct answer: C

Employee training

• Question 3 1 of 1 points

How is leadership viewed from the point of view of an organization developing and
growing in the business world?

Selected answer: C

Vital to the organization, with central leaders

Correct answer: C

Vital to the organization, with central leaders

• Question 4
1 of 1 points

In addition to efficiency in the execution of objectives, another equally decisive factor

is effectiveness. Which phrase would best express this situation?

Selected answer: C

Perform activities well, the first time

Correct answer: C

Perform activities well, the first time

• Question 5
1 of 1 points

One of the defining moments of a leader is when outstanding events or actions

occur. What should these acts be like?

Selected answer: Q

Outstanding for the community

Correct answer: C
Outstanding for the community

• Question 6

1 of 1 points

Given that one of the main duties of any leader is to make the company competitive, what are
the characteristics of a managerial leadership?

Selected Q
Achieves competitiveness, maintains operational efficiency: low
costs, profit performance, pressure on employees to achieve
more sales

Correct answer: o

Achieves competitiveness, maintains operational efficiency: low

costs, profit performance, pressure on employees to achieve
more sales

Question 7
1 of 1 points

According to a leadership model, what is one of the options for companies not to go under?

Selected answer: C

Seek alternatives, e.g. strategic partnerships

Correct answer: ®

Seek alternatives, e.g. strategic partnerships

• Question 8

1 of 1 points

A good leader develops skills within an organization, however, he also performs other actions
with his team. How is such an act defined?

Selected answer: C
Learning together

Correct answer: C
Learning together

• Pregunta 1
1 of 1 points

How is leadership viewed from the point of view of an organization developing

and growing in the business world?
Selected answer: o
Vital to the organization, with central leaders

Correct answer:

Vital to the organization, with central leaders
- Question 2
1 of 1 points
Indicate which of the following values corresponds to a case of identity theft by
one of the members of the company where someone works:
Selected answer: o
Honesty d

Correct answer:

Honesty d
- Question 3
0 of 1 points
It is one of the characteristics of a good leader:
Selected answer: o
Correct answer:

- Question 4
1 of 1 points

Selected answer: o
Employee training

Correct answer: o
Employee training

Imagine you are in a situation where you have to motivate your work
team, and you are faced with the problem that one of the workers does
not understand how a machine works. As a leader, what would you do?
- Question 6
1 of 1 point

A good leader develops skills within an organization, however, he also

performs other actions with his team. How do you
defines this act?
Selected answer: o
Correct answer:
- Question 7
1 of 1 points
A leader's capacity for innovation enables him/her to take action and make
decisions in conflict situations. Which of the following actions corresponds to
this capability?
Selected answer:

Implement alternative ways to

Correct answer:

Implement alternative ways to
- Question 8
1 of 1 points
Given that one of the main duties of any leader is to make the company
competitive, what are the characteristics of a managerial leadership?
Selected answer

Achieves competitiveness, maintains operational

efficiency: low costs, profit performance, pressure on
employees to achieve more sales
Correct answer: o
Achieves competitiveness, maintains operational
efficiency: low costs, profit performance, pressure on
employees to achieve more sales
- Question 9
1 of 1 points
Taking into account that there are multiple personalities within a work team,
point out the two factors that determine leadership based on teamwork:
Selected answer: o
Listening and teaching to do
Correct o
Listening and teaching to do
- Question 10
1 of 1 points
How can you prioritize the tasks that are necessary in
a company?
Selected answer:

Classifying them by importance or urgency
Correct answer: o
Classifying them by importance or

1 of 1 points

How can tasks that are necessary in a company be prioritized?

Selected answer: Q
Classifying them by importance or
Correct answer:
Classifying them by importance or
- Question 10

1 of 1 points

Effective leadership gets team members thinking about achieving the objectives of:

Selected answer: C

The organization

Correct answer: C

The organization

Question 1

• 1 of 1 points
Effective leadership gets team members thinking about achieving the objectives of:

Selected answer:
• The

Response &
correct: The

• Question 2
• 1 of 1 points
• It is one of the characteristics of a good leader:
Reply E
selected: Ef
Reply G
correct: Ef

• Question 3
• 1 of 1 points
• To bring the interests of the team members to converge in
positive plans for the whole community, what attitude is necessary?
Reply • €
Knowing how to listen to comments and
generate solutions
Reply • €
Knowing how to listen to comments and
generate solutions

• Question 4
• 1 of 1 points
Imagine you are in a situation where you have to motivate your work team, and you are faced with the
problem that one of the workers does not understand how a machine works. As a leader, what would you
Answer - C
selected: Train
to the employee
Answer - €
to the employee

• Question 5
• 1 of 1 points
According to a leadership model, what is one of the options for companies not to go under?
Reply • €
selected:- Search for alternatives, for example,
strategically partnering
Reply • C
• Search for alternatives, for example,
strategically partnering

• Question 6
• 1 of 1 points
One of the conditions of effective leadership is to generate actions in accordance with a scheme of
personal and social values. Which of the following situations
matches such a scheme?
selected: - Seek to ensure that the members of the organization are
respected in their human rights.
correct: - Seek to ensure that the members of the organization are
respected in their human rights.

Question 7
1 of 1 points
In addition to the efficiency in the execution of objectives, another factor is the
equally decisive is efficiency. Which phrase would best express this situation?
selectyour Perform activities well, the
answer: first time
Perform activities well, the
first time

Question 8
1 of 1 points
From the following examples, select the one that corresponds to a valuable action of the
leader in the social context:
Selected answer
Establish a community support
answer: Establish a community support

Question 9
1 of 1 points
He is an outstanding person when it comes to teamwork:
Selected answer:

answer: g


Question 10
1 of 1 points
How can tasks that are necessary in a company be prioritized?

selected: - Classifying them by
importance or urgency
answer: - Classifying them by
importance or urgency
• 1 of 1 points
According to a leadership model, what is one of the options for companies not to go
Selected answer: 9
Seek alternatives, e.g. strategic
Correct answer:
Seek alternatives, e.g. strategic
Question 2
1 of 1 points
If we carry out our activities efficiently, with quality and taking into account that
these activities are aimed at establishing principles in our personal and
professional lives, what model of leadership are we generating?
Selected answer: C
Correct answer: p
Question 3 p
1 of 1 points
In an innovation scheme, what does the success of a leader consist of?
Selected answer: o
In the ability to perform unexplored actions

Correct answer:

In the ability to perform unexplored actions
Question 4
1 of 1 points
One of the conditions of effective leadership is to generate actions in
accordance with a scheme of personal and social values. Which of the
following situations coincides with such a scheme?
Selected answer: 9
Seek to ensure that the members of the organization are
respected in their human rights.
Correct answer:
Seek to ensure that the members of the organization are
respected in their human rights.

• Ask 5
1 of 1 points
Faced with situations that pose different scenarios, for example, in other
cultures, what is the most important capability of a leader?
Selected answer: 9

Correct answer:
Question 6
1 of 1 points
From the following examples, select the one that corresponds to a valuable
action of the leader in the social context:
Selected answer: C
Establish a community support organization

Correct answer:
Establish a community support organization

Question 7
1 of 1 points
Imagine you are in a situation where you have to motivate your work team, and
you are faced with the problem that one of the workers does not understand
how a machine works. As a leader, what would you do?
Selected answer: o
Employee training

Correct answer:

Employee training
Question 8
1 of 1 points
Question 9
0 of 1 points
Imagine that you are about to deal with a case of workplace harassment.
What would be your position in relation to both personal and organizational
Selected answer: o
Ask a legal institution
Correct answer:

Defending social principles and values

• Ask 10
1 of 1 points
A leader's capacity for innovation enables him/her to take action and make
decisions in conflict situations. Which of the following actions corresponds to
this capability?
Selected answer: o
Implement alternative ways to produce

Correct answer: o
Implement alternative ways to produce

Question 1
1 of 1 points
In the case of developing activities within an organization and having a time limit to carry them
out, how would leadership be applied?

Selected answer: Q
Investing most of the time in generating solutions

Correct answer:

Investing most of the time in generating solutions
Question 2
1 of 1 points
Given that one of the main duties of any leader is to make the company competitive, what are
the characteristics of a managerial leadership?

Selected answer: C plus sales

Correct answer:
- more sales

Question 3
1 of 1 points
It is an example of leadership, in which orders are imposed on the work team :

Selected answer: O

Correct answer:

Question 4

1 of 1 points
Taking into account that there are multiple personalities within a work team, point out the two
factors that determine leadership based on teamwork:

• Question 8
0 of 1 points
It is one of the characteristics of a good leader:

Selected answer: 9
Selected answer: o
Listening and teaching
to do
Correct answer:

Listening and teaching
to do
Question 5
1 of 1 points
One of the conditions of effective leadership is to generate actions in accordance with a scheme of
personal and social values. Which of the following situations coincides with such a scheme?

Selected answer: 0
Seek to ensure that the members of the organization
are respected in their human rights.
Correct answer:

Seek to ensure that the members of the organization
are respected in their human rights.
Question 6
1 of 1 points
In addition to efficiency in the execution of objectives, another equally decisive factor is
effectiveness. Which phrase would best express this situation?

Selected answer: o
Perform activities well, the first time

Correct answer:

Perform activities well, the first time
Question 7
1 of 1 points
He is an outstanding person when it comes to teamwork:

Selected answer: o
Correct answer: o
Reply Q
correct: Ef ectivid
Question 9
1 of 1 points
According to a leadership model, what is one of the options for companies not to go under?

Selected answer: ©
Seek alternatives, e.g. strategic partnerships

Correct answer:

Seek alternatives, e.g. strategic partnerships
Question 10
1 of 1 points
When we talk about work efficiency, we can say that we are using the available resources of the
organization in the best possible way. Which of the following actions exemplifies this?

Selected answer: ©
Work accurately with the inputs we have

Correct answer:

Work accurately with the inputs we have

Question 1
1 of 1 points
In the case of carrying out activities within an organization and having
E2 with a time limit to carry them out, how would leadership be applied?

Selected answer: o
Investing most of the time in generating
Correct answer:
Investing most of the time in generating
Question 2
0 of 1 points
In a leadership scheme, it is said that good leaders spread a sense of action within an organization.
How is this defined in terms of organizational behavior?

Selected answer: o
Companies that discuss

Reply 6
correct: Learning organizations

Question 3
1 of 1 points
In addition to the efficiency in the execution of objectives, another factor is the
□ equally decisive is efficiency. Which phrase would best express this situation?

Selected answer: Q
Perform activities well, the first time

Correct answer:
Perform activities well, the first time

Question 4
0 of 1 points
As a leader, what is the starting point for transforming conflict into an opportunity for development?

Selected answer: ©
Execute change processes starting with the social actors.

Correct answer:

Innovate processes within our community
Question 5
0 of 1 points
Imagine you are in a situation where you have to motivate your work team, and you are faced with
the problem that one of the workers does not understand how a machine works. As a leader, what
would you do?

Selected answer: ©

Relocate the employee

Correct answer:

Employee training

Question 6
0 of 1 points
A leader acts at different times within an organization. In what situations is it absolutely necessary?

Selected answer:

When a company is formed
Correct answer:

When a crisis occurs

Question 7
0 of 1 points
How can the word leadership be defined when talking about making changes in an organization?

Selected answer: o
It is the tendency of a person to overcome conflicts, inside and
outside of society
Correct answer:

It is the ability to innovate in processes that are more efficient
Question 8
0 of 1 points
It is one of the characteristics of a good leader:

Distracti on
Reply Q
correct: Effectiveness
Question 9
0 of 1 points
One of the conditions of effective leadership is to generate actions in accordance with a scheme of
personal and social values. Which of the following situations coincides with such a scheme?

Selected answer: G
Alternate with civil judicial agencies to handle criminal cases.

Correct answer:
Seek to ensure that the members of the organization are
respected in their human rights.
Question 10
0 of 1 points
When we talk about work efficiency, we can say that we are using the available resources of the
organization in the best possible way. Which of the following actions exemplifies this?

Selected answer:
Differentiate between new and old projects
Correct 6
Working accurately with the inputs we have

• Question 1
0 of 1 points
According to Sánchez Vázquez, although objects do not have value in themselves, □ in order
to be considered valuable they must necessarily be endowed with certain properties:

Selected answer: o
Spiritual is

Correct answer: o
Question 2
0 of 1 points
The Dental Professional must attend with equal zeal to all patients regardless of their
health conditions, regardless of their nationality, race, social or economic status, religious
beliefs or political ideas. The above statement refers to a rule of a specific nature:

Selected answer: o
Correct answer:
• Question 3
0 of 1 points
The success of the U.S. dollar as an international currency
□ accepted as well as the considerable devaluation of currencies such as the Iranian rial and the
Vietnamese dong, are situations derived from their value:

Selected answer: o
For use
Correct answer:
• Question 4
0 of 1 points
The conceptual opposites right-wrong, goodness-evil, are.
□ examples of a characteristic of values known as:

Selected answer: 0
Correct 9
answer: Polarity
Question 5
0 of 1 points
Instinctive and/or mechanical acts committed by a human being, in which, however, neither the
conscience nor the freedom that characterizes our species is involved:

Selected answer: ©
Human acts

Correct answer:
Acts of man

Question 6
1 of 1 points
Type of standards that are learned during the higher education stage with the purpose of training
professionals with integrity, committed to the welfare of their clients and society as a whole:

Selected answer: o
Moral standards of the profession

Correct answer:
Moral standards of the profession

Question 7
0 of 1 points
The lawyer must respect the confidentiality of any confidential information transmitted to him by his
client, whether it concerns the client himself or third parties in the context of his client's affairs. What
is the nature of this rule, which was taken from a code of ethics for lawyers?

Selected answer: ©

Correct answer:


Question 8
0 of 1 points
These are the fundamental virtues of sociability:

Selected answer: o
Solidarity and honesty

Correct answer:
Justice and charity
Question 9
Correct o 0 of 1 points
answer: A behavior.
Attitude determines
Selected answer: o Verdade ro

Question 4
C False
1 of 1 points
A cultural
Correct difference can cause a team not to communicate properly. What action
would you take to achieve effective interaction?
• Question 10
0 of 1 points
It is the value we place on the objects we need for our subsistence:
Selected answer: o
Selected the cultural environment
answer: o of the team and
generate adapted proposals.Absolute
Correct answer: value
Understand the cultural environment
Correct answer: o of the team and
generate adapted proposals. Value in
Question 5 use
1 of 1 points
One of the defining factors of leadership is the ability to find the best alternative. Of
the following examples, which one matches this view?
Question 1
1 of 1 points
Generally, power
Selected affects the o
answer: behavior of leaders in what way?
Leadership applied to
Selected answer: o
Generates degrees of egocentrism
Correct answer:
Correct answer: Leadership applied to
Question 6 o
Generates degrees of egocentrism 1 of 1 points
you are negotiating
2 a contract with a company and you are about to sign it.
What is the most common mistake you could make? 0 of 1 points
Considering that leadership can generate conflicts, for example, regarding navigation, what are the two
forms of negotiation?
Selected answer: o
Selected to read the
answer: O contract properly, underestimating the final
wording of the contract
Betting and qualitative
Correct answer: negotiation
answer:to read the contract properly, underestimating the final
wording of the contract
Cooperative and competitive
• Question 7 negotiation
1 of 1 points
• A goodQuestion 3 leadership focused on organizational objectives is:
example of
1 of 1 points
In a prior agreement in which the points negotiated benefit only one of the
parties, it is said to be:o
Selected answer:
Selected answer: To have the best product
© for the
customer A
Correct answer: obstruction
To have the best product for the
• Question 8
Considering the negotiation process executed by the leader, establishing good
communication, what are the offensive tactics?

Selected answer: 9
They seek to pressure or intimidate the other party by offering a way out
through a settlement proposal.
Correct answer:
They seek to pressure or intimidate the other party by offering a way out
through a settlement proposal.
Question 9
0 out of 1 points
Considering an example of leadership applied in a specific context, what should the ideal
leader in male societies be like?

Selected answer: o
Intuitive rather than rational and accustomed to seeking consensus

Correct answer:

Assertive, decisive, aggressive and self-directed decision making.
Question 10
It is an ideal of leadership from the production point of view:

1 of 1 points
Selected answer: Q

Correct answer:


Question 1
0 of 1 points
According to one leadership model, culture:

Selected answer: Q
It is a manifestation of society's capabilities, individually and as a
Correct answer:

It is constituted by a set of beliefs, attitudes, values and practices.
Question 2
What are the characteristics identified as key to success in the management function?

Selected answer: O
Leadership and analytical skills, and confidence.

Reply Q
0 of 1 points

Question 3
1 of 1 points
Imagine you find yourself negotiating a contract with a company and □ you are
about to sign it. What is the most common mistake you could make?

Leadership and analytical skills, and desire for responsibility.

Selected answer: O
Failure to read the contract properly, underestimating the final
wording of the contract
Correct answer:
Failure to read the contract properly, underestimating the final
wording of the contract
Question 4 0 of 1 points

Entrepreneurship is one of the basic characteristics of leadership. Of the following options,

which one corresponds to this concept?

Selected answer: ©
Pressure by
Correct answer:

Search for
Question 5
1 of 1 points
The utility for the company is manifested in a single reason, what is it?

Selected answer: o
To be globally
Correct answer:
To be globally
Question 6
0 of 1 points
Within the leadership scheme, what are the obstructive tactics?

Selected answer: ©
They try to pressure or intimidate the other party by offering a way out
through a settlement proposal.

Correct answer:

They intend to resist the arguments and pressures of the other party.
• Question 7

1 of 1 points
Selected answer: o
Enabling interaction
Correct answer:

To have the best product for the customer
A good example of leadership focused on organizational objectives is:
This is one of the most frequent mistakes when negotiating:
Question 8

1 of 1 points
Selected answer: 9
Underestimating the negotiating capacity and position of the opposing
Correct answer:
Question 9 o
Underestimating the negotiating capacity and position of the opposing
One of the theories of leadership explains the relationship between the decisions made and
the effects on the group. What is this process known as?

0 of 1 points

Question 10
Selected answer:
Correct answer:

Values are the starting point for negotiation in case of conflict. How does knowledge of
specific techniques or tactics help us in this regard?

1 of 1 points
Selected answer: o
It allows us to face each situation in better conditions, with a better control
of ourselves and of the negotiation process.

Correct answer:

It allows us to face each situation in better conditions, with a better control
of ourselves and of the negotiation process.
Question 1
0 of 1 points
This is the set of knowledge and skills that every professional must acquire and demonstrate
during his or her training, which over time will translate into expertise:
Selected answer: o
Correct O
answer: • Question
Correct ©
answer: Competition
Question 6
1 of 1 points
This is the name given to the conception of morality in which there is a uniform 0 out of 1 points
2017Q the Mexicanof
justification government
moral values:dismissed the prosecutor of electoral crimes.
□ Santiago Nieto for having committed a violation of the institutional code of ethics by publicly
disclosing a letter in which the defense attorney of Emilio Lozoya Austin, former director of
Pemex, answer: information
requested Q about his client's case. What kind of misconduct could the
government have arguedMonoeliti
to justify the dismissal?
Correct answer: Selected answer: o
Lack of professional
Question 7Correct answer:
• 0 of 1 points
Ethics is a guarantee in the Breachof
provision of professional
services, and at the
same time it contributes decisively to the consolidation of a profession.
Question 3
1 of 1 points
All professions
Selected answer: contribute
O False the same to society and carry the same degree of
Correct answer: Selected
C Verdade ro answer: C Fals

Question 8 Q Fals
Correct answer: o
0 of 1 points
Concept that alludes to the character of election and divine call of the king, the
• Question 4
prophet and the priest:
0 of 1 points
The Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, promoted by
□ by the United Nations (UN) is an effort that demonstrates the possibility of:
Selected answer: ©
Selected answer: odo
Impose a global code of conduct
Correct answer:
Correct answer: Vocation
Question 9 o
Establishing universal principles valid for all mankind 1 of 1 points
Global ethics is equivalent to conventional normativity
• Question 5
-Q (civics), factual normativity (sociology) and legal normativity (legal order).
0 of 1 points
of radicalanswer:
groups, bothCMuslim
Fals o and Christian, that have
attempt to impose on Q
Correct answer: allFals
o a uniform vision and justification for the
values is, is an example of a moral conception of type:

Question 10 ©
selected: na o g
U i xi ló i
0 of 1 points
These are two functions of global ethics:
Q Answers
To overcome the possible manipulations in the conception of the
public morality by groups and projects that do not
respect common morality
To curb the capacity for protest and utopia, in order to
avoid different interpretations of the purposes and
meanings of human existence.
To discover universal normativities capable of being valid
for the entire human community ©.
Overcoming possible man

• Question 1
0 of 1 points
Considering the negotiation process executed by the leader, establishing good
communication, what are the offensive tactics?

Selected answer: ©
They are those that define the full meaning of the
Correct answer:

They seek to pressure or intimidate the other party by
offering a way out through a settlement proposal.
Question 2
0 of 1 points
It is an ideal of leadership from the production point of view:

Selected answer: ©
Reply ©
correct: a a
C lid d

• Question 3
1 of 1 points
This is one of the most frequent mistakes when negotiating:

Selected answer:
Underestimating the negotiating capacity and position of the
opposing party
Correct answer:
Underestimating the negotiating capacity and position of the
opposing party
Question 4
One of the defining factors of leadership is the ability to find the best alternative. Of the
following examples, which one matches this view?

Selected answer: o
Versatility understood as part of a vessel

Correct answer:
Leadership applied to navigation
Question 5
0 of 1 points
One of the benefits of leadership negotiating skills is to be better prepared to find agreements.
Which of the following situations best exemplifies the above?

Selected answer: Q
Winning at any cost in a negotiation, imposing rules and perspectives

Correct answer:
To know the counterpart extensively, in each aspect to be negotiated.

Question 6
1 of 1 points
The utility for the company is manifested in a single reason, what is it?

Selected answer: G
To be globally useful

Correct answer:
To be globally useful

Question 7
1 of 1 points
Generally, power affects the behavior of leaders in what way?

Selected answer: 9
Generates degrees of egocentrism

Correct answer:
Generates degrees of egocentrism

Question 8
0 of 1 points
Within the leadership scheme, what are the obstructive tactics?

They are small traps that try to project an erroneous vision of things onto the other party.

Selected answer: 0 of 1 points

Correct answer:
They intend to resist the arguments and pressures of the other
• Question 9
1 of 1 points
Of the following, point out the one that defines a cultural trait:

Selected answer:
Cost of
Correct answer: ©
• Question 10
0 of 1 points
In a prior agreement in which the points negotiated benefit only one of the
parties, it is said to be:
Selected answer: ©
Correct answer: A contract


Question 1
0 of 1 points
For a target to be fluid, what is required from an organizational point of view?

Selected answer: ©
Correct answer:

Question 2
0 out of 1 points What is the objective of a company in relation to the competition?

Selected answer: ©
Go to
Correct answer:

Question 3

1 of 1 points
Question 1 1 of 1 points
It is an example of an articulated proposal, as part of a process to
achieve established goals:

Selected answer: ®
Steps to be the best company in the

Correct answer:
Steps to be the best company in the industry
Question 2
1 of 1 points From an
organizational point of view, the cultural trait allows:

Question 3
1 of 1 points
Subordination within an organization is usually associated with the character of the leader. How
is this situation exemplified in an organizational entity?

Respect for the leader

1 of 1 points
Selected answer:
For a target to be fluid, what is required from an organizational point
of view?

Response o

Respect for the
Question 4
1 of 1 points
From the following examples of company slogans, select the one that matches a
market and competitive view:

Selected answer: ®
To be the leading
company in the industry

Correct answer:
To be the leading
company in the industry
Question 5

Reply o
Question 6
1 of 1 points
Which of the following organizational approaches would be most conducive to productivity?

Selected answer: o
Follow up on production processes

Correct answer:
Follow up on production processes
Question 7
1 of 1 points
Each of the characteristics of leadership is widely valued, however, when it comes to processes in
which a specialist is required, for example, in the logistics of an organization, which person would
you choose to be hired as a leader?

Selected answer: o
The one with the most

Correct answer:
The one with the most experience
Question 8
0 of 1 points
The articulation of a development plan for a company usually depends on each of the stages in
which objectives are defined. Which of the following statements is a specific objective?

Analyze the parts that make up the company
correct: Decrease production time by 50%.
Question 9
1 of 1 points
It is one of the elements of power, as part of the defining characteristics of negotiators:

Selected answer: C
Eg o

Correct answer:

Eg o
Question 10
1 of 1 points
Cultural elements define constants that the negotiator must adapt to the situation. Which of these
constants is best suited to the case of a cross-cultural negotiation?

Selected answer: o
Cultural differences

Correct answer:
Cultural differences

Selected answer:
Cultural differences

Correct answer:

Cultural differences

Question 4
0 of 1 points
One of the reasons why the implementation of leadership action plans fails is the lack of reality in the
objectives. What is the reason for this situation?

Selected answer: o
All objectives are erroneous

Correct answer:
Lack of quantification
Question 5
0 of 1 points
From the following examples of company slogans, select the one that matches a market and competitive

Reply o
Selected answer: o
To be a company with values

Correct answer:
To be the leading company in the industry

Question 6
0 of 1 points
Subordination within an organization is usually associated with the character of the leader. How is this
situation exemplified in an organizational entity?

Selected answer: o
By behavioral patterns

Base Correct answer:

Respect for the leader
Question 7
0 of 1 points
From the following examples, select the one that corresponds to a specific business objective:

Selected answer: o
More production

Correct answer:
Sales at 60%.

Question 8
0 of 1 points
One of the constants in leadership is respect for the authority figure. How is the above defined?

Selected answer: ©
Functions that define a leader

Correct answer:
Ability to generate legitimacy

Question 9
0 of 1 points
Each of the characteristics of leadership is widely valued, however, when it comes to processes in which
a specialist is required, for example, in the logistics of an organization, which person would you choose
to be hired as a leader?

Selected answer:
To the person who has hired human resources
Reply Q
The one with the most experience
• Question 1
• 1 of 1 points
What is the basis of a leader from the point of view of continuity with
• Question 1 1
• Question 4 2
Question 5 2
Question 7 3
• Question 8 3
Question 1 4
Question 2 4
Question 3 4
Question 8 6
Question 9 6
Question 10 7
- Question 10 20
Question 4 25
• Question 8 26
Question 10 27
Question 1 27
Question 8 29
Question 10 29
• Question 1 30
Question 2 30
• Question 3 30
• Question 4 30
Question 5 31
Question 9 31
• Question 10 32
• Question 3 32
Question 5 33
Question 6 33
• Question 7 33
• Question 8 33
Question 9 34
Question 1 34
Question 5 36
Question 4 36
Question 6 36
• Question 7 37
Question 1 39
• Question 2 40
• Question 4 40
• Question 5 40
Question 7 41
Question 9 41
Question 10 41
• Question 1 42
Question 2 42
• Question 3 42
Question 4 42
• Question 9 44
• Question 10 44
Question 1 44
Question 2 44
Question 3 44
Question 4 45
Question 5 45
Question 2 45
Question 3 45
Question 6 46
Question 7 46
Question 8 46
Question 9 47
Question 10 47
• Question 1 49
• 1 of 1 points 49
What is the basis of a leader from the point of view of continuity with objectives? 49
nfianza 52
• Question 2 52
• 1 of 1 points 52
From the following examples, select the one that corresponds to a specific business objective:52
• 1 of 1 points 52
For a target to be fluid, what is required from an organizational point of view? 52
tinuity 56
• 1 of 1 points 56
It is a synonym for market gap, considering the opportunities that exist for a product or service:
Reply 56
recha 56
Correct answer: 56
• Question 5 57
• 1 of 1 points 57
One of the principles that should govern organizations is that of negotiation. Of the following
options, indicate which one corresponds to a characteristic that influences the negotiator: 57
Selected answer: 57
Correct answer: 57
• Question 6 57
• 1 of 1 points 57
Subordination within an organization is usually associated with the character of the leader. How
is this situation exemplified in an organizational entity? 57
• 1 of 1 points 60
For an organization to have clear objectives, what is the factor that makes those objectives
concrete? 60
• 1 of 1 points 64
It is an example of an articulated proposal, as part of a process to achieve established goals: 64
Of the examples noted below, point out the one that coincides with articulated business
planning: 65
What is the central problem in the exercise of power? 65
Reply 65
Reply 65
L 65
• Tuesday, August 13, 2019 08H47' CDT 65
• Question 10 65
• Question 1 65
Question 5 66
Question 6 66
Question 2 68
Question 4 68
Question 5 69
Question 6 69
Question 7 69
Question 8 70
Question 1 74
Question 2 74
Question 3 74
Question 4 74
Question 6 75
Question 7 75
Question 9 75
Question 10 76
Question 4 77
Question 8 78
Question 3 80
Question 8 81
Question 10 81
• Question 2 84
Question 3 84
Question 9 85
Question 1 86
Question 5 86
Question 8 86
Question 10 87
Question 1 87
Question 10 90


• Question 2
• 1 of 1 points
From the following examples, select the one that corresponds to a
specific business objective:
Reply ©
selected: For sale
s at 60%.
Reply O
correct: For sale
s at 60%.

• Question 3
• 1 of 1 points
For a target to be fluid, what is required from an organizational point of
• Question 1...............................................................................................................................1
• Question 4...............................................................................................................................2
Question 5......................................................................................................................................2
Question 7......................................................................................................................................3
• Question 8...............................................................................................................................3
Question 1......................................................................................................................................4
Question 2......................................................................................................................................4
Question 3......................................................................................................................................4
Question 8......................................................................................................................................6
Question 9......................................................................................................................................6
Question 10....................................................................................................................................7
- Question 10................................................................................................................................20
Question 4....................................................................................................................................25
• Question 8.............................................................................................................................26
Question 10..................................................................................................................................27
Question 1....................................................................................................................................27
Question 8....................................................................................................................................29
Question 10..................................................................................................................................29
• Question 1.............................................................................................................................30
Question 2....................................................................................................................................30
• Question 3.............................................................................................................................30
• Question 4.............................................................................................................................30
Question 5....................................................................................................................................31
Question 9....................................................................................................................................31
• Question 10...........................................................................................................................32
• Question 3.............................................................................................................................32
Question 5....................................................................................................................................33
Question 6....................................................................................................................................33
• Question 7.............................................................................................................................33
• Question 8.............................................................................................................................33
Question 9....................................................................................................................................34
Question 1....................................................................................................................................34
Question 5....................................................................................................................................36
Question 4....................................................................................................................................36
Question 6....................................................................................................................................36
• Question 7.............................................................................................................................37
Question 1....................................................................................................................................39
• Question 2.............................................................................................................................40
• Question 4.............................................................................................................................40
• Question 5.............................................................................................................................40
Question 7....................................................................................................................................41
Question 9....................................................................................................................................41
Question 10..................................................................................................................................41
• Question 1.............................................................................................................................42
Question 2....................................................................................................................................42
• Question 3.............................................................................................................................42
Question 4....................................................................................................................................42
• Question 9.............................................................................................................................44
• Question 10...........................................................................................................................44
Question 1....................................................................................................................................44
Question 2....................................................................................................................................44
Question 3....................................................................................................................................44
Question 4....................................................................................................................................45
Question 5....................................................................................................................................45
Question 2....................................................................................................................................45
Question 3....................................................................................................................................45
Question 6....................................................................................................................................46
Question 7....................................................................................................................................46
Question 8....................................................................................................................................46
Question 9....................................................................................................................................47
Question 10..................................................................................................................................47
• Question 1.............................................................................................................................49
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................49
What is the basis of a leader from the point of view of continuity with objectives?...................49
• Question 2.............................................................................................................................52
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................52
From the following examples, select the one that corresponds to a specific business objective:52
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................52
For a target to be fluid, what is required from an organizational point of view?........................52
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................56
It is a synonym for market gap, considering the opportunities that exist for a product or service:
Correct answer:............................................................................................................................56
• Question 5.............................................................................................................................57
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................57
One of the principles that should govern organizations is that of negotiation. Of the following
options, indicate which one corresponds to a characteristic that influences the negotiator:.......57
Selected answer:...........................................................................................................................57
Correct answer:............................................................................................................................57
• Question 6.............................................................................................................................57
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................57
Subordination within an organization is usually associated with the character of the leader. How
is this situation exemplified in an organizational entity?.............................................................57
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................60
For an organization to have clear objectives, what is the factor that makes those objectives
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................64
It is an example of an articulated proposal, as part of a process to achieve established goals:...64
Of the examples noted below, point out the one that coincides with articulated business
What is the central problem in the exercise of power?................................................................65
• Tuesday, August 13, 2019 08H47' CDT...............................................................................65
• Question 10...........................................................................................................................65
• Question 1.............................................................................................................................65
Question 5....................................................................................................................................66
Question 6....................................................................................................................................66
Question 2....................................................................................................................................68
Question 4....................................................................................................................................68
Question 5....................................................................................................................................69
Question 6....................................................................................................................................69
Question 7....................................................................................................................................69
Question 8....................................................................................................................................70
Question 1....................................................................................................................................74
Question 2....................................................................................................................................74
Question 3....................................................................................................................................74
Question 4....................................................................................................................................74
Question 6....................................................................................................................................75
Question 7....................................................................................................................................75
Question 9....................................................................................................................................75
Question 10..................................................................................................................................76
Question 4....................................................................................................................................77
Question 8....................................................................................................................................78
Question 3....................................................................................................................................80
Question 8....................................................................................................................................81
Question 10..................................................................................................................................81
• Question 2.............................................................................................................................84
Question 3....................................................................................................................................84
Question 9....................................................................................................................................85
Question 1....................................................................................................................................86
Question 5....................................................................................................................................86
Question 8....................................................................................................................................86
Question 10..................................................................................................................................87
Question 1....................................................................................................................................87
Question 10..................................................................................................................................90


• Question 4
• 1 of 1 points
It is a synonym for market gap, considering the opportunities that exist
for a product or service:

Correct answer:

• Question 5
• 1 of 1 points
One of the principles that should govern organizations is that of
negotiation. Of the following options, indicate which one corresponds to a
characteristic that influences the negotiator:
answer: Exp
Correct o
answer: Exp

• Question 6
• 1 of 1 points
Subordination within an organization is usually associated with the
character of the leader. How is this situation exemplified in an organizational
• Question 1...............................................................................................................................1
• Question 4...............................................................................................................................2
Question 5......................................................................................................................................2
Question 7......................................................................................................................................3
• Question 8...............................................................................................................................3
Question 1......................................................................................................................................4
Question 2......................................................................................................................................4
Question 3......................................................................................................................................4
Question 8......................................................................................................................................6
Question 9......................................................................................................................................6
Question 10....................................................................................................................................7
- Question 10................................................................................................................................20
Question 4....................................................................................................................................25
• Question 8.............................................................................................................................26
Question 10..................................................................................................................................27
Question 1....................................................................................................................................27
Question 8....................................................................................................................................29
Question 10..................................................................................................................................29
• Question 1.............................................................................................................................30
Question 2....................................................................................................................................30
• Question 3.............................................................................................................................30
• Question 4.............................................................................................................................30
Question 5....................................................................................................................................31
Question 9....................................................................................................................................31

Reply o
• Question 10...........................................................................................................................32
• Question 3.............................................................................................................................32
Question 5....................................................................................................................................33
Question 6....................................................................................................................................33
• Question 7.............................................................................................................................33
• Question 8.............................................................................................................................33
Question 9....................................................................................................................................34
Question 1....................................................................................................................................34
Question 5....................................................................................................................................36
Question 4....................................................................................................................................36
Question 6....................................................................................................................................36
• Question 7.............................................................................................................................37
Question 1....................................................................................................................................39
• Question 2.............................................................................................................................40
• Question 4.............................................................................................................................40
• Question 5.............................................................................................................................40
Question 7....................................................................................................................................41
Question 9....................................................................................................................................41
Question 10..................................................................................................................................41
• Question 1.............................................................................................................................42
Question 2....................................................................................................................................42
• Question 3.............................................................................................................................42
Question 4....................................................................................................................................42
• Question 9.............................................................................................................................44
• Question 10...........................................................................................................................44
Question 1....................................................................................................................................44
Question 2....................................................................................................................................44
Question 3....................................................................................................................................44
Question 4....................................................................................................................................45
Question 5....................................................................................................................................45
Question 2....................................................................................................................................45
Question 3....................................................................................................................................45
Question 6....................................................................................................................................46
Question 7....................................................................................................................................46
Question 8....................................................................................................................................46
Question 9....................................................................................................................................47
Question 10..................................................................................................................................47
• Question 1.............................................................................................................................49
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................49
What is the basis of a leader from the point of view of continuity with objectives?...................49
• Question 2.............................................................................................................................52
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................52
From the following examples, select the one that corresponds to a specific business objective:52
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................52
For a target to be fluid, what is required from an organizational point of view?........................52
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................56
It is a synonym for market gap, considering the opportunities that exist for a product or service:
Correct answer:............................................................................................................................56
• Question 5.............................................................................................................................57
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................57
One of the principles that should govern organizations is that of negotiation. Of the following
options, indicate which one corresponds to a characteristic that influences the negotiator:.......57
Selected answer:...........................................................................................................................57
Correct answer:............................................................................................................................57
• Question 6.............................................................................................................................57
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................57
Subordination within an organization is usually associated with the character of the leader. How
is this situation exemplified in an organizational entity?.............................................................57
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................60
For an organization to have clear objectives, what is the factor that makes those objectives
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................64
It is an example of an articulated proposal, as part of a process to achieve established goals:...64
Of the examples noted below, point out the one that coincides with articulated business
What is the central problem in the exercise of power?................................................................65
• Tuesday, August 13, 2019 08H47' CDT...............................................................................65
• Question 10...........................................................................................................................65
• Question 1.............................................................................................................................65
Question 5....................................................................................................................................66
Question 6....................................................................................................................................66
Question 2....................................................................................................................................68
Question 4....................................................................................................................................68
Question 5....................................................................................................................................69
Question 6....................................................................................................................................69
Question 7....................................................................................................................................69
Question 8....................................................................................................................................70
Question 1....................................................................................................................................74
Question 2....................................................................................................................................74
Question 3....................................................................................................................................74
Question 4....................................................................................................................................74
Question 6....................................................................................................................................75
Question 7....................................................................................................................................75
Question 9....................................................................................................................................75
Question 10..................................................................................................................................76
Question 4....................................................................................................................................77
Question 8....................................................................................................................................78
Question 3....................................................................................................................................80
Question 8....................................................................................................................................81
Question 10..................................................................................................................................81
• Question 2.............................................................................................................................84
Question 3....................................................................................................................................84
Question 9....................................................................................................................................85
Question 1....................................................................................................................................86
Question 5....................................................................................................................................86
Question 8....................................................................................................................................86
Question 10..................................................................................................................................87
Question 1....................................................................................................................................87
Question 10..................................................................................................................................90

respect for leader

• Question 7
• 1 of 1 points
For an organization to have clear objectives, what is the factor that
makes those objectives concrete?
• Question 1...............................................................................................................................1
• Question 4...............................................................................................................................2
Question 5......................................................................................................................................2
Question 7......................................................................................................................................3
• Question 8...............................................................................................................................3
Question 1......................................................................................................................................4
Question 2......................................................................................................................................4
Question 3......................................................................................................................................4
Question 8......................................................................................................................................6
Question 9......................................................................................................................................6
Question 10....................................................................................................................................7
- Question 10................................................................................................................................20
Question 4....................................................................................................................................25
• Question 8.............................................................................................................................26
Question 10..................................................................................................................................27
Question 1....................................................................................................................................27
Question 8....................................................................................................................................29
Question 10..................................................................................................................................29
• Question 1.............................................................................................................................30
Question 2....................................................................................................................................30
• Question 3.............................................................................................................................30
• Question 4.............................................................................................................................30
Question 5....................................................................................................................................31
Question 9....................................................................................................................................31
• Question 10...........................................................................................................................32
• Question 3.............................................................................................................................32
Question 5....................................................................................................................................33
Question 6....................................................................................................................................33
• Question 7.............................................................................................................................33
• Question 8.............................................................................................................................33
Question 9....................................................................................................................................34
Question 1....................................................................................................................................34
Question 5....................................................................................................................................36
Question 4....................................................................................................................................36
Question 6....................................................................................................................................36
• Question 7.............................................................................................................................37
Question 1....................................................................................................................................39
• Question 2.............................................................................................................................40
• Question 4.............................................................................................................................40
• Question 5.............................................................................................................................40
Question 7....................................................................................................................................41
Question 9....................................................................................................................................41
Question 10..................................................................................................................................41
• Question 1.............................................................................................................................42
Question 2....................................................................................................................................42
• Question 3.............................................................................................................................42
Question 4....................................................................................................................................42
• Question 9.............................................................................................................................44
• Question 10...........................................................................................................................44
Question 1....................................................................................................................................44
Question 2....................................................................................................................................44
Question 3....................................................................................................................................44
Question 4....................................................................................................................................45
Question 5....................................................................................................................................45
Question 2....................................................................................................................................45
Question 3....................................................................................................................................45
Question 6....................................................................................................................................46
Question 7....................................................................................................................................46
Question 8....................................................................................................................................46
Question 9....................................................................................................................................47
Question 10..................................................................................................................................47
• Question 1.............................................................................................................................49
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................49
What is the basis of a leader from the point of view of continuity with objectives?...................49
• Question 2.............................................................................................................................52
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................52
From the following examples, select the one that corresponds to a specific business objective:52
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................52
For a target to be fluid, what is required from an organizational point of view?........................52
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................56
It is a synonym for market gap, considering the opportunities that exist for a product or service:
Correct answer:............................................................................................................................56
• Question 5.............................................................................................................................57
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................57
One of the principles that should govern organizations is that of negotiation. Of the following
options, indicate which one corresponds to a characteristic that influences the negotiator:.......57
Selected answer:...........................................................................................................................57
Correct answer:............................................................................................................................57
• Question 6.............................................................................................................................57
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................57
Subordination within an organization is usually associated with the character of the leader. How
is this situation exemplified in an organizational entity?.............................................................57
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................60
For an organization to have clear objectives, what is the factor that makes those objectives
• 1 of 1 points..........................................................................................................................64
It is an example of an articulated proposal, as part of a process to achieve established goals:...64
Of the examples noted below, point out the one that coincides with articulated business
What is the central problem in the exercise of power?................................................................65
• Tuesday, August 13, 2019 08H47' CDT...............................................................................65
• Question 10...........................................................................................................................65
• Question 1.............................................................................................................................65
Question 5....................................................................................................................................66
Question 6....................................................................................................................................66
Question 2....................................................................................................................................68
Question 4....................................................................................................................................68
Question 5....................................................................................................................................69
Question 6....................................................................................................................................69
Question 7....................................................................................................................................69
Question 8....................................................................................................................................70
Question 1....................................................................................................................................74
Question 2....................................................................................................................................74
Question 3....................................................................................................................................74
Question 4....................................................................................................................................74
Question 6....................................................................................................................................75
Question 7....................................................................................................................................75
Question 9....................................................................................................................................75
Question 10..................................................................................................................................76
Question 4....................................................................................................................................77
Question 8....................................................................................................................................78
Question 3....................................................................................................................................80
Question 8....................................................................................................................................81
Question 10..................................................................................................................................81
• Question 2.............................................................................................................................84
Question 3....................................................................................................................................84
Question 9....................................................................................................................................85
Question 1....................................................................................................................................86
Question 5....................................................................................................................................86
Question 8....................................................................................................................................86
Question 10..................................................................................................................................87
Question 1....................................................................................................................................87
Question 10..................................................................................................................................90

can measure

• Question 8
• 1 of 1 points
It is an example of an articulated proposal, as part of a process to
achieve established goals:
Reply ©
selected: The steps to be the best
company in the industry
correct: The steps to be the best
company in the industry

• Question 9
• 1 of 1 points
Of the examples noted below, point out the one that coincides with
articulated business planning:
Reply ©
selected: Achieving a
progress in 10 years
Reply Q
correct: Achieving a
progress in 10 years

• Question 10
• 1 of 1 points
What is the central problem in the exercise of power?
a ethical
a ethical

• Tuesday, August 13, 2019 08H47' CDT

• Question 10

What is the central problem in the exercise of power?

1 of 1 points
Selected answer: ©

Reply o
correct: The

• Question 1

0 of 1 points

Selected answer:
Correct 6
Language heh
• Question 2
0 of 1 points
From the following examples, select the one that corresponds to a
□ specific business objective:

Selected answer: o
Improved labor

Correct answer: Sales at 60%.
Question 3
1 of 1 points
What is the characteristic that identifies leadership when it comes to plans or projects undertaken by
the company?

Selected answer: o
The change that can occur in a project

Correct answer:

The change that can occur in a project
Question 4
1 of 1 points
In a cross-cultural context, situational differences arise, in which case power tends to:

Selected answer: 9
Increasing self-confidence

Correct answer:

Increasing self-confidence
Question 5
0 of 1 points
From a leadership perspective, what would be an example of global utility?

Selected answer: ©
A categorical product
Correct answer:
A product that satisfies
multiple areas of application
Question 6
0 of 1 points
In a leadership scheme in which people's determination to follow the company's philosophy is
manifested, how does knowledge benefit?
Selected answer: o
Granting concessions

Correct answer:
Building trust

Question 7
0 of 1 points
One of the reasons why the implementation of leadership action plans fails is the lack of reality in
the objectives. What is the reason for this situation?

Selected answer: o
Excessive balance
Correct answer:
Lack of quantification

Question 8
0 of 1 points
One of the constants in leadership is respect for the authority figure. How is the above defined?

Selected answer: ©
Delegated positions by proxy

Correct answer:
Ability to generate legitimacy

Question 9
1 of 1 points
It is an example of an articulated proposal, as part of a process to achieve established goals:

Selected answer: o
Steps to be the best company in the industry

Correct answer:

Steps to be the best company in the industry

Question 10
0 of 1 points
From an organizational point of view, the cultural trait allows:

Selected answer: ©
Correct other organizations

Correct answer: o
To have perspective
• Question 1
0 of 1 points
Principle defined as a universal imperative, which prescribes a set of
□ of specific actions, aimed at regulating our behavior in certain circumstances:

Selected answer: ©

Correct answer: Moral
Question 2
0 of 1 points
These are the types of goods constituted by the goals pursued by a profession, the specific
good it does for humanity, its raison d'être:
Selected answer: ©
Correct o
answer: Interns

• Question 3
1 of 1 points In
recent years, the medical and administrative staff of a health care facility have been
■_e community health workers in a rural area in Mexico refused to attend to an indigenous woman
who was in labor. The argument of those in charge was that the woman came from a
neighboring community, which administratively corresponded to another clinic, which was
located twice as far away from her home. By denying emergency medical care because of the
patient's belonging to another community, the health center staff is failing the professional
principle of:

Selected answer: 0

Reply o
correct: Justici
Question 4
0.33333 of 1 points
Order chronologically the phases followed by the career path:
Correct answer Selected answer
O1. Q1.
Initiation into the profession Initiation into the profession
e2. ©2.
Years of pilgrimage and trial and error with Years of pilgrimage and trial and error with
change of employment and search for a change of employment and search for a
position. position.
53. G3.
Consolidation in position ©4. Position configuration
Position configuration Harvest and routine
e5. •5.
Harvest and routine Defense of the position achieved o6.
Defense of the position achieved Consolidation in the position
Question 5
0 of 1 points
It is the first and fundamental thing that the worker gets from his job:

Reply o
selected: Promoci
Reply G
correct: a ario
S l

Question 6
0 of 1 points
These are two elementary characteristics by which Deontology differs
from Ethics:
Q Responses
It must be elaborated by a professional collective, based on
principles that ensure the good practice of the
profession ©.
It should be prepared by a small group of experts,
reflecting the best practices of the profession in

Correct 9
It must be drawn up by a professional collective, based
on principles that ensure the good practice of the
profession g

It is usually embodied in written rules and precepts

that make up a code of conduct.
Question 7
0 of 1 points
Principle defined as a general imperative, which guides us about the good and achievable of
some actions, and the bad and avoidable of others:

Selected answer: ©
Correct ©
answer: Étic
Question 8
0 of 1 points
To speak of professional vocation in the proper sense assumes that God
personally calls the professional to perform that profession and not
Selected answer: 0 False

Correct answer: C Verdade ro

Question 9
0 of 1 points
These are the two main sources of social insertion and identity:
Selected answers: Q
The family
Academic degrees

Correct answers:
The work

The family
Question 10
These are the four principles around which bioethics has been built:

0 of 1 points
Selected answer: O
Beneficence, righteousness, honorability and justice

Correct answer: o
Beneficence, autonomy, justice, non-maleficence

Question 1
0 of 1 points
A cultural difference can cause a team not to communicate properly. What action would you take to
achieve effective interaction?

Selected answer: o
The chances of success in such a team are null and void.

1 of 1 points
Correct answer:

Understand the cultural environment of the team and generate adapted
Question 2

1 of 1 points
One of the traits of values-based leadership is that it has its own ideals, for example:

Selected answer: Q
Passion for the respect of human rights

Correct answer:

Passion for the respect of human rights

Question 3
1 of 1 points
One of the utilities of leadership negotiating skills is to be □ better prepared to find agreements.
Which of the following situations best exemplifies the above?

Selected answer: O
To know the counterpart extensively, in each aspect to be negotiated.

Correct answer:
To know the counterpart extensively, in each aspect to be negotiated.

Question 4
1 of 1 points
One of the theories of leadership explains the relationship between the decisions made and
the effects on the group. What is this process known as?

Selected answer: O

Correct answer:


Question 5
0 of 1 points
Of the following, point out the one that defines a cultural trait:

Selected answer: o
Correct answer:

Cost of

Question 6

1 of 1 points
What are the characteristics
selected: Easeidentified as key to success in the management function?
of use
Selected answer:
Correct o e
Calida and analytical skills, and confidence.
Correct answer:
ETHICS Leadership and analytical skills, and desire for responsibility.
Question 1
Question 7
0 of 1 points
Professional principle defined as doing an activity well and thus doing good to0 others:
of 1 points
A good example of leadership focused on organizational objectives is:

Selected answer: o
Selected answer: o [None
Enabling given] o
[None given] o [None
Correct answer: given] o [None given]
• •
Correct answer: Charity
To have the best product for the customer
Question 2
0 of 1 points
InQuestion 8
the professional context, the term practice refers to those cooperative
activities that pursue intrinsic goods, i.e., those goods that, because
0 of 1 they
points are
What should the leader's mission be focused on?
linked to a practice, can only be obtained if the latter is carried out correctly.
Selected answer: o
Selected answer: Employees' tastes
0 [None given] 0 [None given] 0 [None given] 0 [None given] 0 [None given] 0 [None

Correct answer: C True

Correct answer: •
Question 3
The purpose of the company 0 of 1 points
A type of secrecy that arises from a contract, from a promise to keep silent after having
Question 9
learned of the fact, whether by chance, by personal investigation or by spontaneous or
provoked confidentiality: 0 of 1 points
Generally, power affects the behavior of leaders in what way?

Selected answer:
answer: o o [None given] o
[None given] o [None
given] fluency
o [None ingiven]
the person

Correct answer: Promised
Correct answer:
Question 4
o 0 of 1 points
These are the types of degrees of
assets consisting of egocentrism
the means and rewards that the
professional needs to perform his or her job well:
Question 10
0 of 1 points
It is anSelected
ideal ofanswer: o the
leadership from [None given] point
production o of view:
[None given] o [None
given] o [None given]
Reply o
Correct answer: External
• Question 5
1 of 1 points
Principle defined as a general imperative, which guides us about the good and achievable of
some actions, and the bad and avoidable of others:

Selected answer: 0 [None given] 0

[None given] 0 [None
given] 0 [None given]
Correct answer: Ethical
Question 6
0 of 1 points
In the context of professional relationships, invoking this principle means considering that the
client is a subject of rights and should therefore be informed of any professional action
involving him, as well as requesting his consent to carry it out:

Selected answer: o [None given] o

[None given] o [None
given] o [None given]
Correct answer: Autonomy
Question 7
Selected answers: O [None given] O [None given] O [None given] O [None given] O [None given] O
These are the [None
two maingivensources of social insertion and identity:
Correct answers:

The work © work © work © work © work
The family
0 of 1 points
It is the first and fundamental thing that the worker gets from his job:

Question 8
Selected answer: © [None given]

Correct answer: Salary
Question 9
0 of 1 points

0 of 1 points
In 1995, the Sampoong warehouse building in South Korea collapsed without apparent
cause. The investigation determined that during the construction of the building, the project
executives made last-minute changes without considering the engineers' warnings about the
structural risks of making such modifications. By ignoring the engineers' diagnosis and failing
to prioritize the physical integrity of its employees, customers and visitors, Sampoong's
project executives failed the professional principle of:

Reply o [Not found given

selected: none]
Reply €
correct: Charity
Question 10
0 of 1 points
A type of secrecy that is independent of any contract, extends to everything that, whether discovered by
chance, personal investigation or confidentiality, cannot be disclosed:

Selected answer: 0 [None given] 0 [None given] 0 [None given] 0 [None given] 0 [None given] 0
[None given

Correct answer: o

Question 1 0 of 1 points
Cultural elements define constants that the negotiator must adapt to the situation. Which of these
constants is best suited to the case of a cross-cultural negotiation?

Selected answer: o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o
[None given

Correct answer:

Cultural differences

Question 2
0 of 1 points
Of the examples noted below, point out the one that coincides with articulated business planning:

Selected answer: o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o
[None given

Correct answer:

Achieving progress in 10 years

Question 3
0 of 1 points
One of the principles that should govern organizations is that of negotiation. Of the following options,
indicate which one corresponds to a characteristic that influences the negotiator:

Selected answer: 0 [None given] 0 [None given] 0 [None given] 0 [None given] 0 [None given] 0
[None given

Correct answer:
Question 4
0 of 1 points
One of the reasons why the implementation of leadership action plans fails is the lack of reality in the
objectives. What is the reason for this situation?

Selected answer: © [None given] © [None given] © [None given] © [None given] © [None given] ©
[None given] [None given

Correct answer:

Lack of quantification

Question 5
0 of 1 points
Each of the characteristics of leadership is widely valued, however, when it comes to processes in which
a specialist is required, for example, in the logistics of an organization, which person would you choose
to be hired as a leader?

Selected answer: © [None given]

Correct answer:

The one with the most experience

Question 6
0 of 1 points
In a leadership scheme in which people's determination to follow the company's philosophy is
manifested, how does knowledge benefit?

Selected answer: © [None given] © [None given] © [None given] © [None given] © [None given] ©
[None given] [None given

Correct answer:

Building trust

Question 7
0 of 1 points
For a target to be fluid, what is required from an organizational point of view?

Selected answer: © [None given] © [None given] © [None given] © [None given] © [None given] ©
[None given] [None given

Correct answer:
Question 8
0 of 1 points
For an organization to have clear objectives, what is the factor that makes those objectives

Selected answer: o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o
[None given

Correct answer:


Question 9
0 of 1 points
From the following examples, select the one that corresponds to a specific business objective:

Selected answer: o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o
[None given

Correct answer: o

Sales at 60%.
What is the central problem in the exercise of power?

Question 10
Selected answer: o

0 of 1 points
Selected answer: o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o [None given] o
[None given

Correct answer:

Question 1
1 of 1 points
It is one of the elements of power, as part of the defining characteristics of negotiators:

Selected answer: Eg o

Correct answer:
e Eg o

Question 2
1 of 1 points
What is the basis of a leader from the point of view of continuity with objectives?
Correct answer: o
Question 3
1 of 1 points
From a leadership perspective, what would be an example of global utility?

Selected answer: o
A product that satisfies multiple areas of application

Correct answer:

A product that satisfies multiple areas of application
Question 4
1 of 1 points
What is the central problem in the exercise of power?

Selected answer: C

Correct answer:
Question 5
1 of 1 points
For an organization to have clear objectives, what is the factor that makes those objectives

Selected answer: 0

Correct answer:

Question 6
1 of 1 points
What is the characteristic that identifies leadership when it comes to plans or projects
undertaken by the company?

Selected answer: ©
The change that can occur in a project

Correct answer:
The change that can occur in a project

Question 7

1 of 1 points
Some negotiation processes may fail due to cultural differences . What is the reason for this?

Selected answer:

To the incompatibility of
Correct answer:
To the incompatibility of
Question 8
0 of 1 points
A company competes extensively with other organizations in an innovative market, by what
action would it distinguish itself from others?

Selected answer: Q
Establish guidelines as to the forms of production that the
company has
Correct answer:
Positioning as the best company among organizations
engaged in the same activity.
Question 9
1 of 1 points
In a cross-cultural context, situational differences arise, in which case power tends to:

Selected answer: Q
Increasing self-confidence

Correct answer:

Increasing self-confidence
Question 10
1 of 1 points
One of the reasons why the implementation of action plans for the implementation of
-Q leadership is flawed, it is the lack of reality in the objectives. What is the reason for this situation?

Selected answer: Q
Lack of quantification

Correct answer:

Lack of quantification

Question 1
1 of 1 points
It is an example of an articulated proposal, as part of a process to achieve established goals:

Steps to be the best company in the industry
Selected answer:
Correct answer: o
Steps to be the best company in the industry

Question 2
1 of 1 points
What is the objective of a company in relation to its competitors?

Selected answer: O

Correct answer:

Question 3
1 of 1 points
Each of the characteristics of leadership is widely valued, however, when it comes to
processes in which a specialist is required, for example, in the logistics of an organization,
which person would you choose to be hired as a leader?

Selected answer: ®
The one with the most experience

Correct answer:

The one with the most experience
Question 4
1 of 1 points
From the following examples of company slogans, select the one that matches a market and
competitive view:

Selected answer: ©
To be the leading company in the industry

Correct answer:
To be the leading company in the industry

Question 5
1 of 1 points
From an organizational point of view, the cultural trait allows:

Selected answer: ©
To have perspective

Correct answer: o
To have perspective

Question 6

1 of 1 points
Leadership often manifests itself through innovation. What is necessary for this to happen from a
paradigm point of view?

Selected answer: O
Breaking the mold

Correct answer:

Breaking the mold
Question 7
1 of 1 points
It is one of the elements of power, as part of the defining characteristics of negotiators:

Reply C
selected: Eg
Reply o
correct: Eg
Question 8
1 of 1 points
Which of the following organizational approaches would be most conducive to productivity?

Selected answer: ©
Follow up on production processes

Correct answer:

Follow up on production processes
Question 9
1 of 1 points
Some negotiation processes may be unsuccessful due to cultural differences . What is the reason for

Selected answer: Q
To the incompatibility of
Correct answer:
To the incompatibility of
Question 10
1 of 1 points
Of the examples noted below, point out the one that coincides with articulated business planning:

Achieving progress in 10 years

Selected answer:
Selected answer: Q
Correct answer:
Correct C
answer: Achieving progress in
10 years

Question 1
1 of 1 points
It is one of the elements of power, as part of the defining characteristics of

• Question 2
1 of 1 points
What is the basis of a leader from the point of view of continuity with the J2 objectives?

Selected answer: ©

Reply o
correct: Trust
Question 3
1 of 1 points
From a leadership perspective, what would be an example of global utility?

Selected answer: C
A product that satisfies multiple areas of application

Correct answer:

A product that satisfies multiple areas of application
Question 4
1 of 1 points
What is the central problem in the exercise of power?

Selected answer: © Ethics

Correct answer:

Question 5
1 of 1 points
For an organization to have clear objectives, what is the factor that makes those objectives
Selected answer: o
• Question 10
1 of 1 points
One of the reasons why the implementation of action plans for the implementation of
E2 leadership is flawed, it is the lack
Correct of reality in the objectives. What is the reason for this
Selected answer:6 o
Lack of 1 of 1 points
What is the characteristic that identifies leadership when it comes to plans or projects undertaken by
the company?
Correct answer:

Selected answer: ©Lack of
The change that can occur in a project
Question 1
1 of 1 points At
Correct answer: •
a hospital in Mexico City,
The physicians
change that canhave
occuraccess to
in a project
E2 exclusive restrooms, which cannot be used by other hospital employees such as
nurses and7orderlies. This privilege is justified because the medical profession
requires a greater number of years of training and is therefore more dignified.
1 of 1 points
Some negotiation processes may fail due to cultural differences. What is the reason for this?

Selected answer:
Selected answer: Q o
To the incompatibility of
Correct answer: cultures
0 Fals
Correct answer:
To the incompatibility of
Question 5
0 of 1 points 1 of 1 points
This is the name given to the morality linked to each group and even to each individual,
• Question 8 A company competes extensively with other organizations in an
sometimes in direct confrontation with the morality of other groups and individuals:
innovative market, by what action would it distinguish itself from others?

Selected answer: □
Selected answer: Establish guidelines as to the forms of production that the
company has
Correct answer: Axiological
o polytheism
Positioning as the best company among organizations
Correct engaged in the same activity.
answer: 9
1 of 1 points
In an intercultural context, there are situational differences, in whose
-E2 case the power tends to: polytheism

Selected answer: o
Increasing self-confidence 1 of 1 points
Question 8
0 of 1 points
Correct answer:
These are two obligations that oa profession imposes on those who
practice it: Increasing self-confidence
Selected answers:
Professional solidarity

Produce goods and services for the community

Correct answers:

Responsibility to maintain professional secrecy

Professional solidarity

The fact that there are professions that require a greater amount of time
and effort to train in them, compared to others that require a shorter period
of training, implies that some are more worthy than others, and that some
The require
domination more
of one time and effort
professional to train
activity over in them, is
another compared
others that require a shorter period of training, implies that some are more
worthy than others.
Selected answer: 9

Correct answer:
C Fals o

Question 10
1 of 1 points
Mariana is about to finish high school and still does not know what profession to choose.
His friends have proposed several viable options, for different reasons. Which of the
following reasons do you think will allow Mariana to make the best choice?

Selected answer:

Responding to
your vocation

Responding to
your vocation
Question 1
1 of 1 points
These are the four components of attitude:

Selected answer:
Cognitive, affective, behavioral, normative

Correct answer:
Cognitive, affective, behavioral, normative

Question 2
1 of 1 points
If a moral obligation is imposed on an individual by a factor external to him, we speak
fundamentally of:

Selected answer: C
Norm a

Correct answer:

Norm a

Question 3
1 of 1 points
This concept refers to a situation of moral obligation in which one finds oneself with respect to
something or someone and indicates to us what we have to do out of integrity:

Selected answer: 5
Deb er

Correct answer:

Deb er

Question 5
1 of 1 points
In the term value, the economic point of view is primarily imposed, from which this term
is taken.

Selected answer: 9

Correct answer:

C Verdade ro

Question 6
1 of 1 points
This value is defined as giving to each person what is his or her own, what is due to him
or her by virtue of his or her dignity:

Selected answer: G

Correct answer:


Question 7
1 of 1 points
It is known as the most characteristic component of attitudes. It is the feeling of attitude:

Selected answer: G

Affectiv e

Correct answer:

Affectiv e

Question 8
1 of 1 points
7, I Moral rules do not differ according to the historical, material and cultural
conditions of the community where they are applied. Therefore, its validity is
independent of any territory, custom and historical moment.

Selected answer: G

Correct answer: G Fals o

Question 9
1 of 1 points
Part of ethics that deals with establishing the moral duties of the members of a given

Selected answer: G


Correct answer:
Question 10
1 of 1 points
It is defined as the set of rules of conduct that indicate to man how he
should act in his relationship with other individuals; it refers to the concrete way in which
people put their ethical principles into practice:

Selected answer: Q

Correct answer:

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