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3D Printing Technology

Table of Contents
Executive summary.........................................................................................................................2

1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................3

1.1. What is Printing?...............................................................................................................3

1.2. What is 3D printing?.........................................................................................................3

2. History and development of 3D printing..................................................................................4

3. Advantages of 3D printing, its impact on healthcare industry and modern civilization..........6

3.1. Advantages of 3D Printing................................................................................................6

3.2. Impact of 3D printing on healthcare industry and modern civilization............................6

3.2.1. Impact of 3D Printing on the Healthcare Industry.....................................................6

3.2.2. Impact of 3D Printing on modern civilization...........................................................7

4. The 3D printing market............................................................................................................8

5. Challenges/disadvantages of 3D printing.................................................................................8

6. The future of 3D printing.........................................................................................................9

Conclusion and recommendations.................................................................................................10

Executive summary
The discussions on 3D printing technology have highlighted its transformative potential across
various industries. 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, enables the creation of
intricate designs, customization, rapid prototyping, and reduced material waste. It has found
applications in healthcare, manufacturing, architecture, and education, revolutionizing surgical
planning, personalized healthcare solutions, and construction processes. The technology has
evolved from its inception in the 1980s, with advancements in materials and techniques driving
its growth. However, challenges such as limited material selection, high costs, and regulatory
concerns need to be addressed. Recommendations include continued investment in research and
development, fostering collaboration, supporting accessibility and affordability, and establishing
regulatory frameworks. By embracing these recommendations, we can unlock the full potential
of 3D printing technology, driving innovation, and creating positive impacts in industries and
society as a whole.
1. Introduction

1.1. What is Printing?

The process of replicating text, pictures, or other visual material into a tangible medium, usually
paper or other appropriate surfaces, is referred to as printing. Using a printing press, printer, or
other comparable instrument, ink or pigment is transferred onto the medium. For ages, printing
has been a crucial tool for communication and information distribution.

Although printing has been used since ancient times, Johannes Gutenberg's invention of the
printing press in the 15th century completely changed the industry. The mass printing of books
made information more widely available and had a huge influence on education, culture, and the
dissemination of ideas thanks to Gutenberg's innovation (Eisenstein, 2012).

1.2. What is 3D printing?

Rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing are two other names for 3D printing, both of
which refer to additive techniques. The essential concept of 3D printing is the production of
three-dimensional solid items utilizing a digital file as a blueprint, independent of their shape or

“3D printing is a process by which 3D solid objects of any shape or geometry can be created
from a digital file. The creation is achieved by laying down successive layers of a specific
material until the entire object is created. Each of these layers represents a thinly sliced
horizontal cross-section (similar to the output of an ordinary printer, this is why it is called
printing) of the eventual object, in contrast to traditional subtractive manufacturing methods
which relies upon the removal of material to create something”. (Mkhemer, 2014; Shahrubudin
et al., 2019).

In comparison to traditional manufacturing methods, 3D printing offers a number of benefits that

make it possible to realize detailed and complicated designs that would be difficult or impossible
to do otherwise. By using only, the appropriate quantity of material, this technique reduces
material waste while also enabling customization and quick prototyping, which shortens the time
it takes to develop new products. A wide range of sectors, including consumer products,
healthcare, architecture, aerospace, and automotive, may use 3D printing. It makes it easier to
create prototypes, make replacement components, create specialized products like prostheses and
dental implants, and even do creative sculpting. As 3D printing develops, it has the ability to
fundamentally alter industries, democratize manufacturing techniques, and expand the realms of
possible design and production (Shahrubudin et al., 2019).

2. History and development of 3D printing

A number of decades have passed since the invention
of 3D printing, during which time it has undergone
considerable developments and milestones. Since its
debut in the 1980s, this groundbreaking technology
has developed into a disruptive force across many

The history of 3D printing dates back to the 1980s

when the first working 3D printer was developed by Figure 1 Charles W. Hull, The inventor of 3D printing.

Charles W. Hull. This technology, initially known as stereolithography, laid the foundation for
subsequent advancements. Over the years, 3D printing has evolved, becoming more accessible,
affordable, and capable of producing a wider range of materials and complex objects.

Following is a brief history and development of 3D printing technology from 1980s to full
development of 3D printing technology.

1983: Charles W. Hull creates stereolithography, a method for curing layers of photopolymer
resin using ultraviolet light, and receives a patent for the idea.

1986: Charles W. Hull patented the idea of 3D printing in 1986.

Late 1980s: Hull co-founds “3D System Corporation” the first business devoted to the
commercialization of 3D printing technology.

Early 1990s: The first stereolithography equipment are made available for purchase, enabling
the creation of three-dimensional things from computer designs.

1992: Selective laser sintering (SLS), a method that employs lasers to fuse powdered materials
like plastic and metal, is patented by Carl Deckard.
Mid 1990s: Scott Crump invented fused deposition modeling (FDM), which allows structures to
be built up layer by layer by extruding thermoplastic materials through a nozzle.

Later 1990s: Scott Crump invented fused deposition modeling (FDM), which allows structures
to be built up layer by layer by extruding thermoplastic materials through a nozzle.

Early 2000s: With 3D printing's capacity to make working prototypes fast, rapid prototyping is
becoming more and more popular, transforming the process of creating new products.

2005: Launched with the goal of building a self-replicating printer capable of manufacturing the
majority of its components, RepRap is an open-source 3D printer project.

2009: As it becomes more extensively utilized and more easily available across a variety of
sectors, the phrase "3D printing" is gaining prominence.

2012: The first commercially available desktop 3D printers, such as MakerBot's Replicator,
make 3D printing more inexpensive and accessible to a larger audience.

2013: The first 3D-printed prosthetic jaw is successfully implanted in an 83-year-old woman in
the Netherlands, demonstrating the potential of 3D printing in healthcare.

2014: With the use of liquid resin and UV light, Carbon3D's Continuous Liquid Interface
Production (CLIP) technology enables quicker and more accurate 3D printing.

2016: HP enters the 3D printing market with its Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) technology, capable of
high-speed and multi-material printing.

2019: As complicated metal components can now be produced using technologies like selective
laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM), metal 3D printing is gaining popularity.

Present day: With continual improvements in materials, resolution, speed, and scalability, 3D
printing keeps getting better. Today, 3D printing is used in many different sectors. It is used in
the automobile industry for quick prototyping and manufacturing specialized parts, in the
aerospace industry to produce lightweight components, in the healthcare industry to produce
patient-specific medical devices and implants, and in the architectural industry to provide
elaborate modeling and design verification (Chua & Leong, 2014) (沈煜, 2013) (Wohlers et al.,
2014). (Gibson et al., 2015).
3. Advantages of 3D printing, its impact on healthcare industry and modern
3.1. Advantages of 3D Printing

3.2. Impact of 3D printing on healthcare industry and modern civilization

3.2.1. Impact of 3D Printing on the Healthcare Industry

Impact on healthcare Explanation

Patient-Specific 3D printing enables the production of patient-specific medical
Medical Devices devices, such as implants and prosthetics, tailored to individual
anatomy. This improves patient outcomes and comfort (Ventola,
Surgical Planning and 3D printing allows the creation of realistic anatomical models for
Training medical research and education. It aids in studying diseases, testing
new treatments, and enhancing medical training (Ravi et al., 2020).
Medical Research and 3D printing allows the creation of realistic anatomical models for
Education medical research and education. It aids in studying diseases, testing
new treatments, and enhancing medical training (Mitsouras et al.,
Anatomical Models 3D printers aid surgical planning by producing accurate anatomical
models, improving outcomes. E.g., a robotic spine model developed
by researchers at Florida Atlantic University predicts disc implant
suitability with 100% accuracy in different postures.
Customized By enabling personalized medication, precise dosages, and intricate
Pharmaceuticals drug formulations, 3D printing has the potential to completely
transform the pharmaceutical industry. It enhances treatment
efficacy and patient adherence (Goyanes et al., 2015).
Tissue Engineering 3D bioprinting allows the fabrication of artificial tissues and organs.
and Organ It holds promise for regenerative medicine, addressing organ
Transplants shortages, and providing new treatment options (Ozbolat &
Hospodiuk, 2016).

3.2.2. Impact of 3D Printing on modern civilization

 Rapid prototyping, customization, and design iteration are made possible by 3D printing,
which promotes innovation.
 It helps people and businesses to bring their ideas to reality, boosting innovation and
entrepreneurship (Berman, 2012).
 By enabling localized manufacturing, 3D printing lessens reliance on conventional
supply chains.
 The use of 3D printing in school provides educational benefits because it fosters
creativity in the study of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics
(STEAM). It also adds to scientific developments across numerous sectors.
 Replicating and preserving cultural artifacts and works of art using 3D printing
encourages heritage preservation.
 Additionally, it gives artists the chance to experiment with novel modes of expression and
push the limits of conventional creative media (Macdonald et al., 2014).
 Compared to conventional subtractive techniques, 3D printing is more ecologically
friendly since it lowers material waste through its additive manufacturing process.
 It supports sustainable practices and circular economy principles (Kreiger & Pearce,

4. The 3D printing market

The worldwide 3D printing market attained a valuation of $13.84 billion in 2021, and it is
projected to experience significant growth at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.8%
from 2022 to 2030, reaching a market value of $76.17 billion. The number of 3D printer
shipments is estimated to increase from approximately 2.2 million units in 2021 to 21.5 million
units by 2030. Notably, sectors like healthcare and aerospace, driven by ongoing research and
development efforts, are expected to be key drivers of market expansion in the coming decade.

At present, the North American region dominates the global 3D printing market with the largest
revenue share, accounting for approximately 30% of the market. The widespread adoption of 3D
printing technology in this region contributes to its market leadership. Moreover, the United
States and Canada have emerged as significant early adopters of this transformative technology.
Following North America, Europe represents the second-largest regional market for 3D printing
(Moore, 2022).

5. Challenges/disadvantages of 3D printing
Limited Material Selection (Campbell et al., 2012).
High Cost of Equipment and Materials
Post-Processing Requirements
Limited Production Speed (Anitha et al., 2001).
Intellectual Property Concerns
Regulatory and Legal Considerations.
Quality and consistency control (Gebhardt & Hötter, 2016).
Size and Build Volume Limitations (Oropallo & Piegl,
Lack of Standardization (Berman, 2012).

6. The future of 3D printing

3D printing has emerged as a tool for the greater good, surpassing its initial consumer-focused
applications. It has opened up new possibilities that were unimaginable when the technology was
introduced. Its impact ranges from providing affordable healthcare solutions to creating housing
opportunities for the homeless. The potential applications of 3D printing are vast and diverse,
with the ability to address societal challenges in ways that were previously unheard of. It has
become a catalyst for positive change, with its reach extending far beyond the realm of consumer
Figure 2 Future application of 3D printing

The future of 3D printing holds immense potential for innovation and transformation across
various industries. Advancements in technology and materials are expected to lead to faster,
more precise, and cost-effective 3D printing processes. We can anticipate the development of
larger-scale industrial 3D printers capable of producing complex, full-scale objects. Furthermore,
the integration of 3D printing with other emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and
robotics will revolutionize manufacturing and customization capabilities (Gigante, 2019).

Conclusion and recommendations

3D printing technology has emerged as a powerful tool with the potential to revolutionize
various industries. From its origins in the 1980s as a rapid prototyping method, it has evolved
into a versatile manufacturing technique. Over the years, advancements in technology and
materials have enhanced its capabilities, allowing for complex designs, customization, and
reduced material waste. The healthcare industry has seen significant benefits, including improved
surgical planning and the creation of anatomical models. In modern civilization, 3D printing
holds the promise of addressing societal challenges and promoting sustainability. While
challenges and limitations exist, ongoing research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and support
from governments and organizations are paving the way for further advancements. The future of
3D printing looks promising, with continued investment in research and development,
collaboration, and accessibility. By embracing this technology, we can unlock new possibilities
for innovation and drive positive change across industries and society as a whole.

Following are recommendations for 3D printing technology.

1) Anitha, R., Arunachalam, S., & Radhakrishnan, P. (2001). Critical parameters influencing
the quality of prototypes in fused deposition modelling. Journal of Materials Processing
Technology, 118(1-3), 385-388.
2) Berman, B. (2012). 3-D printing: The new industrial revolution. Business horizons, 55(2),
3) Campbell, I., Bourell, D., & Gibson, I. (2012). Additive manufacturing: rapid prototyping
comes of age. Rapid prototyping journal, 18(4), 255-258.
4) Chua, C., & Leong, K. F. (2014). 3D Printing and additive manufacturing: Principles
and applications (with companion media pack) - fourth edition of rapid prototyping.
5) Eisenstein, E. L. (2012). The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe (2 ed.).
Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/CBO9781139197038
6) Gebhardt, A., & Hötter, J. (2016). Additive Manufacturing 3D Printing for Prototyping
and Manufacturing.
7) Gibson, I., Rosen, D. W., & Stucker, B. E. (2015). Additive manufacturing technologies :
3D printing, rapid prototyping, and direct digital manufacturing.
8) Gigante, M. (2019). What Is the Future of 3D Printing? Retrieved 11 from
9) Goyanes, A., Martinez, P. R., Buanz, A., Basit, A. W., & Gaisford, S. (2015). Effect of
geometry on drug release from 3D printed tablets. International journal of
pharmaceutics, 494(2), 657-663.
10) Kreiger, M., & Pearce, J. M. (2013). Environmental life cycle analysis of distributed
three-dimensional printing and conventional manufacturing of polymer products. ACS
Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 1(12), 1511-1519.
11) Macdonald, E., Salas, R., Espalin, D., Perez, M., Aguilera, E., Muse, D., & Wicker, R.
(2014). 3D Printing for the Rapid Prototyping of Structural Electronics. Access, IEEE, 2,
12) Mitsouras, D., Liacouras, P., Imanzadeh, A., Giannopoulos, A. A., Cai, T., Kumamaru, K.
K., George, E., Wake, N., Caterson, E. J., & Pomahac, B. (2015). Medical 3D printing for
the radiologist. Radiographics, 35(7), 1965-1988.
13) Mkhemer, S. (2014). 3D printing.
14) Moore, S. (2022). The Global 3D Printing Market - Growth, Trends, and Applications.
Retrieved 11 from
15) Oropallo, W., & Piegl, L. A. (2016). Ten challenges in 3D printing. Engineering with
Computers, 32, 135-148.
16) Ozbolat, I. T., & Hospodiuk, M. (2016). Current advances and future perspectives in
extrusion-based bioprinting. Biomaterials, 76, 321-343.
17) Ravi, T., Ranganathan, R., Pugalendhi, A., & Arumugam, S. (2020). 3D Printed Patient
Specific Models from Medical Imaging - A General Workflow. Materials Today:
Proceedings, 22, 1237-1243.
18) Shahrubudin, N., Lee, T. C., & Ramlan, R. (2019). An overview on 3D printing
technology: Technological, materials, and applications. Procedia Manufacturing, 35,
19) Ventola, C. L. (2014). Medical applications for 3D printing: current and projected uses.
Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 39(10), 704.
20) Wohlers, T. T., Associates, W., & Caffrey, T. (2014). Wohlers Report 2014: 3D Printing
and Additive Manufacturing State of the Industry Annual Worldwide Progress Report.
Wohlers Associates.
21) 沈煜. (2013). Apparatus and method for creating three-dimensional object.

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