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Box Q 5,200.

Banks Q 109,072.16
Furniture and Equipment Q 38,000.00
Delivery Vehicles Q 156,000.00
Organization Expenses Q 17,000.00
Merchandise Q 68,000.00
Social capital Q 200,000.00
Shopping Q 97,514.00
VAT (debtor) Q 354.13
Customers Q 29,000.00
Trade creditors Q 27,711.22
Returns and Discounts on purchases Q 2,000.00
Sales Q 649,284.19
Shopping Expenses Q 3,000.00
Short-Term Notes Receivable Q 24,000.00
Non-Commercial Creditors Q 5,000.00
Returns and Discounts on sales Q 1,200.00
Administration Salaries Q 134,200.00
Sales Room Salaries Q 114,400.00
Discounted Documents Q 8,500.00
Short-Term Notes Payable Q 16,000.00
Advertising Q 12,500.00
Sales Room Rentals Q 16,500.00
Office Rentals Q 11,000.00
Miscellaneous Administration Expenses Q 1,500.00
Miscellaneous Sales Room Expenses Q 2,500.00
Commissions Charged in Advance Q 1,600.00
Employer Administration Fees Q 17,003.14
Sales Room Employer Fees Q 14,494.48
Administration Incentive Bonus Q 16,500.00
Sales room incentive bonus Q 13,750.00
Quarterly ISR to be Credited Q 15,800.00
Press Stamp Q 62.50
IGGS to Pay Q 3,955.00
ISR Payable on purchases Q 4,500.00
Equal sums Q 918,550.41Q 918,550.41
Warehouse "The Sun"
Diary book
p*1 12/1/2020
Sales Room Rentals Q 1,500.00
Office Rentals Q 1,000.00
VAT Receivable Q 300.00
ISR Payable on Capital Income
Rent payment for this month invoice no.6523 Q 2,800.00

p*2 12/3/2020
Banks Q 2,400.00
cash receipt no.120 Q 2,400.00

p*3 12/4/2020
Shopping Q 4,900.00
VAT Receivable Q 588.00
Documents to pay
Purchase invoice no. 32967 Q 5,488.00

p*4 12/5/2020
Banks Q 2,400.00
Deposit ticket no.479 Q 2,400.00

p*5 12/8/2020
Box Q 8,344.00
d VAT payable
cash sales invoices no. 1801 to 1840 Q 8,344.00

p*6 12/9/2020
Documents Payable to Q 2,000.00
Cash receipt, no.672 payment to Distribuidora las Margaritas Q 2,000.00

p*7 12/10/2020
d Computer Equipment Q 16,450.00
VAT Receivable Q 1,974.00
Purchase of computer equipment, invoice no. 67321 Q 18,424.00

p*8 12/12/2020
Stationery and Supplies Q 318.00
VAT Receivable Q 38.16
Purchase of utilities invoice no. 3276
Q 356.16

p*9 12/14/2020
Non-Commercial Creditors Q 1,000.00
cash receipt no.13 payment to our creditor Saul Gomez Q 1,000.00

p*10 12/15/2020
IGSS to Pay Q 3,955.00
IGSS payment corresponding to the month of November Q 3,955.00

p*11 12/18/2020
Discounted Documents Q 3,500.00
Payment of a bill already discounted to the name of Serapio Moscoso Q 3,500.00

p*12 12/20/2020
Customers Q 3,516.80
d VAT payable
Credit sales invoice no.1841 Q 3,516.80

p*13 12/23/2020
Goods Shipped in Consignment Q 2,800.00
Sales to be made
Transfer note no.01 to Almacen El Aguila Q 2,800.00

p*14 12/24/2020
Advertising Q 1,500.00
VAT Receivable Q 180.00
Press Stamp Q 7.50
Advertising payment corresponding to the month of November Q 1,687.50

p*15 12/26/2020
d Computer Equipment Q 425.00
VAT Receivable Q 51.00
Purchases of computer cases invoice no.2389 Q 476.00
Sales Room Supply Q 234.67
Office Supply Q 286.83
Q 62.58
VAT for Cash Collection
Q 2,625.00
Payments for water and electricity
services to EEGSA AND TELGUA Q 584.08
Q 175.00
Q 2,800.00
Banks Q 7,040.26
Deposit according to ticket no.480 Q 7,040.26
Q 2,400.00
Q 2,400.00
Q*17 12/20/2020
Administration Salaries Q 19,200.00
Sales Room Salaries Q 15,000.00
Administration Incentive Bonus Q 1,500.00
Sales Room Incentive Bonus Q 1,250.00
Q 5,488.00
Employer Administration Fees Q 2,432.64
Q 5,488.00
Sales Room Employer Fees Q 1,900.50
IGSS to Pay
Payroll payment corresponding to the month of December Q 41,283.14
Q 2,400.00
Q 2,400.00

Q 7,450.00
Q 890.00
Q 8,340.00

Q 2,000.00
Q 2,000.00


Q 18,424.00
Q 18,424.00
Q 356.16
Q 356.16

Q 1,000.00
Q 1,000.00

Q 3,955.00
Q 3,955.00

Q 3,500.00
Q 3,500.00

Q 3,140.00
Q 376.80
Q 3,516.80

Q 2,800.00
Q 2,800.00

Q 1,687.50
Q 1,687.50

Q 476.00
Q 476.00
Q 584.08
Q 584.08

Q 7,040.26
Q 7,040.26

Q 5,985.00
Q 35,298.14
Q 41,283.14
Warehouse "The Sun"
p*1 12/31/2020
Depreciation of Furniture Equipment Sales Room QQQ 4,440.00
Furniture Depreciation Office Equipment QQ 2,960.00
Depreciation of Delivery Vehicles 30,800.00
Computer Equipment Depreciation
Amortization of Organization Expenses
Accumulated Depreciation of Furniture and Equipment 7,400.00
Accumulated Depreciation of Delivery Vehicles 30,800.00
Accumulated Depreciation Computer Equipment QQQ 328.96
Amortization Organizational Expenses Q 3,400.00
Depreciation and Amortization according to legal percentage Q 41,928.96Q 41,928.96

p*2 12/31/2020
Commissions Charged in Advance Q 700.00
Commissions Earned Q 700.00
Record of commissions earned Q 700.00 Q 700.00

p*3 12/31/2020
Returns and Discounts on Purchases Q 200.00
Discount on Purchases Q 200.00
Regularization for having recorded a discount in
she says that as a baby Q 200.00 Q 200.00

p*4 12/31/2020
Uncollectible Accounts Q 1,563.50
Estimation for uncollectible accounts Q 1,563.50
Recording of the estimate for uncollectible accounts Q 1,563.50 Q 1,563.50

p*5 12/31/2020
Miscellaneous Administration Expenses Q 500.00
Spending on purchases Q 500.00
Record of having posted an amount not
corresponding to the account Q 500.00 Q 500.00

p*6 12/31/2020
Petty Cash Q 1,000.00
Box Q 1,000.00
Voucher no.01 from Fidelia Bocablanco company secretary Q 1,000.00 Q 1,000.00
3 1 Box
3 2 Banks
3 3 Furniture and Equipment
3 4 Delivery Vehicles
3 5 Organization Expenses
3 6 Merchandise
7 Social capital
2 8 Shopping
3 9 VAT (debtor)
3 10 Customers
11 Trade creditors
2 12 Returns and Discounts on purchases
2 13 Sales
2 14 Shopping Expenses
15 Short-Term Notes Receivable
16 Non-Commercial Creditors
2 17 Returns and Discounts on sales
1 19 Administration Salaries
2 20 Sales Room Salaries
21 Discounted Documents
22 Short-Term Notes Payable
1 23 Advertising
2 24 Sales Room Rentals
1 25 Office Rentals
1 26 Miscellaneous Administration Expenses
2 27 Miscellaneous Sales Room Expenses
28 Commissions Charged in Advance
1 29 Employer Administration Fees
2 30 Sales Room Employer Fees
1 31 Administration Incentive Bonus
2 32 Sales room incentive bonus
33 Quarterly ISR to be Credited
1 34 Press Stamp
35 IGGS to Pay
36 ISR Payable on purchases
37 ISR Payable on Capital Income
38 VAT payable
39 Computer Equipment
40 Stationery and Supplies
41 Goods Shipped in Consignment
42 Sales to be made
1 43 Sales Room Supply
1 44 Office Supply
2 45 Depreciation of Furniture Equipment Sales
1 46 Room
Furniture Depreciation Office Equipment
47 Depreciation of Delivery Vehicles
48 Depreciation of Computer Equipment Amortization of Organizational Expenses
49 Accumulated Depreciation of Furniture and Equipment Accumulated Depreciation of
50 Delivery Vehicles Accumulated Depreciation of Computer Equipment Amortization of
51 Organizational Expenses Commissions Earned
Discount on Purchases
Uncollectible Accounts
55 Estimation for uncollectible accounts
Petty Cash
Income Statement Sums
58 Profit Before Tax and Reserve
60 ISR Payable
Legal Reserve
Profit After Tax and Reserve
61 Equal sums
Warehouse Worksheet "El Sol" exercise from January 1 to December 31
Balances Settings Aj Balances
Debtor Creditor Has to To have Debtor
Q 5,200.00 Q 8,344.00 Q 13,544.00Q -

Q 109,072.16 Q 11,840.26 Q 66,806.14Q 54,106.28

Q 38,000.00 Q 38,000.00
Q 156,000.00 Q 156,000.00
Q 17,000.00 Q 17,000.00
Q 68,000.00 Q 68,000.00
Q 200,000.00
Q 97,514.00 Q 4,900.00 Q 102,414.00
Q 354.13 Q 3,193.74 Q 3,547.87
Q 29,000.00 Q 3,516.80 Q 2,400.00Q 30,116.80
Q 27,711.22
Q 2,000.00 Q 200.00
Q 649,284.19 Q 10,590.00
Q 3,000.00 Q 500.00Q 2,500.00
Q 24,000.00 Q 24,000.00
Q 5,000.00 Q 1,000.00
Q 1,200.00 Q 1,200.00
Q 134,200.00 Q 19,200.00 Q 153,400.00
Q 114,400.00 Q 15,000.00 Q 129,400.00
Q 8,500.00 Q 3,500.00
Q 16,000.00 Q 2,000.00 Q 5,488.00
Q 12,500.00 Q 1,500.00 Q 14,000.00
Q 16,500.00 Q 1,500.00 Q 18,000.00
Q 11,000.00 Q 1,000.00 Q 12,000.00
Q 1,500.00 Q 500.00 Q 2,000.00
Q 2,500.00 Q 2,500.00
Q 1,600.00 Q 700.00
Q 17,003.14 Q 2,432.64 Q 19,435.78
Q 14,494.48 Q 1,900.50 Q 16,394.98
Q 16,500.00 Q 1,500.00 Q 18,000.00
Q 13,750.00 Q 1,250.00 Q 15,000.00
Q 15,800.00 Q 15,800.00
Q 62.50 Q 7.50 Q 70.00
Q 3,955.00 Q 3,955.00 Q 5,985.00
Q 4,500.00
Q 175.00
Q 1,266.80
Q 16,875.00 Q 16,875.00
Q 318.00 Q 318.00
Q 2,800.00 Q 2,800.00
Q 2,800.00
Q 234.67 Q 234.67
Q 286.83 Q 286.83
Q 4,440.00 Q 4,440.00
Q 2,960.00 Q 2,960.00
Q 30,800.00 Q 30,800.00
Q 328.96 Q 328.96
Q 3,400.00 Q 3,400.00
Q 7,400.00
Q 30,800.00
Q 328.96
Q 3,400.00
Q 700.00
Q 200.00
Q 1,563.50 Q 1,563.50
Q 1,563.50
Q 1,000.00 Q 1,000.00

Q 918,550.41 Q 918,550.41 Q 153,947.40Q 153,947.40Q 977,892.67

February 2020
usted Results Balance
Creditor Loss Revenue Asset
Q -

Q 54,106.28
Q 38,000.00
Q 156,000.00
Q 17,000.00
Q 68,000.00 Q 56,000.00Q 56,000.00
Q 200,000.00
Q 102,414.00
Q 3,547.87
Q 30,116.80
Q 27,711.22
Q 1,800.00 Q 1,800.00
Q 659,874.19 Q 659,874.19
Q 2,500.00
Q 24,000.00
Q 4,000.00
Q 1,200.00
Q 153,400.00
Q 129,400.00
Q 5,000.00
Q 19,488.00
Q 14,000.00
Q 18,000.00
Q 12,000.00
Q 2,000.00
Q 2,500.00
Q 900.00
Q 19,435.78
Q 16,394.98
Q 18,000.00
Q 15,000.00
Q 15,800.00
Q 70.00
Q 5,985.00
Q 4,500.00
Q 175.00
Q 1,266.80
Q 16,875.00
Q 318.00
Q 2,800.00
Q 2,800.00
Q 234.67
Q 286.83
Q 4,440.00
Q 2,960.00
Q 30,800.00
Q 328.96
Q 3,400.00
Q 7,400.00
Q 30,800.00
Q 328.96
Q 3,400.00
Q 700.00 Q 700.00
Q 200.00 Q 200.00
Q 1,563.50
Q 1,563.50
Q 1,000.00
Q 617,807.22 Q 718,574.19
Q 100,766.97

Q 977,892.67 Q 718,574.19 Q 718,574.19Q 416,085.45


Q 200,000.00

Q 27,711.22

Q 4,000.00

Q 5,000.00
Q 19,488.00

Q 900.00

Q 5,985.00
Q 4,500.00
Q 175.00
Q 1,266.80

Q 2,800.00
Q 7,400.00
Q 30,800.00
Q 328.96
Q 3,400.00

Q 1,563.50

Q 25,191.74
Q 3,778.76
Q 71,796.47
Q 416,085.45
Warehouse "The Sun"
Income Statement for the Fiscal Year from January 1 to December 31, 2020

Gross sales
Returns and Discounts on sales
Net sales
Initial inventory of merchandise
Shopping Q 102,414.00
Spending on purchases Q 2,500.00Q 68,000.00
Gross Purchases Q 104,914.00
Returns and Discounts on Purchases Q 1,800.00
Net purchases Q 103,114.00
Available Merchandise Q 171,114.00
Final Merchandise Inventory Q 56,000.00
Sales cost
Gross margin
Distribution Expenses
Sales Room Salaries Q 129,400.00
Sales Room Rentals Q 18,000.00
Miscellaneous Sales Room Expenses Q 2,500.00
Sales Room Employer Fees Q 16,394.98
Sales room incentive bonus Q 15,000.00
Depreciation of Furniture Equipment Sales Room Q 4,440.00
Depreciation of Delivery Vehicles Q 30,800.00Q 216,534.98
Administration Expenses
Administration Salaries Q 153,400.00
Office Rentals Q 12,000.00
Advertising Q 14,000.00
Miscellaneous Administration Expenses Q 2,000.00
Employer Administration Fees Q 19,435.78
Administration Incentive Bonus Q 18,000.00
Furniture Depreciation Office Equipment Q 2,960.00
Computer Equipment Depreciation Q 328.96
Amortization of Organizational Expenses Q 3,400.00
Press Stamp Q 70.00
Uncollectible Accounts Q 1,563.50Q 227,158.24
Operation Result
Discounts on purchases Q 200.00
Positive Difference
Commissions earned
Profit Before Tax and Reserve
Income tax
Legal Reserve
Profit After Tax and Reserve
Guatemala December 31

Marina Lara Lopez

Andres Fuentes
Legal representative
Q 659,874.19
Q 1,200.00
Q 658,674.19

Q 115,114.00
Q 543,560.19

Q 443,693.22
Q 99,866.97

Q 200.00
Q 100,066.97

QQQ 3,778.76
QQ 71,796.47
re of 2020
Warehouse "The Sun"
General Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2020

Q -
Q 1,000.00
Petty Cash
Banks Q 54,106.28 Q 55,106.28
Q 3,547.87
VAT (debtor) Customers Q30116.80
Short-Term Notes Receivable Q2400.00
(-) Reserve for Bad Debts Q1563.50 Q 52,553.30 Q 56,101.17
Commodity Q 56,000.00
Stationery and Supplies Q 318.00 Q 56,318.00
Not Current
Furniture and Equipment Q 38,000.00
Accumulated depreciation Q 7,400.00 Q 30,600.00
Delivery Vehicles Q 156,000.00
Accumulated depreciation Q 30,800.00 Q 125,200.00
Organization Expenses Q 17,000.00
Accumulated amortization Q 3,400.00 Q 13,600.00
Computer Equipment Q 16,875.00
Accumulated depreciation Q 328.96 Q 16,546.04
Goods Shipped in Consignment Q 2,800.00
Office supplies Q 234.67
Sales Room Supplies Q 286.83
Asset Sum
Trade creditors Q 27,711.22
Non-Commercial Creditors Q 4,000.00
Discounted Documents Q 5,000.00
Short-Term Notes Payable Q 19,488.00
Commissions Charged in Advance Q 900.00
IGGS to Pay Q 5,985.00
ISR Payable on purchases Q 4,500.00
ISR Payable on Capital Income Q 175.00
VAT payable Q 1,266.80
ISR Payable Q25191.74
Quarterly ISR to be credited Q15800 Q 9,391.74
Sales to be made Q 2,800.00 Q 81,217.76
Net Worth
Authorized capital Q 200,000.00
Legal Reserve Q 3,778.76
Profit After Tax and Reserve Q 71,796.47

Guatemala December 31

Andres Fuentes Solorzano

Legal representative

Marina Lara Lopez

Q 167,525.45

Q 189,267.54
Q 356,792.99

Q 81,217.76
1Q 275,575.23
Q 356,792.99

of 2020
Closing Games
12/31/2020 Q 617,807.22
Merchandise Gains and Losses Q 68,000.00
Shopping Q 102,414.00
Shopping Expenses Q 2,500.00
Returns and Discounts on sales Q 1,200.00
Administration Salaries Q 153,400.00
Sales Room Salaries Q 129,400.00
Advertising Q 14,000.00
Sales Room Rentals Q 18,000.00
Office Rentals Q 12,000.00
Miscellaneous Administration Expenses Q 2,000.00
Miscellaneous Sales Room Expenses Q 2,500.00
Employer Administration Fees Q 19,435.78
Sales Room Employer Fees Q 16,394.98
Administration Incentive Bonus Q 18,000.00
Sales room incentive bonus Q 15,000.00
Press Stamp Q 70.00
Depreciation of Furniture Equipment Sales Room Q 4,440.00
Furniture Depreciation Office Equipment Q 2,960.00
Depreciation of Delivery Vehicles Q 30,800.00
Computer Equipment Depreciation Q 328.96
Amortization of Organizational Expenses Q 3,400.00
Uncollectible Accounts Q 1,563.50
Settlement of the debit balance results account Q 617,807.22Q 617,807.22

p*8 12/31/2020
Merchandise Q 56,000.00
Returns and Discounts on Purchases Q 1,800.00
Sales Q 659,874.19
Commissions Earned Q 700.00
Purchase Discounts Q 200.00
Profit and loss Q 718,574.19
Settlement of the credit balance results account and Registration
of the Final Inventory of Merchandise Q 718,574.19Q 718,574.19

p*9 12/31/2020
Profit and loss Q 100,766.97
ISR Payable Q 25,191.74
Legal Reserve Q 3,778.76
Profit After Tax and Reserve Q 71,796.47
Accounting for accounts that are credited Q 100,766.97Q 100,766.97
p*10 12/31/2020
Authorized capital Q 200,000.00
Trade creditors Q 27,711.22
Non-Commercial Creditors Q 4,000.00
Discounted Documents Q 5,000.00
Short-Term Notes Payable Q 19,488.00
Commissions Charged in Advance Q 900.00
IGGS to Pay Q 5,985.00
ISR Payable on purchases Q 4,500.00
ISR Payable on Capital Income Q 175.00
VAT payable Q 1,266.80
Sales to be made Q 2,800.00
Accumulated Depreciation of Furniture and Equipment Q 7,400.00
Accumulated Depreciation of Delivery Vehicles Q 30,800.00
Accumulated Depreciation of Computer Equipment Q 328.96
Amortization of Organizational Expenses Q 3,400.00
Estimation for uncollectible accounts Q 1,563.50
ISR Payable Q 25,191.74
Legal Reserve Q 3,778.76
Profit After Tax and Reserve Q 71,796.47
Box Q -

Banks Q 54,106.28
Furniture and Equipment Q 38,000.00
Delivery Vehicles Q 156,000.00
Organization Expenses Q 17,000.00
Merchandise Q 56,000.00
VAT (debtor) Q 3,547.87
Customers Q 30,116.80
Short-Term Notes Receivable Q 24,000.00
Quarterly ISR to be credited Q 15,800.00
Computer Equipment Q 16,875.00
Stationery and Supplies Q 318.00
Goods Shipped in Consignment Q 2,800.00
Sales Room Supply Q 234.67
Office Supply Q 286.83
Petty Cash Q 1,000.00
Closing of equity accounts Q 416,085.45Q 416,085.45

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