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Aehyan Kean A.

Dela Cruz May 06, 2023

Offering Num#: N018

The Resistors Code

- Resistor is a two-terminal device and it an important component in producing many electronic devices.
Resistor used to limit or regulate the electric current flow. Resistors usually contains four band colors it
represents the electrical resistance of resistors.
• Identify a Resistor
• Familiarized the resistor color code
• Determine the ohmic value of different resistor
• Resistor with different ohmic value
• Calculator
• Bond paper
Schematic Diagram

• Calculate the range of the resistor, and the tolerance based on the color representation of the resistors
color bands

Data Table
Colors Max Resistance Minimum Resistance

Brown, Black, Brown, Gold 150 Ω 50 Ω

Orange, White, Black, Gold 58.5 Ω 19.5 Ω

Red, Red, Black, No Color 26.4 Ω 17.6 Ω

Green, Blue, Black, Gold 84 Ω 24 Ω

Red, Violet, Black, Gold 40.5 Ω 13.5Ω

Guide Question
1. For resistor with color of orange-orange-gold-no color, What is the maximum and minimum ohmic
Rmax= R + ( R x Tolerance ) Rmin= R- (R x Tolerance).
= 3.3+(3.3x0.20) 3.3-(3.3x0.20)
Rmax= 3.96Ω Rmin= 2.64 Ω

2. What are the colors for resistor having an ohmic value of 10 Ω ± 5%

- Brown-Black-Gold-No color

3. Aside from color code, describe two methods that you can use in finding resistance of resistors

- Multimeter method
is another method can be used by using analog multimeter or digital multimeter

Ohms law method

- By applying circuit rules of circuit and voltage with Ohm’s law its allow to formulate to determine the
resistance of resistors

- A resistor is electronic component that is used to restrict or control the flow of electric circuit it has a
two-terminal component with specific resistance value that measure in Ohms. Also, resistor is color-
coded to indicate their resistance value, tolerance, maximum and minimum value of the resistor. To
Familiarize the resistor color code, we must recognize first the number of the color band, recognize the
color mapping, determine the significance of each band, and the formula to calculate the resistance
value. To determine the ohmic value of resistor first, count the color bands, then identify the first 2 color
of the resistor, identify the multiplier and identify the tolerance value by the last colorband. After that
calculate R= (Value of the first 2 band) ± (Color tolerance) after that to determine the range of resistor
Rmax= R+ (R x Tolerance) Rmin= R- (R x Tolerance).

How to Measure the Resistance of a Resistor

How to Measure the Resistance of a Resistor. (2023). Retrieved 1 June 2023, from

Resistor Colour Code - Resistor Colour Bands Table, Resistance Colour Code Examples, and FAQs
Resistor Colour Code - Resistor Colour Bands Table, Resistance Colour Code Examples, and FAQs. (2023).
Retrieved 1 June 2023, from

Ohm's Law and resistance - Ohm's Law - National 5 Physics Revision - BBC Bitesize
Ohm's Law and resistance - Ohm's Law - National 5 Physics Revision - BBC Bitesize. (2023). Retrieved 1 June
2023, from

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