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Geography of Myanmar

1. Kachin State
(a) Kachin Tribe
(b) Putao and Khakaborazi, Myanmar's Alpine Landscape
(c) Myitkyina, the Birthplace of Ayeyarwaddy
(d) Manaw Festival and the Six Great Communities
(e) Mohnyin, Indawgyi Lake and Shwe Myitzu Pagoda
(f) Bhamo
(g)The resources, The economy, and The products
(h) Kachin’s specialities
1. Kachin State

Myanmar's Kachin State is the country's northernmost state and Shan State to the
south,Sagaing Region and India to the west, and China to the north and east
surround it. It has a population of 1,689 million .Kachin is Myanmar’s second largest
state, covering 89,041 km and divided into 18 townships. The capital city of Kachin

State is Myitkyina.
(a) Kachin Tribe

One of the eight main ethnic groups in Myanmar, the Kachin tribe resides in the
country's most northern state.The majority of the Rawang, Lisu, Zaiwa, Lawngwaw,
Lachid, Lhaovo, Jinghpaw and other minority tribes speak Jinghpaw as their primary
language.In Kachin State, which is also rich in natural resources like gold and jadeite
among other things, agriculture is the most significant sector of the economy.
(b) Putao and Khakaborazi, Myanmar's Alpine Landscape

Khakaborazi, the nation’s highest peak at 5,882m is the highest mountain and a
snow-capped mountain in southeast asia region as well.The eastern edge of
Himalayas finishes at the peaks. It was situated in Putao and most Rawang people
live nearby. It has a population of 91,257.

The peak is contained inside the Khakaborazi National Park, a mountainous park
distinguished by broad-leaved evergreen rain forest, semi-deciduous woodland,
and snowy forest.

The Takin, Blue Sheep, Red-Panda, Clouded Leopard, Red Goral, and Chinese
Serow are just a few of the uncommon wild animal species that may be found in this
enormous, dense, natural forest.
(c ) Myitkyina, the birthplace of Ayeyarwaddy

Myitkyina is the capital city of Kachin State in Myanmar,The town's name, which
translates to "near the big river," refers to its location along the Irrawaddy River, 25
miles (40 km) below the meeting point of the river's two headstreams,the May Kha
and MaliKha. It has a population of 56,427.

A commerce hub on the Stilwell (Ledo) Road, which connects to the Burma Road into
China, and the northern end of the Yangon (Rangoon) Railway are both located at
Myitkyina.Myitkyina is one of the most significant river ports in northern Myanmar
because of these robust telecommunication connections.The Kachin traditional
religious festival of Manaw, which takes place every January, is also hosted in
Myitkyina.The area is surrounded by hills and forests. Therefore,teak and other
timbers are commonly produced. Most crops are grown by dry farming, although
there is some wet rice and sugarcane cultivation.
(d) Manaw Festival

The annual Kachin Manaw Festival, which has been celebrated for more than three
decades, takes place in January in Myitkyina. Unquestionably, it is one of the nation's
most impressive manifestations of ethnic culture and solidarity, also the festival of
worshiping the spirits.. Additionally, it is a gathering of all Kachin Tribes including
members of six recognized Kachin communities – Lachid, Lhaovo, Lisu, Jinghpaw,
Rawang and Zaiwa.

One of the world's most common tribes is the Jinghpaw ethnic group. In India, they
are referred to as "Singpho," in China as "Jingpo," and in Myanmar as "Kachin."
They go by a variety of names around the world, while the majority of written literature
tends to use the term "Jinghpaw." Kachin State, Myanmar's most northern state, and
its hilly regions are primarily inhabited by the Jinghpaw people.

Lachid, (Lashi)

The Lachid maintain the traditional belief and history of descending from Xang
Mung and wife Xang Nam created by Gyu So, the great creator. Lachid deeply
value their ancestral history. But, their physical features are similar to the
Mongoloid ancestry, and can probably be members of Tibeto-Burman group.

Lawngwaw (Maru)

Maru is used by the Kachin and Jingpo to describe this group. The Maru call
themselves Lawngwaw. In China the Maru have been classified as part of the Jingpo
nationality, while in Myanmar they are viewed as part of the large Kachin ethnic
group. The Maru seems to have migrated from the Tibetan Plateau thousands of
years ago. On the other hand, they claim to be the original inhabitants of Myanmar

Every time a house is being built in the village, all the other villagers lend a hand,
which is a lovely custom. They also bring fire from their previous home because
they think that maintaining the fire will ensure the family's continued well-being.


A Tibeto-Burman ethnic group known as the Lisu inhabits hilly regions. They are
also visible near (Hkakabo Razi's) where they call home in Myanmar. We can also find
time in southwest China, Thailand, and the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.Their
primary economic endeavors are farming and animal husbandry. The migration
and cultural interaction of the Lisu has a long history. They are well-known for their
distinctive and vibrant traditional attire, expertise in weaving and basketry, and a
passion for dancing and song.They converse with the spirits via music, dancing,
and art.


Located in the Himalayan foothills (Hkakabo Razi) of Kachin State's Putao district,
the Rawang community has a unique connection to another ethnic group that inhabits
China. Rawang oral history claim that the group crossed the Himalayas on their way
from Mongolia to settle in northern Myanmar and a region of western Yunnan
Province that was spanned by the upper reaches of the Mekong, Yangtze, and
Thanlwin (Salween) rivers.Long time ago, they depended mainly on agriculture for
economic support.It is dedicated to think that there are 63000 local residents who
are able to speak Rawang.


Although the Zaiwa appear to have originated from the Tibetan Plateau, they are
excellent hunters. They were therefore long ago identified as having a connection to
the evil spirit. They are one of the largest ethnic groups in Kachin state, and their
outfits are particularly well-liked.

The largest Manaw event is held in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State, where up to
200,000 people have attended in the past for a week of celebrations. In Bhamo, Kachin
State's southernmost town, and Putao, the largest celebrations are smaller.

Celebrations at Myitkyina take place on the Manaw field, a huge open area south of the
town, where dancers parade around beautifully adorned Manaw poles that are each
around 20 meters high and resemble totem poles. Community leaders often guide
the dance parade, which also has loud drums that play the music. The Manaw
dance features both male and female performers.

The groups during the Manaw festival can be distinguished from one another by their
own unique national attire, which is often vivid, filled with metallic items, and
includes ornate headwear. They also carry antiques that are used in the dances done
in front of the totem poles, including swords.These swords, which are typically passed
down from family member to family member, do not always signify battle; they also
stand for agriculture and hunting because they are used to cut up meat.

(e) Mohnyin, Indawgyi Lake and Shwe Myitzu Pagoda

Kachin State contains the town of Mohnyin. It has a population of 33,290 and serves
as the administrative hub for both Mohnyin Township and Mohnyin
District.Mohnyin is well known for Indawgyi Lake, which is regarded as Southeast
Asia's largest and freshest water wildlife sanctuary lake.

The untapped jewel of Myanmar is Indawgyi Lake.It was founded in 1999, spans
73,600 hectares, and has an elevation range of over 1,400 meters from the lake's
surface at 169 meters.The wetland and the lake's natural surroundings offer for
spectacular environmental encounters. The iconic Shwe Myitzu Pagoda and adjacent
villages provide an amazing view of the lake.Indawgyi Lake’s unique ecosystem is
rich in biodiversity and it has exceptional value for birds, including indigenous fish
and turtle species and waterbird species that are threatened internationally.

The Shwe Myintzu Pagoda, originally known as the Shwe Myintzu Ye Lae Pagoda, is
located in the heart of Mohnyin's Indawgyi Lake.The Shwe Myintzu Pagoda's history
also includes the fact that when Gautama Buddha arrived in the area, came to a stop
at the peak of the mountain, also known as Elephant Head Mountain.
When Ananda questioned him about why he stated that In the future, a huge lake will
exist, and a famous pagoda where my relics are being restored will appear.

Coincidentally, a monk by the name of Sayartaw U Nyi Su travels to the location

specified in the 11th century with plans to erect a pagoda. Again, Sayartaw U Thaw
Bi Ta built this pagoda in 1869 after traveling to the location with Buddha relics from
Shwedagon Pagoda with his followers.

(e) Bhamo
The quiet and tranquil northern Kachin town, Bhamo is located on the Irrawaddy
River's bank. It has a population of 78,183.A sugar industry and a diesel power
plant are located in Bhamo.When the now-extinct Shan precursor kingdom of
Wanmaw was in existence, Bhamo was known as Sampanago, its capital.

Bhamo is a peaceful town which is a perfect stop for travelers on their journey
between Mandalay, Katha, and Myitkyina.

Explore Bhamo, you will be overwhelmed with a quiet and pleasant atmosphere.
However, you can still experience its hustle and bustle as it is home to a vibrant daily

(g)The resources, The economy, and The products

Kachin State's economy certainly relies on agriculture. rice, teak, and sugar cane
are the main products. Mineral products such as gold, jade, and rare-earth
elements. Hpakant is very well-known for its jade mines.
(h) Kachin’s specialities

 Shat Jam, often referred to as Kachin Biryani, is a rice meal that also includes meat
like chicken, pork, or beef. It is cooked with boiled rice, beans, carrots, mushrooms,
and fried onions.

 Shan Hkak, minced beef mixed with basil, garlic, ginger, chilies and pepper.

 Japhtu is a hot side dish cooked with tomatoes, dried meat, fish, or banana buds in
addition to pounded garlic and chiles.

 Si Pa, a rice-powdered vegetable curry. Pumpkin, pumpkin leaf, mustard,

mushroom, okra, long beans, and cauliflower are examples of common vegetables.

 Silu, a curry made with rice powder and chicken, chili, basil, garlic, and machyang

 A typical side dish is salted or preserved bamboo shoots.

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