Partial Spanish

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OCTOBER 10, 2021



Read each of the following questions carefully. Develop them, argumentatively,

and as clearly as possible. Use the bibliographic sources of the course and the
explanations given in class (do not use external sources).

When quoting the professor or authors studied, indicate this in your writing and
use quotation marks.

1. Mention and explain the five (5) essential characteristics of that sector of
Panamanian society known as "rabiblanco".

A: Some of the characteristics of the "rabiblanco" in Panama are:

According to the audio provided by Professor Erasto Espino I was able to extract 5
essential characteristics of the word "rabiblanco" among these characteristics are:

- The word rabiblanco is the denomination ironically applied to people of high

social classes, which include people with the desire of the Catholic religion,
economic power, belonging to Panama and whose descendants were
foreigners, Europeans or Americans.

- After the burning of the city of Panama by the pirate Morgan in 1671, the
noble families, wealthy and of recognized surnames known as rabiblancos
together with the rest of the population rebuilt the city, but the "rabiblancos"
settled where we know as the old town. In other words, Panama was divided
with an inside where the rabiblancos lived and an outside where the rest of
the population lived.

- The word rabiblancos does not only refer to people who have economic
power but who come from a lineage, whose descendants are European
foreigners, more specifically Spaniards with noble surnames.
- Normally the population gathers with people with the same or similar
customs, as a means of protection, as for example is the union club, or
further afield as are the American Jews, the American Chinese who form
their exclusive community.

- Literally the word rabiblanco is defined as rabi de rabo and blanco de color
blanco, i.e., white butt in other words people of white skin color.

2. From the perspective explained inclass ( according to the professor), how

does a cholo differ from an interiorano? (Two differences)

According to what was explained in class, a cholo is not the same as an

interiorano, and you should think twice about calling a campesino
(interiorano) a cholo because you could get into trouble.

The first and most important difference is the ethnic difference. The
campesino interiorano can be said to be of Spanish descent and the cholos
are of Spanish descent mixed with indigenous. The cholos have coppery skin
and a strong build, in the case of men, and where the indigenous part weighs
heavily. While the peasant is white and has no indigenous features.

The second difference is the geographic area where they are located. Most of
the "cholos" live in rural areas such as Cocle and Veraguas. While the
campesino or interiorano lives in Guarare, Los Santos, Parita, and anywhere
in Herrera.

3. Do school and professional uniforms (medical, police, firefighters)

constitute primary or secondary signs? Justify and explain your answer with
4 or 5 arguments.

School and professional uniforms (medical, police, firefighters) are primary signs
for the following reasons:

- 1. School and professional uniforms are intended to communicate to persons

outside the respective institution that the person wearing this attire belongs
to that institution. It is clear then, that it does not have the intention of
meaning, since it does not seek that the person other than the institution
interprets the reason for the uniform, but simply to communicate the
institution to which the person belongs. For example, when we see a girl in a
white shirt and dark blue skirt, we know she is a student.

- Both senders (people wearing the uniform) and receivers (those who see the
person wearing the uniform) understand the message to be communicated:
"this person belongs to this institution". This means that it is not a secondary
sign, since it does not leave the message to the free interpretation of the
receiver. Example: when I see a man with a hard hat and a cable sweater, I
understand that he works in this institution.

- 3. The code to be sent with the defined uniform: a wardrobe that

communicates a sense of belonging to an institution. The code is not a hint
or a clue, as we are sure what the uniform means. Example: when you see a
policeman, it is clear that this person works in this division.

- 4. The intellectual scope is certain: we have no doubt that the intention of the
uniform is to communicate a person's belonging to an institution. The scope
is not a possibility, as we see the uniform and know what it means. Example:
we can be sure that if a group of young people appear at the Olympics
wearing a coat with the Panamanian flag, they are representing the country
in the event.

4. According to the ethnic-social categories explained in class

(Panamanianisms), where would you place the person of Manuel Orestes
Nieto? In any of these categories? In a mixture of them or in a different one?
(3 arguments)

5. In the interview granted by Orestes Nieto at the Cultural Festival of the

Gimnasio Moderno in Bogota, he states that Panama is a Caribbean city on
the edge of the Pacific Ocean. What does Orestes mean by this statement?
Justify your answer.

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