Purchase Supply Quality Agreement

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Agreement Ref. # ????????? Rev. No: 00 Date: dd-mmm-yyyy Page 1 of 10

1.1 Scope: This agreement defines the Purchase / Supply / Quality Agreement between the parties
identified below. It defines the commitment both parties make to ensure that their respective products and
services satisfy the quality and regulatory requirements called out in this agreement. Both parties agree to
cooperate in the success of this agreement. This agreement does not define the forecasting, ordering, delivery, or
pricing requirements for either party. This agreement defines the specifications for the products / services

1.2 Parties to the Agreement This agreement is being signed between;

Party of FIRST Part Party of SECOND Part

(Initial Importer); (Supplier / Manufacturer);


Mehar Street, Capital Road, Sialkot - Pakistan.
Tel: +92 (052) 3560012
Hereby referred as ‘IMPORTER’
info@nusratins.com, www.nusratins.com

Hereby referred as ‘SUPPLIER’

SUPPLIER hereby agrees to provide the goods / services defined below in full conformance with the
requirements of this agreement.

1.3 Preamble: The aim of this agreement is to comply with European laws and regulations concerning the
placing of medical devices on the European Union / USA and other markets. IMPORTER wants to place on the
market the products (including material, packaging, instructions for use and labelling) in his own responsibility
and under his own name or trademark. According to Directive 93/42/EEC as amended by Directive 2007/47/EC,
and 21 CFR QSR, it is necessary to follow a conformity assessment for the CE & FDA approval of these
medical Devices.

SUPPLIER; is a “manufacturer” according to the Directive 93/42/EEC as amended by Directive 2007/47/EC

AND 21 CFR QSR. Consequently SUPLIER installs a quality system, which is documented in a quality manual.
A certification body has certified the quality system.

The IMPORTER places on market Non-Sterile, Reusable Surgical Instruments and Non-Sterile, Reusable
& Single Use Laryngoscope according to relevant harmonized standards and essential requirements of medical
device directive 93/42/EEC as amended by 2007/47/EC and 21 CFR QSR. IMPORTER subcontracted to
SUPPLIER the responsibility for Design, Manufacturing, Packaging and Labeling of Non-Sterile, Reusable
Surgical Instruments and Non-Sterile, Reusable & Single Use Laryngoscope.

1.4 Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms: The following terms are included in this agreement.
 Medical Device: means any instrument, apparatus, appliance, software, material or other article, whether
used alone or in combination, including the software intended by its manufacturer to be used specifically for
diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes and necessary for its proper application, intended by the
manufacturer to be used for human beings for the purpose of: — diagnosis, prevention, monitoring,
treatment or alleviation of disease, — diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation compensation for an
injury or handicap, — investigation, replacement or modification of the anatomy or of a physiological
process, — control of conception, and which does not achieve its principal intended action in or on the
human body by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, but which may be assisted in its
function by such means;
 Manufacturer: means the natural or legal person with responsibility for the design, manufacture,
packaging and labeling of a device before it is placed on the market under his own name or in the name of
initial importer, regardless of whether these operations are carried out by that person himself or on his
behalf by a third party.
 Supplier: Organization (SUPPLIER) that provides a product to IMPORTER in a contractual situation.
Organization with responsibility for the manufacture, packaging and labeling of a medical device on behalf
of initial importer.
 Accuracy – A statement of how close a measured value is to the actual (true) value. See also, precision.
Agreement Ref. # ????????? Rev. No: 00 Date: dd-mmm-yyyy Page 2 of 10

 Complaint – A written, electronic, or oral communication that alleges deficiencies related to the identity,
quality, durability, reliability, safety, effectiveness, or performance of a device after it is released for
 Concession – Permission to use or release material that does not conform to specified requirements. A
concession is frequently called a Use-As-Is (UAI) disposition.
 Corrective Action – Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation
 Directed Procurement – A case in which IMPORTER directs SUPPLIER to obtain goods or services from a
particular third party. In a directed procurement, IMPORTER is responsible for product qualification
Supplier qualification, etc. SUPPLIER should act on behalf of IMPORTER and/or track and report the third
party’s performance to IMPORTER
 FIFO – First In, First Out
 IM&TE – Inspection, measuring, and test equipment
 Precision – A statement of the repeatability of a measure. See also, accuracy.
 Product – Product is the output of a process and includes, but is not limited to, goods, services, software,
documentation, and consulting.
 Promptly – Unless specified otherwise, promptly means within ten working days.
 Repair – Action on nonconforming material to make it acceptable for the intended use Rework – Action on
nonconforming material to make it conform to the requirements RMS – Risk Management System
 Scrap – Action on nonconforming material to preclude its originally intended use

1.5 Referenced Documents:

 21 CFR Part 820 Quality System Regulation
 GHTF/SG3/N15R8 Implementation of risk management principles and activities within a Quality Management System
 GHTF/SG3/N17 (current revision) Quality Management System – Medical Devices – Guidance on the Control of
Products and Services Obtained from Suppliers
 ISO 9001 (current revision) Quality Management Systems – Requirements
 EN ISO 13485 (current revision) Medical devices– Quality management systems – Requirements for regulatory purposes
 EN ISO 14971 (current revision) Medical devices – Application of risk management to medical devices

1.6 Products and Services Covered By This Agreement: This agreement pertains to the Manufacturing,
Packaging and Labeling of products listed in the table below by SUPPLIER on behalf of IMPORTER


1. Write catalogue code range with product description
12. Write catalogue code range with product description

1.7 Site(s) Involved: SUPPLIER produces the product at any of the sites listed below. SUPPLIER will
ship the product to IMPORTER from any of the sites listed below.
Agreement Ref. # ????????? Rev. No: 00 Date: dd-mmm-yyyy Page 3 of 10


Supplier’s Production ????????????

IMPORTER receives the product at below mentioned site.


IMPORTER’s ???????????
Receiving Site:

1.8 Quality Management Systems

1.8.1 EN ISO 13485 (current revision): SUPPLIER shall maintain a Quality Management System (QMS)
that conforms to the requirements of EN ISO 13485 and 21 CFR QSR. SUPPLIER shall register the QMS with
a registrar acceptable to the IMPORTER. SUPPLIER shall provide a copy of the valid registration certificate to
the IMPORTER. SUPPLIER shall determine that a requirement of EN ISO 13485 and 21 CFR QSR is not
appropriate or not applicable to the product delivered, SUPPLIER shall notify IMPORTER within thirty days of
making that determination. The list of agreed not appropriate or not applicable requirements are shown in
Appendix – 1.

1.8.2 ISO 9001 (current revision): SUPPLIER shall maintain a Quality Management System (QMS) that
conforms to the requirements of ISO 9001. SUPPLIER shall register the QMS with a registrar acceptable to
IMPORTER. SUPPLIER shall provide a copy of the valid registration certificate to IMPORTER. SUPPLIER
shall determine that a requirement of ISO 9001 is not appropriate or not applicable to the product delivered,
SUPPLIER shall notify IMPORTER within thirty days of making that determination. The list of agreed not
appropriate or not applicable requirements are shown in Appendix – 1.

1.8.3 EN ISO 14971 (current revision): SUPPLIER shall maintain a Risk Management System that
conforms to the requirements of EN ISO 14971. In addition, SUPPLIER shall integrate the Risk Management
System (RMS) into the Quality Management System (QMS) employing the principles in GHTF/SG3/N15R8.
SUPPLIER shall determine that a requirement of EN ISO 14971 is not appropriate or not applicable to the
product delivered, SUPPLIER shall notify IMPORTER within thirty days of making that determination. The list
of agreed not appropriate or not applicable requirements are shown in Appendix – 1.

1.8.4 Other Required Standards: SUPPLIER shall produce products in accordance with the requirements
of the standards listed in the table below. SUPPLIER shall determine that a requirement of a listed standard is
not appropriate or not applicable to the product delivered, SUPPLIER shall notify IMPORTER within thirty
days of making that determination. The list of agreed exclusions are also shown in the table below.


Products Standards Reference & Title

ISO 7153-1 (current revision) Surgical Instruments – Metallic Materials – Part 1: Stainless Steel
ISO 13402 (current revision) Surgical and dental hand instruments – Determination of resistance
against autoclaving, corrosion and thermal exposure
EN ISO 14971 (current revision) Medical Devices – Application of Risk Management to Medical
EN 980 (current revision) Symbol for use in labeling of medical devices
EN 1041 (current revision) Information supplied by the manufacturer of medical devices

1.9 Use of Third Parties Sterilization Services

1.9.1 Supplier Selected: If SUPPLIER uses a Third Party Supplier, other than directed procurement of raw
materials or packaging materials; to manufacture, package, label, test, or release product provided to
IMPORTER, the role of the Third Party Supplier is identified in Appendix–2 (List of Agreed / Approved
Suppliers). In selecting Third Parties Suppliers, SUPPLIER shall apply the requirements of EN ISO 13485
Clause 7.4. In addition, SUPPLIER shall apply the principles in GHTF/SG3/N17 (current revision).
Note: If SUPPLIER considers the list of Third Party Suppliers is confidential, define the methods to protect the
intellectual property. This could include non-disclosure agreements, confidentiality agreements, etc.
Agreement Ref. # ????????? Rev. No: 00 Date: dd-mmm-yyyy Page 4 of 10

1.10 Term of Agreement: This Agreement shall become effective and binding upon the date of the final
signature and shall remain in effect until 2 years unless IMPORTER specifically requests an extension of the
Agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving 6 months written notice to the other party.

1.11 Assignment: Neither party shall have the right to assign any or all of its rights or obligations under this
agreement without the other party’s prior written consent, which shall not unreasonably be withheld. The
foregoing not with standing, prior written consent shall not be required in connection with a merger,
consolidation, or a sale of all or substantially all of party’s assets to a third party, except if such merger,
consolidation or sale is with a competitor of the other party.

2.1 Specifications: IMPORTER shall define the specifications for the product, which SUPPLIER
provides. This could take many forms including drawings, reference to commercial specifications, identify of
brand names, and standards. The specifications may be paper documents, electronic documents or other
appropriate media. SUPPLIER undertakes to deliver product in full conformance to the agreed specifications.

2.2 Specification Changes: Changes to specifications are made by mutual agreement between SUPPLIER
and IMPORTER In addition to agreement of the change, SUPPLIER and IMPORTER will determine the
affectivity date of the change. When the specifications include references to brand names, SUPPLIER and
IMPORTER will mutually agree on the implementation of any changes made in the brand name product.

2.3 Activity by Regulators, Notified Bodies, or Certification Bodies: SUPPLIER shall promptly notify
IMPORTER of any inspections, audits, formal visits, etc. of any regulator, notified body, or certification body
acting in a formal capacity. Upon IMPORTER’s request, SUPPLIER shall disclose the results of any
inspections or audits and the associated cause and corrective action. SUPPLIER shall promptly notify
IMPORTER of any inspection or audit findings that impact the safety, effectiveness, conformity, or availability
of product SUPPLIER provides to IMPORTER

2.4 Third-Party Quality Agreements: SUPPLIER shall have a Quality Agreement with Third Party
Suppliers used for production, packaging, testing, processing, or release. Upon IMPORTER’s request,
SUPPLIER will provide a copy of the Quality Agreement.

2.5 Certificate of Conformity: SUPPLIER shall provide a completed Certificate of Conformity with each


3.1 Environmental Control: If environmental conditions could reasonably be expected to have an adverse effect
on product quality, SUPPLIER shall establish and maintain procedures, including maintenance, adjustment, and
inspection to adequately control these environmental conditions. SUPPLIER shall keep records of these
activities and make them available to IMPORTER upon request.

3.2 Personnel: If contact between personnel and the product could reasonable be expected to have an
adverse effect on product quality, SUPPLIER shall establish and maintain requirements for the health, cleanliness,
personal practices, and clothing of personnel to adequately control this contact. SUPPLIER shall keep records of
these activities and make them available to IMPORTER upon request.

3.3 Equipment: SUPPLIER shall ensure that all equipment used in the manufacturing process for product is
appropriately designed, constructed, placed, and installed. SUPPLIER shall establish and maintain schedules for
the adjustment, cleaning, and other maintenance of equipment to ensure that manufacturing specifications are
met. SUPPLIER shall keep records of these activities and make them available to IMPORTER upon request.

3.4 Automated Processes: If SUPPLIER uses computers, software, or other automated methods as part of
the production process, SUPPLIER shall validate the computer software for its intended use. The validation
process shall create a validation protocol (describing the planned activities) and a validation report
(documenting the outcome of the planned activities). All software changes shall be similarly validated prior to
use. SUPPLIER shall keep records of these activities and make them available to IMPORTER upon request.

3.5 Inspection, measuring, and test equipment: SUPPLIER shall ensure that all inspection, measuring,
and test equipment (IM&TE) used in the manufacturing process for product is suitable for its intended purposes
and is capable of producing valid results. Suitability includes limits for accuracy and precision. SUPPLIER shall
Agreement Ref. # ????????? Rev. No: 00 Date: dd-mmm-yyyy Page 5 of 10

establish and maintain schedules for the calibration, adjustment, cleaning, and other maintenance of equipment
to ensure that manufacturing specifications are met. Calibration standards used for IM&TE shall be traceable to
national or international standards. SUPPLIER shall keep records of these activities and make them available to
IMPORTER upon request.

3.6 Process Validation: If the output of a Supplier’s process is not fully verified by subsequent inspection
or test, SUPPLIER shall validate the process with a high degree of assurance. The validation process shall create
a validation protocol (describing the planned activities) and a validation report (documenting the outcome of the
planned activities). All validated process changes shall be similarly validated prior to use. SUPPLIER shall keep
records of these activities and make them available to IMPORTER upon request. When SUPPLIER ships
products produced using a validated process, SUPPLIER shall include process documentation showing the date
the process was operated, the name of the operator, the identity of major equipment used, the identity and
calibration recall date of the IM&TE used in the process, and the setting of each input process parameter.

3.7 Labeling Operations: SUPPLIER shall control all labeling for IMPORTER and packaging operations
to prevent labeling mix-ups. SUPPLIER shall keep records of these activities and make them available to
IMPORTER with each supplied batch / lot. SUPPLIER shall label the products with IMPORTER name as


Mehar Street, Capital Road, Sialkot - Pakistan.
Tel: +92 (052) 3560012
info@nusratins.com, www.nusratins.com

3.8 Packaging Operations: SUPPLIER will pack and package the product using the agreed methods or best
practices to protect the product from deterioration or damage during processing, storage, handling, and
shipment. SUPPLIER shall keep records of these activities and make them available to IMPORTER upon


4.1 Device History Record: SUPPLIER and IMPORTER will agree on which party maintains selected
portions of the Device History Record. The responsibilities are defined in the following table.


Record Applicable SUPPLIE IMPORTE
Medical Device specifications Y R
Production process specifications Y Y
Quality assurance procedures and Y Y
Labeling specifications Y Y Y
Instruction for Use Y Y Y
Packaging specifications Y Y Y
Installation procedures and methods N
Installation records N
Maintenance procedures and methods Y Y
Maintenance records Y Y
Servicing procedures and methods N
Servicing records N

Upon the request of IMPORTER, SUPPLIER shall make all records available within two working days.

4.2 Record Retention: Records required by the agreed upon quality system will be maintained for a period
of Five years from the LOT; date of manufacture.


5.1 Storage: SUPPLIER shall establish and maintain procedures to control storage areas and stock rooms to
prevent mix-ups, damage, deterioration, contamination, or other adverse effects. SUPPLIER shall ensure that all
products are stored to facilitate proper stock rotation and that product is retrieved from stock using First In, First
Out (FIFO) methodology.
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5.2 Shipment: SUPPLIER shall ship products to IMPORTER using agreed shipping methods to prevent the
damage or deterioration of the product. The shipment methods are summarized in the table below, but may be
augmented by specified requirements and standards.


Product Primary Packaging Secondary Tertiary Shipping Shipping
Packing Packing Carton Method

6.1 Change Requests: If SUPPLIER requests to change a document, specification, drawing, etc. under
IMPORTER’s control, SUPPLIER shall document the request including the specific change, the reason for the
change, the benefit derived from approving the request, the loss incurred from disapproving the request, and the
anticipated lead time before the change is reflected in the product. IMPORTER shall promptly acknowledge
receipt of each change request. IMPORTER shall make a decision to accept or reject the change within thirty
days of acknowledging receipt. For accepted changes, SUPPLIER and IMPORTER will work together to develop
a plan to implement the change.

6.2 Deviations: If SUPPLIER needs to deviate from a document, specification, drawing, etc. under
IMPORTER’s control, SUPPLIER shall document the deviation request including the specific deviation, the
reason for the deviation, and the period (time, lots, etc.) the deviation will be in effect.

6.3 Other Changes: SUPPLIER shall promptly notify IMPORTER of changes, other than those documented
above, in the product or service so IMPORTER may determine whether the changes may affect the quality of a
finished device.


7.1 Disposition of Non-conforming Material: SUPPLIER shall segregate, investigate, and disposition all
nonconforming material. SUPPLIER is authorized to make rework and scrap dispositions without IMPORTER
Authorization. Concession or repair dispositions require IMPORTER’s written authorization. If SUPPLIER
requests authorization for a repair or concession disposition, SUPPLIER shall document the disposition request
including the inspection or test conducted, the actual results, and, if applicable, the proposed repair. SUPPLIER
shall update the production-monitoring portion of the EN ISO 14971 Risk Management File to include
information on the nonconformity.


7.2.1 SUPPLIER’s Initiated Corrective Action: SUPPLIER shall initiate corrective action for all detected
nonconforming material regardless of disposition. Corrective Action shall include the following steps.
1. Determining the cause(s) of nonconformity
2. Evaluate the need for action to ensure the nonconformity doesn’t recur
3. Determine the action needed to prevent recurrence
4. Implement the action needed to prevent recurrence
5. Review the effectiveness of the corrective action
SUPPLIER shall keep records of these activities and make them available to IMPORTER upon request.

7.2.2 IMPORTER Initiated Corrective Action: IMPORTER may initiate corrective action for SUPPLIER
when IMPORTER identifies nonconformity after receipt of SUPPLIER’s product. SUPPLIER shall initiate
corrective action upon receipt of IMPORTER’s initiation. SUPPLIER’s Corrective Action shall include the
following steps.
1. Determining the cause(s) of nonconformity
2. Evaluate the need for action to ensure the nonconformity doesn’t recur
3. Determine the action needed to prevent recurrence
4. Implement the action needed to prevent recurrence
5. Review the effectiveness of the corrective action
SUPPLIER shall report the results of the corrective action to IMPORTER within 15 working days of initiation.
When the Corrective Action is not completed within 15 working days, SUPPLIER shall provide a status report
every 5 working days until the corrective action is completed. SUPPLIER shall keep records of these activities
and make them available to IMPORTER upon request.
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7.3.1 SUPPLIER Received Complaints: If SUPPLIER receives a compliant related to the product, or any
similar product from IMPORTER, SUPPLIER shall review and evaluate the complaint to determine whether an
investigation is necessary. IMPORTER will notify SUPPLIER of the decision to investigate or not. If
IMPORTER requires SUPPLIER’s assistance in the investigation, IMPORTER will follow IMPORTER Initiated
Corrective Action described above.

7.3.2 IMPORTER Received Complaints: If IMPORTER receives a complaint related to the product
IMPORTER supplies; IMPORTER will review and evaluate the complaint to determine whether an investigation
is necessary. If IMPORTER requires SUPPLIER’s assistance in the investigation, IMPORTER will follow
IMPORTER Initiated Corrective Action described above.

7.4 Medical Device Reports: If SUPPLIER files a Medical Device Report / Advisory Notice for the
product, or any similar product, SUPPLIER provides to IMPORTER, SUPPLIER shall promptly notify
IMPORTER SUPPLIER and IMPORTER shall cooperate in the exchange of information required to effectively
manage SUPPLIER’s medical device report in IMPORTER’s Medical Device Event files.

7.5 Corrections and Removals: If SUPPLIER files Corrections or Removals for the product, or any
similar product, SUPPLIER provides to IMPORTER, SUPPLIER shall promptly notify IMPORTER SUPPLIER
and IMPORTER shall cooperate in the exchange of information required to effectively manage SUPPLIER’s
Correction or Removal Report in IMPORTER’s Corrections and Removals Records.

8.1 Audits of Supplier Facilities: SUPPLIER shall allow IMPORTER, and/or its authorized
representative, and/or notified body and/or competent authority; to perform audits of SUPPLIER’s facilities,
systems, documentation, and other requirements related to this agreement. Audits shall be conducted at mutually
agreed dates and times. SUPPLIER and IMPORTER will agree upon methods to protect intellectual property
such as confidentially agreements, non-disclosure agreements, etc. SUPPLIER shall provide unconditional
access to all areas of its premises and all type of records and its personal.

8.2 Audit Findings: When conducting audits at SUPPLIER’s location, IMPORTER, and/or its authorized
representative, and/or notified body and/or competent authority; will issue an Audit Report within five working
days of the audit’s conclusion. SUPPLIER shall issue an action plan to determine the correction, cause, and
corrective action for each finding within thirty days of the Audit Report’s issue date.

8.3 Auditing Third Party Suppliers: SUPPLIER shall allow IMPORTER, and/or its authorized
representative, and/or notified body and/or competent authority; to perform audits of the Third Party Supplier’s
facilities, systems, documentation, and other requirements related to this agreement. Audits shall be conducted at
mutually agreed dates and times. SUPPLIER, IMPORTER, and Third Party Supplier will agree upon methods to
protect intellectual property such as confidentially agreements, non-disclosure agreements, etc.

9.1 Both parties agree that the information contained and related to this agreement and mutual business of
parties will be kept strictly confidential except for court of law and/or notified body and/or competent


10.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all disputes arising in connection with the present agreement shall be
finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more
arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. Any questions relating to this contract which are not
expressly or implicitly settled by the provisions contained in this contract shall be governed by the United
Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CSIG).

This agreement has been signed in TWO (02) originals.

Note: Both parties shall sign / stamp on EACH PAGE of this agreement

For & on behalf of IMPORTER For & on behalf of SUPPLIER / MANUFACTURER

Agreement Ref. # ????????? Rev. No: 00 Date: dd-mmm-yyyy Page 8 of 10

Authorized Authorized Ameen Ul Haq

Signatory Signatory CEO

Distribution of this Agreement, Appendix – 1 & Appendix – 2; in 2 Originals:

1) IMPORTER, Germany
2) ------------------------

Agreement Revision History Record:

Rev. 00 Section - Date dd-mmm-yyyy Originator IMPORTER

Comments: Document developed first time
Agreement Ref. # ????????? Rev. No: 00 Date: dd-mmm-yyyy Page 9 of 10

::: APPENDIX – 1 :::

The list of agreed not appropriate or not applicable requirements from EN ISO 13485 (current revision)

Clause Reference Clause Title Justification for Not Applicability at SUPPLIER

7.3 Design & Development SUPPLIER manufactures medical devices as per customer
design Installation Activities Surgical instrument do not required installation Servicing Activities No after sales services are provided
7.5.4 Customer Property SUPPLIER do not receive any customer property to incorporate
in finished product Particular Requirement No implantable device are manufactured for Active Implantable

The list of agreed not appropriate or not applicable requirements from ISO 9001 (current revision)

Clause Reference Clause Title Justification for Not Applicability

7.3 Design & Development SUPPLIER manufactures medical devices as per customer
7.5.4 Customer Property SUPPLIER do not receive any customer property to incorporate
in finished product

The list of agreed not appropriate or not applicable requirements from EN ISO 14971 (current revision)

Clause Reference Clause Title Justification for Not Applicability

Nil Nil Nil

For & on behalf of IMPORTER For & on behalf of SUPPLIER / MANUFACTURER


Authorized Authorized Ameen Ul Haq

Signatory Signatory CEO
dd-mmm-yyyy dd-mmm-yyyy
Agreement Ref. # ????????? Rev. No: 00 Date: dd-mmm-yyyy Page 10 of 10

::: APPENDIX – 2 :::

The list of Agreed / Approved Suppliers; for raw materials and packaging materials.

Supplier Products / Services

For & on behalf of IMPORTER For & on behalf of SUPPLIER / MANUFACTURER


Authorized Authorized Ameen Ul Haq

Signatory Signatory CEO
dd-mmm-yyyy dd-mmm-yyyy

X X - - - - - - - - - END OF AGREEMENT - - - - - - - - - XX

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