Module 14 Open High School

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1. What is the result of LogAn?

A) N + log A
B) Log A - log B
C) N log A
D) N logAn

2. What is the expression that indicates the result of the logarithm of the
product of two positive numbers?

A) Log A + log B
B) Log A - log B
C) Log A (log A)
D) (Log B)

3. Select the option that completes the following proposition.

It is said that loga x= y if only si__________.


4. Determine in how many months the amount of 120,000 pesos will be

obtained as a result of an investment of 40,000 pesos, with a simple
interest rate of 5% bimonthly in the investment fund.

A) 40
B) 60
C) 30
D) 80

5. Juan allocates 20% of his monthly salary for savings. If you earn
4120.00 pesos per day and work in English week, Monday through
Friday, what is the total you have collected in 2 months?
A. 48.00
B. 960.00
C. 96.00
D. 480.00
6. A population of 50 protozoa is multiplying and increases to 150 in the
course of one hour where:

N= 50 protozoa (initial number of individuals)

dN= 100 protozoa (change in the number of individuals)
dN/dt= 100 protozoa per hour /average rate of change of protozoa over
dN/Ndt=X (average rate of change per time and per individual)
How much is X worth and its equivalent in percent?

A) 2.0 → (100%)
B) 3.0 → (150%)
C) 1.5 → (150%)
D) 2.0 → (200%)

7. The population is a dynamic fact that is in constant movement, this can

be of two types, relate the types of population movement in the left
column with the characteristics of them in the right column:

Population movements Characteristics.

1. Natural. a. Births.
b. Unemployment.
c. Diseases.
2. Social. d. Emigrations.
e. Deaths.
f. Food production.
g. Natural disasters.
h. Immigration.

A) [1- b,d,g] [2- a,c,e] [1- b,d,g] [2- a,c,e]

B) [1- b,d,e] [2- c,f,g] [1- b,d,e] [2- c,f,g]
C) [1- a,e] [2- d,h] [1- a,e] [2- d,h]
D) [1- c,f] [2- b,g] [1- c,f] [2- b,g]

8. Choose the option that completes the following sentence: "The

Malthusian theory of population growth says that life has a tendency to
reproduce and increase beyond what the resources available for its
subsistence allow, therefore the population increases in progression
___________ while food production increases ______________.
A) Geometric - arithmetic.
B) Arithmetic - geometric.
C) Vertical - horizontal.
D) Horizontal - vertical.

9. Juan receives $7,639.00 pesos monthly salary, 8/3 of his salary is the
monthly rent of the apartment where he lives, 2/5 of his salary will be
used to pay a loan, 2/7 of his salary will be used to pay for the monthly
groceries. Juan will receive a punctuality bonus for 2/11ths of his salary.
What can be said about Juan's monthly budget?

A. You pay your expenses and have a credit balance of $380.00.

B. It pays your expenses and subtracts 50% of your salary.
C. You only pay your expenses and are left with a zero balance.
D. He is not able to cover his payments with his income.

10. Complete the statement with the correct word:

It is an indicator that determines the average number of children that women
have. Although it is a universal indicator, countries establish it differently,
according to the particular demographic reality of each system, and it is
known as the index of: ____________________.

A) Sociology.
B) Culture.
C) Population.
D) Fecundity.

11. What is the name given to the flow of money measured in U.S. dollars
(foreign currency) sent by Mexican workers in the United States to their
homes or families in Mexico?

A) Interpretation.
B) Transhumance.
C) Dynamics.
D) Remittance.

12. The movement of population, which occurs from one place of origin to
another destination and involves a change of habitual residence in the
case of people or of habitat in the case of animal species, is called
A) Interpretation.
B) Migration.
C) Education.
D) Integration.

13. Temporary investments generally consist of short-term notes. Which of

the following are characteristics of this type of investment?
1. Negotiable or quickly realizable
2. Purchase of assets with the intention of holding them for more than one
3. Include securities with limited market
4. Intended to be converted into cash when needed

A. 2y4
B. 2y3
C. 1y4
D. 1y3

14. What is the monetary value of the final goods and services produced by
an economy in a given period called?

A) Gross domestic product.

B) Nominal gross domestic product.
C) Real gross domestic product.
D) Net purchasing power.

15. What is the name given to an action in which the only purpose is to keep
the money for later use?

A) Egress.
B) Income.
C) Savings.
D) Economy.
16. Classify the following statements about interests as true (T) or false (F)
as appropriate in each case.
1. The discounted interest rate is that which is calculated on the face
value of a loan, but which is paid in advance.
2. The additive interest rate is the rate that is calculated and added to
the funds received to determine the face value of a bond loan.
3. Simple interest is the interest earned on the initial capital and on the
interest reinvested in previous periods.

A. V, V, F
B. V, F, F
C. F, F, V
D. F, V, V

17. Which is the institution whose purpose is to promote savings, financing

and investment in the sector and which is made up of popular savings
and credit institutions?

A) Bansefi.
B) Sofoles.
C) Commercial.
D) Development.

18. What is the name given to the type of investment in foreign assets
whereby a foreign company buys shares in the companies that own
these assets?

A) Portfolio.
B) Indirect.
C) Direct.
D) Financial.

19. From a lender's point of view, how is interest defined?

A) Price for the use of other people's money for a period of time.
B) Price to be paid for using the money.
C) Value placed on the use of someone else's money.
D) Compensation for allowing someone else to use your money.

20. Is it true that volatility risk is the risk that a security or instrument cannot
be exchanged for its cash equivalent?

A. Yes, since the instrument cannot be exchanged, the immediate liquidity

remains volatile.
B. No, because the explanation presented refers to credit risk and not to
volatility risk.
C. Yes, there may be a lack of liquidity to meet immediate expenses due to
economic fluctuations.
D. No, volatility risk refers to the degree to which the price or interest rate of the
instrument varies over time.

21. Which of the following options corresponds to the type of risk influenced
by events such as inflation, devaluation, economic situation, among
others, in which the whole country is involved and which cannot be
eliminated regardless of the institution in which it is invested in the
financial system?

A) Of interest.
B) Credit.
C) Market.
D) System.

22. On the right side are various types of investments and on the left side
are some of the characteristics of these investments.

Features Type of investment

1. These are types of investment of the assets a. Portfolio.
owned by the organization, usually embodied in
securities or other commercial documents.
b. Direct.
2. These are investments made by agents of an
economy in bonds, stocks and other equity
investments that do not constitute foreign direct c. Indirect.
investment or international reserves.

3. It is the investment in foreign assets through d. Financial.

which a company buys shares of the companies
that own these assets.

A) [1-a] [2-b] [c-d] [1-a] [2-b] [c-d]

B) [1-b] [2-a] [3-c] [1-b] [2-a] [3-c]
C) [1-d] [2-c] [3-a] [1-d] [2-c] [3-a]
D) [1-b] [2-c] [3-a] [1-b] [2-c] [3-a]

23. From a debtor's point of view, how is interest defined?

A) Price you have to pay for using the money.

B) Price paid for the use of resources for a period of time.
C) Compensation to be received for using your money.
D) Exchange value for the use of someone else's money.

24. The effects of migration on receiving societies are of four types. Relate
the columns, matching each migration effect with its description.

Effects of migration Description.

1. Assimilation. a. Different ethnic groups are allowed to coexist in
the same space and under laws that treat them as
2. Integration. equals.

3. Exclusion. b. The immigrant population is admitted to certain

social sectors, but is excluded from access to
certain services or social strata.

c. The process is reciprocal where the receiving

society and the migrant population come to adapt
and assimilate to each other.

d. The migrant must assimilate into the society into

which he/she is integrating. It is unilateral.

A) [1-c] [2-d] [3-a] [2-d] [3-a]

B) [1-b] [2-a] [3-d] [1-b] [2-b] [2-a] [3-d]
C) [1-d] [2-c] [3-b] [1-d] [2-c] [3-b] [3-b] [3-b
D) [1-a] [2-b] [3-c] [1-a] [2-b] [3-c] [2-b] [3-c] [3-c

25. What is the indicator commonly used to estimate the economic wealth of
a country called?
A) Purchasing power.
B) Gross domestic product per capita.
C) Human Development Index.
D) Per capita income.

26. Which of the following factors should you consider when applying for

1. Compare the credits offered by the financial market

2. Interest rate charged by the lender
3. Lending institution office hours
4. Time of loan amortization
5. To have a real estate property to support the loan.
6. Financing costs
A. 2, 4, 5
B. 2, 3, 5, 6
C. 1, 2, 4, 6
D. 1, 3, 5

27. Complete the definition by writing the missing concept.

It is the result of dividing the number of births in the year by the total
population in the same year. This rate depends on the fertility rate, which in
turn is influenced by many factors, the most relevant of which is the
educational and cultural level of society. Refers to the rate of:

A) Dynamics.
B) Sociology.
C) Birth rate.
D) Demographics.

28. The science that aims to study human populations and deals with their
size, structure, evolution and general characteristics, considered from a
quantitative point of view is called: ___________________.

A) Culture.
B) Humanist.
C) Interpretation.
D) Demographics.

29. What is the phenomenon of leaving one's region of origin to settle in

another region called?

A) Emigration.
B) Interpretation.
C) Integration.
D) Migration.

30. AFORES are institutions that support workers in planning their


A) Utility.
B) Withdrawal.
C) Savings.
D) Tax.

31. What do you call an action that seeks to increase the amount of money?

A) Portfolio.
B) Financial.
C) Investment.
D) Economy.

32. What is the interest rate earned on the initial amount invested only?

A) Composite.
B) Economy.
C) Simple.
D) Cash.

33. What is the interest rate earned on the initial invested capital and on
interest reinvested in previous periods?

A) Simple.
B) Nominal.
C) Interest.
D) Composite.

34. The interest rate charged, considering commissions, deposits left,

among other contributions or charges attached to the credit is called:

A) Cash.
B) Nominal.
C) Composite.
D) Simple.

35. What is the interest rate that is adjusted to eliminate the effects of

A) Simple.
B) Credit.
C) Environment.
D) Real.

36. The operations of financial type by means of which a person or company

becomes creditor of a determined amount of money that has been
requested to a bank or financial entity, according to a concrete limit of
cash and during a specific term of time are denominated:

A. Savings
B. Credit
C. Active
D. Capital

37. Classify the following economic statements as true (T) or false (F)
according to each case.
1. The balance of trade is a factor that directly influences the interest
2. From the debtor's point of view, interest is the compensation he
receives for allowing another to use his money.
3. Interest is defined as the price paid for the use of money, for the use
of resources over some period of time.

A. F, F, V
B. V. F. V
C. F. V. F
D. V. V. F
38. Relate the main characteristics of a population listed in the left column to
its definition in the right column.

Features Definition
1. Density a. Graph of the number of survivors of a
population versus time.
2. Population growth curve

3. Maximum birth rate b. Number of deaths occurring under ideal

conditions, exclusively due to aging.
4. Minimum mortality
c. Graph showing the number of organisms
as a function of time.

d. A population's proprietary ability to

increase in number.
e. The greatest number of organisms that
could be produced per unit time under
ideal conditions, when there are no
limiting factors.

f. Number of individuals inhabiting a unit

area or volume.

A. [1-f] [2-c] [3-e] [4-b] [3-e] [4-b] [4-b] [4-b] [4-b] [4-b] [4-b
B. [1-f] [2-a] [3-d] [4-b] [2-a] [3-d] [4-b] [4-b
C. [1-d] [2-c] [3-e] [4-f] [1-d] [2-c] [3-e] [4-f] [4-f] [4-f
D. [1-e] [2-a] [3-f] [4-c] [1-e] [2-a] [3-f] [4-c]

39. What is the most favorable condition that a bank grants in order to
decide to open a savings account in that institution?

A. Daily balance calculations for interest payments.

B. Benefits of maintaining a minimum balance.
C. High commissions and penalties.
D. Annual rate of return as high as possible.

40. What are your reflections after reviewing the analysis of the indicators
that have direct effects on the savings and investments of the middle
class population in Mexico?
A. It is not a topic that serves any purpose, especially since your economic
situation does not allow you to invest anything.
B. Knowing and identifying these indicators can help you to help your family's
C. It is something that you may be able to use in your own business or if you
were in other family conditions.
D. That it is difficult to recognize these indicators when you hear the financial
news or read about them.

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