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How do they
influence our


adultos 2000 trabajo integrador Ponce Juan Manuel

Social Networks: How do they influence our lives?..............................................................................0
What are social networks?..........................................................................................................................2
Evolution of social networks: a timeline......................................................................................................2
Social networks in the workplace................................................................................................................3
Social networks in the social sphere............................................................................................................4
Social networks in education.......................................................................................................................5
Good use of social networks........................................................................................................................6
Misuse of social networks...........................................................................................................................7


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the importance of the use of social networks,
understood as a set of digital platforms formed by communities of people who share
relationships, interests or activities.1 On the other hand, the impact of these social
networks at present, the good and bad use and their possible consequences will be
During the development of the course, the functioning of social networks will be linked
to concepts seen throughout the course. Firstly, the concept of the Independent Worker
- from the subject Citizenship and Work -, the concept of Social Groups - seen in
Sociology - and the different learning theories, dealt with in Psychology.
Social networks are not only part of our daily lives, but have come to modify our
communication spaces and the way we relate to each other, which is why it is essential
to understand how they work and analyze the various aspects of this phenomenon.

What are social networks?

Definition: Social networks are digital platforms formed bycommunities of individuals

with common interests, activities or relationships (such asfriendship, kinship, work).
Social networks allow contact betweenpeople and function as a means of
communicating and exchanginginformation.
In addition, these networks can function as tools for workers, students, educators and
On the other hand, social networks, in some cases, are used to get in touch with
unknown individuals, with whom we share -or not- certain interests or points of view.

Evolution of social networks: a timeline

To better understand the world of social networks, we will begin with a brief summary of
how they started and evolved over time.
The birth of social networks can be considered as the birth of the first email sent in
1971, with one computer next to the other. This technology was perfected and seven
years later, in 1978, BBS (Bulletin Board Systems) began to be used over telephone
lines, allowing the transfer of files and e-mails. In addition, in the same year, the first
copies of Internet browsers were distributed via the Usenet platform. A few years later,

around 1991, the global network "WWW" (World Wide Web) was made public, which
allowed the beginning of the use of today's Internet. In 1994 Geocities was founded, a
pioneer in social networks, since, through it, each user could create his or her own web
page. On the other hand, in 1995 not only gave its users the option to
publish their own personalized content online, but also gave them the possibility to
interact with users with similar interests. 1997 saw the launch of AOL instant
Messenger, which, as the name implies, was an instant messaging program, and, which allowed personal profiles and friend listings.
With the beginning of the new millennium, there was a remarkable growth in the
economic value of Internet-related companies known as the "dotcom bubble". In 2002
Friendster was launched, the first to connect "real friends" online, reaching 3 million
users within a few months. In this context, 2003 saw the arrival of MySpace - very
similar to Friendster - and LinkedIn, a platform that allowed the creation of professional
profiles and connected companies with employees. Facebook was launched in 2004,
created with the initial idea of connecting university students. It was launched at
Harvard University and gained the subscription of half of its students in just one month.
In 2005 YouTube -the well-known video platform- appeared, and in 2006 Twitter was
launched. A few years later, in 2008, Facebook overtook MySpace to become the social
network with the most subscribers. WhatsApp, the instant messaging application for cell
phones, arrived in 2009, and Instagram, a photo and video platform, was launched in
2010. Finally, in more recent times, TikTok made its appearance in 2016 with the short
video sharing feature, gaining thousands of users.

To understand the
magnitude of
these networks,
we will cite a
study conducted
this year by the
agency We Are
Social, which
shows the current
list of social
networks with the
most users

Social networks in the workplace

In this section we will discuss how freelancers use social networks. Let us first define
who we are referring to when we talk about these workers. Unlike employees, self-
employed workers, as their name indicates, do not depend on any employer and,
therefore, do not have a fixed monthly or fortnightly salary. Likewise, they do not have
benefits such as leave, paid vacations, Christmas bonus, among others. Their income
depends on the possibilities they have in the labor market and on how they organize
their own work, i.e. how and when they do it. Within this category there are two types of
workers: employers and self-employed (entrepreneurs and cooperatives).
The director for Latin America of, Sebastián Siseles, explains that "In
the specific field of entrepreneurship, thanks to the Internet and social networks, many
of the barriers that once had to be overcome by those who started a business today not
only do not exist, but also allow to accelerate the processes and stages associated with
the birth of a new company". 2
Taking into account these sayings, we can consider that it is essential for freelancers to
make themselves known in the market, which requires time and effort. Social networks
provide a wide variety of tools to promote products and services to consumers.
In this regard, we cannot ignore the fact that nowadays social networks have become
essential for businesses -whether they are employers or self-employed- since they offer
the possibility of an instant approach to their customers, being able, in addition, to reach
potential customers and keep the current ones. You can also know what your
competitors are doing, their resources, their audience, their costs and strategies.
Clearly, communication with the customer is of utmost importance for any company.
With the emergence of social networks, the opinions and responses of customers, the
way they perceive the treatment given, the veracity of the companies, the quality of the
products, etc., can be seen immediately.
In my opinion, the feedback that social networks provide to companies to their
consumers is a great advantage. By taking advantage of this, they have the opportunity
to provide a better service, create new products and even improve the existing .

Social networks in the social sphere

When we think of social networks, we almost automatically think of the online platforms
through which we communicate and interact in our daily lives, which we can define as a
structure made up of several people or organizations that share common values or
interests. However, social networks have their origins in sociology, even before the
advent of the Internet under the concept of social groups. These, depending on the type

Note available at

of social relationship they contain, can be primary (family, boyfriend/girlfriend, friends,
etc.) or secondary (work group, or large organizations). They can also be formal
(companies, universities, different religions, etc.) or informal (of spontaneous
relationship as they have no rules or organizational structure) depending on the type of
organization. Finally, they can also be divided into membership groups (political party,
social movement, immigrant group, etc.) or reference groups (musical group, style of
dress, etc.) according to the type of identification. This is the classic classification within
the Social Sciences.
Within social networks we can find these different types of social groups. In fact, the
platform itself is throwing "friend request" suggestions to contact you with family,
friends, or people you may know. The same happens with pages of all kinds that share
your ideals, values or tastes, thus facilitating contact between these groups.
Unlike traditional social groups, social networks are a space where everyone can be
part of these groups, not only those who are like-minded but also those who are
opposed to them, thus allowing debate or exchange of opinions that, at times, are
attractive and, at others, end in aggression and even discrimination.
We can also mention those who have found in these networks a tool to organize
protests and join social and political movements, since they obtain a quick and,
sometimes, massive diffusion. A clear example of this is the feminist movement that
arose from the slogan "Ni una menos" (Not one less), which originated in Argentina.
The success of this movement, its rapid expansion and impact is largely due to the use
of social networks as a means of organization, convening and communication. In
addition, its critics and detractors also find in the world of social networks the space to
carry out a counter-movement, reaching also a great diffusion, adhesion and exchange
of ideas.

Social networks in education

Understanding the mechanisms of learning has been the subject of study since the
beginning of the 20th century and there are many theories on this subject, all of them
interesting and debatable.
George Siemens, theorist in teaching in the digital society, believed it was necessary to
evolve traditional theories such as behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism because
these were developed when technology did not impact education as it does today. For
this reason, he developed the theory of connectivism, which originated from the
advance of technology and the digitalization of our time, which integrates new
technologies in the development of learning. Before we dive a little deeper into the

concept of connectivism, let us briefly review the classical theories seen in the
Psychology course in order to compare them with the new current.
In the first place, we find behaviorism. This theory understands learning as a
modification of behavior that occurs in response to environmental stimuli. From this
point of view, the student is characterized as a receiver while the teacher assumes the
role of teacher and error corrector. The main proposal of this theory considers that
learning is achieved when a desirable response is shown after the presentation of a
specific environmental stimulus. On the other hand, there is cognitivism, a theory in
which capacities are established to direct the mental processes of information,
representation and action, i.e., the steps that modify previously acquired knowledge by
others that originate in the exchange of information. This theory proposes that learning
is understood as the acquisition of knowledge: the learner absorbs and processes
information by performing cognitive operations in the process, and then stores it in
memory. Thirdly, we can mention constructivism. In this case the protagonist of the
process is the learner, because he/she constructs knowledge by interacting with the
environment and by reorganizing mental structures. New knowledge joins with existing
knowledge to create new learning. This proposal assumes that learning is constructed
by the individual as he/she interacts with the environment.
Now, taking up again the concept of connectivism, we can say that this theory holds that
knowledge does not reside only in man, but also outside him, for example, in a data
base. For this reason, learning is understood as a constant process that takes place in
different scenarios and moments in a natural and even spontaneous way, so it is not
possible to speak of transfer or construction.
This trend recognizes that learning is no longer just an internal and individual activity
and that the field is changing. In addition, this model proposes the incorporation of
resources such as ICTs -social networks, among other platforms- for the teaching-
learning process. This reaffirms the idea that learning is a development of connections
of information sources.
This brief conceptualization allows us to observe how social networks have come to
change many aspects of our lives, and education is no exception, since these platforms
provide us with a multiplicity of tools to take advantage of when rethinking learning

Good use of social networks

Social networks have a number of advantages or benefits. First of all, they are
characterized by immediacy and global reach, since we can instantly find out about
something published anywhere on the map. This allows us to perceive distances as
reduced. In this way we can also affirm that they are mass in terms of access, since
they have no age, cultural or gender limits.

On the other hand, as we have mentioned, the networks are a tool for companies and
enterprises since they allow to increase the visibility and reach of products and services,
turning social networks into a new market. By the same logic, networks can also provide
job opportunities, as there are networks that facilitate contact between companies and
potential employees through platforms such as Linkedin.

These possibilities of expanding the reach of what is published also apply to the field of
information, since we can easily share files of all kinds, so information is quickly
viralized. Thus, networks can function as a learning channel because of the ease of
access to data. And, obviously, they are also useful for everyday entertainment.

Misuse of social networks

Social networks can be considered a double-edged sword, so their flip side is full of
negative aspects that we cannot overlook.

In the first place, we can mention cyberbullying, harassment through digital media
where the perpetrators hide behind screens, which gives them a certain feeling of
impunity. These attacks can take the form of insults, incessant messages, exposure of
the victim's private life, among other modalities. Within this concept we also find the
dangers of grooming, also known as "pedophile deception", since it is used to explain
the harassment of minors by adults. It is relevant to mention that grooming is a criminal
offense and must be reported.

On the other hand, the immediacy of social networks allows the viralization of
information, which can be harmful if what is exposed is a person's privacy, which is
often used as extortion. In the same way, sometimes false information, known as fake
news, is multiplied, which sometimes is deliberate and other times occurs due to the
rapid circulation and lack of verification when sharing news.

To conclude this section, we can also mention the indiscriminate access to sensitive,
violent and sexual content. Although filters exist, they are often ineffective or very slow,
so that vulnerable groups such as children can access this inappropriate content very
easily. Finally, we must not forget that the abuse of the use of social networks can lead
to addiction and loss of contact with the real and tangible world, believing that what is
seen on the platforms is reality.


Throughout this work we have analyzed the functioning of social networks in different
areas. It is worth noting that these networks have come to change the way we relate to
each other, get information and even the way we access products and services, since
companies and entrepreneurs are also part of our daily lives.
In the social sphere, I believe that networks provide certain facilities since they open
portals of greater scope to unite or bring together different social groups, facilitating
communication and contact, whether with family members who are far away, with work
groups, movements that share similar interests or, simply, to be in contact with a group
of friends with whom we share daily activities.
On the other hand, in the labor field, we must emphasize the importance of social
networks for freelancers -especially- since I consider it interesting and innovative that
they have at hand an easy and free tool to disseminate their work, which allows them to
increase the reach of their undertakings.
Finally, in the field of education, social networks may represent a real evolution in terms
of learning theories. In a globalized world immersed in the digital era, there is a
paradigm shift, and connectivism seems to theorize about a world in permanent change
that forces us to rethink our entire environment.
But are we making the right use of the new platforms? Like any tool, social networks
have a double edge. Although they open up a world of possibilities in various areas of
daily life, misuse is commonplace. The boom of social networks was sudden and,
perhaps, our society is not prepared for such a change. First of all, one could think of an
education in networks to prevent people from falling into crimes, frauds, scams, etc. But
would that be all? Are we as a society ready for permanent socialization at these sites?
I consider that no. I believe that as users we should use it responsibly, understanding
the negative effects of sharing false information, taking care of the content we upload,
etcetera. However, the most important thing is to understand that, despite being behind
a screen, the interaction is always with other human beings.


Adults 2000 - study guide on citizenship and work, section 2.1.2.

Adults 2000 - sociology study guide section 3.2.2

Adults 2000 - psychology study guide, Sections 1.2, 2.5 and 3.2

Canal-AR. Social Networks are part of a new labor market. 2013. Available at:

Raffino, María Estela. From: Argentina. Available at:

ReasonWhy. 70% of companies believe that social networks improve brand health.
2020. Available at

Ros, Laia. Social networks, a communication revolution. 2020. Available at:

Villalobos Graillet, José Eduardo - El Aprendizaje Colaborativo y el uso d e la

Red Social de Intercambio Lingüístico - 2013. Available at

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