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Ermita Virgen de la Nueva Climbing Sectors

From 5 to From 3'
IV to 8b 300 1
Romería 1 Sector. Sun from 12:00 noon. Easy access. Good footing for
70 m to 15'. children. 2 IV lines.
2 Romería 2 Sector. Sun from 12:00 noon. Easy access. Good rail footing,
Sectors Height Grade No. of lanes Distance but beware of cliffs. 5 V+ to 6b.
3 Romería 3 Sector. Sun from 12:00 noon. Easy access. Mediocre track
SECTORS OF SCALE To San Martín de Valdeiglesias base. 9 routes from III+ to 7c.
Virgen de la Nueva Hermitage 4 Sesame Street Sector. Sun from 2:00 p.m., shaded by pine trees.
Easy access. Good footing for children. 8 IV to 6a+ pathways.
Sectors Height Grade No. of lanes Distance 5 Sector El Mirador Romántico. Sun from 12:00 noon. Easy access. Good
footing for children in the lower areas and dangerous in the upper areas.
50 IV+ to 7b+ pathways.
6 Sector Grado-Callejón. Sun until 4:00 p.m. Difficult access and mediocre
footing for children. 20 ways from 6a to 8b
7 Snake. Sun until 4:00 p.m. Difficult access and mediocre footing for
children. 15 ways from V to 8a.
8 Krapulín Sector. Sun until 4:00 p.m. Difficult access for children and
good footing, but beware of distant cliffs. 14 ways from V+ to 8a.
9 El Tobogán Sector. Sun until 6:00 p.m. Easy access. Mediocre foot of
track for children. 17 IV+ to 7b+ pathways.
10 Orange Wall Sector. Sun until 4:00 p.m. Difficult access and unsuitable
footing for children. 15 V+ to 7c.
Ecological Sector. Sun until 3:00 p.m. Difficult access with children and
good footing in lower areas, being careful with cliffs. 20 V to 7c+ tracks.
12 Pepino, Quimicolandia, Yunque and Castillosectors. Sun until 3:00 p.m.
Difficult access and unsuitable footing for children. 13 routes from 6a+ to
13 North. Vacation at sea, lower part. Shade. Easy access. Good footing for
children. 11 V+ to 7b.
14 North. Vacation at sea, upper part. Shade. Easy access and footing
unsuitable for children. 11 routes from 6b+ to 7c+
15 North. Vergel sector, BNP, etc. Sun early in the morning. Easy access and
good footing for children. 18 routes from 6a+ to 7c
16 Peonies Sector. Sun from 15.00. Easy access and good footing for children.
16 ways from V to 7c
17 Seispelas Sector. Sun from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. Access somewhat steep
and good footing. 5 ways from V to 6c.
18 Sector Fissures. Sun until 4:00 p.m. Sun until 4:00 p.m. Difficult access
and mediocre footing for children. 16 IV to 7a.

1 Romantic Viewpoint
2 Alley
3 Snake
4 Krapullín
5 Cracks
6 Sixpelas
7 Orange Wall
8 Ecological

1 Krapullín
2 Cucumber
3 Anvil
4 Castle
5 Quimicoland
6 Lower North or Vacation at Sea
7 North

1 Cucumber
2 Anvil
3 Castle
4 Quimicoland
5 North

1 Nort
2 Peo
NO. Name Grade Seg Mt Features Equipador
1 Velvet staircase **. IV+ 3P 8 Plate Braulio

2 It's all about getting started **. IV 3P 8 Techito Braulio

NO. Name Grade Seg Mts Features Equipador
3 Brushing in the rain *** 6b 3P 7 Entrance ñapas Braulio-David

4 The interspinner planer 6a+ 3P 7 Pure adhesion Braulio-David

5 A Clockwork Orange *** 6a 4P 10 Filo Braulio

6 Aerobic exercise V+ 4P 10 Plate Braulio

7 Pichichan ** Pichichan ** 6a 4Q 10 Plate Braulio

Pichichan ** Pichichan **
8 La Romería **. V+ 4Q 10 Plate Braulio

9 Vaya Cachucocha***. 6b 4P 10 Plate Carlos-Braulio

10 La Cisura Pasamoa **. 6a+ 3P 8 Plate Carlos-Braulio

11 Hamming * 7c 2P 8 Block roof David, Jorge


NO. Name Grade Seg Mts Features Equipador

12 The thumbtack IV 4P 8 Plate Braulio

13 The moss plate *** V+ 4P 10 Techito and plaque Braulio-David

14 Pine needle *** IV+ 4P 10 Diedro Braulio

15 Crocodile Dandy **. III+ 3P 10 Plate Braulio

16 Cornicabra roof *** V 4P 10 Output ceiling Braulio-David
NO. Name Grade Seg Mts Features Equipador

5 A Clockwork Orange *** 6a 4P 10 Filo Braulio

6 Aerobic exercise V+ 4P 10 Plate Braulio

7 Pichichan ** Pichichan ** 6a 4Q 10 Plate Braulio

Pichichan ** Pichichan **
8 La Romería **. V+ 4Q 10 Plate Braulio

9 Vaya Cachucocha***. 6b 4P 10 Plate Carlos-Braulio

10 La Cisura Pasamoa **. 6a+ 3P 8 Plate Carlos-Braulio

12 The thumbtack IV 4P 8 Plate Braulio

13 The moss plate *** V+ 4P 10 Techito and plaque Braulio-David

16 Cornicabra roof *** V 4P 10 Output ceiling Braulio-David

N Name Grade Seg Mts Features Equipador
Arrea ** Arrea ** Arrea ** Braulio, Jesus
1 Arrea ** Arrea ** Arrea ** V+ 4P 8 Technical plate and Rober
Llorona ** Llorona ** Braulio, Jesus
2 Llorona 6a+ 4P 8 Technical plate and Rober

3 The Pucelan lizard 6a 4P 8 Technical plate Braulio

4 The Pinch Turtles 6a 3P 8 Technical plate Braulio
5 Tick soup 6a+ 4P 8 Technical plate Braulio
6 The playful Poli 6a 3P 8 Technical plate Braulio
7 Mom, I'm a technician! 6b 3P 8 Technical plate Braulio
8 Shifting rocks 6a 3P 8 Technical plate Braulio
NO. Name Grade Seg Mts Features Equipador

1 Yucalcari Free V 5P 8 Technical plate Braulio

2 Indiana Jones IV+ 4P 8 Technical plate Braulio

3 Caterpillar soup IV+ 4P 8 Technical plate Braulio

4 Epi and Blas IV 2P 8 Technical plate Braulio

NO. Name Grade Seg Mts Features Equipador

1 In search of meaning 7b+ 5P 8 Plunge (from below without Braulio

touching the back wall at any time)
2 Odyssey 2002 7b+ 4Q 8 Collapsed plate Braulio
3 The value of humility 6a+ 4P 8 Technical plate David
4 Imminent mistake IV+ 4P 8 Technical plate (6b only for the Braulio
5 I love these princesses V 4P 8 Blunt technical plate Braulio
6 Sanding my fingers V+ 4Q 6 Technical plate Braulio
7 8
8 The cursed power strip (in the center) 6c+ 4P 8 Technical plate Braulio
9 For the chapapote volunteers V+/6a 6Q 15 Technical plate Braulio
10 Fair farmer 6a 3P 8 Collapsed technical plate Braulio
11 Rapa Nuí 6a+ 6P 15 Technical plate Braulio
12 Cherries with sugared almonds 6c 4P 12 Technical plate Braulio
13 He died with the brush in his hand 6a+ 4P 12 Adhesion entry step Braulio
14 Chapulin colorado 6a 3P 8 plate Braulio
15 Maraschino cherries V+ 4P 10 Technical plate Braulio
16 Dancing with romos 6a 4P 10 Technical plate Braulio
NO. Name Grade Seg Mts Features Equipador

17 The Steps V 4P 10 Technical plate
18 The man with the notebook V+ 5P Technical plate and chimney Braulio
19 Asymptotic freedom 6a+/b 7Q 18 Technical plate Braulio
20 Walquer Spur 6a+ 8Q 18 Technical plate Braulio
21 Anonymous (dihedral ridge and 6b+ 7P 18 Technical plate and cutting edge Anonymo
22 plate)
The power of example 6a Fis. 18 clean dihedral fissure usBraulio
23 anonymously 6c 8P 18 Technical plate Anonymo
From small to large (without stepping 6c 7P 18 Technical plate us
24 Braulio
on the back wall)
Introspection inquirers (left wall 6a+, III, 10P 50 Technical plate
25 Braulio
treading, V+) 6a, IV
26 Brushing is going to end 6b+ 11Q 20 Technical plate Braulio
27 Splint your fingers 6b 10Q 20 Technical plate Braulio
28 What a reddish crack 6a 8P 16 Crack and technical plate Braulio
29 Screw the glasses V+ 7Q 16 Technical plate and spur Braulio
30 The spelunker clan IV P 25 Technical plate Braulio
31 Miguelon the champion V 2P 10 Technical plate Braulio
32 Bacachanclismo IV+ 3P 10 Diedro-fireplace Braulio
33 Brain storm V+ 3P 10 Technical plate Braulio
Manchego cheese V+/6a 8P 25 Technical plate Braulio,
35 Better than Hugo Sanchez 6a 9P and Q 25 Technical plate Braulio
36 Smoky air (on plate, 6b+) V+ 12P 30 Chimney and technical plate Braulio
Gently grabbed 6a+/b Fis. y 7P 30 Clean self-protection fissure and Braulio
yQ passage to block
NO. Name Grade Seg Mts Features Equipador

Introspection inquirers 6a+, III, 6a, IV 10P 50 Technical plate Braulio
(L1, stepping on left wall, V+)
30 The spelunker clan IV P 25 Technical plate Braulio
34 Manchego cheese V+/6a 8P 25 Technical plate Braulio, Jesus
35 Better than Hugo Sanchez 6a 9P and Q 25 Technical plate Braulio
Chimney and technical
36 Smoking air (on plate, 6b+) V+ 12P 30 Braulio
NO. Name Grade Seg Mts Features Equipador
Clean self-protection
Fis. y 7P
37 Hold it gently 6a+/b 30 crack and passage to the Braulio
38 The fonta 6a 13 P 35 Technical plate
Fernando Sanz
39 Breathing launch 6a+ 14 P 18 Technical plate Braulio
40 Amoclon Hill V+/6a 12 P 35 Technical plate Braulio
41 I like to do it slowly V+ 14 P 33 Technical plate Braulio
42 Climbing to the sky 6b 14 P 33 Crack and technical plate Braulio
L1: 6 P,
43 Braulian Chronicles (two feature films) 6b+ 40 Crack and technical plate Braulio
L2: 5 p
44 Saguabona, Shikoba 7b 5P 15 Technical plate and Braulio
45 The power of now 6c 6P ceilings
15 Technical plate Braulio
Arrange it, I want to make them
46 6b 5P 15 Finger and technical plate Braulio
without obstacles
Killer powder (6a without touching
47 6b+ 8P 27 Finger and technical plate Braulio
the back wall)
L1: 9 P,
48 The stone 6a, V+/A0 (7a) 50 Technical plate Braulio, Alfonso
L2: 5 P
49 Kamikaze fingers 6b 8P 25 Finger and technical plate Braulio, Alfonso
50 Lolo V of Ulaca 6b+ 7P 25 Finger and technical spur Braulio
51 The Turtle IV 4 10 Technical plate Braulio, Isabel
52 The man with the smooth dick (Recto) V+/6a 3P 10 Technical plate Braulio
Travesía del mirador (entrance on Starting on track 44 up to
53 7a P 40 Braulio
track 44 and exit on track 36) the drop-off on track 36
NO. Name Grade Seg Mts Features Equipador
Plunge (from below without touching
1 In search of meaning 7b+ 5P 8 the back wall at any time) Braulio

2 Odyssey 2002 7b+ 4Q 8 Collapsed plate Braulio

3 The value of humility 6a+ 4P 8 Plate David

NO. Name Grade Seg Mt Features Equipador
Hydraulic press (for sheet metal collapsed plate, with bloke roof at
13 7b+ 8P 22 Braulio
plate) the entrance
Block entry step and step before the
14 Strengthening ties 7c 9P 20 Braulio
The mysteries of Valeria (8a Small-edged slumped plate and
15 without taking the lateral edges on 7c 8P 20 Braulio
the right)
Collapsed plate with step in final
16 Elevating feelings 7b 9P 20 Braulio
Micro-grooved slumped plate, very
17 Alien Glovalization 8a 10 Q + P 20 Braulio
technical and dynamic steps
18 Sancho's belly 7b 10 P 20 Collapsed plate with two hard steps Braulio

Safety purpose, leaving by the Collapsed plate with non-existent

19 8a 10 P 20 Braulio
Panza, (7c+ by the Julia). edges
Entry step and passage to middle
20 Julia 7b/+ 9P 18 Braulio
block at the end of the dihedral.
Slumped plate with passage to a
21 In search of the lost ñapa 8a+ 5P 15 Braulio
micro-groove block
22 Arcadia 7c 5P 12 Slumped plate with long block Braulio
Flying between ñapas ( final part on 7b+ 12 slumped plate micro-grooves
23 5P Braulio
the left side)
Entrance doorway (without stepping 6b 10 Step at the beginning and in the
24 4P Braulio
on block, 6c) middle with blunts
NO. Name Grade Seg Mt Features Equipador
1 GusaPanu 6a 10 P 28 Technical plate and dihedral Panu
2 Kicking V, V 14 P 30 Two-length technical plate Braulio
3 Awakening 6b+ 5P 15 Technical plate Braulio
Radio predestination and ¿? 4P 15 Technical plate Braulio
5 Pedaling 7a+/b 7Q 25 Micro-groove plate Braulio
7c 9P 25 Micro-groove plate and second part Braulio
Lion's Heart (center) to block
NO. Name Grade Seg Mt Features Equipador
Technical plate with one block
7 Lile hands scissors 6c 11 P 25 Braulio, Lile
8 Parallel Universes 6a+ 10 P 25 Technical plate Braulio
9 Escaping stress 6b+ 12 Q and P 30 Technical plate and dihedral Braulio
10 The ways of the heart 6c 13 P 25 Plate and adhesion Braulio
11 Between the rational and the 6b+ 12 P 25 Plate and adhesion Braulio
magical Climbing between boulders with Joaquin and
12 Peyote 6b+ 11 P 22
middle pass, very alpine. Braulio
Hydraulic press (for sheet metal collapsed plate, with bloke roof at
13 7b+ 8P 22 Braulio
plate) the entrance
Block entry step and step before
14 Strengthening ties 7c 9P 20 Braulio
the meeting
The mysteries of Valeria (8a Small-edged slumped plate and
15 without taking the lateral edges on 7c 8P 20 Braulio
the right)
Collapsed plate with step in end
16 Elevating feelings 7b 9P 20 Braulio
Micro-grooved slumped plate, very
17 Alien Glovalization 8a 10 Q + P 20 Braulio
technical and dynamic steps
Collapsed plate with two hard
18 Sancho's belly 7b 10 P 20 Braulio
Collapsed plate with non-existent
19 Safety purpose, leaving by the 8a 10 P 20 Braulio
Panza, (7c+ by the Julia).
Entry step and passage to middle
20 Julia 7b/+ 9P 18 Braulio
block at the end of the dihedral.
Slumped plate with passage to a
21 In search of the lost ñapa 8a+ 5P 15 Braulio
micro-groove block
22 Arcadia 7c 5P 12 Braulio
Slumped plate with long block
7b+ 12 slumped plate micro-grooves
23 Flying between ñapas ( final part 5P Braulio
on the left side)
Entrance doorway (without 6b 10 Step at the beginning and in the
24 4P Braulio
stepping on block, 6c) middle with blunts
8a+ 25 Entry through Narrowing and exit
25 Narrow-Globalization 13 P Braulio
through Globalization
7c+ 20 Enter through the Estrechando and
26 Narrowing-Valeria 11 P Braulio
exit through the Mysteries of
8b 25 Valeria.
In for Purpose and out for
27 Alien Purpose 10 P Braulio
7c+ 30 Enters through Estrechando Lazos
28 Tightening Julia 15 P Braulio
and exits through Julia's hard drive.
8+9 Universes of stress 6a 11 P 25 Technical plate and dihedral Braulio

1 The erotic fissure, V
2 La Lupe, V
3 Domestic Transgression, 7a.
4 From zenith to nadir, 6c
5 Compulsive Affective Disorder, 7c
6 Mari Fe you have no faith, 6a+.
7 The secret is in the strength, 7c rectum
8 The snake, 6c
9 I'm Mari Fe and now I have faith, 6b+/c
10 Relentless corrective, 7b+ (through the overhanging crack, without ever stepping on the right wall).
11 Pilla, dame, dame, pilla, 6b+.
12 Esmeralda, 7c (block of three sparks).
13 Entelequia, 8a (David Sanz)
14 The secret is in the technique, 7a.
32 GusaPanu, 6a (track equipped by Panu in honor of the loss of a great friend. It has 10 safeties in 28 meters)

1 Needle, V+ (David Sanz)

2 Meditations in the Cemetery, 6a (Braulio)
3 Without crampons on the Bola del Mundo (same insurance as 3), V (Braulio).
4 A lo hecho, roof (without crack), 6b (Braulio)
5 Musgotraction, 6b+ (Braulio)
These two tracks are between Krapulín left and Krapulín right, isolated.
6 Me more, me before, me first, 6a+ (Braulio)
7 Peláez de geta, 7a (very block entry) (Braulio)
*We found this sector 1 minute from the alley, by a short and easy climb.
6 Me more, me before, me first, 6a+ (Braulio)
7 Peláez de geta, 7a (very block entry) (Braulio)
8 Inguinal Explosion, 7b+ (Braulio)
9 Chronic tendinitis, 7a (Braulio)
10 What the moss hides, 6c (Braulio)
11 With fibers hanging (remainder), 8a (Braulio)
12 The Dülfer dihedral, 6c (Braulio)
13 Sensual Interstice, 6b (Braulio)
14 Morbid dependencies, 6b+ (Braulio)
*We found this sector 1 minute from the alley, by a short and easy climb.
Braulio, Adrian and Angel Perez

NO It g
. Name Grade Mts Features Equipador

Braulio, Adrian
1 The day of the great road **. IV+ 2P 8 Technical Plate and Angel Perez

With skirts and in the style of a tocho. 6c of Braulio, Adrian

2 seated ** 2 seated ** 2 seated ** 2 seated ** 2 seated ** 2 seated ** 6b 3P 8 Technical Plate
and Angel Perez
Braulio, Adrian
Techito and
3 The hoax of the year *** 6b+ 3P 8 and Angel Perez
Intimate Enemies****. Sitting Braulio, Adrian
Techito and and Angel Perez
4 down, ¿? 6b+ 3P 9
The field that speaks****. Sitting Braulio, Adrian
Techito and
5 down, ¿? 6c 4P 10 and Angel Perez
Remote-controlled phasing****. Techito and Braulio, Adrian
6 Sitting down, ¿? 6c Fis 10 fissure and Angel Perez

Energetic Vampires****. Sitting Braulio, Adrian

Techito and
7 down, ¿? 6a+ 3P 10 and Angel Perez
1 Clearing stress, 6a. Braulio (crackers, has a dropout)
2 La Isla, V. Braulio (crackers, has a dropout)
3 Mercenaries of the grade, 6a. Braulio (crackers, has a dropout)
N Name Grade Seg Mts Features Equipador
The eternal hope to
1 7b+ 5P 15 Plate, crack and Braulio
change**** ceiling
2 Bestia Parda and 7a 5P Plate and roof Braulio
3 Chamiza**.
Traditional Super Gayola 6b 4P Plate and roof Asier and
4 Braulio
5 Wall chair***. 6b+ 4P Plate and roof Asier and
Braulio and
6 The track poacher** 6b+ 4P Technical plate
7 3+6 (departure to meeting 6b Technical plate Braulio
8 5+6(departure to the 6b Technical plate Braulio
meeting 6)
SESU From 10 to
From 1725to From V+6Bto
V to 15 15 5´
R m 20 m 7c
Orientation Height
Height Grades
Grades No. No. T. Access
T. Access
San Martín
San dede
Martín Valdeiglesias
ORANGE WALL Virgen Virgen de la Nueva
de la Nueva
Hermitage Hermitage


(7989 sR 2, 77
IA .
5V\32 822 EMMy R
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NO. Name Grade Seg Mt Features Equipador

1 The ejaculating fireman **** 6c 7P 25 Cracking of recesses
2 7a+/6a 4Q 10 Plate to block
Short and hard as a priest's dick **. David Joaquin
3 Man progression **** 7b 4Q 13 Technical Plate Braulio
4 From the Captain to the Fleece **** 7a 4Q 13 Technical plate, fissurite Braulio
5 Agonizing in your ego **. 7a+ 4P 13 Technical Plate. block Braulio
6 Siddhartha *** 7c 4P 15 Plate and microcrack Braulio
7 No trick or gimmick **. 7b 4P 13 Fissure without feet Braulio
NO. Name Grade Seg Mt Features Equipper
8 The treatise of complacency **. 7a 4P 13 Plate and microcrack Braulio
91 November Adhesion and technical
The slide11**** November 11 * V+
V 6P
6 15
20 Technical plate, cracks Fernando
102 Espolón Guadalupe
The triumph of the**.absurd**** 6a
6a 7P
7 20 Plaque, spur,
20 Adhesion fissures
and technical Fernando
Braulio and
113 Super Braulio Boss Asier
The Todologist *****. 6b
6b 7P
5 20 Spur,
17 plate plaque
technical plateand fissures Fernando
12 Diedro lupita **. 6a+ 7P 20 Finger, fissures and Fernando
134 The
¿? Watcher of the Watchers** 6b
6c 5
5P 17 technical
15 Technical plate
plate Braulio
14 Project
15 Controlled by the situation 6b 6P 15 Technical plate and crack Braulio
David de Pedro and
16 Amber ¿? 5P 15 Technical plate Alejandro Sanchez
From V+ to 15
NE 10 m to 25 m
ORGANIC SECTOR San Martín de Valdeiglesias Virgen de la Nueva




NO. Name Grade Seg 1 Mt Features E quipad
1 Biological behavior *** 6a+ 4P 10 Fissure and Braulio
Developing me oppositions
2 V+/6a 4P 10 Crack and technical plate Braulio
sustainably ****
3 Romeando voy, romeando vengo 6c 4P 10 Technical plate to block Braulio
4 In addition to being a scoundrel, he is a scoundrel. V+ 4P
10 Technical
5 plate
Observing my self *** Braulio
V 7P 18 Technical plate and Braulio
6 The I-man (previous variant) * 6c dihedral
7P 18 Hard block pitch Braulio
7 Subrealism at work *** 6c 6P 14 Collapse and tech plate. Braulio
8 Brutal speculation **** 7a 5P 14 Collapsed Plate Braulio
Technical plate and Braulio-
9 The (straight) chosen one **** 7c+ 6P 17 collapse.
10 Time Tunnel *** 6b+ 7P 25 Chimney and plate Braulio
11 Child plate plate **** 7a+/b 10P 25 Roof and technical Braulio
plate Braulio,
Technical plate and Rafa
12 Love deaf 7b+ 7P 17 y

collapse Hairstyle
Luis Sito
13 Project 25 plate Peinado
and Braulio
13 Joaquín Fissure 1** 6b Fisu 10 Fisura Joaquin
14 Joaquín Fissure 2 ** 6b+ Fisu 10 Fissure Joaquin
NORTH SECTOR.......................................................................................38
SECTOR SEISPELAS.........................................................................41
15 Unequipped
1 He who has the most is not the happiest, but he who needs the least 6c.
NORTH SECTOR.......................................................................................38
SECTOR SEISPELAS.........................................................................41
NE From 15
m to
From 6a
to 7c
CUCUMBER, ANVIL, San Martín de Valdeiglesias
CHEMICOLAND SECTOR Virgen de la Nueva Chapel

NO. Name Grade Seg Mt Features Equipador

Fireplace from
1 Top corner **. 6a+ 4 15 Braulio
Plate technique Braulio-Rafa-
2 The pornai **** 6c+ 5 17 Lidia
3 Pillage in the boxes***. 7a+ 4 15 Technical spur Braulio
I have a month to spare at the end of Plate
4 7a 4 15 Braulio
my salary ***
5 There is no shortage of money. 6c+ 4 15 technique plate and
Technical Braulio
6 Project Braulio
Technical plate and
7 Project 7? 30 Braulio
Decotator dog with little bite Technical plate and
8 7c 7P 20 crack
(straight for fissure)****
9 The triumph of the improbable *** 6b 6P 22 Technical plate David
10 Playing Card Castle (block) ** 7b+ 7P 25 Technical plate and Joaquín-Braulio
11 The dogmatic man**** 7b 7P 25 ceilings plate and
Technical Braulio
12■ The lamb conflict 1 6a■ 5P■ 18• ceilings
Crack and plaque Braulio
Legend of the most ephemeral rope
13 7a+ 5P 18 Super technical plate Braulio
in history ***
14 Sikando bajo la lluvia **** 7b 6Q 20 Stone, plate and slump

15 The test *** 7a Fisu 18 Cracking of recesses Joaquin

NO. Name Grade Seg Mt Features Equipador
Without the dihedral I do not cling David and
1 6b+ 6P 15 Technical plate Berta
(V+, touching dihedral).
2 Flying between blocks, V+ 6P 15 Technical plate Braulio
3 Abel's Kiosk V+ 6P 15 Technical plate Braulio
4 Cattle grazing 6a 5P 10 Technical plate Braulio
5 Fateful embedding 6b■ 5P■ 10 Plate and filling Braulio
6 Lady Trango 6a 4P 10 Plate and fissure Braulio
7 Subtle awareness 6b+■ 5P■ 15 Plate and slump Braulio
8 Subtle consumerism 6c 5P 15 Plate and slump Braulio
9 Market biology V 15 Technical plate Braulio
10 In the raw 6a+ 3P 8 Technical plate Braulio
11 Salary revision clause 6b+ 3P 8 Technical plate Braulio
12 More cane to the loan sharks 6c 3P 7 Technical plate Braulio
13 Against wage freeze 6a 2P 7 Landslide Braulio

1. Sikando in the rain, 7b 27. There is no one worse blind than the one who does not want to
2. The Test, 7a (Crackers) see, 6b+
3. Rocajevivo, 7th (David Sanz) 28. Encounters in the third sentence, 6 a+
4. The guy in sight to be in the magazine, 7c+ 29. Compulsive projection, 6b
5. All bulls are bulls up to their tails, 7a+ 30. The Eternal Becoming, 7a+
6. Man doubts, 6b+ 31. Acintya's World, 6b+
7. Berta, 6c 32. The access road,7a
8. Postponing real life, 7a 33. Ekilíbrate Tosudo, 7b+
9. Infinite potential, 7b 34. Compulsive outfitter leaves something for friends, 7a+ (straight
ahead, slightly to the right of the belly plate).
10. Undefined path, 6c 35. Rascanalgas, 7a
10b. 6c 36. Year of encadenes, year of goods, 6c
11. Gestural subconscious, 6b+ (7s) 37. Welcome to nowhere, L1 7a+ - L2 6b+ - L3 6a
12. The acrophobic climber, 6c 38. Delusions of grandeur, 7c
13. Heliotropism, 6b+ 39. You'll never get there, 7c
14. Trichinosis, 6a 40. Cienfuegos, L1 ¿?, L2 6b+ (L2 in overhang secured with two
14b. V+ parabolts and friends in the crack above). Braulio, Guille and Gustavo
15. Crocodile look, 6c 41. We go to Cuba, 6c (hard off-width at the top secured with a
16. Envy does not take days off, 6b (friends) parabolt, everything else is secured at Friends). Braulio, Guille and Gustavo
17. No cleccas, no paradise, 6b+ 41+42. 6c (Friends + 2 parabolt on L2. Braulio, Guille and Gustavo
18. Chaperos Mundi, 6b (Badges + friends) 42. Sensation seeker, 7b+ (adhesion)
19. Planes roqueros, 6c+ enters through Chaperos and 43. Without the dihedral I don't cling, V touching the dihedral;
6b+ without dihedral
exits above the cave
44. Flying between blocks, V+
20. (Project) to the right of the cave. 45. The Abel's Kiosk, V+ ( Braulio)
21. IT IS FORBIDDEN TO EQUIP INSIDE THE 46. Cattle grazing, V+/6a
CAVE DUE TO NESTING 47. Fateful embedding, 6b
22. Beyond thought, 6c 48. Lady Trango, 6a
23. Dogmatophobia, 6c+/7a 49. Subtle consciousness, 6b
24. The dance of reality, 6a+
25. Simple mind, 6a+/b
26. El Vergel, 6b
50. Subtle consumerism, 6c
51. In the raw, 6a (straight without stepping on dihedral, 7b)
52. Now and forever salary review clause, 6b (bloke)
NO From 12 to 25 m From V
to 7c

NO. Name Grade Seg Mt Features Equipador

L1 ?, L2 L1: Severe adherent
Braulio, Guille
1 Cienfuegos 6b+, L2 plaque. L2: Slump and and Gustavo
6b+ crack
Braulio, Guille
2 Let's go to Cuba (crackers) 6c 1P 28 Crack and off-width and Gustavo
3 Sensation seeker *** 7b+ 7P 28 Adhesion and technical Braulio
4 Hostile Territory ** Hostile Territory ** 8? 8P 25 plateExtreme adhesion Braulio
5 Hostile Territory ** Hostile Territory
The combas ¿? 9P 25 Technical plate Braulio
6 To desire is, in essence, to suffer**. 6a+ 5P 12 Fingerprinting and Braulio-Angeloti
Plotters, the epidemic of the weekend adhesion
Technical crack and
7 6a 4P 12 Braulio-César
*** plate
8 Take it out of me more inside 4P 12 Technical plate Braulio
What was for the morning the black night
9 6c 4P 12 Super technical plate Braulio
brings back together again
Technical plate and Braulio-Jaime-
10 The human drama of the degree** 6b+ 4P 12 Laura
Technical plate and Braulio-Jaime-
11 Mysterious coincidences *** 6b+ 5P 12 Laura
12 Mass Borreguismo *** 6c 6P 15 Finger and technical Braulio
12a *** 6a 6P 15 plateFingerprinting and Braulio-David
13 Greenpeace goes public** 6b 6P 15 adhesion
Plate and slump Braulio-David
14 You go upstairs, if you want, I'm 6c 7P 15 Plate ñapas y romos Braulio-David
14b laughing
** **. 6a+ 7P 15 Technical plate and Braulio-David
15 Adhere or die *. 6a+ 7P 15 adherence.
Adhesion plate Braulio
16 Neither with you, nor without you **** V+/6a 7P 15 Plate, pitch, adhesion Braulio
17 Because man does not live by walls 6a+ 7P 15 Finger, fissure and Braulio
alone plate
18 Ego-killing roof (crackers)**. 7a 1Q 17 Cracking of recesses Braulio-David
19 Species lost in space **. 7a+ 4Q -2P 16 Block and plate Braulio
20 Species lost in time *** 7a 6Q 19 Block and plate Braulio-David
21 The compulsive driller **. 7c 5Q 18 Block passage and Braulio-David
technical plate
NO. Name Grade Seg Mt Features Equipador
Braulio, Guille
2 Let's go to Cuba (crackers) 6c 1P 28 Crack and off-width and Gustavo
3 Sensation seeker *** 7b+ 7P 28 Adhesion and technical Braulio
4 Hostile Territory ** Hostile Territory ** 8? 8P 25 plateExtreme adhesion Braulio
5 Hostile Territory ** Hostile Territory
The combas ¿? 9P 25 Technical plate Braulio
6 To desire is, in essence, to suffer**. 6a+ 5P 12 Fingerprinting and Braulio-Angeloti
7 Plotters, the epidemic of the weekend 6a 4P 12 adhesion
Technical crack and Braulio-César
8 Take it out of me more inside 4P 12 plate Technical plate Braulio
What was for the morning the black night
9 6c 4P 12 Super technical plate Braulio
brings back together again
10 The human drama of the degree** 6b+ 4P 12 Technical plate and Braulio-Jaime-
adherence. Laura
Technical plate and Braulio-Jaime-
11 Mysterious coincidences *** 6b+ 5P 12 Laura
12 Mass Borreguismo *** 6c 6P 15 Finger and technical Braulio
12a *** 6a 6P 15 plateFingerprinting and Braulio-David
13 Greenpeace goes public** 6b 6P 15 adhesion
Plate and slump Braulio-David
14 You go upstairs, if you want, I'm laughing 6c 7P 15 Plate ñapas y romos Braulio-David
14b **.
** 6a+ 7P 15 Technical plate and Braulio-David
15 Adhere or die *. 6a+ 7P 15 adherence.
Adhesion plate Braulio
16 Neither with you, nor without you **** V+/6a 7P 15 Plate, pitch, adhesion Braulio
17 Because man does not live by walls 6a+ 7P 15 Finger, fissure and Braulio
18 alone(crackers)**.
Ego-killing roof 7a 1Q 17 plateCracking of recesses Braulio-David
19 Species lost in space **. 7a+ 4Q -2P 16 Block and plate Braulio
20 Species lost in time *** 7a 6Q 19 Block and plate Braulio-David
21 The compulsive driller **. 7c 5Q 18 Block passage and Braulio-David
technical plate

1 The Regretful Hustler, V (insurance recoverable) (Fiends)

2 Machine, V
3 Bicho, 6b+ (6a+ to the left of the plates).
4 Tintan, 6c
5 The cavern, V+ (insurance recoverable) (Fiends)
6 .
7 .
8 .
9 .-
No. Name Grade Seg Mts Features Equipper 1
1 Pandemic dreams 6a Crackers 10 Short fissure Braulio
2 Braulee's cry 7b+ 2P 10 Landslide Braulio
3 The one that is always 6c+ Crackers 10 Crack Braulio and
Braulio and
4 Mr. Ermita ¿? Crackers 10 Crack
Braulio and
5 Roci and Berta 6b Crackers 10 Crack
Braulio and
6 Wherever you are 7a Crackers 10 Crack
Braulio and
7 Sister forever 6a Crackers 10 Crack
Braulio and
8 True free spirit 6a+ Crackers 10 Crack
9 Lolazos without borders ■1 V+ ■ Crackers 10 Crack Braulio
10 Stealth climbing IV Crackers 10 Crack Braulio
111 Fury ■ ¿? 3P■1 8 Landslide Braulio
12 Project 10 Technical plate
13 Project 10 Technical plate I
14 Project 10 Crack
15 Joaquín Fissure 1 ■1 V■ Crackers 8 Crack Joaquin
16 Joaquín Fissure 2 6b Crackers 8 Crack Joaquin
13. Heliotropism, 6b+
14. Trichinosis, 6a
14b. V+
15. Crocodile look, 6c
16. Envy does not take days off, ? (Start common with 15, friends in the crack above. Meeting with the17)
17. No cleccas, no paradise, 6b+
18. Chaperos Mundi, 6b (Badges + friends)
19. Rock planes, 6c+ enters through Chaperos Mundi and exits above the cave.
20. (Project) to the right of the cave.
22. Beyond thought, 6c
23. Dogmatophobia, 6c+/7a
15. Crocodile look, 6c
16. Envy does not take days off, 6b (Start common with 15, friends in the crack above. Meeting with the17)
17. No cleccas, no paradise, 6b+
18. Chaperos Mundi, 6b (Badges + friends)
19. Rock planes, 6c+ enters through Chaperos Mundi and exits above the cave.
20. (Project) on the right side of the cave.
22. Beyond thought, 6c

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