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Spring 2023 – SUNY Korea – SBU Final Exam Schedule

(June 9 - 15)
As of January 13,2023

PERIODS→ 1 2 3 4
2.5 Hrs each 9:00-11:30AM 12:30-3:00PM 3:15-5:45PM 6:30-9:00PM
ACC 210-91, ACC 214,
Fri 12:30 – 15:20
June 9 GEO 102, OAE 585, EMP 530
FLM 102-90, SUS 206 EST 569
Friday MEC 450/550,
FLM 102-91
June 10 EST 568 - - -
MoWe 9:00 – 10:20 MoWe 14:00 – 15:20
June 12 AMS 151, AMS 161,
ARS 205, KOR 220-91, KOR 220-90, MEC 317, MoWe 15:30 –16:50
Monday MEC 300 MEC 502
EST 582
TuTh 15:30 – 16:50
June 13 TuTh 9:30 – 10:20
TuTh 12:30 – 13:50 BUS 359, EST 561
AMS 210-90,
Tuesday MUS 105
ECO 108-90
AMS 210-91
MoWe 10:30 – 11:50 MoWe 17:00 –
June 14 ARS 225, MEC 411,
WAE 192 /
18:20 EMP 502
Wednesday ACC 310
WAE 194
EST 592, MEC 203
June 15 TuTh 10:30 – 11:50 TuTh 14:00 – 15:20 TuTh 17:00 – 18:20
Thursday POL 101, BUS 447 ESE 123 CAR 251

⚫ To determine the time and date of your examination, find the time your class lecture meets and look to
the left of the row to find the day of the exam, and to the top of the column for the time. A final exam for
each class will be held at the time as designated on the table above. Each class time specified in each time
slot is the time that corresponds to the LECTURE time schedule, not the RECITATIONS, SEMINARS or

⚫ The last exam of the course, whether comprehensive or covering only a portion of the material, must be
given during the Final Exam Period. Exceptions may only be granted by the Dean of Academic Affairs for
compelling academic reasons. Students who find that a final exam has been scheduled during the last week
of classes in any of their courses should contact the Academic Affairs at 032-626-1122.

⚫ Unless otherwise announced, the examination will be given in the room where the regular class is held.
Students taking evening classes must be careful to avoid conflicts with Evening Midterm exams and
regularly scheduled classes and to avoid conflicts with Final Exams. Instructors are not obligated to give
makeup examinations to students in cases of such conflicts.

It is the responsibility of the student to plan a class schedule that avoids exam conflicts and too
many exams in the same day.

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