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Eduardo Jesús García Gutiérrez 1-20-0621

Write a 2-page summary of Pages 55 to 68 of the book Towards an Understanding of

Human Relations - Its Application at Work, by Lic. Lucía Ovalle. Topic: "Motivation
and Behavior"; and then upload it in the corresponding space entitled "Upload
Summary Here".


Motivation can be defined as a "mechanism" that influences human behavior and

guides us towards the achievement of goals or objectives. (The interest a person has in
performing a behavior to obtain an incentive).
It all starts with a need in a person's mind; this need makes us dissatisfied and unhappy
with the situation, so we have to do something to reduce that discomfort.
Motivation is a current, a force, an impulse that brings us closer to or takes us away
from something. The human being possesses currents of forces that drive to hate, love,
commit, behave in one way or another, these currents are called motivation, they are
closely linked to desire and present in all manifestations of human life, determining its
intensity through internal and external stimuli, generating a response, triggering a
succession of events oriented to the achievement of the goal that has been proposed
to reach.They are closely linked to desire and are present in all manifestations of
human life, determining its intensity through internal and external stimuli, generating a
response, triggering a succession of events aimed at achieving the goal that has been
set out to reach.

Emotions play a very important role in motivations and that is why you should think
before acting, so as not to be influenced by the fact of a thoughtless impulse that can
generate displeasure and anxiety. Emotional control is very favorable for exhibiting
appropriate behavior.

Motivations and desires are in continuous development and depend on three factors
intrinsic to the individual:

• Your philosophy or training

• Your experience
• Physiology
Motivation moves to action, any motivation is better than none, but it is better to take
care that this motivation is always positive. To motivate yourself you must first clarify
your goals.

If you do not have clear goals, it will be difficult for you to motivate yourself enough to
put in a good amount of effort, both mentally and physically, to achieve your objective.
The specific needs that motivate most people are:

• Importance
• Respect
• Popularity
• Love
• Learning
• Comfort
• Security
• Command or power
• Intellectual achievements
• Promotion
• Recognition

Motivational sources
There are several motivational sources, each with its own particularity, but independent of
each other. They also generate different effects on individuals. it is important to know the
desires and needs of each person so as not to make the wrong choice when creating an
incentive program in the company.

Some of the motivational sources are:

• Job security.
• Policy of recognizing good workers.
• Place the worker in the area of your choice.
• Balanced workload.
• The opportunity for training.
• Taking the employee into account in decision making

Interest is the lever that moves the world; it is the most valuable impulse generated by
Attitudes are tendencies that move the individual to act in a certain way in the face of
certain stimuli.
Values are those that make a being or object worthy of esteem in order to satisfy
needs or provide well-being. Value is also what a particular person esteems or desires.

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