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Present Peifect - Past Simple - Evet/Never - Just - Yet/Already — We use the past simple for an action which happened at a stated time in the past. They travelled to France last summer. (When? Last summer. The time is mentioned.) Time adverbs used with the past simple: yesterday, two/three etc days/months etc ago, last Monday/week/month, etc. Erer/Never ‘We use ever in questions and statements. Have you ever visited Prague? ‘Madrid is the best city 've ever visited. ‘We use never in statements. Ive never visited America. (= 1 haven't visited America.) We use just in statements to show that an action finished only a few minutes earlier. ‘A; Have you finished your homework? B: Yes, I've just finished it Expand the prompts into sentences using for or since, as in the example. Sheflve in Brazil1992 She has lived in Brazil since 1992 He/beiilithree days Theyinot visititheir grandparentsjlast month Vbe/a policemanitwenty years Karen/not be/home/October Hejnot travel/oy boatilast summer not goito Parisisix years Jack/work in Canadaiten years She/not be abroaditwo years Jettinot call/Monday Yet/Already ‘We use already in statements and questions. Have you done the washing up already? Yes, I have. I've already done it. We use yet in questions and negatives. Have you done the ironing yet? No, | haven't. I haven't done the ironing yet. For/Since We use for to express duration. "ve worked here for seven years. We use since to state a starting point. I've worked here since 1992. Have gone (to) - Have been (to) There are two ways to form the present perfect of the verb go: have gone and have been, but there is a difference in meaning. Study the examples below. Bob and Marie have gone to Rome. (They went to Rome some time ago and they are still there.) have been to Rome. (I have visited Rome and come back, | am not there now.) 2. Look at the table below and make sentences, as in the example. Tom hasn't been to the opera, but he has eaten ‘Mexican food. He has also travelled to Europe, but he hasn't taken a boat trip. Andrea The Smiths

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