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United Arab Emirates University College

of Science

Department of Chemistry
CHEM- 115 General Chemistry Lab

Heat of Neutralization

When energy is changed by a reaction at constant pressure, the process is called heat of reaction
or enthalpy. The calorimeter measures the heat in a system. The experiment's goal is to calculate
the calorimeter’s heat capacity and to quantify the energy changes that occur during
neutralization reactions. An exothermic reaction is one in which energy is released in the form of
heat because of the formation of chemical bonds. In The enthalpy change of an exothermic
process is usually negative. Conversely, the absorption of energy is known as an endothermic
reaction. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance by 1°C or 1K is
measured in heat capacity (C). The temperature change that occurs when a known amount of hot
water is added to a known amount of cold water in the calorimeter is used to determine the
calorimeter's heat capacity. The heat obtained by the cold water and calorimeter will be
equivalent to the heat lost by the heated water. The temperature of the calorimeter and its
contents are monitored before and after the reaction in this experiment. By the end of this
experiment, we will be able to measure the heat of neutralization per mole of water formed and
the heat capacity.

Calorimetry is a scientific term that refers to the measurement of heat exchanged with the
surroundings to determine the changes in energy of a system. A calorimeter is made up of two
vessels: an outer and an inner vessel. Therefore, there is very little heat exchange between the
inner and outer vessels since the space between them acts as a heat insulator. Between an acid
and a base, a neutralization reaction occurs. This reaction always produces salt and water as a

Materials& Reagents:
• 1M HCl

• 1M NaOH

• 1M acetic acid

• Hot plate

• Styrofoam cups (2)

• Cardboard Square with hole in the center

• 400 mL beaker

• thermometer (2)

• 50 mL graduated

• cylinder

• 250 mL baker


Heat Capacity of the Calorimeter:

1.) Construct a calorimeter by putting two Styrofoam cups together

2.) make a hole in the lid by the cork borer to insert the thermometer (1) (thermometer shouldn't
touch the bottom of the cup)

3.) Keep the entire apparatus in a 400 mL beaker

4.) Measure (50.0 mL) of deionized water with a graduate cylinder and transfer it in the
calorimeter, then close the cover with the thermometer (1).

5.) record the temperature after (5-10 min) to the nearest 0.1 °C (cold water)

6.) Place exactly 50 mL of water in a 250 mL beaker and heat it in a hot plate

(The temp must be above 20 °C above the cold-water temperature) (do not boil the water!)

7.) after a minute quickly measure the temperature of hot water using a thermometer (2) to the
nearest 0.1 °C

8.) Then Immediately pour the hot water to the calorimeter.

9.) Place the cap with the thermometer (1) and stir the water with the thermometer.

10.) Observe the temperature for the next 3 min and record the temperature every 15 s.


Heat of Neutralization of HCl & NaOH:

1.) Dry the calorimeter and thermometer (1)

2.) Measure (50.0 mL) of (1 M NaOH) and add into the Calorimeter.

3.) Replace the cap but leave thermometer out

4.) Measure (50.0 mL) of (1 M HCl) in the beaker and allow to stand for few minutes.

5.) Measure the temperature of the acid, rinse the thermometer with water and dry.

6.) Insert the thermometer into the calorimeter and measure the temperature of the NaOH
solution (within 0.5° C range)

7.) Lift the lid carefully and add the (1 M HCl) solution

8.) avoid splashing, and immediately cap the calorimeter with the thermometer (1) and stir gently

9.) Record the temperature in every 15 s for the next 3 minutes

10.) determine ∆T and Calculate the heat of neutralization /mol of water formed


Heat of Neutralization of HCl & NaOH:

• repeat Part B, but substitute (1 M CH3COOH) for (1M HCl).

• then Calculate the heat of neutralization /mole of water formed


Part A: Heat capacity Part B: Heat of Part C: Heat of

of neutralization neutralization
calorimeter NaOH-HCl NaOH-CH3COOH

Time (S) Temp (oC) Time (S) Temp (oC) Time Temp (oC)

0 21.6 0 22.0 0 21.8

15 29.5 15 28.5 15 28.0

30 29.4 30 28.5 30 28.0

45 29.4 45 28.2 45 27.9

60 29.4 60 28.0 60 27.9

75 29.4 75 27.9 75 27.9

90 29.3 90 27.6 90 27.8

105 29.3 105 27.4 105 27.8

120 29.3 120 27.3 120 27.7

135 29.2 135 27.2 135 27.7

150 29.2 150 27.1 150 27.7

165 29.2 165 27.1 165 27.6

180 29.2 180 27.1 180 27.6


Temperature of the cold-water: 21.6 °C

Temperature of the hot water: 38.0 °C

A. Heat Capacity of Calorimeter

Mass of cold water (mcold): 50 g

Temperature of the calorimeter and cold water before mixing (T1): 21.6 °C
Mass of hot water (mhot): 50 g

Temperature of the hot water (T2) 38 °C

Maximum temperature determined from your curve (Tf) 29.5 °C

Heat lost by warm water q warm = - (Cs × mhot × (Tf-T2)): 1776.5 J

Heat gained by cold water q cold = (Cs × mcold × (Tf-T1)): 1651.1 J

Heat gained by the calorimeter qcal = (6-7): 1776.5-1651.1= 125.4 J

Heat capacity of the calorimeter Ccal = qcal/(Tf-T1): 15.87 J/K

B. Heat of Neutralization of HCl & NaOH

1. Temperature of calorimeter and NaOH: 22 °C

2. ∆T determined from your curve after adding HCl to the NaOH (ΔT): 6.5°C

3. Heat gained by solution q soln = (Cs × msoln × ∆T): 2717 J (msoln = 100.0 g)

4. Heat gained by the calorimeter q cal = (Ccal × ∆T): 103.15 J

5. Total Joules released by reaction q rxn = - (3 + 4) = -(2717+ 103.15) = -2820.15 J

6. The no: moles of HCl in 50 mL of 1 M HCl = 0.05 mol

7. The no: of moles of H2O produced in reaction of 50 mL 1 M HCl and 50 mL 1 M NaOH:

0.05 Mol

8. Joules released per mole of water formed (5/7) = 56403 J/mol

C. Heat of Neutralization of CH3CO2H & NaOH

1. Temperature of calorimeter and NaOH: 21.8 °C

2. ∆T determined from your curve after adding CH3CO2H to the NaOH (∆T):6.2°C

3. Heat gained by solution q soln = (Cs × msoln × ∆T): 2591.6 J (msoln = 100.0 g)

4. Heat gained by the calorimeter q cal = (Ccal × ∆T): 98.294 J

5. Total Joules released by reaction q rxn -(3 + 4) = -(2591.6+ 98.294) = -2689.89 J

6. The no: moles of CH3CO2H in 50 mL of 1 M HCl = 0.05 mol

7. The no: of moles of H2O produced in reaction of 50 mL 1 M CH3CO2H and 50 mL 1 M

0.05 Mol

8. Joules released per mole of water formed (5/7) = 53797.8 J/moL


Energy changes are found in chemical processes. This energy change is frequently in the form of
heat, and it is referred to as heat of reaction or enthalpy change (∆𝐻) under constant pressure.
The heat is measured experimentally by allowing the reaction to take place in a calorimeter,
which is a thermally insulated vessel.

In this experiment, we added 50 mL hot water and 50 mL cold water and recorded their
temperatures before and after mixing so that we can calculate the heat lost by the warm water,
which was 1776.5 J, and the heat gained by the cold water, which was 1651.1 J. Finally, we can
calculate the heat capacity of the calorimeter by dividing the heat gained by the calorimeter over
the temperature increase, which was 15.87 J/K. Then, using the heat of neutralization of HCl &
NaOH, we were able to calculate the moles of H2O produced in the reaction of 50 mL of NaOH
and 50 mL of HCl, as well as the joules released per mole of water formed by dividing the
number of moles of HCl by the number of moles of H2O produced in the reaction, which came
to 56403 J/mol. However, we can compute the number of moles and joules conducted in the heat
of neutralization experiment for weak acid with strong base CH3COOH – NaOH by repeating
the previous calculation.

This experiment is used to back up the atomic theory and the chemical bond findings. In
addition, the atomic theory was used in several stages of this experiment, such as determining the
amount of moles of solute in a solution. The experiment went well, and the goal was met to the
extent that the process was followed appropriately.

1. experiment 3 PowerPoint.

2.UAEU Lab Manual Chem 115


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