EDited - MoU P4H & Istanbuladdis

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MARCH, 2023 E.C

This Memorandum of Understanding (Hereafter referred to as “MoU “) effective as of the date of last
signature below (“28.MAR.2023” ) is agreed and signed between the POSITIVITY FOR HARMONY IN
ETHIOPIA (Hereafter referred to as “ P4H ETHIOPIA” ) for the purpose of this MOU; its principal office
located in East Africa, Ethiopia, Oromia, Adama City, Geda Sub city, Phone:
+251905555666/+251905666999/+251988409118 , e-mail :
esmaelso69@gmail.com, hule@pretrado.com, ceo.esmael@pretrado.com, info@pretrado.com website:
www.pretrado.com represented by its Chief Project Manager/Chief Recruitment and Training department
director , Mr. Esmael Kasim . ;


ISTANBULADDIS TOUR AND TRAVEL PLC(Hereafter referred to as “ISTANBULADDIS”) for the purpose

of this MOU with its principal office located in ADDIS ABABA , Bole , DH GEDA 2ND
FLOOR Phone:
+251911252433 +251-944000004/05/06 +251-983568383, e-mail:
eidume2@gmail.com, represented by its CEO . ; ENDRIS ARAGAW HUSSEIN


Whereas, P4H-ETHIOPIA is a partner host Non-profit Organization (NGo) project implementation

association legally registered under civil society organization proclamation number 1113/2019 has been
registered and accorded legal personality with registry number 3699 and legally registered in Ethiopia.
Although the CSO as Ref no. Sof036/2023 certified and organize a capacity development directorate
department under the organization and P4H Ethiopia assumed and legalized as a Recruitment and
OFFICE) and with registry no. ADT/2/0003409 in accordance with the Ethiopian overseas employment
proclamation no 923/2016 and works at International, National and local levels to promote and develop
work-oriented community developments, , technology and innovation based task opportunities, and youth
development through recruitment and employment work permit opportunities at foreign and local terms.
Works as partner with Non-profit organizations in order to bring a sustainable development in
Ethiopia, Africa and entire continent either under international law of SDG terms.
Whereas, ISTANBULADDIS TOUR AND TRAVEL is Istanbul Addis tour and travel PLC is internationally
recognized tour company which is registered and issued under Ethiopian commercial Registration and
Business License proclamation No 980/2016 and bearing the Principal registration and Business License
Numbers BL/AA/2/0016489/2010 and MT/AA/14/673/750981/2010 respectively and based in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia. ISTANBULADDIS is manned with experienced, knowledgeable, multilingual and highly qualified
team based on considerable experience combined with youthful enthusiasm and creative spirit, in-depth
knowledge of the services we offer and commitment to all aspects of Travel and Tourism Management.

P4H-ETHIOPIA engaged in providing work oriented employment opportunities, training and mentoring
service for foreign collaborative partnerships , raising a bridge between young innovators, entrepreneurs
and foreign development companies and organizations , organizing and hosting education based
opportunities , science , technology and innovation , entrepreneurship related partnerships with CSO’s
(Civil society Organizations) and NGO’s as well as setting up and running entrepreneurship excellence
and task recruitment trainings.

Whereas P4H Ethiopia has the vision of producing world class youth of work with opportunities who will
become healthy, responsible and productive citizens and contributes for the country’s developments and
P4H Ethiopia will become the leading Africa Center of Excellence in the area of Youth Skills Development.
P4H Ethiopia has focus on the following sectors.

 Digital Transformative Projects and Programs collaborative

 Education opportunities
 Recruitment Programs
 Entrepreneurship opportunities with foreign partnerships
 Youth Development
WHEREAS, P4H Ethiopia & ISTANBULADDIS. has signed this memorandum of Understanding. The
purpose of this agreement is to make the content of the agreement clear to both parties (P4H ETH and
ISTANBULADDIS) on their rights; role responsibilities and obligation as stated in this document. This MOU
signed between both P4H ETH and ISTANBULADDIS will govern the bilateral relationship established.

Therefore, this understanding has been reached and MoU has been signed between the parties.

1. Cooperating Parties

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is made by and between Istanbuladdis Tour and Travel PLC
(hereinafter P4H-ETHIOPIA). Both Maxbridge and P4H-ETHIOPIA shall also be collectively referred to as the
In contemplation of the mutually beneficial relationships to be established, and in consideration of the mutual
promises and covenants contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby agreed to and accepted, the
Parties agree as follows

2. Objective and Principle

This MoU intends to set out the general principles of mutual cooperation in the fields of works at International,
National and local levels to promote and develop work-oriented community developments, , technology and
innovation based task opportunities, and youth development through recruitment and employment work
permit opportunities at foreign and local terms, according to which the two Parties may jointly identify areas of
mutual interest and carry out cooperative activities on the basis of reciprocity and mutual benefit.( please add
many more)
3. Scope of Cooperation
 Cooperative activities under this MOU will be carried out in the areas of work-oriented community
developments, technology and innovation based task opportunities, and youth development through
recruitment and employment work permit opportunities at foreign and local terms, capacity building
and consultancy in any thematic areas of mutual interest, on a basis of equality and reciprocity.
 The Parties will endeavor to encourage and facilitate, as appropriate, cooperative activities on
matters of mutual interest; and other forms of cooperation in mutually determined and targeted areas
not mentioned above.
Under this MOU, P4H ETHIOPIA shall have the following responsibilities

 Hosting the recruitment training and hosting of evaluation/examing as agreed with other foreign
organization and other potential supporters.
 Providing and facilitating training of 2000(two thousand) trainee’s facilitate and link-with foreign
companies/organizations agreement on recruitment.
 Full covering of training conference hall, refreshment and other expenses related to this program is
covered by P4H ETH.
 Providing and facilitating mentoring a digital and safe platform of digital registration, digital
identification and digital certification systems.
 Using Digital registration and Identification system for the trainee’s in order to facilitate for
identification through the evaluation phase.
 Involve and facilitate 561(five hundred sixty one) evaluated recruited trainees in taskforce under new
facilities of Canada, Ontario, Aurora as previously agreed with the foreign company.
 Full expenses of evaluated and passed 561(five hundred sixty one) evaluated recruited trainees
VISA charge, Accommodation, House Allowance, food and health insurance is borne by our
agreed foreign company; although the accepted/passed recruited trainee’s must realize to stay in
the taskforce until their signed date of contract of employment.
 Follow and adhere to the government’s general policy and guidelines in the realization of its goal
and objectives
 Organize a national recruitment training program.
 Create conducive environment for the program implementation.
 Promote and communicate information about this recruitment program and other related events in
collaboration with relevant bodies.
 Be responsible for raising or looking for funds to support this project/program activities.
 Certifying registered students under qualification and non-
qualified trainees.
Under this MOU, ISTANBULADDIS shall have the following responsibilities

 Register trainees of recruitment training under P4H ETH program coordination in charge of
executing joint activities between P4H ETH and of ISTANBULADDIS as required.
 Registration of 2000(two thousand) trainee’s will be expected, co- ordination and promotion is
 Training fee of recruitment training program of 9000 ETB per registrar trainee must paid and
submitted to P4H-ETH’s bank account; registration charge of
ETB must be submitted to Istanbuladdis bank account borne from registrars.
 Facilitation and support P4H ETH to implement this recruitment program.
 Collaborate with P4H ETH for the successful implementation of the training and recruitment
1. Joint role and responsibilities

 Jointly follow up, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the registration of trainee’s and
program co-ordination.
 Regularly share information and updates.
 Exchange ideas related to joint activities.

2. Independent Service provider.

The parties intend to be independent Service providers. Service provider will be solely responsible for
and have control over the means, methods, techniques, personnel and procedures for performing the

3. Confidentiality.

Service provider will maintain, and cause each of its employees and others it involves in performing its
obligations under this Contract to maintain, the confidentiality of: (i) any information Istanbuladdis provides to
Service provider that Istanbuladdis identifies as confidential; (ii) the terms and conditions of this Contract; and
(iii) nonpublic information regarding Istanbuladdis’s policies and practices. Upon request, Service provider will
return to Istanbuladdis all confidential information provided by Istanbuladdis to Service provider.

4. Termination.

This Contract may be terminated under the following circumstances:

• by both Parties on mutual written agreement of the Parties;

• by either Party for its convenience with written notice and after the Termination Notice Period
specified in Schedule has expired;

• by either Party due to the non-terminating Party’s breach of this Contract and failure to correct
such breach within 15 days prior notice of such breach;

• be either Party upon written notice if a force majeure event, including any not reasonably
foreseeable war, insurrection, change in law or government action or inaction, strike, natural
disaster or similar event, prevents the terminating Party from being able to fulfill its obligations
under this Contract

1. This memorandum of understanding shall enter into force and be effective when duly signed by
both parties.
2. This agreement shall remain in full force and in effect for a period of time of 2(two) month.
30(thirty) days for registration, 1(one) month for training (Trainers will decide the training time
interval), evaluation/examing of 1(one) week.
3. This agreement may be amended, renewed or terminated by mutual consent of the two parties
made in writing within two months prior to the expiry date.

6. Resolution of disagreement (Dispute settlement)

If the disagreement happens between the two parties on the implementation of the project/program the
dispute will be settled through negotiation or conflict resolution process. If falling to resolve in such manner,
the issue will be brought to emergent face to face meeting who will be decide on a resolving resolution.
Unless, otherwise, any unresolved dispute or claims will be settled by arbitration administered by
appropriate Ethiopian Commercial Law

7. Miscellaneous.

• This Contract and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto will be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of Ethiopia.

• All notices provided for herein will be in writing and will be delivered by hand, email or fax
in accordance with each party’s contact information set forth. Notices will be deemed to
have been given when received

• Time is of the essence of each and every obligation of Service provider under this

• Except as otherwise provided above, this Contract may be amended or modified only by a
written document signed by both parties. This Contract constitutes the entire contract
between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all
previous Contracts and understandings, oral or written, relating to the subject matter
IN WITNESS WHERE OF, We, the undersigned acting as dully authorized representatives, understand
and agree to be abide by the terms and conditions stated and signed this partnership agreement.

This MoU is entered into and signed on as per below.


Signature: Signature:

Name; Name:

Position: Position:

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