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Practice1 - (8 points)

Applying the topic of Decision Making; read the reading that is green and make a decision-making
case; formulating the problem, list three possible solution options, indicate which one is indicated
and what would happen when putting the selected option into practice.

Maria is a 20-year-old university student who is studying the sixth cycle of her Administration degree,
but she finds herself in a problem, because a month ago she was at a birthday party and that event she
met Carlos. As the night went on, one thing led to another, as a result of the alcohol, they had
unprotected sex. Over time, she has felt a little unwell and has delayed menstrual periods. For this
reason, she decided to take a pregnancy test, which came back positive. She decides to tell Carlos what
is happening and he reacts in an aggressive way, saying that he is not going to be responsible for
anything, that she should have taken care of herself. Furthermore, their parents are very conservative,
generating fear of possible rejection from them. This is where she enters into a dilemma: is abortion a
solution to her problem?
Identify problems
He does not have the support of Carlos
She is still in college and it would be difficult for her to have a child.
Rosmery is afraid of the reaction her parents may have with this news.
Do analysis
Abortion is not allowed in our country, because it goes against human rights.
If she decides to abort, she would do it clandestinely, causing consequences and in the worst case,
Evaluate opinions
By performing an abortion you would be attacking the life of a human being.
Yes, it is possible to take care of a child while he or she is studying, but the road is going to become
Conscience would not leave her alone.
Identify options
Having an abortion clandestinely, without informing your parents and at risk.
Take charge of your actions, tell your parents, regardless of their support or not, have your child and
find a way to raise him well.
Put into practice (The decision made).
The decision made was to have her son and take charge, whether alone or with the support of Carlos
or his family.
in which one of the three options should be done would be the most


In a town far from the capital, there is a well-known family, which is why they are very hard-working,
their last name is Guerrero, they are in a problem, because a few weeks ago something serious
children, happened to a member of that family, five people They beat him after leaving a party,
and in leaving him unconscious. They took him to the hospital and the doctor announced that he
you is in a serious state, he is in a coma, so that he does not remain in vegetative mode, an
ta a operation has to be performed for which the sum of the money is 10,000 soles, and if that
either is not done operation the patient can become vegetable and so that he does not suffer it
worshipi would be best to disconnect him. They do not have that amount of money, in addition to
ng him the fact that they are a poor family and their jobs receive a minimum salary of 700 a
and he month. In addition, they owe the bank a loan and they will take away their house if they do
not pay on time. This is where they enter into a dilemma: get the money in any way or
disconnect it so that it does not suffer?
Identify problems
He doesn't have enough money.
At work he is paid very little 700 a month and it would be difficult for him to raise the
money on time.
They could not make a loan to the bank because they had a debt with them.
Do analysis
The vegetative state is to be immobilized forever, it is to be dead in life.
If they decide not to pay for the surgery, and leave him in that state, it would be very
tragic, because he would be suffering and hurting him, because he will not be able to
return as before.
Evaluate opinions
Sell the house and everything valuable to get money.
Do not pay for the surgery and disconnect it so you can rest in peace without suffering.
Carla Identify options
Do not pay for the operation and disconnect it.
Put the house and the land that belongs to you on sale, without any fear, in order to save
your family member.
Put into practice (The decision made).
The decision made was to put the house and land that belongs to him up for sale, without
any fear, in order to save his family member.
Practice 2- (5 points)

Using the solver tool, reduce the number of employees in order to reduce costs.
In the same way, create the 4 restrictions seen in the light blue box. Show, using a screenshot, the
window where the created restrictions are observed.
Each employee works five consecutive days and has two days of rest. It is about
to make an appropriate schedule, so that the company has enough staff

Schedules Days off Employees Sun Mon Sea Wed Thu Fri Sat e
TO Sunday Monday 4 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
b Monday Tuesday 4 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
c Tuesday Wednesday 4 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
d Wednesday Thursday 6 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
AND Thursday Friday 6 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
F Friday Saturday 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
g Saturday Sunday 4 0 1 1 1 1 1 0

Totals by schedule: 32 24 24 24 22 20 22 24
22 17 13 14 15 18 24
at all times, minimizing salary costs.
Salary/employee/week: S/ 300.00
Weekly salary: S/ 9,600.00

Total demand:
costs. The objective of this model is to schedule employees'
schedules so that there is always enough staff at the lowest
cost. In this example, all employees are paid using the same
rate, so that by minimizing the number of employees
working each day, costs are also minimized. Each employee
works five consecutive days and has two days off.
- The number of employees must be greater than or equal
to 0.
- The number of employees must be an integer.
- The number of employees working each day must be
equal to the demand.

Practice 3- (7 points)

Respond to the following example; using the decision tree tool:

A tailor wants to open a new branch of his business called "Trajes Don Luis"
If it opens in Piura, it has a calculated 70% success rate with a profit of S/500,000
If you open in Lima, you have a calculated 75% success rate with a profit of
S/650,000 s. While if you open in Arequipa, you have a calculated 65 % success
rate with a profit. Using the decision tree; indicate which of the three options
would be the most correct
. The businessman is thinking about the best location for his new premises; has three
soles the first year and an operating cost of S/450,000 soles in that same time oles
the first year and an operating cost of S/180,000 soles in that same time finance of
S/900,000 soles the first year and an operating cost of S/685,000 soles ntable and
how much is the profit in soles.

Value Measure U-Value

—1 S/ 500,000.00 S/ 50,000.00

—1 0

—1 S/ 650,000.00 S/ 470,000.00

—1 0

—1 S/ 900,000.00 S/ 215,000.00

--------1 0
tions: Open the branch in Piura, Lima or in

at that same time.

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