HR Basic (2022-12-10 14 - 54 GMT+7) - Transkrip

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HR Basic (2022-12-10 14:54 GMT+7) - Transkrip

Alfira Nur Shifa, Artana Diva, Chahra Event, Cindy Cigul, Dea Missi Megawati, Dian Rusdiana, Fajri
Daya, Fajri Daya Sakti, Jeihan Nugraha, khaira, Lisna Wati, Marina Visayas, Muhammad Rido, Nadhira
Aulia, Nikita Novri, novice aura99, Retno Pratiwi, Retno Pratiwi's Presentation, Riska Noor Isnaini,
Rivaldy Iqbal, rosalia aryani, safrian hamzah, salsa Sukarta, Shannon Dhaneswara, Sufi Zhada, Terra,
wina puri, Yelda Aryadila

This editable transcript was computer generated and might contain errors. People can also change
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Rivaldy Iqbal: The other day.

Rivaldy Iqbal: You.

Chahra Event: Hello, Salsa's Autom.

Muhammad Rido: Hello and welcome Salamu.

Lisna Wati: oh,

Chahra Event: I first grade, I thought I didn't hear.

Lisna Wati: first great book.

Chahra Event: Okay, did it is.

Lisna Wati: Yeah. And later today in blue.

Muhammad Rido: But yeah.

Rivaldy Iqbal: You.

Chahra Event: Near me.

Muhammad Rido: It is.

Chahra Event: Okay. Yes. Amazon

Chahra Event: But hello someone. Yeah.

Lisna Wati: Not able.

Chahra Event: Okay, the year. I look at it.

Retno Pratiwi: Oh, I'm sorry.

Chahra Event: No. Okay.

Retno Pratiwi: Hello Muhammad. Sorry here. The last minute.

Chahra Event: In. One.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah, a lot of. Yes. Okay. We don't look at I

Chahra Event: another, you Okay, as I do.

Retno Pratiwi: While I

Lisna Wati: Well here.

Chahra Event: Okay Muhammad. Sorry. Someone here classic guitar. Classical guitar electric. Okay,

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, democracy. My video hello. Someone else llama. Sorry.

Lisna Wati: Sorry.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay. Smoker Palace Muhammad. Yeah. Any at I guess I'm not yeah. Pacito
companies interactive. Yeah, and you guys are cool kitten. Can I do amateri by the harin and bear
song? Please. Okay.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, enough much over until you.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, similar Mononguni. I am very jealousy more. Videos.

Lisna Wati: Muhammad Border is a run.

Lisna Wati: 30 Muhammad See Who Gentleman aryani producer?

Retno Pratiwi: Well, I know and then Eric I remember me.

Muhammad Rido: Telemented more.

Retno Pratiwi: Presentation.

Muhammad Rido: Here.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, I'll have the line and it's all I see. And that is all over them.

Retno Pratiwi: And I kinda is all about the one.

Retno Pratiwi: A man. What I just yeah, so logo. Yeah me my destination. YouTube okay, so I medical

Muhammad Rido: You know.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay interactive Yeah Jerry did a honey single day thing Yeah I mean go and get there
they are coming. Yeah yeah, sorry Harry. But yeah he's able here. Okay dancer screen rule.

Muhammad Rido: To agent one maps and we're here.

Retno Pratiwi: On Marley I'm man. Okay Diane the money is agents. Let's show you that we have. Yes
sir screens are. Yeah.

Lisna Wati: so, they both

Retno Pratiwi: Okay. Here you okay. Here tomorrow. Yeah. Eight,…

Muhammad Rido: Look. Yeah. Like what? Yeah. You.

Retno Pratiwi: so kind of look and

Lisna Wati: Yeah, that's the app.

Muhammad Rido: Presentation.

Muhammad Rido: Yeah. That was good.

Retno Pratiwi: You. See. Okay, any echo and me a good.

Retno Pratiwi: Entre here. Professional unique at my Jakarta, alamancio, research Disney Electric to
Deep Rosalia Speaker. This is more communications customer service. Okay. And like you

Retno Pratiwi: Gas job, requirement communicating at your link in jobstreet technician
talibur community offering technique.

Muhammad Rido: You.

Muhammad Rido: Look what? Well.

Retno Pratiwi: Now, you yes.

Retno Pratiwi: well, I I

Muhammad Rido: Yeah. Staying in Britannia opposite. Providanya Human Resources Muhammad

Retno Pratiwi: Okay? Anybody that human resource and…

Muhammad Rido: Yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: human capital to salmon Maria Hdm. I love Rosa. I am gonna come resource at the
Prosa Anna, Muhammad Human Capital Adapus, Animal attack People and develop people and
culture. I guess you get here, there is some way too. It is important people and culture call BG, I hope
sdm. Welcome. Yeah, a little bit human capital, Clear.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay.

Muhammad Rido: There. Okay. Daddy. Yeah,…

Retno Pratiwi: Permanent.

Muhammad Rido: two months. Maybe the captain

Retno Pratiwi: But the okay, well, I'm about

Chahra Event: Okay.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, okay, I go in here. Positive human resource, you do cancer. Patient is what a
human resources in English. I'm very qualitas Singapore, San Muhammad, Japan, businessman,
Capabana, Department, Human Resources to handle, kite, on top on girls. Yea Database, Korea, won
the catalog. And yeah, the human resource department.

Retno Pratiwi: and, FYI, Human Resources to Montaman human Resource Etudala. Begin bizarre
commodia. And you begin block either remuneration human capital management and you get
industrial relationship. color industrial relationship with the human legal test and demo the party at
the party party ending and policy even under human capital management Human capital
management, anybody learning and they follow up Man Training, Comedian Association Planning
Guitar, Muhammad German administration,

Retno Pratiwi: Come again and you got. But again, I'm in Russia Immunization the demonstration in
me and the vagina, Many pair of Jean Either You can compensation and beneath it, Yaman America
Blind Jackpotry Word. Again, I'm immunization me and Ella Rosaria defecially. Yeah, Love You. Marry
Source, Cindy Really block Human Capital Management Industrial relationship and you get there
Remuneration. Not, That is a human Capital One. Yeah, Industrial Releasee. This knocker here again.

Retno Pratiwi: I love beginning. Joe Joe Delicatakatakaichi Korea. One Quito

Muhammad Rido: okay, make it A okay spaya.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, silica Muhammad. Okay.

Muhammad Rido: So my mother and Sakti.

Retno Pratiwi: Muhammad.

Muhammad Rido: Itokita Muhammad and the pages tonight.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: Brava presentation. But presentation today, I know I'm kind of Jimmy presentation.

Muhammad Rido: But it again.

Retno Pratiwi: gallop, I don't Yeah,…

Muhammad Rido: Yes.

Retno Pratiwi: but bad was I too? It is that I I

Lisna Wati: Muhammad.

Muhammad Rido: oh, Yeah. Thank you Rose.

Retno Pratiwi: Muhammad put here.

Muhammad Rido: Well Yeah.

Muhammad Rido: I, I Okay, okay.
Retno Pratiwi: Okay. Okay. Aryani this and young record career program.

Retno Pratiwi: Now, are there any Indian focus on my CEO near those presentation? Can you get it to
be a sign? Yeah, Qualifications;??

Retno Pratiwi: Get the academia. And presentation. Anybody Singapore community cross of
excellent. Rosalia Maca, Allah. I really can train him across of Excel and Tito International.

Retno Pratiwi: People Happy Canada Law. Do You See Me? Is that Visa presentation, guitar

Retno Pratiwi: You got some money, are in China and department. Is Nikita, here Wonder Woman.
See Muhammadonna party? Yes.

Retno Pratiwi: Argumentative. English subjective Cindy really? Yeah. Research study is one
Muhammad he presentation.

Retno Pratiwi: They are not posting the Job Street community. Putting a do I run training

Retno Pratiwi: Visayasam by Kanye West and Yeah Prison Independence. International now macario.
And yeah ingredient. Okay about anybody presentation. In me that if you okay

Retno Pratiwi: American vegetable hand. That okay.

Retno Pratiwi: Muhammad Apartments. Hi everybody. And

Retno Pratiwi: How he can't hear. And Going to deep. Get that I support you. Still communication.

Retno Pratiwi: Community Industrial Relationship, General of Fire Videos. I am looking near
communication here internal and external and you can communication somewhere communication is
salado and it is

Lisna Wati: Aloka agent.

Retno Pratiwi: yeah.

Lisna Wati: While I'm

Retno Pratiwi: oh, okay, so I can

Lisna Wati: just,

Retno Pratiwi: Muhammad.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, see comes in the career. Okay, here you

Lisna Wati: But if your money,…

Muhammad Rido: Makes it.

Lisna Wati: and that I

Retno Pratiwi: But I am I supposed to see?

Muhammad Rido: Are you here today?

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, I'm okay.

Retno Pratiwi: And then you got Peneline career 18 to Google and Scully it again Tony call me Sonia,
Career Community Ideas.

Retno Pratiwi: So by app is the problem, recognize potatoes, but it is there. Happy omunia support

Retno Pratiwi: That I just hear you presentation. You just,

Muhammad Rido: You'll need to residiliate. That is the key, a pineapples, line up Sensi.

Retno Pratiwi: Much time the Japanese Lamborghini had any like absent, but that he didn't see
Karjah. And that gets here.

Retno Pratiwi: Today. Communications

Muhammad Rido: If okay.

Muhammad Rido: A Pakistan corner.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay. I'll get rid of Marketing purchasing accounting warehouse producerama.

Retno Pratiwi: Yes, I am a new. I am an identification Nakamuria and Capabilities, presentation


Retno Pratiwi: To open Java.

salsa Sukarta: Same.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah. oh,

Artana Diva: So Valentine Hall number is not. That again here tomorrow.

Retno Pratiwi: Muhammad.

Artana Diva: Oh Lafayette Missonia. That was calling Isaiah. Yeah, yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah, yeah. But the digit Disney.

Artana Diva: Here you see.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah, I didn't perform press a little and that you can't hear. Sorry incredible saying it.
Yeah, I don't know, had Iran, come on, Diane and WW, Pratan target continue here, comedian and
skilled again, I'm Puri. Oh yeah, the presentation

Retno Pratiwi: The man, the idea. Okay. Muhammad. And yes, I speak any member You can probably
answer that, I
Retno Pratiwi: Like it and you like it, I like it pretty can Aunty a profile. Presentation ideas.

Retno Pratiwi: At a developers and support Megito. Okay. Well, let's see. What can

salsa Sukarta: And I have to presentation start up then. Here's online.

Retno Pratiwi: Training.

salsa Sukarta: I see.

Retno Pratiwi: Japanese. Fan and electric training me analyzing at I see. You tomorrow.

salsa Sukarta: and,

Retno Pratiwi: If you like, Yeah, anybody meet analysis, a blunto jio, it's a good video. You.

salsa Sukarta: He is.

Retno Pratiwi: So I just had and this is why, Yeah, okay, budget presentation community. Schedule
glass. Yeah.

salsa Sukarta: Okay. Yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: okay so I'm just communicable problem solving it okay yeah, you know

Retno Pratiwi: Could you have a purani ye mana get again? Okay. And I think I'm okay. Here again,

Retno Pratiwi: Riska Problem Solving Comedia Management Visa One focus can get a presentation,
Hulu, I thought You Diane My name. Did you do? Yes, You know, School Management. India Papi,
Aryani Palette Avenue Some Muhammad Online.

Retno Pratiwi: And summer. That's why getame Muhammad Harus Connecticut.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah.

salsa Sukarta: Ohri. Foreign Korean it, too? I, I brought here, too. Of February. You must have
happened here. but the second one,

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, can I can get this at? I know you're going really perform. Presentation ideas.

Retno Pratiwi: You could understand.

salsa Sukarta: Okay Cebu.

Retno Pratiwi: Yes, Amazonia now. Medical human resource again. Lyrica belongs all human
resource. The current job description. Okay, family long. Yeah. Pacifically description. What is it to
Juan? Gary? Dependency converter, subscribe.

Retno Pratiwi: You know that I job description. Department. Comed.

Retno Pratiwi: Muhammad customer number presentation. Ation the idea I never really.
Retno Pratiwi: Get there.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay. This is another job description. The month in the end. You're description. Yeah,
DDC here button to get that. I

Artana Diva: Well. You.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, well, I got okay. Muhammad.

Artana Diva: I, Description. Yeah. You description.

Retno Pratiwi: You.

Retno Pratiwi: I I describe.

Retno Pratiwi: Here.

Artana Diva: okay, primavasica

Retno Pratiwi: Welcome to job requirements specific. Asia Batana, Republicans and competency at I
effective. Yes. Anya and the jellican information

Retno Pratiwi: Specification at the job requirement. In Japan. Communication. Minimize them and
presentation. Everybody description yet, Orientia birth. And so Orange button. OH specification. So I
don't get our job, posting guitar posting in Japanese.

Retno Pratiwi: Now, posting any pharmacy because You're posting on by 80 day, we are hiring join
with our team realize beginning to see my presentation.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah yeah blah blah blah notifications here. But it is just again, you are positioned our
car and here.

Retno Pratiwi: A millennial is the last time process Aplicacy. Didn't think that can respond, email,
Kita, jetty Thomas, Aplicacito, because Tony on Andy Toya. Happy Salsa Administration Test, solasi
Cortez and Tia Dena mania interviewing her every day in the video responsibility. Now getting email.
Yeah. Look at I Now, let's do my time job. Posting in trans your posting that you get external job

Retno Pratiwi: International presentation, autom. Quito.

Retno Pratiwi: okay, sometimes then bi apocalypana it is.

salsa Sukarta: What apple?

salsa Sukarta: A cool is not. and I got,

Retno Pratiwi: Oh you know the salsa South Salsa Sukarta. Oh okay. Silica.

salsa Sukarta: A, But I can annual leave it to get a bowling. I see Lancome, I'm Bill Mahari Ito, And yes,

salsa Sukarta: it's like,

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, okay.

salsa Sukarta: so,

Retno Pratiwi: at my mind and again,

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, I definitely I feel like that.

Fajri Daya: A bull. Okay, in Batana tea, ISO America and Happy Savannah. p****. Young Diary 2.
Marina America Posting. What Papa recruitment it onto. Apply.

Retno Pratiwi: Got a lot of formally teslaco Indiana.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah, managers are you personally here. The one that's a happy presentation, by
Ariana Grande.

Retno Pratiwi: Lady. You thought I had to kind.

Fajri Daya: Oh yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay.

Retno Pratiwi: Muhammad.

Nadhira Aulia: Kita, Muhammad meliki Aurangalam there? Is he see each other?

Retno Pratiwi: Okay.

Retno Pratiwi: You want to see you today. Last birthday Cake. The Manas Burger Marketing. There is
marketing Now, f*****. Yeah, and Young, Man. America welcome. Yeah, I think that I am presentation.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah, that's what it is. You're coming.

Nadhira Aulia: so, that removal,

Retno Pratiwi: Awesome. And again, okay, and there is Connor is 90 silica

Riska Noor Isnaini: It was supposed. To rain here.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, that I I qualifications.

Retno Pratiwi: That I

Riska Noor Isnaini: Top 20.

Artana Diva: well, you Okay,…

Retno Pratiwi: okay, Silica

Artana Diva: did he come here tomorrow?

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay salsa man. Okay background checking Daddy man I just social media and can
do what area Prusa and yes Blue yeah I thought I everybody.

Retno Pratiwi: And campus here. You got the greatest. Oh yeah. And now begin here.

Artana Diva: Here, everybody.

Retno Pratiwi: Muhammad.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, everyone can see one. Yeah, yeah tomorrow But yeah.

Artana Diva: See.

Retno Pratiwi: okay, like

Lisna Wati: That I don't. I can give Nikita today HR that I I

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah, Silicon Melissa.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, you okay. Today. Yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: I think I'm guides everything at I.

Retno Pratiwi: -D? What amount of, man. Alum say, I don't know the active organization. See, you
happy? And you'll hear somebody know, let's just stay with them, but yeah.

Lisna Wati: Oh yeah, here.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, about that. I mean it's on. Yeah that I see fell into a woman and a nice bikini and
they didn't even care. Yet it is. Which carry the richest? I I know Nikita Continua magazine. They're
going down.

Retno Pratiwi: Again, but

Retno Pratiwi: Guess. Yeah.

Muhammad Rido: You saying important? Yeah. But that, I

Retno Pratiwi: yes, I like

Retno Pratiwi: Muhammad.

Muhammad Rido: Sorting city on to come, but that's epic Daya.

Muhammad Rido: To monitor just marina.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, everybody. Any problem is your posting job description,…

Muhammad Rido: Okay. Trim. Vacancy.

Retno Pratiwi: then you come in job requirement that I clear. okay ammonia, because I must

Retno Pratiwi: Okay. The matter is. So outsourcing seafy selection near don't be. I sourcing CV
selection to assessment post and you can be. I be happier even interview.

Retno Pratiwi: Last description Pyramid at the gas and you can ask me a sourcing, Screening
Selection, Accommended presentation. Process cleaning a little and efficiency. What after basic
requirement? Why did the Medical Academy? OH yeah, Minnie Mouse and maximal development and I
mean they qualifications system.

Retno Pratiwi: This is you can see figuratively Amana. The animal saltier as if he says Why don't
qualification like that thing? No Nikita. Because so I am Cindy Process and behind you.

Retno Pratiwi: Comedy at the Board of Orangelamudiyan System. Aluminas even what category,
screening the element is here. Come on, Diane Lock. On screen is if you will be the tile check water
activity. That what that line ACROS standard screening that you get over here on terrific one is that
muhammadazi mobility that I feel cold because

Retno Pratiwi: Going in classes, mentors and process select the idea that I am here. Now, coming in
the behavioral, even in the field, Bi Adele, as well as other technical Angela Muhammad apart, I'm
already presentation training management and Super Guy.

Retno Pratiwi: Tell me the, I mean, that the technique points are hookah the, depending in it. Oh, that I
am a job. Yes, or no salsa. Yeah, terribly happen again. Last time. Ideas.

Retno Pratiwi: Comedy soft skill candidates. You are not comedian idea. Muhammad that is what to
masala. Here comes here near here.

Retno Pratiwi: But that's presentation.

Muhammad Rido: Okay.

Retno Pratiwi: You right? I'm clear. So, going to a job. Interview can be pretty stressful. One of the
best ways to calm your nerves, is to be prepared. So, I'm going to take you through some common
interview questions, and give you some tips on how to answer them. If you like say your answers out
loud, you can even pause the video if you want record yourself on your phone so you can watch it
back and see where you need to improve. Let's get started.

Retno Pratiwi: Tell me about yourself.

Retno Pratiwi: Employees, ask this to see how you'll fit in. They already have a copy of your resume
so you don't need to go over everything on it. Give a quick summary of your key qualities skills
experience and goals. Some people call this an elevator pitch. Remember, keep it relevant and relate it
back to your work.

Retno Pratiwi: What are your strengths?

Retno Pratiwi: This question is a great opportunity to sell yourself but you need to give examples.
Don't give an answer that you can't back up. Anyone can say their hard-working you need to explain
how and why

Retno Pratiwi: what are your weaknesses?

Retno Pratiwi: Don't be afraid of this question. The ability to identify weakness is actually strength
but you need to say what you have done or plan to do to fix any weakness. Don't say You don't have
any weaknesses, it'll make you sound like you lack self-awareness. I work too hard, won't cut it either
and here's a bonus tip. The only standing weaknesses. That is the key part of the job you're
interviewing for. Don't say, you can't spell. If you're trying to get a job as a write-up, don't say you're
bad at talking to people if you're trying to get a sales job. Okay.

Retno Pratiwi: Why do you want to work here?

Retno Pratiwi: An employer asks this question because they want to know if you're really interested
in the job or if you just want to paycheck, do some research on the company and talk about their
products and services, they have to offer and relate them back to where you want to work there. Don't
say you just want a job. Okay, okay. Give me an example of a problem. You have solved.

Retno Pratiwi: The keyword here is example. You need to relate your example back to a real life
experience work or personal. The best way to do that is by applying the Star method.

Retno Pratiwi: Yes, this is situation. Be specific. What were you doing? Who was involved? What was
at stake? He is the task. What were you trying to achieve? Is for action, put steps. Did you take to
achieve your task? Ah, is for results. What was the outcome?

Retno Pratiwi: Okay. Ready. See yourself.

Retno Pratiwi: In employees off this question because they want to know how this job lines up with
your ambition and values and whether you're likely to stick around or leave after a few months, don't
say, You don't know or say something unrealistic. If you're not sure that's okay. You can say the
position will help you decide. He? Why did you leave your last job or Why do you want to leave your
current job?

Retno Pratiwi: Regardless of the actual reason why you left never bad mouth, your last employer,
think of a way to be diplomatic about. Why you left a good answer? Could be, My company was
cutting back and my position changed in a way that didn't match my goals. Don't say things like The
hours were terrible. They didn't pay me enough. I hated it. Take. What are your salary, expectations?

Retno Pratiwi: Most jobs will specify a salary in the app if you're feeling bold aim for the top. But note
it's generally not a good idea to discuss salary at the first interview unless the employer raises it first
don't ask for a salary. That's too high because you might price yourself out of a job. Don't go too low
either. You don't want to undervalue yourself A good way. To tackle, this answer is to say something
like Your answer, The salary range was between 50 and 60,000, based on my experience and
qualification, I expect the salary at the top end of your range. An employer might want a specific
answer. Do your research and find out what other people get paid to do the job. Job is
a good place to find this info.

Retno Pratiwi: You have any questions for me?

Retno Pratiwi: This is a great opportunity to impress an employer. An interview is a two-way street
and a good chance to see if you like the organization too. Have a few questions prepared. It's even
better if you come up with a question. Based on something said during the interview. It's also a good
chance to clarify anything about the job. You're unsure of Okay.

Retno Pratiwi: To really shine at an interview, you need to show, you can respond to specific
questions weave in your understanding of the business into your answers. Research is an important
part of your prep. Your research should always include looking at a company's website. If they have
one have a look at the company social media accounts. If they have them, it'll give you a good idea of
what the company is all about. If you want to find out more, we've got a bunch of specific interview,
practice videos, click on the playlist. To check them out, subscribe to our channel, so you never miss a
video. I'll get it Video, Man, Copenha, Nikita. Darrow play me? I just interviewer so I get here. Okay,
Supplementica Papa Muhammad offering technique and Lisa 2. Sorry.

Retno Pratiwi: Didn't want to. Interviewed and you interview Japanese.

Retno Pratiwi: you the Meow me you

Retno Pratiwi: Palama Santana Video Version. Ation.

Muhammad Rido: Okay, that I okay, yes.

Retno Pratiwi: It's okay about that, okay? The interviews and

Retno Pratiwi: company. Calendar event tomorrow.

Retno Pratiwi: Hello, my video.

Retno Pratiwi: hello, Ma What do you think about you? Okay. Japanese

Retno Pratiwi: 995. Hello Muhammad.

Artana Diva: Yeah, hello.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay. My daily plum and Nikita, are you? Okay.

Artana Diva: Okay, whatever.

Retno Pratiwi: how much is Diva?

Muhammad Rido: Yeah. like,

Retno Pratiwi: And I think condition, the lamba diva pharmacies again, her area, welcome here, yadina
tikita sauce, I roll, play me the gym. Number last. The girl. But yeah. Sorry honey. Okay. Okay, random
party presentation.

Muhammad Rido: If you.

Artana Diva: And yeah.

Muhammad Rido: Are you?

Artana Diva: okay, Assalam Can you swamatore novice? I just re only programs to this Astra English.
Artana Diva: A profitable inside. Indian Muhammador de presentation and rido's bagay, HR stuff.
Home. The mind of this.

Muhammad Rido: You.

Artana Diva: All the remuneration. Oh, what is the presentation?

Artana Diva: Lihap danc. Es.

Artana Diva: I mean.

Muhammad Rido: You. Okay.

Muhammad Rido: I didn't.

Artana Diva: Okay. Columbiana. Yeah.

Artana Diva: That get oriented. Then you got as I become part. So, you just

Artana Diva: Muhammad say Yeah. Okay. A DWG to retire daily.

Artana Diva: The back office then Jarang, burrito mode. So yeah. See Yeah, dance. I am a see.

Artana Diva: Potato.

Muhammad Rido: okay, the limit

Artana Diva: Yeah, but all that.

Muhammad Rido: Okay, the DC Captain America video.

Artana Diva: Okay. Now, you are one the complaints around here, then you get to enjoy.

Artana Diva: Potato, and you.

Muhammad Rido: Remember that?

Artana Diva: Understand.

Muhammad Rido: Okay. Deca.

Artana Diva: Yeah, then you just

Muhammad Rido: Make deca and the D3 multiple presentation.

Muhammad Rido: APA multiplication. Don't talk about.

Artana Diva: How difficult not presentation. Zero zero mistake, then you were saying in Brooklyn Park,
Japan, Other training then you go skill, skill, developmental guitar, presentation.

Muhammad Rido: okay, like some of my major.

Artana Diva: Okay, like that.

Muhammad Rido: Oh yeah. Oh yeah. One lapsible, oh yeah, yes.

Artana Diva: Here.

Artana Diva: Okay, I know somebody presentation.

Muhammad Rido: I couldn't hear. I don't.

Artana Diva: If I reduce,

Muhammad Rido: Know. Sorry. MacBook.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, everyone can see my video done by Diva. Okay, that I see. Yeah. I'm getting this
blue company. Yeah, I I see interview time.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay. Marcia Mania calamity and it is Diva. Bella. I deaf feedback feedback and you
must do a big kayaka if you buy the interview, Nobody far.

Artana Diva: Yeah, but

Retno Pratiwi: Are you here?

Muhammad Rido: Oh yeah.

Artana Diva: Yeah, I'm also says party today.

Muhammad Rido: and interviewers that I was,…

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah.

Muhammad Rido: I am on that because I I see masala. Big Dick is yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, okay, everyone. Yeah, it is bringing me, that's kind. I need to describe
Muhammad pro Cindy recommend guitar for Call Me Santa Monsie International Day Record. Yeah,
internationally because

Retno Pratiwi: The automobile Peppa.

Retno Pratiwi: Beautiful, you hear? It's okay. Must read along about any apaka with the universe.
Burn up retails at interview party. Okay. That okay.

Muhammad Rido: of three magazine about

Artana Diva: Yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah. Okay. Get the okay there's grand Cranberry here must be Friday in here. Okay, so
I want to come at I screen.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, got that. I see you. Description job, requirement job postings. Somebody didn't
get a sourcing safety interviews, and I interactive Nikita, top matter, guitar offering technique,
yetoperati candy Muhammad. He said, he comedian so I can't even come up one day Guy named

Retno Pratiwi: and the offering technique tips now, Millennial, Imagica prescribe
Retno Pratiwi: Common in general like I moved here again and their Palomar and any fresh Graduate.
Yeah. Comedian. Apply. You can talk. Apply Little Bull terrier.

Retno Pratiwi: Oranginalo Maso, quinoa, Muhammad, Raja belong. See quotas. I develop interview
here because the process interviews with the processing contest. Yeah, but look at I

Retno Pratiwi: Going down, I didn't offering Equitable bag in my channel. Okay, everyone can see me.
Say I didn't stop shares. I am Count Success CQ and Sri Lankan.

Artana Diva: Cardinal. Okay,…

Retno Pratiwi: Welles Silicon.

Artana Diva: offering technically cons about the HR missania on top marketing Sudafed.

Retno Pratiwi: Muhammad.

Artana Diva: I'm virgin at, I

Retno Pratiwi: Okay.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah.

Artana Diva: The Shannon family Casa. Rosalia

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, the reminder. See. Now can me and…

Artana Diva: Muhammad.

Retno Pratiwi: the candy that I, I don't know, but the cafe name.

Retno Pratiwi: Do one hand someone? Yeah, right here. Okay. I say Yeah. Why not? Look at I

Artana Diva: Have you opened up nausea?

Retno Pratiwi: now, Asama you need a leguma city for the Iqbal silicon

Retno Pratiwi: Hello. Yeah.

Rivaldy Iqbal: And that, yeah.

Rivaldy Iqbal: The application system now. Yes.

Retno Pratiwi: Application. Support diaper applications and guitar business. Again, the muscle
system. Yeah. Thomas. Sing it. Oh, Yeah, the presentation by system, Screening and education. Oh
Yeah, Can process recruitment and visit? Oh, system Enemies. Why qualifications?

Rivaldy Iqbal: Here. You.

Retno Pratiwi: Here you just making a bucket atomic error camera. Customer

Rivaldy Iqbal: All rights. Yes.

Retno Pratiwi: But I I,

Dian Rusdiana: Aloka, Mona.

Retno Pratiwi: Love. Yeah, at the end, Christiana.

Dian Rusdiana: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: Yeah.

Dian Rusdiana: Truth and see Guitar application.

Retno Pratiwi: You.

Dian Rusdiana: You cancel either. That's why qualification.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay. Trimacy idea. Okay Titus but you just amazing system at I okay Daddy system
meaning yes.

Retno Pratiwi: Papaya, and it is.

Dian Rusdiana: Yeah. Yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: okay, you obvious Okay,…

salsa Sukarta: Same. Oh,

Retno Pratiwi: that I

salsa Sukarta: Hello. Miss a candy but ibakarion it took anakat at ally of a chat. There is what the
Prosa and then Allison and did jealousy Daya one? No, no contract apocaly. One in Ibraham
Muhammad. It is a probation then the Papa Alison is protamma itu back.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay to get someone. Okay but salsa that I don't understand.

Dian Rusdiana: Muhammad.

Retno Pratiwi: See Korea and Canada. I'm gonna get expertika here on

Retno Pratiwi: Someone Dian Commission contractor? Yeah it is a boom contra muhammadka. Yeah
yeah Quran contribution. My salsa.

salsa Sukarta: here, you

Retno Pratiwi: It is not good at. I feel so sorry. It's not good to myself.

Retno Pratiwi: Ramasama iqbala. Yea.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay. Yes, I oh, so please repeat and genia the column Chairman buddy. Okay, like this
outside? Yeah, I told you that. I Am man.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, call Amanda.

Muhammad Rido: Small. Longest comment. Ary. Oh, very

Retno Pratiwi: Almost. Okay.

Muhammad Rido: Gloria.

Retno Pratiwi: Silica silicon. Okay. Hello.

Muhammad Rido: Okay. Yeah.

Retno Pratiwi: Oh okay. Cody that I I saw human resource capacity.

Muhammad Rido: Okay.

Retno Pratiwi: Human resource human resources are amazing and human capital. Yamaha
Samasama, Hindi Lambrusahan community. So our job description. Now visaya, I didn't think I do the
job. Yes, puppy gamertee job. Describe our job require money.

Retno Pratiwi: I'm gonna get that. You got Milan job posting job posting, but I think it either do my
channel and you get around your posting inside your posting it to around here. I'm gonna do come
again community. So I'll interview me. I am an interview. See, Father, Bookah, Supaya, Kita Visa Video
Friends. YouTube process are here

Retno Pratiwi: Event automi. So basically active you got into piano again.

Retno Pratiwi: Okay, can you but we doing here by them. Oh yeah, okay, thank you so much. Yeah the
Mantaman and decide some Beckham about aryani then you get it. Okay.

Dian Rusdiana: Today, I see.

rosalia aryani: well, I think

Meeting ended after 02:04:44 👋

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