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Threeways Foundation Strategic Plan



[Threeways Foundation] Strategic Plan

Table of Contents

Strategic Planning Process .......................................................................................................................... 6

1. Mission, Vision, Values .................................................................................................................. 8
2. Current State Analysis .................................................................................................................... 9
3. Strategic Priorities and Activities ................................................................................................. 12
4. Prioritization of Activities............................................................................................................. 13
5. Determination of Key Performance Indicators and Targets ......................................................... 16

[Threeways Foundation] Strategic Plan


Developing a strategic plan is an important act of self-determination. It is a plan for the future that is
reflective of the needs and vision of a Threeways Foundation. Our organization is based in kalumbila
district in North-Western Province, Zambia. The plan reaffirms the mission and vision of the
community, prioritizes strategies and reconfirms values to maintain while working towards achieving the

A strategic plan acts like a road map to identify the route to take to get where the Threeways Foundation
wants to go – the vision for a better future. It also serves to help coordinate the work of the Threeways
Foundation, make efforts more effective and is an important reminder to stay true to the Threeways
Foundation values. It is recommended that it be reviewed on a regular, 5 year basis.

This strategic planning exercise is beneficial for articulating a shared vision of the Threeways Foundation
values, priorities, and activities. However, if it ends there, the Threeways Foundation will only realize a
small fraction of the b̕ enefits that might accrue through full implementation of the strategic plan. To gain
the full benefit, the strategic plan will be implemented to help guide the actions of Threeways Foundation
and the administration. This means it will remain integrated into the annual planning, decision making,
and reporting of the Threeways Foundation activities. Finally, the plan needs to remain in the minds (and
hearts) of the people.

[Threeways Foundation] Strategic Plan

Guiding principal for Threeways Foundation

The implementation of this plan will be guided by the following principles:

 Promote profitable innovation and expansion of the Threeways Foundation chicken industry
and the demand for its products.
 Leverage its leadership position and enhance its capacity to seize every opportunity to
improve efficiency throughout the value chain.
 Identify and respond to consumer expectations for value, food safety and quality, and social
values for animal care, and the environment and empowering the vulnerable.
 Build transparency and accountability in a sustainable and dynamic supply management
 Continuously improve the supply management system to reflect a changing marketplace,
while preserving its fundamental values, pillars and principles for the benefit of farmers,
stakeholders, and consumers

The Central Thrusts of The 2023–2028 Strategic Plan

This is an evolutionary plan. Flowing from the Vision, Mission and Values, the Strategic Plan
contains a number of central thrusts that provide the energy and direction for the Threeways
Foundation. These include:
 A renewed focus on profitable growth in the industry. This growth of Threeways
Foundation-grown chicken and eggs products will be driven by a clear focus on the needs
of customers and consumers.
 Leveraging the supply management platform to drive mutually-advantageous efficiency
improvements throughout the value chain.
 Continuing to maintain a supportive trade policy regime.
 Improving the effectiveness of the allocation system so that it accurately satisfies demand
plus innovation, and addresses differential growth.
 Moving the On-Farm Food Safety Assurance Program forward to deal with food
 Addressing negative press and media myths and serves to the vulnerable families and
individuals economically through mobilization and distribution of good and services.
 Creating a positive public story that highlights the commitments of farmers to social
values and consumer interests, and creates visibility and recognition in the marketplace
for Threeways Foundation-grown chicken.

[Threeways Foundation] Strategic Plan

 Cutting across all of these goals is the objective of working together as a value chain, in
recognition of the interdependence of stakeholders and the need for collaboration to
achieve success as an industry

Continuously improve the efficiency of the Threeways Foundation chicken and egg product value chain
while maintaining production in all provinces.

Improved efficiency will be essential for the industry to compete sustainably in its own marketplace
over the longer term; to optimize the assets that are in place; and to create the environment that drives
new investments in industry infrastructure. The thrust is geared to acknowledging that there is a price
gap relative to imports to which consumers and policy makers are sensitive.

Strategy 1.1
Using the platform of supply management, drive efficiency and competitiveness up and down the value
1.1.1 Facilitate the implementation of transparent, robust and fact based live prices that take into
Consideration provincial and regional differences and stand up to public scrutiny.
1.1.2 Address regional supply demands in the most efficient manner.
1.1.3 To encourage a fair and competitive market, investigate new options of supplying processors.
1.1.4 Create a value chain forum/working group to investigate efficiency initiatives to address internal
economic stresses, reduce industry-wide costs, and optimize the infrastructure that is in place.

Enhance the flexibility, effectiveness and integrity of the supply management system.
Success will be evaluated based on a number of key measures:
» Efficiency, effectiveness and integrity of the allocation system to meet market needs.
» Capacity of the system to evolve and be relevant and acceptable over time.
» Strong public and political trust and support.
» Maintenance of the integrity of the three pillars of supply management.
» Simplicity and transparency.

Strategy 2.1
Evolution and flexibility of the supply management system for chicken, egg products and other farming
2.1.1 Conclude a differential growth agreement that supports profitable growth of Threeways-
[Threeways Foundation] Strategic Plan

Foundation-grown Chicken.

2.1.2 Conduct a substantive review of the current allocation system.

» Determine what allocation changes are required to promote/facilitate growth, including innovative,
emerging or specialty markets.

Strategy 2.2
Improve the effectiveness of the allocation system.
3.2.1 Improve the effectiveness of the allocation system to provide stability of supply.
» Focus on one set of numbers that are standard across the organization
» Do a better job of allocation; more objective and data-based.
» Assess the merits of setting the allocation on a more efficient frequency.


Continue to improve the industry credentials and reputation regarding responsible stewardship and risk
Stewardship” means that we understand the responsibility that we have in terms of the consumer,
animals, and the environment, and that we act accordingly.
“Risk management” means proactively identifying, preventing, and managing major risks to chicken

Strategic Planning Process

This strategic plan represents the five year planning cycle for the Threeways Foundation and builds upon
the previous strategic plan. The key elements of the strategic planning process are outlined in Figure 1

[Threeways Foundation] Strategic Plan

Figure 1 – Strategic Planning Process

Strategic Plan

1. Mission, Vision, Values

This strategic planning process reaffirms the mission and vision of the community, the strategic priorities to
accomplish the vision, and reconfirms values to maintain as the Threeways Foundation works towards meeting
the priorities.

Threeways Foundation serves to the vulnerable families and individuals economically through mobilization and
distribution of good and services and to improve the lives of our people both today and future generations.

Vision Statement
To work with vulnerable families, youths groups, orphans and individuas to minimize hunger and
poverty through Agri-business projects. Threeways Foundation advocate and facilitates some
economical activities on behalf of vulnerable families and organizations in our local communities in
order to minimize poverty, ignorance and hunger.
Threeways Foundations serves the vulnerable families and indivivuals economically through
mobilization and distribution of goods and services.
The major reasons are to identify both local and international NGOs who can be in the position of
supporting the vulnerable through Threeways Foundations.

Values are the First Nation’s source of guidance and what it stands for. They are timeless and seldom change.

Respect Commitment Ethical

Honesty Professionalism Customer care
Putting customers first Integrity Excellence

Threeways Foundation Strategic Plan

2. Current State Analysis

Figure 3 – Current State Analysis Process (SWOT) Analysis

 Good location
 Quality affordable products
 Good marketing and sales prowess
 Committed staff personnel
 Value driven organization and mandate
 Community involvement and input
 Very good communication and accountability
 Size of population and skills within population
 Great facilities

 Limited funding
 Can’t lower prices further
 No repeat customers yet
 Insufficient housing
 Huge ambitions and modest means

Strategic Plan

 Economic development with lands and
partnerships with neighboring Nations
 Community population is young, growing and
can be instrumental in regional economic
 New beginnings and lots of room to improve
 Continuous demands for chicken and eggs

 Environmental changes (global warming,
declining fish stocks, loss of glaciers)
 Possible economic down turn that may
affect customer buying power
 Recession resulting in lack of funding,
more unemployment, and forcing the sale
of lands and other assets to support
programs or services

Threeways Foundation Strategic Plan


P-: Political
E-: Economic
S-: Social
T-: Technology
E-: Environment
L-: Legal

Strategic Plan

3. Strategic Priorities and Activities

i. Priority: Self-Determination for and by the Threeways Foundation

Activities to achieve this priority:

a. Bring membership code to ratification vote

b. Bring the financial administration bylaw to ratification vote
c. Approve and implement the Threeways Foundation’s Leadership Policy
d. Increase own-source revenues
e. Initiate a constitution development process
f. Develop a central database for information and improve overall data management

ii. Priority: Maximize personal economic choice and opportunity

Activities to achieve this priority:

a. Increase the number of community members in trades training and apprenticeships

b. Provide business training and support for community members
c. Increase the number of member owned small business operating in the territory and support
current community owned small business

iii. Priority: Maximize economic opportunity for community benefit.

Activities to achieve this priority:

a. Develop and ratify a strategy to outline how profits and lump-sum payments will be used to benefit
the community
b. Create community support for the land development strategy
c. Develop a comprehensive, long-term economic development strategy for the Threeways
d. Increase the production value of on-reserve agriculture

iv. Priority: People living the “Threeways Foundation’s way of doing things”

Activities to achieve this priority:

a. Explore alternative ways to involve community members in decision making

b. Increase the number of community members utilizing the resources of the land
c. Increase the Threeways Foundation’s connection and participation with the Cultural Centre

v. Priority: Pride in a safe and secure community.

Activities to achieve this priority:

Threeways Foundation Strategic Plan

a. Reduce drug and alcohol misuse in the community

b. Decrease the number of children being removed from the community by increasing the capacity
for foster care within the community
c. Decrease the incidents of violence
d. Improve emergency operations

4. Skill and Training

 Threeways Foundation is positioned to support these priorities by:

Providing training to vulnerable women and youths in various skills such as block making,
Welding, Mechanics, Agriculture, Electrician, Driving, Accounts, Literacy and numeracy,
Cooperatives, Business course and other skills.
 Partnering with TEVETA, businesses, industry and education organisations to collaboratively
build capability and respond to rapid technological advancements.
 Responding to the immediate and emerging skilling needs of major stimulus programs and
areas of emerging economic significance.

This strategic plan is designed to address the above priorities, while also focussing on the broader
strategic issues we face. Technological change, Including training for digital economy, auto-
mechanics and other skills will have substantial impacts on the jobs of the future – we must be
ready for this. Similarly, we must continue to develop the vulnerable women and youths of
Kalumbila District experience, focussing our attention on ensuring our learning environments
are enhanced by technology and the vulnerable women and youths experience is a seamless one.
The importance of Threeways Foundation within the community is reflected in our strategic
priorities to develop Aboriginal vulnerable women and youth’s outcomes, respond to the needs of
disadvantaged and underserved members of our community, and support local businesses and
The lever to success in our strategic plan will be our staff. Driving a culture of quality, that
embraces our values of integrity, excellence, agility and innovation is vital to the success of our
plan. We are fortunate to have a diverse and talented workforce; however, we are cognisant
of the challenges of large organisations in building a resilient culture, facing change and ensuring
quality and integrity remain integral to our operations.

Strategic Plan

Threeways Foundation Strategic Plan

5. Prioritization of Activities

Figure 4 – Activity Prioritization Process

The above analysis is organized into tables shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 – Activity Table

Strategic Priority:

Estimated Estimated Risk Mitigation

Activities Owner Timeline
Benefits Costs Measures

Based upon each activity’s cost/benefit analysis, the Threeways Foundation can now prioritize all of the
activities identified for each strategic priority. This prioritization of activities will be reflected in the multi-year
financial plan as well as the annual budget, which are described in more detail in separate documents.
Strategic Plan

6. Determination of Key Performance Indicators and Targets

Based on the strategic priority, each activity have specific key performance indicators that are S.M.A.R.T. -
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely, making the vision more concrete by defining how success
is measured. Performance indicators are used to monitor progress towards strategic priorities, closing the gap
between the current state and the future state, as defined by the vision. They will help track the realization of
strategic priorities, measuring the progress towards realizing the vision. Performance indicators focus on desired
outcomes for strategic priorities. Outcomes focus on what difference is being made.

Significant Changes between Previous 5 Year Plan and Current 5 Year Plan

Mission and Vision Statement: There are no changes: the mission and vision statement remains powerful and have
not changed since developed and continue to resonate. They are viewed as a good, long-term (20+ years) mission
and vision statement.

5 Year Activities: The previous strategic plan contained activities; the new strategic plan contains __ activities.
The __ activities contained within the current strategic plan are a mix of new ideas, modifications to preexisting
activities and inclusion of some that that did not have enough progress in the last strategic plan term. The increase
in activities is reflective of greater participation and input in establishing the activities, and more specific and
measurable targets.

Threeways Foundation Strategic Plan

Appendix A - Annual Goal Setting & Budget Planning Template

Strategic Priority: Pride in a safe and secure community.

Activity: Decrease the number of the children removed from the community by increasing the capacity for the Threeway
Foundation’s foster care.

Annual goals Activities required Lead staff responsible for the Others to contribute Financial resources required
to achieve the goal activities

2 more foster homes in the First Nation

Determine what administrative capacity

is required to move toward community
based mediations with families rather
than the court system

Build awareness of the need for taking

responsibility and having more foster
homes within the community

Provide support for foster parents by

creating a foster parent support group

Recognition of caregivers in community

Strategic Plan

Strategic priority: Maximum personal economic choice.

Activities: Increase the number of small business operating on reserve.

Annual goal Activities required to Lead staff responsible for Others to contribute Financial resources required
achieve the goal the goal

Identify and promote small

business opportunities in area

Provide access to seed capital

Offer support with business

plan writing

Provide business courses

Leadership increases
awareness of their role in
creating an environment for
small business to flourish


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