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Foreign Trade Management Software

k Camanchaca

Uli 2
k Camanchaca 2
Content 2
Uli 12
68 Camanchaca 12
Camanchaca is a fishing industry with commercial offices, production plants and logistics
centers, farming and production centers and sales outlets throughout the country. Its
business focuses mainly on the production and subsequent export of salmon, fish for human
and animal consumption, abalone, and mussels. It has a presence in Chile, the United
States, Japan, Europe, Mexico and China to move its fishing industry in different locations.

The objective of this report is to present the necessary information for the internment of fish
oil through different studies carried out, in order to analyze the feasibility of the proposed
project and see if this way our project is supported, having already in hand solid information
that will be appreciated later in the report such as the tariff regime that the country contains
and the legal information to export the product, with the purpose of approaching an
Australian market.We have in hand solid information that will be appreciated later in the
report, such as the tariff regime that the country contains and the legal information to export
the product, with the purpose of approaching an Australian market.

The methodology for this first part of the report was based mainly on the collection of
information about our company, its products, operation, internationalization, etc., followed by
the analysis of the previous possible destination markets that we discarded due to economic
variables, fish oil consumption, proximity, among others. After gathering this information we
got together as a team to decide on our final market, which turned out to be Melbourne -
Australia. Following this, we conducted strategic market analyses such as SWOT, PESTEL,
generic strategies, market behavior analysis, chemical characteristics of our product, and a
couple of other sections that you will be able to see as you progress.

The first part of this report consists of Camanchaca's history along with its values, missions
and objectives. Then comes the internationalization plan and in it we find first the market
behavior, along with SWOT, PESTEL, Value Chain, Porter's 5 Forces, Ansoff Matrix, each
with a study of the necessary information and its respective analysis. This can be followed by
the generic competitive strategy to end with the negotiation style established between Chile
and Australia, or between Camanchaca and Era Health.

Camanchaca was founded in 1967 in the city of Tomé in the bio-bio region for the purpose of
catching shrimp and prawns. Subsequently, the ownership changed hands and Jorge
Fernández and Francisco Cifuentes Correa took over as president and general manager in

Among the most important milestones, the first fishmeal and fish oil plant was built in 1984,
and the following year a shrimp and prawn processing plant was built. In 1987, the company
expanded its horizons by acquiring Polcura fish farming, taking its first steps in the salmon
division with the first stage of oyster farming in Caldera, Atacama region.

It is harvested at the first Coho center, in Tabon Island, Los Lagos Region.

The facilities in Tomé are renovated, modernizing the freezing plant. In Talcahuano, Bio Bio
Region, the first canning plant and a new fishmeal and fish oil plant are being built.

1993: Camanchaca purchases Pesquera Tarapacá, a fishmeal and fish oil plant located
within the port of Iquique and four fishing vessels, which gives rise to fishing operations in the
northern part of the country, with which the company acquires a 4% share of anchovy rights.
A fishmeal and fish oil plant is being built in San Antonio, Valparaíso Region. The fishmeal
and fish oil plant is built in San Antonio.

2000: The first closed Wellboat in Chile, the Ana Cristina, starts operations and the San José
primary slaughtering center, located in Calbuco, Los Lagos Region, is inaugurated.

2007: The new offices in Tomé, Bío Bío Region, and Puerto Montt, Los Lagos Region, were
inaugurated. Camanchaca purchases Cultivos Marinos Internacionales in Caldera, Tarapacá
Region, expanding its capacity to 350 tons/year. The company opens a sales office in Tokyo.
Mussel plant opens in Rauco, Los Lagos Region, with a capacity of 20,000 tons/year.

2013: Camanchaca joins the newly created Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) and organizes
trout production through a Joint Venture with two other companies. Camanchaca creates the
first sustainability program: Camanchaca Amiga with a focus on proximity, care for the
environment and healthy living.

2017: Camanchaca adopts the SAP technological and operational platform (accounting and
management software) for more efficient management. Compañía Pesquera Camanchaca
receives international certification from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) for its shrimp

Finally, during the last few years, a new technology MAREl Compañía Pesquera
Camanchaca inaugurates Centro Logístico Rocuant (CLR) located at

Talcahuano, Bio Bio Region, on a 100,000 sq. m. of land and 45,000 sq. m. of warehouses.


To feed the world from the sea with healthy and nutritious proteins
produced under sustainable processes and committed to the environment
and the communities where we operate.


The core values of Camanchaca S.A. are as follows:

-Talent and performance.
-Ethics and transparency.
-Care of resources.
-Security and supplies.
-Efficiency and sobriety.

To increase production volumes in the coming years by optimizing the use of
our installed capacity, improving the efficiency of each of our processes and
achieving high quality standards in our finished products.


Remain committed to moving forward together, combining an entrepreneurial spirit

with respect for people and the environment around us.
To remain in the industry, growing in sustainability, customers and expanding its


Camanchaca has more than 50 years of experience feeding the world from the sea. Its operations
are developed along the Chilean coast, under a strict commitment to the environment and society.
It currently exports fish and seafood to more than 50 countries.
The fishing company currently has 74 aquaculture concessions for salmon in the regions of Los
Lagos and Aysén.
2 processing plants for other crops; 1 mussel plant in Rauco; 1 abalone plant in Caldera.
5 production plants; 1 frozen jack mackerel plant in Talcahuano; 1 fishmeal and fish oil plant in
Coronel; 1 fishmeal and fish oil plant in Iquique; 1 canning plant in Coronel and 1 shrimp plant in
4 salmon plants; 1 fish farm in Río de Petrohué; 1 primary plant in San José; 1 primary plant in
Quellón and 1 value-added plant in Tomé.
5 commercial and representative offices in Japan, the United States, Spain, China and Mexico.
18 deep-sea fishing vessels; 11 in Pesco Norte and 7 in Pesca Sur.
1,100 hectares of mussels in Chiloé.
1,000 abalone ponds in Caldera.


15042020: Fish oil refined-semi refined


The main product we are going to export is fish oil to the city of Melbourne, Australia in Flexitank
format of 22,000 liters in FOB clause. This oil is ISO 9000:2015, IFFO Global Standard For
Responsible Supply 2.0 and HACCP certified.
The export will be for the medical center "Era Health".

Technical specifications of fish oil.

• Product Type: Fish Oil.
• Presentation: Liquid product, raw.
• Species: Trachurus murphyi (Horse mackerel) / Scomber japonicus peruanus (Mackerel) /
Strangomera bentincki (Common sardine) / Engraulis ringens (Anchovy), among others
(species authorized by current regulations for non-human consumption and human
consumption will be authorized).
• Additives: Optional Butyl Hydroxytoluene (BHT) or other antioxidant according to customer

Physical-chemical characteristics
• Color and aroma: Natural, typical of the species.
• Moisture and impurities: Maximum 1%.
• FFA: According to the degree of acidity.
• Peroxides: Maximum 10% (meq 02/kg)
• Anisidine: Maximum 30.
• Omega 3 (EPA+DHA): 18% to 32%.
• Net weight: Verified in accordance with the current contract.
• Packaging: Bulk or other packaging according to customer's requirements.
• Shelf life: 18 months.

Tariff regime.
• Restrictions: The importation of certain weapons, antibiotics, pesticides and a wide range of
products from varied sectors is prohibited.
• Export taxes: there are no taxes.
• Customs clearance of goods: You must fill out a customs declaration with a description of the
exported goods. The Integrated Cargo System (ICS) analyzes this information and issues an
Export Declaration Number.

The Australian market; its total population is 25,364,367 where the demographic with interest and
purchasing power is around 16-64 years old which in percentage represents 64.8% and it is this
segment that is targeted. Socially speaking, they are open to changes that help them in their daily
lives. It is a society with a high interest in nutritional information, since it is the country with the
highest number of obese people in the world, supported by the Department of Preventive Cardiology
of the Baker Institute of the city of Melbourne, at a governmental level, a plan is being made against
obesity in the country, promoting healthy living and a better food diet.

One advantage offered by this market is predictability, the Australian market is predictable, reliable,
but you have to know its rules and follow them. For example, customs is traditionally demanding but
fair. If you meet their requirements you can easily get in. The main means to reach the customer are
through conventional advertising media such as television and radio for the 35-64 segment, but the
younger population is more interested in social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

The Australian market is highly conditioned by the enormous distances in the country. In this regard,
improved infrastructure would eliminate bottlenecks and reduce the pressure on housing in large

- Limited resource
- Closed season of the fish
- Strengthens the immune
from which the oil is
system of the frequent
- Altos costs
Fish Oil - Chile is one of the world's
leading exporters of fish oil
- Consolidated product in the
- Several companies
Asian market
find selling
- We are present in various
this product
parts of the world
- Great companies
buyers have the
OPPORTUNITIES - High production costs
- national fishing sector is could
- As the sector has
consolidated but because we have a
fishing consolidated us
- High demand for omega-3 high demand it will not
allows have a
consumption due to affect us.
worldwide renown
pandemic - Although there are several
- Its high request from
- Partnering with GOLDEN companies dedicated to the
consumptionare for your
OMEGA production of fish oil,
immune system
- Chile has a total of 29 partnering with GOLDEN
strengthening properties
treaties OMEGA will allow us to
- Having multiple trade
commercial activities break into the market.
agreements allows us to
worldwide. -
enter different parts of the
world map.
- As Chile is one of the main
exporters of fish oil,
partnering with GOLDEN
OMEGA will allow us to be
present in more markets.

THREATS - Positioning ourselves - As it is a limited resource, it

- Obtaining other sources of globally like can be used to obtain other
Omega 3 fish oil suppliers resources.
- Vegetable substitutes - Promote the consumption - To see large
- Dollar fluctuations of OMEGA 3, promoting its companies that lead the
- Great companies health properties. market along with large-
lead the market - Taking advantage of volume buyers, you
the can
presence at various points affect us by not having the
on the global map, the great volume
fluctuation of the dollar from
would not have export
repercussions -
market refusals

Relative weight (%) Does it affect the organization? Weighting (%) Evaluation (1 to 5) Valorization


Government policies in office yes 3% 4 0,0012
Modifications to trade agreements 5% 4 0,002
20% YES

Ideas of society yes 2% 4 0,0008

Foreign trade regulation yes 5% 5 0,0025

Political stability yes 5% 5 0,0025
Inflation yes 4% 1 0,0004
Unemployment yes 2% 3 0,0006
20% GDP performance (+) YES 2% 3 0,0006
Country risk yes 4% 1 0,0004
International agreements yes 4% 5 0,002
Dollar fluctuation yes 4% 2 0,0008
Family structure yes 3% 5 0,0015
Trend followers yes 1% 3 0,0003
15% Dietary diet (increased consumption of A. Pescad yes 5% 5 0,0025
Form of communication yes 1% 3 0,0003
Health awareness yes 2% 5 0,001
Demographic changes yes 3% 5 0,0015
10% New forms of production and distribution yes 8% 5 0,004
Packaging technology yes 2% 3 0,0006
Environmental protection laws yes 5% 5 0,0025
20% Access to or scarcity of raw materials yes 6% 2 0,0012
Environmental awareness yes 4% 5 0,002
Effects of climate change yes 5% 2 0,001
LEGAL FACTORS 15% 0,0072
Health laws yes 6% 5 0,003
Certifications to practice the profession yes 6% 5 0,003
Employment / unemployment laws yes 3% 4 0,0012

Scale Note
Very favorable 5
Favorable 4
Neutral 3
Unfavorable 2

Individual analysis of each PESTEL variant

Politician Economic Social TechnologicalEcological Legal

Institutions in At these Tense and In recent years The company
charge of the The Australian unreliable has must comply
auditing of the economy has environment significantly with labor
The company
salmon farming suffered greatly due to the increased legislation. in
has a program
industries such from the global pandemic investment in addition to
as pandemic in that is is health care complying with
SERNAPESC recent years. living whichhas technology, and the food safety
amiga'' to
and SUBPESCA braking the the medium manuals in order
generate links
where we must the year 2020 fish oil such as the use to have the
has fallen its with its workers,
comply with production. of copper nets corresponding
requirements to GDP by 2.5%. to prevent certifications.
There is a customers,
achieve the damage to It must have a
corresponding without growing interest crops and full job security
certifications. In However, it has in caring for the RSWs that are and charter for all its
addition, there been able to environment by implemented on shareholders. workers.
over the
creating where its focus
are strong fishing vessels
is divided into 3
regulations and the coronavirus organizations
policies of the catastrophe and that have come
remains in a to be known as closeness, care
product in
very good a for the
question to
perform the ranking being regulate more
and more and healthy
control from
13th largest industries to living.
economy in the avoid the abuse Camanchaca
world. of seafood has the
products. The company's
internally conviction to
Australia has preserve the
implemented ecosystem
measures to requires them to
ensure that the anticipate every
trade is not action in order
stop to minimize
through exploitation. It
subsidies and to provides clean
companies by points in
granting educational
measures to establishments,
amortize the
losses incurred performs
in the last year. training students
and parents in
recycling and
beach cleanup
operations from

68 Camanchaca
General analysis PESTEL table

According to what was previously analyzed in each variable, together with the completion of a
spreadsheet that leads us to a more concrete analysis of the viability or feasibility of our product in a
possible new market. In this spreadsheet we gave a higher relative weight to the political, economic
and ecological sectors, since as a team we consider these to be of greater importance for considering
the entry of fish oil into the oceanic country, and we set them at 20%, as opposed to the social,
technological and legal issues because we found them to be of lesser importance for the final objective
we are seeking.7
To the variables analyzed, we gave a weighting according to our criteria, together with an evaluation
from 1 to 5, where 1 is very unfavorable for Camanchaca and 5 is very favorable, as is the case of
"regulation of foreign trade", which we gave a weighting of 5% and also an evaluation of 5, this is due
to the fact that for us it is very favorable that international trade relations are regulated or controlled,
because this means that the more regulated it is, the safer it is for bilateral relations.This is due to the
fact that for us it is very favorable that international trade relations are regulated or controlled, because
this means that the more regulated it is, the safer it is for bilateral relations. In addition, the "Access to
raw material" with a weighting of 6% and evaluation of 2, why these numbers? As producers and
distributors of seafood products and/or derivatives, the existence of these products is essential for the
viability of the business, and this variable is of great importance and unfavorable for Camanchaca
because of the lack of access to the product over time due to climate change.
Thus, by completing each quadrant of this spreadsheet, we get an "attractiveness of the environment",
which by approximating its decimals gives us as a final result a score of 4, a number that according to
the general analysis rating table indicates that it is a favorable environment and therefore confirms the
viability of the project according to a strategic market study.


Company infrastructure

Camanchaca is a fully Chilean open stock corporation, the fishing company Camanchaca SA is the main
shareholder of Camanchaca Salmon. This includes freshwater, seawater, primary processing and value-added
facilities. In addition, it has commercial offices in different markets around the world.

Human Resources

Workers: camanchaca's personnel must faithfully comply with the regulations and laws in each of the places
where they operate. Everyone has the duty to denounce in the corresponding instances when they are aware of
infractions and/or non-compliances.
benefits: its workers must be satisfied and happy to perform their work, which is why the company rewards or
encourages them to remain in the factory with a birth bonus. death bonus, vacation bonus, marriage bonus,
among others.
celebrations: the company knows how important its workers are and carries out a series of activities to provide
a space for recreation and recognition of their work, holding celebrations such as national holidays, Mother's
Day, Labor Day, Man's Day, Son's Day, and Father's Day.

Technology development
Management of antifouling use: it is a use of copper-based antifouling paints used for cage nets.
Energy savings: the company is committed to being more efficient in the use of energy in all production stages
(fish farms, fattening centers and processing plants), which is why the fuel used in the production processes
was identified as petroleum and liquefied gas. in addition to the electrical energy used in the facilities.
Refrigerated sea water: It is a constant cold water circulation system that keeps fish at low temperatures.

Suppliers: Suppliers are not only individuals or companies that sell inputs for production, but also contractors
and anyone who provides external services.

Logistics Operations Logistics fro Marketing y Service

entry output m sales
The subject Camanchaca
On a continuous basis premium to The elaboration is It is a product of is positioned
the following are subjected to a mainly at quality and it is like a
fish in order to process the plant located used in the company
deliver products thermal a at iquique, food-processing close, good
insurance. The steam where mainly fro yindustrypharmacological neighbor,
following are
systems is made a anchovetas. m due to its high responsible
pre-screenings prior to squeezing After leaving fro content from with the
harvesting and or pressing of winery m
to Omega 3 (EPA, environment
based risk the fishing commercializes fro DHA, DPA) on and
provider of
in the methodology from nationally or m EPA consumption food
HACCP in the of the cooker international health support healthy on the
process plants. that cardiovascular. basis of
to products
provides the decreases the of the sea.
'' press liquor''' triglycerides and
and the ''torta de cholesterol, lowers the
press'' . pressure arterial
on others
The liquor press benefits.
is centrifuged to
separate the
phase solid
persistent which
then joins with the
''cake''. from
press. where the
liquid is sent a
centrifugation to
separate the
water and oil

is preserved in
warehouses for
later be
shipped to



Threat of new competitors

Companies that may be starting to compete SMALL BIG
Value of merchandise

Access to distribution channels AMPLIO

Economies of scale SMALL BIG
Entry barriers ALTAS LOW
Product differentiation LOW ALTAS
Admission fee

Industry growth

Power of attorney for

Ease of supplier switching

Product differentiation

Presence of substitutes

Threat of backward vertical integration

Rivalry among competitors


Brand value

Diversity of competitors
Average attractiveness

General Evaluation
Threat of new competitors
Power of suppliers
Availability of substitutes
Buyer power
Rivalry among competitors

Weighted Average

Weighted Average between 1 y 2,33 2,34 y 3,67 3,68 y 5
General 3,13

According to the analysis shown in the above table corresponding to Porter's 5 forces,
reaching Melbourne, Australia with fish oil is a medium attractiveness, with a percentage of
3.13% of viability or feasibility.
When analyzing the 5 variables that would affect our industry, we realized that "availability of
substitutes" is our greatest risk, because people are increasingly looking for new food
alternatives for what is the vegan or vegetarian trend and awareness of animal consumption,
looking for an alternative that provides the same proteins and minerals of fish oil, but in a
product free of animal relation.
On the contrary, the least risk is the threat of new competitors, and this is mostly due to
Camanchaca's trajectory and renown. The fishing company is very well catalogued, has more
than one branch, with presence in 4 continents, knows its production capacity and therefore
can satisfy the demand of this new client, is endorsed by different certifications and has a
degree of differentiation in its production process.
In summary, we are still pursuing the proposal to enter the Australian market with our fish oil,
since according to Porter's strategic analysis, together with other matrices, it continues to be a
potential market.

Market Penetration Product development

New customer acquisition More sales to Product differentiation

current customers New Models
New features

Market development Diversification

New capabilities
New distribution channels Other customer New resources
segmentation Geographic openings

Since it is an existing product that we want to expand to a new market, we will focus
on the "MARKET DEVELOPMENT" strategy.

As a team we know that the strategies that characterize market development are 3:

• Distribution and positioning policy

• Opening of additional geographic markets
• Attraction of other market sectors

The sub strategy that we will use will be the "Distribution and positioning policy", this
decision is due to the fact that we will position this fish oil in this new market, but
through an indirect distribution to the client, Camanchaca will sell its products to the
company Era Health.

• New distribution channels:

In the existing Camanchaca branches around the world, Camanchaca reaches its
customers with specific products and under the Camanchaca company name, but
this time in this new market it will be different. Camanchaca will deliver its products to
Era Health, which will use them for purposes it deems appropriate in its medical

• Other customer segmentation

Every market is different, and the Australian market is no exception, characterized
mainly by being direct, open to products coming from abroad,

as an "island" country, they make several imports, and they are also characterized by
maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This last reason was one of those that prompted us to
choose Australia as a possible market, we know that fish oil is rich in omega 3,
proteins, vitamins and minerals, which makes it a very important product in the diet of
many people.We know that fish oil is rich in omega 3, proteins, vitamins and
minerals, which makes it a very important product in the diet of many people,
regardless of sex, age (it is also recommended for children, but in lower doses),
occupation, location, among other factors.

• Geographic openings
We will first choose Melbourne, as it is a coastal capital, considered by many as the
city with the best quality of life, and also has everything that is culture and art. We
found it to be the ideal capital to start selling the product and then, after analyzing the
sales behavior, see if it is viable to continue expanding to the rest of the cities in the
Australian continent.

The customer niche strategy will be used with a focus on differentiation.

Our niche market will be Era Health, which will be our direct customer and will use the fish oil on
patients who come to their medical facility and those who need it. In addition, the differentiation will be
given specifically by the processes that Camanchaca carries out in the production of each of its
products, which are characterized mainly by the respect and care for the environment, fauna and

Our customer's need is to obtain the best fish oil for the production of OMEGA 3 capsules. Among the
properties of this product are the strengthening of the immune system, a property that is being sought
at this time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, they prevent heart attacks, reduce
triglycerides and contain anti-inflammatory properties.

Camanchaca's added value is its strict protocol and care for the environment. In its production
process, it highlights responsible aquaculture and fishing processes, obtaining this year the ASC -
Aquaculture Stewardship Council certification, which certifies and labels companies that comply with
all the aforementioned requirements.

The company also takes care to vaccinate all its fish with the LiVac vaccine against Rickettsial
Septicemia, thus preventing early on an infectious bacterial disease that can spread and cause
significant damage both to the rest of the fish and to the ecosystem.

The type of negotiation to be used will be collaborative negotiation, which is characterized by satisfying
the interests of the parties and the counterparty and reaching a mutually agreeable conclusion.

Era Health needs to buy fish oils in large quantities on a regular basis, but wants to ensure that these
products meet all safety and traceability standards for safe consumption, and Camanchaca meets the
demand without major drawbacks, has several certifications and also the fishing industry wants to
expand its market to another continent and the Melbourne center offers a contract for one year with
possible continuity, so both parties win.




EXW 50.600,00 Valordelflexitank of 22.000 liters, at 2 ,3 US e 1 liter of fish oil
Origin Freight
210.00 T ransport from plant to Puerta deTalcahusno. 120,00
Customs Brokerage Agent
11S 00 Payment to Warehouse for release of flexitank container
Gate out

8.0 Estimated P=r= unit movement, warehouse CeTeKitenkycerE= to vessel

FOB 51.125,00 -

FOB value + UTD Deses das 71.575,00

Ocean Freight FCL/FCL 2.170,00 INT. from Talcahuano-Chi le to Melba urne Australia.
CFR 53.295,00

Segura Tea rice 295 1,065.90 Insurance Estimated

VA 54,360,90

Destination customs office

Ad va la rem 71.00 d r a rg0s de d escarga y visac id n 0.00 free portic

Destination VAT 5,436.09 Australia

Inland freight destination and unloading 179.00 from port of destination to plant

DDP 60.046,99



• General Manager, Fisheries Division: To lead the compliance with the guidelines
related to the application, monitoring, control and surveillance of the laws and
regulations on extractive fishing, recreational fishing, aquaculture, sanitary and
environmental, and any other form of exploitation of hydrobiological resources.
• South and North Fishing Manager: their main task is the organization and definition of
clear and concise goals, being this responsibility divided into two main areas, North
and South, where their respective managers have the power as the corresponding
authority of each one of them.

Fishing Fleet
• Cerco Sur Fleet Manager: ensures the correct performance of the company by
applying his knowledge in logistics, operations and IT to meet the established
objectives: helps to improve efficiency and productivity and minimizes the risks
associated with investing in a fleet.
• North Fleet Administrator: Audit and generate corresponding actions such as
reprimands, repair requests, warnings to drivers. Generate control and report on
maintenance, keep up to date on claims, etc.
• Artisanal Area Administrator: Responsible for coordinating preventive control
activities, artisanal control actions and support activities for regional artisanal fishing,
as well as advising the regional management.

• Assistant Marine Production Manager: Produces a quality product in a timely manner
and at the lowest possible cost, with minimum capital investment and maximum
employee satisfaction.
• Production and labeling manager: Monitors, validates, controls and ensures the
labeling and cartoning process of the product with an efficient and effective model that
guarantees production compliance, reaching the quality standards established and
required according to the needs and requirements of the customers.
• Frozen Production Manager: plan and control an optimal operation condition of the
frozen food plant, according to budget and production goals, quality, safety and
environmental standards. In addition, direct the implementation of value-added
processes to produce new products.
• Crustacean Production Manager: plans and controls fish production in recirculation
fish farming, prepares production budget and investment plan, controls feeding
system, water quality and mortality analysis, coordinates and controls functions of
contractors and personnel in charge.
• Quality Control Manager: has the function of knowing the norms established in the
industry to comply with quality standards in the products, in addition to managing,
directing and planning the manufacturing activity to be carried out.
• Fleet and Plant Maintenance Manager: responsible for managing the overall
maintenance of the company, coordinating a group of people qualified in different

tasks, ensures the correct operation of the work equipment and the company's

Administration and Environment

• Assistant Manager of Administration and Finance: is responsible for the company's
administration and finance process, designing and implementing accounting,
administrative, financial and HR controls, complying with current tax regulations,
safeguarding the quality of the processes.
• Project and Environmental Manager: prepares and maintains the environmental plan
in compliance with legal, corporate and contractual requirements, in order to prevent
the project from negatively impacting the environment of the project site.

Human Capital
• Head of Human Capital North Zone - South Zone: responsible for training, education,
talent management programs, among others, within the organization.
• Head of Community Relations North Zone - South Zone: support the management of
the company, mainly through programmed activities, channeling and referring to the
relevant areas the requirements raised in the different communities, coordinating
activities, talks, meetings, visits, etc. Manages the company's social networks.

Foreign Trade
• Commercial Relations Manager: Plans, directs and evaluates the operations of retail
stores or certain departments within those stores; manages personnel and task
assignments; ensures that customer complaints are handled in a professional and
efficient manner.
• Export Manager: He/she will be responsible for leading and managing the Export
Program, based on the guidelines set for its proper execution in terms of relations,
ensuring high levels of efficiency and timeliness in the performance of the position.
The purpose of the above is to position the export of services as a priority axis for
growth through public policies and the export of services.
• Import Manager: Informs the clientele of the transport conditions; prepares the notice
of arrival of the vessel with the goods and notifies the client; processes for the
clientele the notices of dispatch of the goods to the destination; settles the transport
charges in accordance with the applicable incoterms; coordinates the removal of the
goods with customs, transport and client; orders the invoicing of the services
• Customs Agent: ensures the correct application of Chilean export and import
regulations; verifies the application of signed trade treaties and agreements; prepares
bills of lading; prepares certificates of origin, verifies seals, prepares gauges,
presentation of required documentation, etc.
• South fishing manager: His main task is the organization and definition of clear and
concise goals, being this responsibility divided into two main areas: north and south.

south where their respective managers have the corresponding power and authority
for each zone.

Revenues by country of destination
Cash Flow March 2021- Pesca Camanchaca
March 2021- Southern Fisheries Sector
Destination Value Fishing
Ordinary income $ 42.037
United States $ 10.422
Cost of sales $ 35.108
Europe + Eurasia $ 241 Administrative expenses $ 1.876
Asia Ex Japan $ 9.412 Distribution cost $ 2.867
Japan $ 2.253 Financial costs $ 780
LATAM ex Chile $ 2.705 Exchange Difference $ 610
Domestic market $ 12.084 Other earnings $ 623
Others $ 4.920 Income Tax Revenues $ 274
Total $ 42.037 Result of activities $ 1.145
Gain attributed to controllers $ 174
Profit attributable to non-controlling interests $ 1.319
Result of activities $ 1.145
Add remuneration for each position
5-year cash flow, STARTING FROM YEAR 0
estimated projections
extract NPV and IRR

We just need to write down how much we will sell, at price, kg, monthly/yearly quantity, etc
etc etc etc much love <3


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