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Written Work #2

Subject: Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Subject Description: This course introduces some Applied Social Sciences, namely, Counseling, Social Work,
and Communication, which draw their foundation from the theories and principles of
Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, and other Social Sciences. The course highlights the
seamless interconnectivity of the different applied social science disciplines while focusing
on the processes and applications of these applied disciplines in critical development areas.
Grade Level: Grade 12
Quarter: 1st Quarter
Learning Competencies: • show understanding of the roles and functions of counselors.
• identify specific work areas in which counselors work.
• identify career opportunities for counselors.
• value rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities.
• distinguish between ethical and unethical behaviors among counselors.
Task/Output: Reflection Paper
Specific Instructions: Write a reflection paper based on the video provided.
Highest Possible Score/ 20

1. Watch the “A Day in the Life of a School Counselor” through this link:
2. Write a reflection paper about the video by answering these guided questions.
• Who is he/she? What is his/her role and functions?
• How is it important his/her work?
• Do you consider his/her work noble?
3. Accomplish the reflection paper in a 300 words narrative form tackling the guided questions.
4. Submit your Reflection Paper in PDF on September 16, 2023, with a file name: NAME_SECTION (e.g.,
5. See the rubric for guidance.


A Modified Rubric from USC – Center for Excellence in Teaching

Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement

(15-20) (10-14) (5-9) (1-4)
Completeness Clearly and completely answers the assignment prompt. Adheres to required length.
Content and Correctly follows and answers the guided questions. Rich, detailed description of the case,
Analysis conflict, challenge, or issue of concern.
Evidence Clear attempt to integrate relevant facts, relationships, and the student’s self. Includes
conclusions based on synthesis of the description.
Writing Impressions plus critical reflection (i.e., exploration and critique of assumptions, values,
beliefs, and/or biases; multiple perspectives; alternatives; and the consequences of actions).
Includes discussion of how behavior may change based on new insights.
Timeliness The Venn Diagram is submitted on or before the said deadline.
Prepared by:

John Cris C. Tababa, LPT

Subject Teacher
Checked by:

Mr. Charls Vincent P. Dela Peña, LPT

HUMSS Strand Coordinator
Reviewed by:

Mr. Ed Allen R. Uriarte, LPT

Assistant Principal
Approved by

Juzy Laygo-Saguil, LPT, Ph. D.


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