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Fear of public speaking

Delivering a speech or talk can be a terrifying experience for many people, whereas others

seem to do it with ease. Reasons why some people get nervous before delivering a speech

and others don’t, are not really known for certain, it can depend on the person or the situation,

but it is safe to say that the majority of people have suffered from a fear of giving a speech or

talk at some point in their life.

anxiety (noun)
an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening or might happen in the future:

Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about their first day at school.
That explains his anxiety over his health.
Her son is a source of considerable anxiety.

anxious (adjective)

can’t stand (somebody/something) (phrase)

deliver a speech/talk (phrase)

fear (noun)

nervous (adjective)

The Question
Do you get nervous if you have to deliver a speech or talk?

 Have you ever had to deliver a speech or talk? How did you feel?

 Why do you think some people get nervous and others don't?

 What do you think people can do to help themselves overcome their anxiety about delivering

a speech or talk?

 How often do you have to give a speech or talk?

David Goggins interview fragment:

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