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Robotic combine different fields of the knowledge this field of science and technology is base

on the predecessors name automatons Engineering mathematic computing physics

What is a robot ?
Al robot is a programable machine that is able to interact with its environment it Can subbite
people in performance that art dangerous repetitive or that precision and effort for a human
to a achive
Software robots The have not a physical body or ans Harley sofisticated and complex
programs of data and to probad information for humans the mein example in this aria is the h
ai artificial intelligence or Internet searching engine
Industrial robots
speed precisión gread varity off purposes
Android or humanista robots
Mobile robots they just to transport objects
Hybrid robots the Apple half parts imitage and angry shape or parts and the lower have uses
Wheels cate pilas o múltiple Lex to move ingenional de used Explorer and access human
beans cannot some times de arequipate Win WIS ancho no mouse laboratory
Zoomorfic robots de imitate animals
Bionix and cyborgs
Structure actuators provoke sensors send information ot control unit activates actuators
is a Friends instructor that supports de other components of the robot
it's the casing that protect descensor and actors from impacts
it Cambé con per with the human
Censos dear just superside de su ranking avia and interact according 3 de information to the
control unit it cándetek six differenttes of variables
che chemical
Yuso distinguís between internal and external sensors depending on the type of variable
dimension y con per to the sense in humans
Control unit
is wrestside the saignal from sensors proceses de information checks if there is something
to be modificate ansense orgers to the Futures according to the situation it subí programmit
acording to the purples of the robot it can be with the brain in humans deror to types of
control systems
open loop control system
clóset look control system
Actuators one
armecan INSS that aloe the robots
su or neumáticos air and hidráulico o i L'actuators
direct current motor servomotor stepper motor
Actuadors to
in robotic arms it's segment dad divide it is call a link and they are Connect by Jones
datalow de links different de grises of freedom
it joint can have al máximo de grises of freedom three of them relative to liner motion and
free of the to circular motion

what is electricity ??The electric current is the movement (flow) of electrons through
conductor materials. This fact means a transport of energy .There is another type of
electricity... the static electricity.

what is an electrical circuit ?? apuntes año pasado

electric components?? pag 62 63 64

types of electrical current ??

direct current : From negative pole to positive pole always
● Constant flow
● Generated at generators, baterys or photovoltaics cells
● Is is alwais resistive
● It can be turned into AC with an inverter
● It is use in electronic gadgets and small devices
● It is more difficult to be transported
alternating current : The current change constantly its direction and value
● No constant flow
● Generated by alternators
● Is can be capacitive, inductive and resistive
● It can be turned into DC with a recifier
● It is use in industrial equipement and comsumer electronics
● It is easier and cheaper to be transported


electric intensity This

magnitude measures the amount of
electrons tha flow across a section of wire per second.

1A = 1coulomb / second
1coulomb = 6,2415 x 10^18 electrons
electric resistance It
measures the opposition that a material
presentr to the flow of electricity current. It depends on
an specific property of materials, the resistivity, which is
different for each one of them.

It is possible to calculate the resistance of a conductor


According to this property, materials can be clasified as

conductor materials, insulating materials and
semicondutor materials that are very important in

electric power It
measures the amount of energy that an
electric component consumes per unit of time.

It is measured in watts (W).

ohm law v = i x r
Are used in electrical and electronic circuits to limit the
flow of current in certain parts of a circuit.

In electronic the size is very small. An the magnitude R

is specified using a color code.

There are also other types of resistors that has not a

fixed value, it can be controlled by a dial (variable
resistors) or it depens on certain factors:

● intensity of light (photoresistors)

● temperature (thermistors)
● humidity
series circut
parallel circuit

Steps to solve them:

1.Analyze the relationship between the
components (serie or parallel)
2.Reduce gradually the complexity of the circuit in
3.Guess the value of the equivalent total
Resistance usin the previous conceps.
4.Calculate the global Intensity
5.Go back step by step claculating the
magnitudes required in each one of the
elements of the circuit.

Also known as condensers, it stores
electrical charge. It is possible due to the
composition of the element, two conductor
materials separated by an insulating material
(in general it is air).They are used in radio and TV,
timers, transforming elements of DC to AC, etc.

The capacitance of a condenser is measured in farads


It has a capacitance of 1F if it acumulates 1coulomb

when it is subjected to 1V voltage.
relais it is a control element that is used in
general for security .

It is a very complex electronic component,

but it is essential to reduce the size of the


diodes :

It is made of semiconductor materials as silicon and

It has two terminals: the anode and the cathode; so it

is always polarized.
There is an specific type of diode named LED (Light
Emisor Diode)

It allows the flow of current according the


protoboard :It is a predesigned board for prototyping

electric and electronic circuits.

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