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Database Systems

Assignment 1

You are required to investigate and identify data requirements in the given case study.
In doing so, you are required to

(1) develop an Entity Relationship Diagram,

(2) design relational schema (including Unique identifier, relationships and all
attributes), and
(3) Derive a physical design from the logical design.

Note: This is an individual assignment carrying 10% of the total mark in this unit. The
submission deadline is end of the week of session 5.

This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This
assessment is designed to improve students’ skills to analyze organization database
requirements, develop a data model to reflect the organization’s business rules. This
assessment covers the following LOs.

1. Synthesize user requirements/inputs and analyse the matching data processing needs,
demonstrating adaptability to changing circumstances;

2. Develop an enterprise data model that reflects the organization's fundamental

business rules; refine the conceptual data model, including all entities, relationships,
attributes, and business rules.

3. Derive a physical design from the logical design taking into account application,
hardware, operating system, and data communications networks requirements;
further use of data manipulation language to query, update, and manage a database

Assessment Criteria
This assessment is designed to assess student’s knowledge, skill and application of
knowledge and skill in relation to
1. Understand and investigate requirements.
2. Identify entities and required attributes for each entity.
3. Appropriately select any Unique identifier for each entity.
4. Identify relationship among entities.
5. Develop entity relationship diagram.
6. Derive a physical design and provide enough description of each table, primary
keys, and attributes of each entity.

Study the following scenario and attempt all tasks that follow: -

Great Ocean Road Rental Company (GORRC)

GORRC is one of the rental companies in Victoria and offers house or apartment
rental to tourists who want to reside near the Great Ocean Road.

The Company is using a manual method for keeping track of tourists and their
rentals. However, they are interested in going online and allowing tourists to
search available houses / apartments, do a reservation based on the advertised

When any tourists rent a house / apartment with the Company for the first time,
their details must be recorded in a system. There are certain types of villas that
are classified for senior aged people. It is a policy of GORRC that these villas are
only rented to customers over 70 years old. Houses/apartments details must be
recorded with information such house id, classification (normal vs senior), kitchen
(Yes / No), living room (Yes / No), number of bedrooms, number of washrooms,
BBQ (Yes / No), number of onsite car parks, daily rent, etc.

All booking information such as booking id, customer id, house id, from_date,
to_date, total cost must also be stored. Each house/apartment has a unique id. A
customer can search their desired house/apartment online to see if it is available
on their preferred dates.

All rentals are for minimum 1 day. Rental charges may vary based on
house/apartment types and dates. Total rental payment will be deducted
automatically from customer’s credit/debit card at the time of registration. Each
booking id must be unique. (The booking id can be a number automatically
generated by the system).
Task 1 (Weighting 20%)

• Investigate and identify data requirements for the given case study.
• Provide (i) a list of required entities and (ii) a list of attributes for each entity
identified in (i).
• Identify the Unique identifier for each entity.

Task 2 (Weighting 60%)

Develop an Entity-Relationship (ER) data model for the given scenario showing as
many as possible the following:

• Entities and unique identifier for each entity.

• Relationships between entity types, including relationship constraints. For each
relationship, indicate the degree of constraint such as ‘One to Many’, ‘Many to
Many’ or ‘One to One’.
• Attributes: You are required to identify all necessary attributes. Assign all
attributes to entity types and underline all unique identifier attributes.

You may choose any modelling notation. State any necessary assumptions you have
made, with the understanding that they do not contradict the given scenario.

Task 3 (Weighting 20%)

In this task, you are required to

• Derive a physical design having details of tables, primary key, foreign keys, and
brief details about all essential columns of tables.
o Provide detail information like requisite, atomic, type of value, key or
non-key and constraint for all data columns of each table.
General Instructions

1. Your submission should be clear and concise and in your own words.

2. One submission per student.

3. Use headings to guide the marker and include tables or diagrams where required.

4. The referencing style must follow the IEEE referencing style.

Submission Guidelines

1. Follow the link in Moodle to upload your submission on or before the deadline. All

submissions must be done in LMS using the respective link provided.

2. Submission must be made by the due date and time as determined by the unit facilitator.

Submissions made after the due date/time will be penalized at the rate of 20% per day

(including Saturday, Sunday and public holidays).

3. Incidence of plagiarism will be penalized based on VIT Academic Integrity Policy and


4. Submit your work in a word document file named ‘Student_Id_MITS4003_A1’.

Marking Guide:

Marking Guide: Unacceptable Acceptable Good Excellent

1. Task 1
(Weighting 20%)
a. Entities Entities not identified A few of the required Most of the required All of the required
(Weighting 10%) or incorrectly entities are identified. entities are identified. entities are identified.
b. Attributes Attributes not A few of the required Most of the required All of the required
(Weighting 5%) identified or attributes for each of attributes for each of attributes for each of
incorrectly identified. the required entities the required entities the required entities
are identified. are identified. are identified.
c. Unique Unique identifier not Unique identifier for Unique identifier for Unique identifier for
identifier identified or a few of the required most of the required all of the required
(Weighting 5%) incorrectly identified. entities is identified. entities is identified. entities is identified.
2. Task 2
(Weighting 60%)
a. Entities Does not adequately A few of the required Most of the required All of the required
(Weighting 10%) demonstrate entities are entities are entities are
required entities in an demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
ER diagram. correctly in an ER correctly in an ER correctly in an ER
diagram. diagram. diagram.
b. Attributes Does not adequately A few of the required Most of the required All of the required
(Weighting 10%) demonstrate attributes for each of attributes for each of attributes for each of
required attributes in the required entities the required entities the required entities
an ER diagram. are demonstrated are demonstrated are demonstrated
correctly in an ER correctly in an ER correctly in an ER
diagram. diagram. diagram.
c. Unique Does not adequately Unique identifier for Unique identifier for Unique identifier for
identifier demonstrate a few of the required most of the required all of the required
(Weighting 10%) required Unique entities is entities is entities is
identifier in an ER demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
diagram. correctly in an ER correctly in an ER correctly in an ER
diagram. diagram. diagram.
2.4 Relationships Does not adequately A few of the required Most of the required All of the required
(Weighting 30%) identify and relationships among relationships among relationships among
demonstrate entities are identified entities are identified entities are identified
relationships among and correctly and correctly and correctly
entities in an ER demonstrated in an demonstrated in an demonstrated in an
diagram. ER diagram. ER diagram. ER diagram.
3. Task 3
(Weighting 20%)
a. Tables Relational schema Relational schema Relational schema Relational schema
(Weighting 5%) does not adequately covers a few of the covers most of the covers all required
cover the required required tables, and required tables, and tables, and key and
tables, and key and key and non-key key and non-key non-key attributes for
non-key attributes. attributes for those attributes for those those tables.
tables. tables.
b. Foreign Relational schema Relational schema Relational schema Relational schema
Keys does not adequately covers required covers required covers required
(Weighting 10%) cover foreign keys. foreign keys in a few foreign keys in most foreign keys in all
of the required of the required required tables.
tables. tables.
c. Informatio Does not adequately Provide required Provide required Provide required
n related to cover information detail information for detail information for detail information for
columns. about data columns. all data columns of a all data columns of all data columns of all
(Weighting 5%) few of the tables. most of the tables. required tables.

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