EdM Activity Learning Outcome U1.aeg1915

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MIM 44


Teacher: Juan José Morales Porras

Unit 1

Structure and properties of materials

p. 0
Steel wheels, TOYOTA brand._________________________________________________________4
Type of material; Steel._____________________________________________________________4
Properties of Wheel Materials._______________________________________________________4
How is steel made?________________________________________________________________4
Steel alloys.______________________________________________________________________5
Mechanical and physical properties.___________________________________________________5
Steel nomenclature_________________________________________________________________7
Forming processes_________________________________________________________________8
Nomenclature in Steel Wheel Carbon Code.____________________________________________12
Carbon steel (1045)._______________________________________________________________12

p. 1
It has been determined that the steel wheels used in Toyota brand automobiles have
better mechanical resistance than most commercial brands. It is intended to launch a
new brand of wheels with similar properties. Using reverse engineering and analysis of
the structure and properties of the steel before and after forming for the manufacture of
wheels, prepare a report that contains the following information to help with decision
1. Type of material and nomenclature.
2. Describe the properties and type of structure of the material based on its bonds
(before the forming process).
3. Describe the forming process used in the material to obtain the final product.
4. Describe the properties and type of structure of the material based on its bonds
(after the forming process).

p. 3
Steel wheels, TOYOTA brand.
Type of material; Steel.
These are international standard wheels. They are
sometimes up to 3 times heavier than aluminum, but
they are also more durable, which is why they are
considered “heavy duty” and mostly used in heavy or
work vehicles.
Advantages and disadvantages of steel wheels :
1. They cost less than aluminum wheels,
due to their greater ease of construction
and lower cost of materials.
2. They have a high weight.
3. They are only available in black and silver.
4. They have a rudimentary appearance so they are protected with covered
Steels are commonly combined with other types of materials, usually metals, to improve
specific properties such as hardness, strength, elasticity, among others.
These types of wheels are made with malleable steel, which means that, if they are hit,
they will bend without breaking and therefore their repair will be easy.
A drawback of steel wheels is that they have a very rudimentary appearance and are
available only in black and silver (there may be exceptions), this can cause, for people
who change them for aesthetic purposes, inconvenience. Its use is not recommended in
some cars, for example, sports cars.
Properties of Wheel Materials.
Steel is known as a set of alloys of iron (Fe) with other elements, mainly carbon (C), but
also zinc (Zn), silicon (Si) or aluminum (Al). These alloys alter the properties of the
resulting metal, obtaining a more resistant or less oxidizable material, etc.
The name of steel comes from the Latin “aciarius”, which refers to the material from
which bladed weapons were made in ancient times.
Steel is a very important material in human industries. It is widely used as a construction
material and as a raw material for various tools and mechanical parts. It is an exemplary
case of metallic alloy, a technique for combining materials thanks to which their
properties are added and a new and particular material is obtained.
How is steel made?
The technique for obtaining steel today includes various metals and metalloids that form
ferroalloys, which provide hardness and resistance. Additionally, the process involves
so-called secondary metallurgy. This second stage gives it the chemical properties and
the desired level of inclusions and impurities.

p. 4
The usual procedure involves adding an amount of carbon of no more than 2% to iron,
depending on the grade. This is done in powerful ovens, in which the metals are kept in
a liquid state, before proceeding to mix them and pour the mixture into a mold for
subsequent cooling.
Steel alloys.
Steel is essentially iron mixed with other elements such as:
Carbon. It reduces the ductility and weldability of the iron while adding hardness to the
1. Aluminum. Fine grain steel is produced.
2. Sulfur. It is usually considered an impurity of iron, but is sometimes added to
increase the machinability of steel.
3. Chrome. Increases the hardening depth.
4. Copper. Increases corrosion resistance.
5. Manganese. It operates as a deoxidizer and neutralizes sulfur, facilitating
lamination and molding.
6. Silicon. Antioxidant and hardener.
7. Nickel. Improves the result of heat treatment, and together with chrome, prevents
8. Molybdenum. Improves the result of heat treatment, increases hardness and
temperature resistance.
Steel can be classified according to the way it is used at the end of its production:
1. Molded steel. Let it cool in a mold.
2. Forged steel. It is heated, shaped and cooled in a forge.
3. Laminated steel. It is made of more or less thick and flat sheets.
Mechanical and physical properties.
The mechanical and physical properties of steel can vary greatly depending on its
composition and percentage of impurities.
In this way, when you want to achieve better mechanical and physical properties, steel
can be alloyed with other materials such as those mentioned above: chromium, cobalt,
copper, molybdenum, nickel, nitrogen, selenium, tantalum, titanium, tungsten or

p. 5
Mechanical properties
1. Plasticity. It is the ability of steel to retain its shape after being subjected to
stress. Steels that are alloyed with small percentages of carbon are more plastic.
2. Fragility. Brittleness is the ease with which steel can break when subjected to
stress. When steel is alloyed, with a high percentage of carbon, it tends to be
more brittle.
3. Malleability. Malleability is the ease of steel being rolled. Thus, some stainless
steel alloys tend to be more malleable than others.
4. Hardness. Hardness is the resistance that a metal offers to abrasive agents. The
more carbon added to a steel alloy, the harder it will be.
5. Tenacity. Toughness is the concept that denotes the ability of steel to resist the
application of an external force without breaking. In the case of steel with a
medium concentration of carbon, the toughness tends to be


p. 6
Steel nomenclature
The designation used by AISI/SAE is characterized by using four digits that indicate carbon steels
and alloy steels. The last two digits indicate the amount of carbon in hundredths of a percent. For
carbon steels the first digit is 1.

Carbon steels are designated 10xx (example 1045 is carbon steel with 0.45% carbon).
Carbon Steels Description

non-resulfurized, 1.00 Mn max

resulfurized and rephosphorized
non-resulfurized, about 1.00 Mn max

1.75 Mn
0.20 or 0.25 Mo, or 0.25 Mo + 0.042 S
0.50, 0.80 or 0.95 Cr + 0.12, 0.20 or 0.30 Mo
1.83 Ni, 0.50-0.80 Cr, 0.25 Mo
0.85 or1.83 Ni+ 0.20 or0.25 Mo
1.05 Ni, 0.45 Cr, 0.20 0 0.35 Mo
3.50 Ni + 0.25 Mo
10XX 11XX 12XX 0.80, 0.88, 0.93, 0.95 or 1.00 Cr
15XX 1.03 Cr
Alloy steels 1.45 Cr
13XX 0.60 or 0.95 Cr + 0.13 or 0.15 V min
40XX 41XX 43XX 0.55 Ni, 0.50 Cr, 0.20 Mo
46XX 47XX 48XX 0.55 Ni, 0.50 Cr, 0.25 Mo
0.55 Ni, 0.50 Cr, 0.35 Mo
51XX 51XXX 52XXX
2.00 Yes or1.40 Yes+ 0.70 Cr
61XX 86XX 87XX 0.28 or 0.50 Cr, 0.0005 - 0.003 B
88XX 92XX 50BXX 0.80 Cr, 0.0005-0.003 B
51BXX 81BXX 0.30 Ni, 0.45 Cr, 0.12 Mo, 0.0005 - 0.003 B
94BXX 0.45 Ni, 0.40 Cr, 0.12 Mo, 0.0005 - 0.003 B
FIRST DIGIT: determines the main alloy and can be:
1 .- carbon
2 .- Nickel
3 .- Nickel – chromium
4 .- Molybdenum
5 .- Chrome
6 .- Chromium – Vanadium

p. 7
7 .- Tungsten – Cobalt
8 .- Nickel – Chromium – Molybdenum
9 .- Manganese, Silicon.
SECOND DIGIT . – modification to the main alloy.
For example: if the first number is one, we know that it is a carbon steel; If the next digit is zero
(the designation is 10xx) then it is an ordinary zero, without additions or modifications.
If the second digit is 1 (the designation is 11xx) it means that it is a resulphurized steel, that is,
sulfur was added to make it more machinable.
Forming processes
Metal forming processes comprise a broad group of manufacturing processes, in which plastic
deformation is used to change the shapes of metal parts. In forming processes, the tools, usually
forming dies, exert stresses on the workpiece that force them to take the shape of the die
Metallic properties in forming processes.

When addressing forming processes, it is necessary to study a series of metallic properties influenced by
temperature, given that these processes can be carried out

Cold work.
Refers to working at room temperature or lower. This work occurs by applying a stress greater
than the original yield strength of the metal, simultaneously producing a deformation.
1. Better precision.
2. Lower tolerances.
3. Better surface finishes.
4. Greater hardness of the parts.
5. It requires more effort.
6. Hot work.
It is defined as the plastic deformation of the metallic material at a temperature higher than the
recrystallization temperature. The main advantage of hot working is to obtain almost unlimited
plastic deformation, which is also suitable for molding large parts because the metal has a low

p. 8
yield strength and high ductility.
1. Further modifications to the shape of the workpiece.
2. Less efforts.
3. Option to work with metals that fracture when cold worked.

p. 9
Classification of forming processes.

Forming process for steel wheels

We can design steel wheel production lines for the production of wheels from 10 to 54 inches. As
a highly experienced tire machinery manufacturer, we provide customers with so many complete
production lines and separate machines for the production of tire wheels for cars, buses, tractors
and construction vehicles.
Our technical design team will present optimized production plant layout solution according to
customer's production technology and current site plan in order to help achieve standardized
assembly line production of high-quality wheels.
Scheme and processes of the steel wheel production line.

p. 10
Outline of work and space efficiency:
Depending on the required production technologies used for your wheels, we can design the line
to complete all types of processes. From winding or bending the rim band, butt welding, weld
removal, finish cutting, through bursting, profiling forming, size expansion, horizontal testing for
valve hole punching, these Wheel production lines have a compact, efficient and labor-saving
scheme. This results in a finished production line that will not cover much of the customer's
production space.
High degree of automation and low rejection rate:
Taizhi steel disc production lines come integrated with PLC control systems and mechanical arm
conveying systems that can follow the requirements to ensure automatic and precise operation, in
addition to improving work efficiency, reducing the intensity of the labor and minimizing labor
Remote control and maintenance :
Using remote control technology, PLC systems carry high-speed production data transmission,
making it convenient to improve production process controls. Remote control and maintenance are
made easier by being connected to the internet, thereby simplifying daily maintenance and
Various selections:
Based on the variety, diameter and production technology of the wheels that have been produced,
we can design and manufacture production lines for small, medium and large size wheels. The
processing range of the production line can be adjusted following customers' requirements. Please
refer to the table at the bottom for more detailed information.
In the induction and retention ovens, the steel alloy is prepared that will go to the casting area
where the VP type molding machines will shape the wheels using the casting and counter-
pressure molding technique.

p. 11
This system is highly efficient and guarantees that the quality specifications required for the
manufacture of the wheel are met. After molding, the wheels undergo heat treatment, which allows
the surface tempering they require to avoid problems in machining.
The heat treatment line is continuous type, controlled by robot, thus ensuring exact and reliable
properties in the alloy. Each wheel receives the precision machining required for installation on the
Once ready and verified, the wheel goes to the painting and final finishing area where they are
processed with the most modern techniques to ensure a flawless finish.

Wheel nomenclature.
Let's say your tire says the following: P245/45R18 100W. In this case, the P indicates that it is for
passenger cars; The number 245 represents the maximum width between the sides of the tire in
millimeters; The number 45 is the ratio between the height and width of the tire (it is called the
Aspect Ratio); the R means that its construction is radial; and the number 18 is the diameter of the
rim in inches.
Nomenclature in Steel Wheel Carbon Code.
Carbon steel (1045).
First digit: the simple fact that the nomenclature has a 1 at the beginning means that it is dealing
with a carbon steel, according to the aforementioned information the number 1045 would mean
that it is a (carbon steel with 0.45% carbon) since in alloy steels the first two digits represent the
important alloying elements and their respective ranges.
That is to say, if we want stronger steel wheels, it is necessary to increase the carbon number
applied to the steel as shown in the table and then transform the hard steel into extra hard steel
with a resistance of approximately 45-80 Kg/mm2 to a better condition of the product and a higher
and more acceptable quality of life for customers and for the company itself.

STEEL %Carbon Endurance Denomination

Hard 0.5-0.6 70-75 Hard Steels

p. 12
Extra hard 0.6-0.7 45-80 Extramural
Kg/mm2 Steels

p. 13

In this activity we focused in depth on the manufacturing of the wheels of a Toyota where we saw
its entire long process where the truth is I had no idea, I was totally unaware of what the
manufacturing of these was like or that it required so many procedures to be able to do it and learn
about it. the nomenclatures and how the steel is worked to be able to carry out said work and with
this the activity ended.

p. 14

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