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Child's name:
Date: Age:
Total Score: Score Obtained:
Evaluation Ranges:
Achieved (3pts) Moderately Achieved (2pts) To Achieve (1PTO) Not Evaluated (0 PTS)
The child has attained the The child has initiated the The child has not yet reached The child is not evaluated
behavior or learning acquisition of the behavior or behavior or learning. and/or does not attend the
learning evaluation period.

Area: Personal and Social Development

Core: Identity and Autonomy L ML PL NE
Smile, verbalize, or look attentively when observing oneself in a mirror or in photographs.
He reacts, paying attention when he hears his name.
Executes body games when with significant adults, e.g., covers with hands, "throws" kisses.
Gesturally expresses satisfaction when he/she achieves his/her purpose, e.g., obtaining a toy, etc.
Smile, hug or give kisses as a way of expressing affection.
Imitates facial expressions of joy, sorrow, fear, anger or surprise during play with adults.
Reacts with fear or crying to expressions of grief or anger from significant adults.
Approaches adult when fearful or uncomfortable.
foods with different flavors and textures.
Drinking water in a glass
Use a spoon to try to eat
Core: Coexistence and Citizenship L ML PL NE
Gives a toy, an object, as a way of relating to an adult or child.
Participates in adult-initiated games, e.g., hide-and-seek, pushing and catching a ball.
Closely observe a group of children playing, keeping your eyes on them.
Observe the reaction of the adult, at the moment of performing an action that is forbidden.
Look carefully when a child cries or laughs.
Delivers a toy, object or some type of food to the adult, child or child who asks for it.
Agrees to follow daily rules, e.g., sits in chair for lunch.
He stops doing an action when he is told not to do it.
Core: Corporeality and movement L ML PL NE
Walk backwards and sideways.
Play the round by stepping to the side.
Climbing on furniture (chair) or steps. Carrying and/or pushing light objects while walking.
Opens and closes drawers and doors.
Fits objects of simple shapes in the corresponding space.
Press the light switch and the keys of different appliances.
Uses spoon or similar to manipulate objects, sand, food.
He picks up the pencil and scribbles.
Shows body parts if asked, e.g., head, hands, eyes, belly button.
Field: Integral Communication
Core: Verbal language L ML PL NE
Shows more than 10 objects from the familiar environment when asked about them, for example: where is the
points to it or goes to look for it.
Reacts when he hears his name called, e.g., turns around when called.
Performs small tasks such as: fetch something, put an object on the table, bring an object to someone, throw a ball.

Names, calls, shows or asks, combining words and gestures, e.g.: waves hand and says "bye" to say goodbye; claps
when told "bravo"; says "no" along with head movement.
He uses expressions such as: "upa" when he wants to be held; "agua" when he is thirsty; "tota" if he wants to be
passed the ball; "cae" to say that he dropped an object, "vamos" "ven", "ahí está", among others.
Says mommy, daddy and the names of people he lives with, objects he uses to play and to be fed, some domestic
animals, etc., for example: he says "tata" to his grandfather, "guau" to the dog, "papa" to the bottle.

Listens with interest and looks at the pictures when stories are read. Observes and manipulates children's books
when an adult hands them to him/her, e.g., looks at the cover, opens them and turns them around.
Shows the drawing of a known animal, pointing to it with the finger or emitting its onomatopoeic sound. Indicates
some objects, people or animals in pictures, when asked.
Core: Artistic languages L ML PL NE
He approaches photographs, drawings, paintings with different colors and textures, tree leaves, flowers and
different striking, transparent and luminous objects.
Reacts to environmental sounds: water, birds, footsteps, horns, buzzing, for example: moves to the place, uses the
word-phrase, makes questioning gestures.
Makes gestures of rejection when he/she does not like a song or sound, e.g., walking away, shaking his/her head.
He expresses his desire for repetition: he claps or says more when he hears a piece of music he likes.
He sways his body, trying to do dance steps when he hears a song he likes.
Observe and explore the elements of nature.

Area: Interaction and Understanding the Environment

Core: Exploration of the Natural Environment L ML PL NE
Manipulates objects or elements of nature, of interest to him/her, such as twigs, leaves, petals, etc.: smells them,
picks them up using pincer movements, tries to store them in containers, moves them, makes questioning gestures.
He picks up animals and plants with his hands, for example: he picks up a snail, takes leaves from
Play by mixing water, earth, dough and sand.
Manipulates objects, repeating and trying new actions, for example: presses buttons of sound devices in a
prolonged manner or with repeated brief touches.
Distinguishes some animals, e.g., dog, cat, chicken, by pointing to them when asked.
Core: Understanding the Sociocultural Environment L ML PL NE
Show mom, dad, siblings, grandparents and significant others, when asked about them.
Responds with gestures or simple words, when asked: which is his bed, his room, where he eats, etc.
He stops in front of his house, returning from a walk.
Play at talking on the phone, cooking with pots, moving objects in a wheelbarrow, etc.
greets Imitates actions, gestures, movements, songs, of nearby adults or other children, e.g., and says goodbye.
Core: Mathematical Thinking L ML PL NE
He plays with his body to "become small" like an ant or big like an elephant.
Point out between two things which one is bigger.
Group objects by one criterion at a time, for example: color, shape or size.
Follows simple directions in everyday activities that involve "before...", after" or what comes first and what comes
next, e.g., put on socks first, then shoes.
Places objects or toys as requested by the adult: inside-outside, on top-underneath.
Describes the number of items present in a delimited area, e.g., boxes, buckets, plates,
trays, baskets using simple quantifiers, e.g.: "the bucket has many stones; I ate all of them", "the bucket has many
stones; I ate all of them", "the bucket has many stones; I ate all of them".

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