QnA 2.9-11 Rephrased

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Question: What challenges might HR encounter when implementing green initiatives, and how can
they be addressed?

HR professionals may encounter a number of challenges when implementing green initiatives, including:

Employees may be unwilling to change, particularly if it involves new ways of working or new
technologies, and may be unaware of available green initiatives or the benefits of participating in them
due to a lack of awareness.

HR may lack the resources to conduct green initiatives, such as the time or funding to train personnel or
get new equipment.

If senior management does not support green initiatives, employees are less inclined to participate in

Here are some suggestions for how HR professionals might solve these issues:

Human resource professionals must successfully communicate with employees about the green
initiatives that are being implemented. This includes outlining the initiatives' benefits and how they will
affect employees.

HR professionals may be required to give training and assistance to employees.

HR experts should assess the effects of green initiatives so they can convince senior management and
staff of their value. This could entail keeping tabs on statistics like energy usage, greenhouse gas
emissions, and waste minimization.

To ensure success of green initiatives, HR should involve employees in their development and
implementation, make them part of the company culture, and recognize and reward employee

10.- How can HR measure and evaluate the impact of Green HRM initiatives?

Several methods exist for HR to assess the results of Green HRM efforts, including:

Monitoring environmental indicators can be done to gauge how well Green HRM initiatives are doing
and to spot areas that need improvement. Energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, trash reduction, and
water use are a few typical environmental metrics that contribute that HR can monitor.

Survey of employees can be done to determine how engaged and aware employees are of green HRM
activities. Employee surveys can also be used to get input on green HRM projects and to pinpoint areas
that might benefit from training and communication.

By measuring and evaluating the impact of Green HRM initiatives, HR can demonstrate the value of
these initiatives to senior management and other stakeholders, and can identify areas where
improvement is needed.

11.- How can Green people management practices impact the community? Or what is/would be the
societal impact of sustainable HRM?
Green people management practices (GPMP) can have a variety of effects on the neighborhood, such as:

Businesses can lessen their environmental effect by using GPMPs to cut back on their use of water,
electricity, waste production, and greenhouse gas emissions. The environment in the area and the
community at large may benefit from this.

GPMPs have the potential to generate new employment in the green economy, including positions in
waste management, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. As a result, possibilities will be created for
local residents and the local economy.

It can contribute to a community's improved public health by lowering harmful substances and
enhancing the quality of the air and water.

Overall, Green people management techniques can benefit the community as a whole by lowering the
environmental effect of businesses, generating jobs, enhancing public health, and promoting social

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