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BJA Education, 21(11): 420e425 (2021)

doi: 10.1016/j.bjae.2021.07.004
Advance Access Publication Date: 1 September 2021

Matrix codes: 1I03,

2C03, 3J02

Cognitive biases in diagnosis and decision making

during anaesthesia and intensive care
C.S. Webster1,*, S. Taylor2 and J.M. Weller1,2
Centre for Medical and Health Sciences Education, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand and
Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand
*Corresponding author.

Keywords: bias reduction; diagnosis; dual process theory

Learning objectives Key points

By reading this article, you should be able to:  Dual processing theory describes human cogni-
 Discuss the widely accepted dual process theory tion as two systems: a fast system-1, largely
of cognition and its relevance to bias and based on pattern matching; and a slow system-2,
diagnosis. associated with rational reasoning.
 Illustrate the evidence base for strategies to  Both system-1 and system-2 can be affected by
reduce bias during diagnosis. bias leading to errors.
 Apply evidence to the development of more  Most proposed strategies for reducing bias
effective bias reduction strategies. comprise self-checking using system-2 and are
often promoted without evidence of effectiveness.
 All self-checking strategies rely on the ability of
Diagnosing the patient’s condition is perhaps the single most an imperfect cognitive system to check itself,
important task performed by clinicians, as an incorrect diag- with limited evidence of effectiveness.
nosis may lead to an incorrect management plan. In high-  A more sustainable and effective approach may
intensity domains such as anaesthesia and intensive care, involve the use of external team-based decision
diagnosis is often performed under time pressure and in making, cognitive aids or clinical decision sup-
rapidly evolving and uncertain situations, putting clinicians at port systems.
particular risk of error.

In this context, cognitive bias is typically defined as flaws

Craig Webster MSc PhD is an associate professor at the Department or distortions in judgment and decision making that can lead
of Anaesthesiology and Centre for Medical and Health Sciences Ed- to poor outcomes. More than 100 different identifiable biases
ucation at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He is a psy- have been reported in healthcare.1 The overall rate of incor-
chologist with more than 20 yr experience in human factors research rect diagnosis in healthcare has been estimated to be between
and redesign projects. 10% and 15%, with autopsy studies suggesting higher rates.1,2
Human error is known to be a major contributor to prevent-
Saana Taylor MBChB is a senior registrar in anaesthesia at Auck- able harm to patients, associated with substantial injury,
land City Hospital, New Zealand. death and large financial costs.3 Therefore, reducing or elim-
inating cognitive biases would potentially reduce harm.
Jennifer Weller MD MClinEd FANZCA is head of the Centre for
However, reducing cognitive bias is easier to propose than to
Medical and Health Sciences Education at the University of Auck-
land, New Zealand. Professor Weller is a specialist anaesthetist at
In a forthcoming paper we will consider the effects of
Auckland City Hospital, and is on the editorial board of the British
interpersonal bias on the interactions between members of
Journal of Anaesthesia. Her research encompasses medical educa-
clinical teams, between clinicians and their patients, and the
tion, patient safety and simulation-based team training.

Accepted: 1 July 2021

© 2021 British Journal of Anaesthesia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:

Cognitive biases in diagnosis and decision making

Clinical scenario 1 Clinical scenario 2

Mr G, a 28-year-old man, was brought into the Emer- Mr K was a 35-year-old builder who weighed 110kg and
gency Department with a leg fracture, following a car who presented for acute plating of his ankle fracture. He
crash where the airbag had deployed. He was reviewed was a current smoker with no other medical history of
by Dr C who noted he had a Glasgow Coma Scale of 15 note. His admission blood pressure was 160/95 mmHg
with a non-tender abdomen and a clear chest, but and Mr K mentioned that he had ‘white coat syndrome’.
would require surgery on his fractured leg. A junior Anaesthesia was induced with fentanyl and propofol.
anaesthetist then performed a preoperative assess- After 3 attempts at laryngeal mask placement the
ment of Mr G. However, within the next 60 minutes Mr anaesthetist, Dr T, noticed the blood pressure had not
G became increasingly anxious. He explained that he been measured since the beginning of the case (over 5
had a history of anxiety attacks for which he had sought minutes prior).
counselling. He was reassured by nursing staff and The first blood pressure cuff inflated and deflated twice
given paracetamol 1g. He became more anxious when but was unable to take a reading. Dr T assumed this was
talking about how he almost went through the wind- due to the surgeon moving the patient. Dr T cycled the
screen. He was breathing rapidly and complained his blood pressure unsuccessfully for a second time. Dr T
fingers were tingling. Dr C believed he was having a thought this was because the cuff was too small. A
panic attack and attempted to calm him down. Mr G larger cuff was attached, and the blood pressure cycled
complained of feeling claustrophobic, his pulse became again. The reading was 68/50 mmHg. Boluses of meta-
122 beats min1, blood pressure 102/58 mmHg, and his raminol and i.v. fluids were given immediately with the
oxygen saturation 91%. As staff continued their at- desired effect. An infusion of metaraminol was
tempts to calm him his breathing slowed, he became commenced and continued throughout the procedure.
limp and lost consciousness. ECG showed pulseless Mr K made an uneventful recovery.
electrical activity and despite resuscitation attempts, Source: Case description heard by one of the authors.
Mr G died. Dr C had wrongly attributed Mr G’s symp-
toms to dehydration and anxiety. The coroner recorded
a verdict of accidental death, concluding that the death
and psychologists for centuries, but recently this division has
was due to the injuries sustained from the car crash.
been popularised as thinking ‘fast and slow’ or dual process
Source: Adapted from McKeague, G. Casebook 26,
theory.6 In the dual process theory, unconscious processing is
November 2018, page 6. Available from: https://www.
called system-1, and conscious processing is called system-2,
with both systems operating in parallel and simultaneously.
System-1 is fast, automatic, intuitive and largely relies on
pattern recognition. System-1 is also responsible for instant
consequences for healthcare outcomes. In this article, we emotive reactions such as fear or anger in response to
consider the underlying causes of cognitive biases, why they perceived dangers or threats. In contrast, system-2 is slow,
are so difficult to eliminate, several common manifestations effortful, deliberative and associated with conscious
of bias, and the evidence for the effectiveness of strategies to reasoning. It is important to note that almost all cognitive
reduce cognitive biases and their consequences. tasks use some mixture of system-1 and system-2 processing.
However, we are often unaware of this distinction because
Psychological mechanisms system-1 operates automatically or unconsciously. For
Although it is common to conceptualise human bias in purely example inducing anaesthesia involves consciously deciding
negative terms, any consideration of the underlying causes of which drugs to use (system-2 processing), but also engages a
bias quickly identifies the fact that the same psychological series of highly practised motor skills involved in drawing and
mechanisms are involved in both biased and non-biased giving drugs in a routine sequence, many elements of which
thought and action. These underlying mechanisms are those are handled unconsciously by system-1.
that allow us to identify categories of objects in the world and The advantages of system-1 are that it is fast, effortless and
to discern the similarities and differences between them e a very often accurate. The disadvantages of system-1 include
general-purpose cognitive ability that begins to form in chil- the fact that because it operates unconsciously, the conscious
dren from only a few years old.4 Such cognitive abilities have mind does not have access to its underlying mechanisms,
obvious survival advantages; for example in finding nutritious often meaning that decisions and choices made by system-1
food, avoiding dangers and discerning ‘us’ from ‘them’ within cannot be explained other than by intuition. The advantages
family and tribal groups.5 It is also advantageous for many of of system-2 are that it can handle complex, novel problems
these discriminations to be carried out very quickly. Conse- and is able to offer rational explanations for decisions and
quently, our brains have evolved the ability to recognise choices. However, system-2 thinking is slow and effortful,
common patterns using rapid unconscious processing, thus making it unsuitable for many time-critical tasks.
leaving more effortful conscious processing for dealing with Our ability to introspect and explain the actions of system-
novel experiences or problems. 2, but not of system-1, leads to the common misunder-
standing that system-2 is less error prone than system-1,
therefore making system-2 preferable for high-stakes de-
Dual process theory or system-1 and
cisions. In fact, both systems perform very well most of the
system-2 processing time, meaning that the great majority of tasks involving pre-
The division of human cognitive abilities into conscious and dominately system-1 or system-2 processing result in good
unconscious processes has been apparent to philosophers outcomes. However, both systems are also capable of being

BJA Education - Volume 21, Number 11, 2021 421

Cognitive biases in diagnosis and decision making

prompting further investigation of more serious possibilities,

Table 1 Common cognitive biases affecting technical tasks in eventually resulting in the tragic death of the patient. The lack
anaesthesia such as diagnosis and management of rational consideration of other possibilities when the pa-
tient’s condition deteriorated (a system-2 activity) suggests
Cognitive bias Definition that anchoring bias was operating implicitly in this case.
In Clinical scenario 2, we see the operation of both implicit
Anchoring Being excessively influenced by
one element of the presented or and explicit bias in cognitive processes. The anaesthetist no-
prior information, which tices the patient’s blood pressure has not been taken for some
subsequently biases the time. She assumes that in an otherwise healthy patient a
interpretation of later normal blood pressure would be expected in this situation
information. (implicit bias). Hence, when the anaesthetist is unable to obtain
Availability bias Choosing a particular
a blood pressure reading, she concludes that this is caused by
interpretation or diagnosis
because it is at the front of mind some technical problem. Confirmation bias is the tendency to
(including frequency and recency prioritise information that confirms existing thinking, rather
bias). than considering other possibilities. Hence, the anaesthetist
Premature closure Arriving at a conclusion or consciously seeks information to support her diagnosis. That is,
diagnosis too early without that the blood pressure is normal and that the inability to
considering all possibilities.
obtain a blood pressure reading has resulted from the surgeon
Confirmation bias Seeking or prioritising
information which confirms moving the patient or the use of the wrong size blood pressure
current or desired thinking rather cuff, rather than considering the possibility that the patient’s
than considering all information. blood pressure is in fact too low to detect. Thus, the interpre-
Framing effect The order or way in which initial tation of environmental factors as the reason for the lack of a
information is presented ‘frames’ blood pressure reading is an explicit bias.
or biases the way subsequent
information is interpreted.
Commission bias The tendency to act rather than Strategies to reduce cognitive bias and
not to act, hence motivating
diagnostic error
unneeded treatments or actions.
Overconfidence bias The common tendency to believe Many strategies have been proposed in order to reduce cognitive
we know more than we do, or that bias and diagnostic error. Although these approaches are
we are all better-than-average
described using a variety of overlapping terminologies, we pro-
practitioners. May lead to action
based on incomplete information
vide a representative overview in Table 2.7e16 Most of these ap-
or hunches, rather than carefully proaches are consistent with, or make mention of, the dual
gathered evidence. processing theory of cognition, including one prominent
Omission bias Tendency not to act when approach called cognitive debiasing proposed by Croskerry.2
intervention is indicated, for Cognitive debiasing comprises a final debiasing step before
example a hesitancy to initiate
making a diagnosis, which involves the clinician making delib-
emergency measures because of
worries about being wrong or
erate efforts to decouple themselves from the intuitive responses
harming the patient. of system-1, being aware of common biases (such as those in
Sunk costs Unwillingness to give up on a Table 1), and using system-2 to appraise current reasoning.
poor conclusion or diagnosis as Many of the other strategies in Table 2 comprise general
much time or resource has been purpose approaches intended to increase awareness of
invested in developing it.
cognitive biases and their potential effects on clinical
reasoning. The most general approach is training on the na-
ture of biases, human error and decision making. Others
include getting a second opinion and metacognitive strate-
affected by bias, potentially leading to incorrect decisions or gies, such as mindfulness and slowing-down strategies,
actions. Cognitive biases common during diagnosis and intended to focus the clinician’s attention during the diag-
medical decision making have recently been documented in nostic process and reduce reliance on system-1 processing.
two evidence-based reviews, which identified 14 and 19 bia- The remainder of the strategies in Table 2 involve structured
ses, respectively.7,8 Table 1 shows a summary of the nine approaches to avoiding bias, including memorised rule systems
biases common to both reviews, with definitions of each. such as the use of stopping rules, intended to indicate when
Biases in system-1, affecting unconscious, emotive or auto- sufficient information has been gathered to allow an unbiased
matic responses, are collectively termed implicit bias. Biases diagnosis to be made. In addition, the strategy to ‘consider the
in system-2, affecting conscious attitudes, beliefs and opposite’ or alternatives is intended to avoid confirmation bias
knowledge, are collectively termed explicit bias. and validate the final diagnosis. Finally, approaches such as
Examples of how such common biases can operate at an diagnostic checklists and computerised clinical decision sup-
implicit or explicit level are illustrated in Clinical scenarios 1 port systems represent technological approaches intended to
and 2. In Clinical scenario 1, initial examination of the patient support and facilitate the cognitive abilities of clinicians.
did not identify any evidence of immediately life-threatening
injury. However, later when the patient became increasingly
anxious, he offered the explanation that he was prone to
Evidence for the efficacy of strategies to
anxiety attacks. This admission appears to have biased sub- avoid bias
sequent interpretation of the patient’s deteriorating condition Strategies to avoid bias in clinical diagnosis and decision
by anchoring the diagnosis on an anxiety attack rather than making are often promoted on the basis of opinion or theory-

422 BJA Education - Volume 21, Number 11, 2021

Cognitive biases in diagnosis and decision making

Table 2 Commonly reported strategies proposed to reduce cognitive bias and diagnostic error

Strategy Definition Key evidence, if any

Training on Specific training or education Training increased knowledge but

cognitive bias and covering theory of cognitive no evidence this translated to
human error decision making and its fewer diagnostic errors in
application to diagnosis. individuals.9
Cognitive debiasing Perform a calibration step before From a systematic review of 68
the determination of a diagnosis, relevant papers 42.5% found
involving decoupling from support for their debiasing
intuitive system-1 processing. hypotheses.10

Slowing down Making a conscious effort to slow Diagnosis took significantly

strategies down to avoid premature closure longer in ‘slow’ condition but
on a diagnosis. accuracy was not improved.11
Consider the A deliberate step to consider the More justification for diagnoses
opposite, or other opposite conclusion, or other presented but no evidence this
alternatives alternatives, in order to validate translated to fewer diagnostic
the final diagnosis. errors.12

Mindfulness Training in mindful or reflective From a systematic review of 33

techniques practice may focus attention and relevant papers, 79% contained
reduce diagnostic error. only opinion-based justifications.
Seven (21%) non-randomised
studies suggested some benefits
in processes or outcomes related
to increased diagnostic
Second opinion or Seeking a second opinion or more Modest reduction in diagnostic
group decision than one in complex cases. errors in some domains.16
Stopping rules and Rules designed to, respectively, No published evidence
standing rules determine when information
gathering can stop, and must-
not-miss alternatives have been
considered before final diagnosis.
Checklists A formal set of checks customised Evidence of effectiveness in a
to the work domain or task to number of healthcare domains,
ensure critical steps are not including surgical operating room
missed. (a 36% reduction in surgical
complications), but specific
evidence in diagnosis is lacking.14

Clinical decision Computerised systems capable of Evidence of reduced medication

support systems analysing patient data and errors and improved adherence to
making recommendations or best practice, but evidence in
alerts during decision making. diagnosis is lacking.15

based arguments without any empirical evidence.13 The evi- consistent with the larger literature in healthcare on error
dence that does exist on the efficacy of such strategies is mixed prevention, where general-purpose directives to ‘be more
at best (Table 2). Systematic reviews on debiasing and mind- careful’ and ‘avoid error’ are typically ineffective, whereas
fulness techniques suggest that only a minority of included checklists and clinical decision support systems have shown
studies show quantitative evidence of efficacy.10,13 In addition, strong evidence of the ability to improve healthcare practice
a profusion of differing terminologies across individual studies and patients’ outcomes (Table 2).17,18
makes it difficult to compare and summarise findings. For
example one systematic review found 71 distinct terms used in
describing mindful practice alone.13 Furthermore, the strate-
Blind spots and limitations
gies listed in Table 2 may be used in isolation or in combination, Many of the proposed strategies for reducing cognitive bias
again making it difficult to gauge the effect of any single in healthcare may yield relatively small gains (Table 2), yet
strategy. Debiasing, for example may be conducted in a number environmental factors, such as workload and fatigue, are
of ways, including by incorporating many of the individual likely to play a greater role in predisposing to biases and
strategies as part of the final self-checking step of this process. errors.19,20 For example in a large-scale observation study in
However, one systematic review suggests that debiasing ap- the USA, hospital interns working traditional shifts involving
proaches that include elements of technological support, such multiple work periods longer than 24 h each month, had a
as cognitive aids, are more effective than those that rely only on 20.8% greater chance of making serious medication errors
the cognitive effort or memory of the clinician.10 This finding is and were 5.6 times more likely to make serious diagnostic

BJA Education - Volume 21, Number 11, 2021 423

Cognitive biases in diagnosis and decision making

errors, than when working without extended-duration Conclusions

shifts.20 Fatigue levels such as these have been equated
Cognitive biases commonly contribute to mistakes being
with blood-alcohol concentrations in terms of their detri-
made during diagnosis and decision making in healthcare.
mental effects on performance, suggesting that work shifts
Human cognitive processing is comprised of two systems: a
of 17 h or more are equivalent to being intoxicated over the
fast system-1, largely based on pattern matching; and a slow
legal limit to drive a car.19
system-2, associated with more rational reasoning. A com-
Many of the studies evaluating strategies to reduce bias
mon misconception is that system-2 is less prone to error than
make use of medical students, often in laboratory condi-
system-1. In fact, both systems work very well most of the
tions.10,13 This is despite the fact that experts are known to
time, but both systems may be affected by bias that leads to
process information differently to non-experts or novices.21 In
errors. Most proposed strategies for reducing bias involve
particular, because many aspects of experts’ work have
some type of self-checking using system-2, but the primary
become highly practised, experts are typically able to carry out
limitation of such approaches is that they rely on the ability of
more tasks with system-1 compared with novices, and so
an imperfect cognitive system to check itself. The great ma-
have greater cognitive resource available in system-2 in order
jority of proposed strategies to reduce cognitive bias are pro-
to perform bias reduction strategies. For example one study
moted based on opinion rather than evidence. The most
found that resident clinicians who used reflective practice
promising strategies for sustainable bias reduction are those
made more correct diagnoses than those who did not (52% vs
that do not rely on self-checking, such as team-based decision
43%, P¼0.03); however, this was not the case for student par-
making, where clinicians may learn about cognitive bias in
ticipants in the study.22 Given that the cognitive resources of
order to detect and correct it in each other, the use of appro-
system-2 are finite, adding additional cognitive load by asking
priate cognitive aids, or the use of clinical decision support
clinicians to conduct mindful practice, debiasing or other self-
systems. Awareness and active management of fatigue is also
checking strategies may be unsustainable, and this may be
important, as fatigue is known to substantially increase the
particularly the case for students or junior doctors.
risk of cognitive bias. Healthcare simulation also offers a
The error proneness of system-2 is also largely ignored in
valuable new approach for the testing of future strategies for
many reports in healthcare, particularly when it is proposed
reducing cognitive bias.
that clinicians use system-2 thinking to perform the final
check before reaching a diagnosis. Given the fact that both
system-1 and system-2 can be biased, the primary limitation
of all self-checking bias-reduction strategies is that these rely
on the ability of an imperfect cognitive system to check itself. The associated MCQs (to support CME/CPD activity) will be
Such a limitation obviously does not apply to strategies to accessible at by subscribers to BJA
reduce bias that do not rely on self-checking. For example, a Education.
knowledge of cognitive biases may allow team members to
better detect biases in others and to correct for them during
team-based decision making. Another strategy to reduce Declaration of interests
cognitive bias that does not rely on self-checking is the use of
CSW is a minor shareholder in SaferSleep LLC, a company that
external cognitive aids or clinical decision support systems
manufactures an anaesthesia record system. JMW is a mem-
during decision making. Such externally situated checking
ber of the editorial board of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. ST
strategies appear to offer the most sustainable and effective
has no potential conflicts to declare.
solution to bias reduction and improved diagnostic accuracy.

Future directions References

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