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Armahedi Mahzar 2023

13,87 Milyar Tahun Yang Lalu
• Surat Al-Anbiya’ ayat 30
‫ض َكانَتَا َرتْقًا‬ َ ‫ت َو ْاْل َ ْر‬ َ ‫س َم‬
ِ ‫اوا‬ َّ ‫ين َكفَ ُروا أَ َّن ال‬ َ ‫• أَ َولَ ْم َي َر الَّ ِذ‬
‫ش ْي ٍء َحي ٍ ۖ أَفَ ََل يُْؤْ ِمنُو َن‬َ ‫فَفَتَ ْقنَاهُ َما ۖ َو َج َع ْلنَا ِم َن ْال َما ِء كُ َّل‬
• Dan apakah orang-orang yang kafir tidak
mengetahui bahwasanya langit dan bumi itu
keduanya dahulu adalah suatu yang padu,
kemudian Kami pisahkan antara keduanya.
Dan dari air Kami jadikan segala sesuatu yang
hidup. Maka mengapakah mereka tiada juga
Alam Berkembang
Secara Bertahap
• Surat Az-Zariyat Ayat 47‫َي‬Dan
َ langit Kami bangun dengan kekuasaan (Kami),
dan Kami benar-benar meluaskannya.
berumur 100 juta Tahun
• 13.77 billion year old temperature fluctuations
(shown as color differences) that correspond
to the seeds that grew to become the galaxies
Lahirnya Galaksi-galaksi
1 milyar tahun
• {When the sky is rent asunder, and becomes a
crimson rose like melted oil.} (Quran 55:37)
Evolusi Bintang
Lahirnya Bintang-bintang
400 juta tahun
• Quran 16:13, ‘…and the stars too have been
pressed into service by His command. Surely,
in that are Signs for a people who make use of
their reason.’
Galaksi Saling Menjauh
Hanya 4% Materi Nampak
di JagatrayaJAGATRAYA
• Heaven is more expansive then the
samawati and the ardh. In fact,
Chapter 3:133 and 57:21, explain
how heaven (janaa) is bigger than
the Samaa (Cosmos) and the
universe wherein the Earth is located
Ada 26% Materi Gelap di Jagatraya
• But stars and galaxies do not tell the whole story.
Astronomical and physical calculations suggest
that the visible universe is only a tiny amount
(4%) of what the universe is actually made of. A
very large fraction of the universe, in fact 26%, is
made of an unknown type of matter called "dark
matter". Unlike stars and galaxies, dark matter
does not emit any light or electromagnetic
radiation of any kind, so that we can detect it
only through its gravitational effects.
Ada 70% Energi Gelap di Jagatraya
• An even more mysterious form of energy
called “dark energy” accounts for about 70%
of the mass-energy content of the universe.
Even less is known about it than dark matter.
This idea stems from the observation that all
galaxies seems to be receding from each other
at an accelerating pace, implying that some
invisible extra energy is at work.
Penciptaan Jagatraya
Perusakan Simetri
Integralitas Kosmos
Micro- Meso- Makro- Supra- Meta-kosmos
kosmos kosmos kosmos kosmos (Tuhan)
(manusia) (budaya) (alam nyata) (alam gaib)

Ruh Wahyu sumber Dzat

Nurani Budaya Prinsip- Prinsip-prinsip Sifat-Sifat

normatif prinsip Supernatural

Kesadaran Budaya Hukum- Hukum-hukum Perintah-

simbolik hukum Supernatural Perintah

Perilaku Budaya sosial Fenomena Fenomena Perbuatan

alam supernatural

Tubuh Budaya Benda- Benda-benda Ciptaan

material benda alam Supernatural 13
Ilmu Islam
Kategori Epistemologi Aksiologi Kosmologi Teologi
shufi fiqhi hikmati tauhidi
Sumber Ruhi Qurani Thammah Dzatullah
(spirit) (transendental) (kausa primal) (Substansi)

Nilai-nilai Qalbi Sunni Gha’iyah Sifatullah

(nurani) (universal) (kausa final) (atribut)
Informasi ’aqli ‘ijtihadi Shuriyah ‘Amrullah
(rasio) (kultural) (kausa formal) (perintah)

Energi Nafsi ‘ijma’i Fa’iliyah Sunnatullah

(naluri) (sosial) (kausa efisien) (perilaku)

Materi Jismi ’urfi Maddiyah Khalqillah

(tubuh) (instrumental) (kausa material) (ciptaan)


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