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Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris chapter 2

Materi Ability and Willingness

1. Rina : …………………….. ?
Rita : Sorry the fan is broken.
The most appropriate expression to complete the dialog is….
a. Can you open the fan
b. Can you turn on the fan
c. Can you clean the fan
d. Can you close the fan
2. Arrange the following jumble words to make a good sentence.
Able -to- my-Chinese- mother-cook-food-is
a. My mother able to is cook Chinese food
b. My mother is able to cook Chinese food
c. My mother able to is cook food Chinese
d. Food Chinese is able to cook my mother
3. Chika : Can you lend me some money?
Dira : ………………………………..?
The most appropriate expression to complete the dialog is….
a. No, Thanks c. Sorry, I forgot
b. You are right d. Sorry, I don’t have any
Dialog for number 4-6
Willy : Heru, ..(4)…. You play any musical instrument?
Heru : of course I can
Willy : Really? ..(5) …musical instrument do you …..?
Heru : I can play piano
4. a. Will c. Would
b. Can d. May
5. a. Who c. When
b. What d. Where
6. a. Play c. Like
b. work d. Enjoy
7. Ana can’t sing. This sentences express….
a. Ability c. Willingness
b. In ability d. Unwillingness
8. Sinta : Will you accompany me to the library?
Ario : Sorry, I can’t. I will ……….. my mother to the hospital
Sinta : It’s OK
The most appropriate word to complete the dialog is….
a. Take c. Go
b. Takes d. going
9. What probably Lisa do?
a. Lisa will not come in Nadia’s birthday
b. Lisa will come in Nadia’s birthday
c. Lisa is very busy
d. Lisa must study
10. Who is birthday party?
a. Nadia c. Writer
b. Lisa d. Friend
No. Soal Kunci Jawaban Skor
1. Rina : …………………….. ? B 10
Rita : Sorry the fan is broken.
The most appropriate expression to complete the dialog is….
a. Can you open the fan
b. Can you turn on the fan
c. Can you clean the fan
d. Can you close the fan
2. Arrange the following jumble words to make a good sentence. B 10
Able -to- my-Chinese- mother-cook-food-is
a. My mother able to is cook Chinese food
b. My mother is able to cook Chinese food
c. My mother able to is cook food Chinese
d. Food Chinese is able to cook my mother
3. Chika : Can you lend me some money? D 10
Dira : ………………………………..?
The most appropriate expression to complete the dialog is….
a. No, Thanks c. Sorry, I forgot
b. You are right d. Sorry, I don’t have any
4. Dialog for number 4-6 B 10
Willy : Heru, ..(4)…. You play any musical instrument?
Heru : of course I can
Willy : Really? ..(5) …musical instrument do you …..?
Heru : I can play piano
a. Will c. Would
b. Can d. May
5. a. Who c. When B 10
b. What d. Where
6. a. Play c. Like A 10
b. work d. Enjoy
7. Ana can’t sing. This sentence express…. B 10
a. Ability c. Willingness
b. In ability d. Unwillingness
8. Dialog for number 9-10 A 10
Sinta : Will you accompany me to the library?
Ario : Sorry, I can’t. I will ……….. my mother to the hospital
Sinta : It’s OK
The most appropriate word to complete the dialog is….
a. Take c. Go
b. Takes d. going
9. What probably Lisa do? B 10
a. Lisa will not come in Nadia’s birthday
b. Lisa will come in Nadia’s birthday
c. Lisa is very busy
d. Lisa must study
10. 1. Who is birthday party? A 10
a. Nadia c. Writer
b. Lisa d. Friend

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