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A.1.1. Owner: Sole Proprietor - Single



It is hereby recorded the Real Estate Brokerage Agreement entered into by the parties on the
one hand:

Don_____________________________________________________ identified by DNI N°
,________from state_____civilunmarried, with
address__at of the District of Province and
Department of who shall be referred to as THE OWNER; and on the other hand:


Don(ña)__________________________________________________ identified by DNI N°
_________domiciled at ________________________ of the District of _____Province and
Department of _______________________________with Real Estate Agent Registration
Number PN N°.________________________________ of the Ministry of Housing, Sanitation and
Construction, hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry of Housing, Sanitation and Construction",
hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry of Housing, Sanitation and Construction".
shall be referred to as THE REAL ESTATE AGENT (A); the same is entered into under the
following terms:

1. THE OWNER declares to be the owner of the property located at:

- ____________________________________________________the same as the

is registered in the Electronic Record/File /Tomo N°. _______________ of the Registry of
Premises of the Public Registries of _______.
2. THE REAL ESTATE AGENT(S ) declares to be engaged in the activity of real estate
brokerage, being in the availability to sell the property of THE OWNER.

SECOND: THE OWNER establishes as the sale price of the property at the rate of US$ . (
__________ and 00/100 U.S. Dollars) approximately.

THIRD: The parties establish that THE REAL ESTATE AGENT(S) shall charge for his/her services
the ______________ (______) % of the total purchase and sale transfer price. EL
OWNER, in turn, undertakes to pay the percentage established at the time of signing the Public
Deed/Minute in favor of THE REAL ESTATE AGENT(S).
FOURTH: The term of this contract is as follows_______________ (_______) months counted
from the date of signature of this document. The parties establish that the term is automatically
extended unless one of the parties notifies the other in writing of the expiration of the contract.

FIFTH: The present contract is EXCLUSIVELY for THE REAL ESTATE AGENT(S). Therefore, THE
OWNER agrees not to enter into any sales contract with prospective buyers without the
intervention of THE REAL ESTATE AGENT(S), nor to hire another agent to provide real estate
brokerage services; otherwise THE OWNER will pay THE REAL ESTATE AGENT (S) the amount of
_________________________________________________________________ (______) % of
sale price for compensation for damages in the form of loss of profits.

THE REAL ESTATE AGENT(S) will have a document called a visit order signed by each client who
visits the property and will send the list each time he/she visits the property. days to THE
OWNER. At its
THE OWNER shall respect THE REAL ESTATE AGENT'S clients by paying the established
commission, even if the present contract has expired.

THE REAL ESTATE AGENT(S) undertakes to pay, at his/her own cost and risk, the advertising
expenses required for the sale of the Property subject of the present contract.

SIXTH: Any disagreement, litigation or controversy that may arise from this contract, agreement
or legal act, including those of its nullity or invalidity, shall be resolved through popular
arbitration, by means of a final decision, in accordance with the Regulations of the Popular
Arbitration Center "ARBITRA PERU", to whose administration, regulations and decision the
parties submit themselves.The parties unconditionally submit to the administration, regulations
and decision of the Popular Arbitration Center "ARBITRA PERU", declaring to know and accept
them in their entirety.

In conformity, the parties hereto sign the present document in the city of Lima on this day of
________days of the month of ___________ of the year two thousand ____

(Owner's name) (Name of Agent)

DNI N°________________ DNI N°

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