How To Develop Passion For Study

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How to develop passion for study?

An environment is very necessary for developing study habit. A good atmosphere, the company of learned
people and the atmosphere creates a thirst for knowledge even in an ignorant person. The non-
knowledgeable environment and the companionship of the ignorant cause the mood of the knowledgeable
friends to deteriorate as well. We read in the historical records that there have been many excellent people
who didn’t receive regular education in any educational institution, but only because of the atmosphere and
sitting with the learned people, a very sophisticated academic taste has developed in them.
If we want to develop a love of learning and academic taste in ourselves and our friends, then we must
make a serious effort to create a good learning atmosphere around us and consciously take concern steps
for it.
Many people with different mindsets have to play a role in the growth and development of a knowledgeable
atmosphere. Teachers, parents and guardians, other elders, and friends, all play their roles. The environment
of our circle of friends should be like the environment of a standard educational institution. Where friends
laugh, have fun and tease each other, have discussions on national and local political issues. But along with
them, do healthy discussions on the prevailing thoughts and ideologies in the world, and also have
discussions on various topics throughout the world. Books, magazines, articles, academic articles, websites,
and lectures of well-known intellectuals be in our discussions. Books, magazines, and articles can be shared
daily, plans are made to attend knowledge gatherings along with parties and recreational activities, where
academic gatherings have an important status among us too.
Fostering such an environment requires conscious effort and this conscious effort is our responsibility. If
our environment is knowledge-friendly, it benefits our friends as well as us. If our friends are not interested
in reading or do not have the same or read very little, their conversation is mostly nonsense, and whether
we like it or not, it gradually affects our habit. You are reading highly knowledgeable topics and every day
you are unable to get any knowledgeable topic except cricket, country politics and petty incidents and
complaints of city, street or office, then in such a case you (especially as students and youth) cannot protect
their elegant taste for long. Traveling from morning till evening with your friends in a very narrow circle of
topics, your mind also begins to become narrow and its capacity to cover the limitless expanses of the world
of knowledge gradually fades away. However, the development of a good and pure knowledgeable
atmosphere around you is not only a basic need of your friends but also of you. People who do not have a
passion for studying, need it, so that this passion to be born in them, and those who have this passion, also
need it, so that this passion remains and further develops in them. Enhancing this environment is mainly
the responsibility of those who have passion and taste for learning or reading. Only they can feel its
importance, think about it, and take action.

Factors motivating to start the movement for study (Mut’ala):

There are several factors that motivate for study, some of these factors are discussed in the following
In order to develop a knowledgeable environment, it is important to focus on these factors:
❖ Need: The first factor among them is need. Necessity is the mother of invention and necessity is
also the mother of action and work. Necessity makes a person to accomplish any difficult and
unlikeable task, and if there is no need, a common man will not be attracted to good deeds. This is
human nature. In our daily lives, we also observe that an illiterate person is familiar with the rules
and regulations of their employment and government-related matters in some way. They somehow
acquire this knowledge through reading or being taught. The reason for this is that they need this
information, and necessity compels them to acquire this knowledge.

❖ To create a conducive learning environment, the first requirement is to make reading a necessity
for people. If reading becomes a necessity and people feel the need for it, they will naturally be
inclined towards reading.

❖ Creating a need and instilling a sense of it is primarily achieved through presenting Islamic
message(dawah). As a result of the outcome of these dawah activities, individuals often face various
ideological issues and challenges, which compel them to engage in reading. To promote deeper
reading, it is also essential during dawah to provide opportunities for interaction with educated,
intelligent, and knowledgeable individuals. The relatively higher-educated class can encourage
individuals to elevate their own knowledge through constructive criticism.

❖ Participation in the city's prestigious intellectual gatherings, representation there, facing heavy
questions from scholars, interaction with them, discussions on various subjects, and all such
activities naturally fuel the desire for intellectual growth. Beyond dawah work, numerous tasks
continue to be carried out. If these tasks are presented in a specific manner and executed in a
standardized way, they can serve as catalysts for intellectual advancement. For instance, we initiated
a series of educational training and study kits for the preparation of dawah campaigns. In this way,
every dawah campaign is contributing to intellectual development and completion of beneficial
reading materials. If even a few individuals in each unit move forward with a sincere approach,
they can naturally turn every task of the organization into a motivation for reading. As educational
development and the campaign against illiteracy progress, you should strive to create an
environment where Muslims automatically start their own research and studies on the educational
condition, educational issues, the education system, and educational policies in the country. People
are increasingly taking initiatives worldwide through the internet to combat educational
backwardness and promote progress. They are beginning to explore different approaches. If a
significant political event occurs, it naturally becomes the catalyst for in-depth research and study
on the factors behind the event.

❖ The crux of the matter lies in what vision and direction our leadership and educated individuals in
our circle provide for any task. If their vision is casual and focused on superficial and public matters
during the campaign against educational backwardness, there may be no need for deep reading.
However, if leaders engage in serious evaluations and leave an impression that they are working
with thorough preparation, people will consider deep reading and research as a necessity and will
also pay attention to its completion. For instance, if the leaders during the campaign against
educational backwardness are satisfied with surface-level and public discussions, there may not be
a need for in-depth reading. However, if leaders conduct rigorous assessments and create an
impression that they are undertaking significant tasks with extensive preparation, people will
recognize the importance of serious reading and research and will also devote attention to its

❖ To make reading a necessity, it is also essential that our gatherings, programs, and other events
consistently revolve around topics for which deep preparation and serious reading are necessary.

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