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The number of people around the world who eat animals is staggering.

According to a recent
report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans consume about 9 billion land
animals and 1 billion sea animals per year. That’s more than 300 million land animals every

The idea that people eat meat because they don’t see the slaughter of animals is not a new
one. Some people think we would have more respect for the animal and its life if we were
involved in its death, and we might even be more likely to eat less meat overall because we
would feel like we are taking part in something that causes suffering.


 suffer (verb)
 slaughter (verb)
 take part in (phrase)
 contribute (verb)
 rethink (verb)
 empathy (noun)

Additional Questions

 Have you ever killed an animal?

 Do you think people would appreciate food more if they had to kill the animal themselves?

 Do you think humans are omnivores?

 What problems could there be if everyone started killing the animals they were eating?

 What animals do you think would be the easiest to kill?

 What animals do you think would be the most difficult to kill?


An anonymous informer VICE and a some coverage

Where Protecting the Environment Gets You Killed

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