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 What does CRM mean?

Customer relationship management

 What are the stages of the inbound methodology?

Attract, interact, delight

 True or false? Attracting prospects is the responsibility of the marketing team; interacting
with them is the responsibility of the sales team; and delighting them is the responsibility
of the service team.
 What happens during the attraction stage of the inbound methodology?
You answer questions and offer solutions to your prospects' and customers' challenges.

You focus on attracting prospects and customers to your website or social networks
through useful and relevant content.

You exceed prospects' or clients' expectations so much that they tell their networks about
the excellence of your services.

You collect information about the person you interact with.

 Complete the necessary information: Inbound is based on _____ with the world.
share your knowledge
 True or false? As buying behaviors evolve, the essence of the inbound philosophy will also
 When we say that the inbound methodology is a wheel, what does it represent?
 Where is it recommended to store your prospects' information?
In a CRM system
 Which of the following statements about the customer-based cycle is NOT true?
Can operate without power
 True or false? All your customers must have a fabulous experience with your company for
their cycle to accelerate.
True. Even one dissatisfied customer could scare away potential customers, so all your
teams should try to please absolutely everyone.
 In a company that adopts the customer-based cycle approach, which of the following is
the most important source for gaining new leads?
Marketing strategies
 What is the relationship between a funnel and the customer-based cycle?
Individual funnels can be interconnected within a cycle.
 How can representing a company as a cycle foster collaboration between teams?
If each team has different funnels, the cycle can help them understand how they combine
and deliver value to all teams.
 How does the inbound methodology relate to the concept of the customer-based cycle?
The inbound methodology presents arrows that show the direction in which your cycle
should turn.
The inbound methodology is imagined as a wheel, representing the cycle that will drive
your company's growth.

 True or false? Profit is the main purpose of all companies.

False. While most businesses need to make money to sustain themselves over time, their
primary motivation must be to fulfill a specific purpose.
 What is the best way to get all employees in a company to share the same purpose?
Define a culture that motivates employees to achieve your company's purpose.
 Which of the following is NOT a key part of a company's culture?
Company values.
The company's mission.
 What is the theory of tasks to be performed?
A method for understanding why people buy certain products or services.
 According to the theory of tasks to be performed, which of the following is an example of
a work history?
When I'm on my way to work, I like to have a quick, light breakfast so I can finish eating
before I start work and satisfy my hunger until I finish my first meeting of the day.
 Which of the following is NOT a "job dimension" according to the theory of tasks to be
Demographic information
 How can your company's purpose affect your administrative teams (finance, legal, etc.)?
Management teams should ensure that all financial, legal, etc. processes are focused on
customer needs.
 Which of the following best describes a buyer persona?
A description of your ideal customer, represented as a profile of a specific person, but
created from information gathered based on your target market.
 Who in your company will benefit the most from the creation of buyer personas?
All teams that interact with customers, as an effective buyer persona can provide value to
marketing, sales and service departments.
 Who should be involved in the creation of buyer personas?
All employees who interact with customers, directly or indirectly, should be involved.
 What is the role of the administrative teams (finance, legal, etc.) in the creation of buyer
Management teams have key information to offer during the creation process and should
be able to help define a buyer persona.
 True or false? One person should be responsible for the creation and maintenance of your
buyer personas.
False. If only one person were responsible, his or her point of view would be over-
represented in the profiles he or she produces.
False. The task of creating and maintaining buyer personas should be interdisciplinary and
with a horizontal structure, in which no team member has more authority or responsibility
than another.

 What is the relationship between your company's purpose and your buyer personas?
Knowing the problem your company helps solve (purpose) can help you clearly identify
who has that problem (buyer personas).
 If a sales rep is talking to a specific contact and discovers that he or she does not exactly
match the assigned buyer persona, what should he or she do?
Focus on helping the person with the information you offer, even if it doesn't exactly
match the buyer persona profile. If the same difference is repeated several times, the
buyer persona must be updated.
 In reference to the establishment of objectives, what are goals?
Goals are statements that define the qualitative outcome of your objective.
 In reference to objective setting, what are the key results?
These are based on how you qualitatively analyze and monitor your approach to achieving
the goal.
The key results are based on how you quantitatively analyze and monitor your approach
to achieving the goal.
 True or false? Goals are usually time-bound, while key results can be long-term.
 What is the three horizons framework?
It is a way to conceptualize what you want your company to achieve in the short, medium
and long term.
 Complete the necessary information: You can attract prospects by using _________ to
create relevant content and conversations.
your experience
 In the attraction stage, what information do you get from a prospect?
Your objectives
 What can a marketer use at the interaction stage to interact with different segments of
your audience?
Ad Retargeting
 True or false? The buyer's journey is only useful to the marketing team.
 What can customer service team members use the buyer's journey for?
All of the above
 What is the relationship between a company's earnings and its purpose?
A company's profits are distracting and do not allow it to achieve its purpose.
A company's profits enable it to fulfill its purpose.
 How does the theory of the tasks to be performed relate to the personal identity of your
Customers want your product to function as a symbol of what they believe about the
 A friend wants to start a company and needs to identify the work that his product helps
people complete. What advice would you give?
develop a probable hypothesis based on the reason for founding the company
Develop a plan to interview the first customers as soon as they complete their purchase.
 Complete the necessary information: To build trust with your target audience, you have to
adapt to their way of _________. Choose all the options that apply.
 What is the buyer's journey?
It is the active research process that a potential customer goes through before buying.
 If your content is about the different solutions to your buyer persona's problem, what
stage of the buyer's journey does it belong to?
 Which departments are responsible for creating content?
All departments
 True or false? Most buyers begin researching possible solutions before turning to a sales
 True or false? The buyer's journey is constantly evolving. The more you know about your
buyer personas, the more you can improve and expand them over time.
 Complete the necessary information: Your __________ is your greatest acquisition
existing customer base
 When does the interaction stage of the inbound methodology begin?
When a prospect or customer completes the desired action.
 Who has the responsibility to delight prospects and customers?
Marketing, sales and service teams
 True or false? It is recommended to protect most of the content and send it via live chat.
 Which of the following statements about the customer-based cycle is NOT true?
It can operate without power for an indefinite period of time.
False. The cycle model will encourage your teams to offer the best possible experience to
all your customers, even the most difficult ones.
 In a company that adopts the customer-based cycle approach, which of the following is
the most important source for gaining new leads?
Word-of-mouth recommendations
 What kind of information about each buyer persona does the marketing team usually
 The number of people represented by that buyer persona that need to be attracted to the
website every month.
The goals and challenges of each buyer persona that your product can help achieve or
 What type of information about each buyer persona does the customer service team
typically need?
What the buyer persona likes and dislikes most and least about your offer.
 Within the framework of the three horizons, what does the first horizon symbolize?
The initiatives you undertake to enhance your short-term success.
 Within the framework of the three horizons, what does the second horizon symbolize?
The initiatives you undertake to enhance your medium-term success.
 Within the framework of the three horizons, what does the third horizon symbolize?
The initiatives you undertake to enhance your long-term success.
 True or false? If the first horizon begins to achieve insufficient results, you should
reallocate resources to these initiatives until they improve.
 What is the maximum number of priorities a company should have in a given period?
 Why is it important to ensure the satisfaction of the customers who buy your product?
All of the above options.
 True or false? If you want to apply the customer-driven cycle model in your company, you
should not imagine your sales process as a funnel.
 How can representing your company as a cycle improve lead transfer between sales and
service teams?
Allows sales and service departments to be unified into a single team.
 Which of the following are principles of the inbound methodology? Choose all the options
that apply.

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