Vocabulary Hand Out 2 2024

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Name: ………………………….....................................................................

Class: Grade 10 Date: …………………….

Subject: English Language Vocabulary Hand- Out 2

Ambiguous Vocabulary Entries

1- Stationary (adj.):
- fixed in a station, course, or mode; IMMOBILE
- unchanging in condition
Stationery (n.):
- materials (such as paper, pens, and ink) for writing or typing
- letter paper usually accompanied with matching envelopes

Most simply, stationary is an adjective that means "not moving," and stationery is a noun that
means "paper for writing letters."

2- Allusion (n):
- an implied or indirect reference especially in literature
- a poem that makes allusions to classical literature also: the use of such references
- the act of making an indirect reference to something: the act of alluding to
Illusion (n.):
- a misleading image presented to the vision: OPTICAL ILLUSION
- something that deceives or misleads intellectually
- perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause
misinterpretation of its actual nature
- a pattern capable of reversible perspective
- the state or fact of being intellectually deceived or misled: MISAPPREHENSION

Allusion and illusion may share some portion of their ancestry (both words come in part from the
Latin word ludere, meaning “to play”), and sound quite similar, but they are distinct words with
very different meanings. An allusion is an indirect reference, whereas an illusion is something that
is unreal or incorrect. Each of the nouns has a related verb form: allude “to refer indirectly to,” and
illude (not a very common word), which may mean “to delude or deceive” or “to subject to an
3- Capital
(adj.): - of or conforming to the series A, B, C, etc. rather than a, b, c, etc.

- being the seat of government

- e.g.: London is the capital city of England.

- chief in importance or influence

- e.g.: the capital importance of criticism in the work of creation itself
- punishable by death
- a capital crime
- involving execution
- capital sentences: CAPITAL PUNISHMENT
(n.): - a stock of accumulated goods especially at a specified time and in contrast to income
received during a specified period
- a city serving as a seat of government
Capitol (n.):
- a building in which a state legislative body meets the dome of the state capitol
- a group of buildings in which the functions of state government are carried out
- capitalized: the building in which the U.S. Congress meets at Washington
4- Accept (v.): - to receive (something offered) willingly
- to give admittance or approval to
- to endure without protest or reaction
Except (prep.) - with the exclusion or exception of

Expect (v.) - to anticipate or look forward to the coming or occurrence of: AWAIT

5- Famous (adj.): - widely known

- honoured for achievement

Infamous (adj.): - having a reputation of the worst kind : notoriously evil

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