26-00055 Flow Chemistry III - NW

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Why using a Fluitec flow calorimeter?

A report presented by
Fluitec mixing + reaction solutions AG,
Alain Georg, Dipl. Ing. HTL, Research and Development
CH-8413 Neftenbach

Overview of Topics

• Fluitec mixing + reaction solutions AG

• Flow chemistry
• GMP flow chemistry
• Flow Calorimeter
• Process understanding
• Process safety
• Assemblies with safety concept
Fluitec mixing + reaction solutions AG

Page 3
Flow calorimeter

Calorimetry without calibration

Calorimetry with calibration

Continuous reaction calorimeter set-up at Fluitec. F. Mortzfeld, J. Polenk, B. Guélat, F. Venturoni, B. Schenkel, P.
Filipponi, Org. Process Res. Dev., 2020, 24, 10, 2004-2016.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.0c00117.

Flow Calorimeter

Pressure 2 - 8 bar
0019 TIR
TIR 0001
Feed 1
3 - 100 ml/min TIR
1 - 200 mPas 0017
.... kg/m3
.... J/kg/K TIR
... W/m/K 0016

0014 TG001

Feed 2 TIR Article-no. 55626

Laboratory Bottles
V = 2 Liter 0013
0002 0001
Temperature 1000 1000 1000 TIR
Tmax = 50 °C 0010

Dosing pressure
Solvent Pmax = 15 bar
Laboratory Bottles
V = 5 Liter Calibration valve

M Gearpump ZRP-200-15-3


Tmax = 50 °C
2000 2000 2000
P&ID diagram
Fluitec Reaction Calorimeter
Dosing pressure
Feed 1 Pmax = 15 bar
Laboratory Bottles
V = 2 Liter Calibration valve

Gearpump ZRP-200-15-3

Feed 2
3 - 100 ml/min
1 - 200 mPas

Page 7
.... kg/m3
.... J/kg/K
... W/m/K
Flow Calorimeter

10 sensors in one capillary

Flow Calorimeter
Equation of the heat transfer balance for
continuous ideal tubular reactors.

𝑄̇ !"# + 𝑄̇ "# = 𝑄̇ $%&' = 𝑚̇ ()*+,-. & Q ) & 𝑋/!.&01 with 𝑄̇ "# = 𝑘 & 𝐴 & ΔT2

𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎

𝑁𝑢!"#!$% 𝑁𝑢&'(#!$%

𝛼!"#!$% 𝛼&'(#!$% Segmental Anlaysis

𝑘 Page 9
Flow Calorimeter
Simulation PDF-Report


Flow Calorimeter

Page 11
Flow Calorimeter


Page 12
Flow Calorimeter

Why using a Fluitec flow calorimeter?

Process understanding

Process safety


Page 13
Process understanding
Selective, fast and exothermic neutralization
reaction of acetic acid and sodium hydroxide.

Marlies Moser, Alain G. Georg, Finn L. Steinemann,

David P. Rütti, Daniel M. Meier
Journal of Flow Chemistry, 2021
DOI: 10.1007/s41981-021-00204-y
Process understanding
Selective, homogeneous exothermic
hydrolysis of acetic anhydride with half-lives
from a few seconds to a few minutes.

Finn L. Steinemann, Marlies Moser, Alain G. Georg,

David P. Rütti, Daniel M. Meier
Journal of Flow Chemistry, 2022
DOI: 10.1007/s41981-022-00237-x
Process understanding
Nonselective, fast and exothermic deprotonation
of ethanol (EtOH) with hexyllithium (HexLi).

F. Mortzfeld, J. Polenk, B. Guélat, F. Venturoni, B.

Schenkel, P. Filipponi,
Org. Process Res. Dev., 2020, 24, 10, 2004-2016.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.0c00117.
Process understanding
Non selective, fast and exothermic deprotonation
of ethanol (EtOH) with hexyllithium (HexLi).


F. Mortzfeld, J. Polenk, B. Guélat, F. Venturoni, B.

Deviation of 80% Schenkel, P. Filipponi,
Org. Process Res. Dev., 2020, 24, 10, 2004-2016.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.0c00117.
Process understanding

Comparison of reaction calorimeter

Heat flow calorimeter - Fluitec Flow Calorimeter
Process understanding

Sequen&al reac&on?
-. -/

𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛?
𝐴 + 𝐵 𝐶 desired
𝐴 + 𝐶 𝐷 not desired

- Specific heat of reaction Qr (HFC) = 159 kJ kg-1 The screening shows:

- Adiabatic temperature rise DTad = 89 °C - Conversion is approx. 100%.
- Temperature TONSET = 74 °C - The side reaction is visible.
- Reaction control is reproducible
- Concentration X = 0.36
- Fast reaction with viscosity ratio h1/h2 = 2
Page 19
Process understanding

Page 20
Process understanding

RTD, polytropic profile

Page 21
Process understanding
- The accurate temperature profile of the liquid 𝑇3 − 𝑇34 (°C. K) is measured.
- The specific heat of reaction 𝑄 (kJ kg-1) is calculated.
- The enthalpy of reaction Δ𝐻) (kJ mol-1) is determined.
- The adiabatic temperature rise Δ𝑇"+ (°C, K) is defined.
- The time t 564% (s), the time at which 50% of the specific heat of reaction 𝑄 will be
calculated. It corresponds to an approximation of the half-life.
- The maximum specific heat transfer capacity (W K-1 per liter) is determined.
- The error calculation for substance value deviations (+/- %) will be calculated.
- The mole ratio (-) is specified.
- The rough degree of conversion 𝑈/ can be estimated from the curves.
- The enthalpy of mixing Δ𝐻' is very well represented and can be determined.
- It is also possible to detect non-selective reactions with very different kinetics.
- The creation of simplified safety kinetics is possible.
- From the diagram, the safety relevant temperatures 𝑇< , 𝑇( , 𝑇' , 𝑇=>< and 𝑇<?@=;
can be determined, so that the classification of the reaction can be done quickly
and efficiently.

Fluitec Flow Calorimeter, unlock the full potential of flow chemistry

Process safety

Set with the flow calorimeter Definition of safety


TDEC MAX TDEC MAX TDEC MAX TDEC MAX TDEC MAX Maximum possible Classification according
to EN12100
TS decomposition temperature

Determination of SIL
TDEC MAX protection layers
TONSET T0 + Tad according to EN61511
TONSET Decomposition temperature (DSC)
T0 + Tad
TS TS TS TS TS Maximum allowable Temperature (PED)
TONSET Tm =T0 + Tad Maximum temperature of the
T0 + Tad T0 + Tad synthesis reaction
TEXO TEXO TEXO TEXO TEXO TEXO Temperature at which the
Safety Purge System is triggered

TP TP TP TP TP TP Temperature range of the process

T0 T0 Start temperature of the synthesis reaction

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4* Class 5* Class

* Effects on high liquid vapour pressure, gassy or hybrid

reactions systems are taken into account in the risk analysis.

Page 23
Process safety

- Specific heat of reaction Qr(HFC) = 366.5 kJ kg-1 The rapid screening shows:
- Adiabatic temperature rise DTad = 202 °C - The reaction needs a certain time until it ignites.
- Temperature TONSET = 118 / 128 °C - The TONSET temperature is clearly exceeded.
- There is no decomposition.
- Concentration X = 0.11
- Medium fast reaction with viscosity ratio h1/h2 = 2
Page 24
Fluitec safety concept

Definition of safety

Classification according
to EN12100

Gas or
Determination of SIL

Can the gas protection layers

according to EN61511

steam Yes be Measures

generation? discharged?

Gas or
steam No reduced Severity 1

Page 25
Process safety

Definition of safety

Classification according
to EN12100

Determination of SIL
protection layers
according to EN61511

Determine TDEC

Page 26
Process safety

Definition of safety

Classification according
to EN12100

Determination of SIL
protection layers
according to EN61511

Novartis, CHIMIA 2019, 73, No. 10

Risk assessment (ISO 12100, 2011-03)

Risk Risk Risk Residual risk

analysis evaluation reduction

Page 27
Process safety

Definition of safety

Classification according
to EN12100

Determination of SIL
protection layers
according to EN61511

Setting the protection layers

Page 28
Assemblies with safety concept

Page 30
Assemblies with safety concept

Page 31
Page 32

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