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Admas University

Compiled by Zinashbizu L. (Ph.D) 12/7/2022

Business Research Methods

By :Zinashbizu Lemma (Ph.D.)

Chapter One

Compiled by Zinashbizu L. (Ph.D) 12/7/2022

Research Methods:
An Introduction

Expected outcome of the chapter

 Up on the completion the chapter the students

Compiled by Zinashbizu L. (Ph.D) 12/7/2022

will be able to:
 Define research
 Explain types of research
 Describe motivation of doing research
 Discuss scientific method in research
 Describe research Process
Meaning of research

Compiled by Zinashbizu L. (Ph.D) 12/7/2022

Brainstorming question

 What is research?

Meaning of research

⚫ According to Hertz:

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◦ Research is the application of human
intelligence in a systematic manner to a
problem whose solution is not immediately

Meaning of research….
⚫ According to Woody:
◦ Research is an activity comprises of:

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◦ defining and redefining problems
◦ formulating hypothesis or suggested
◦ collecting, organizing and evaluating data
◦ making deduction and reaching at
conclusion to determine whether they fit the
formulated hypothesis 6
Meaning of research…..
⚫ According to Klopsteg:
 Research is:
 original and creative intellectual activity,

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 carried out in the laboratory, the library or
in the field

 which endeavors to discover new facts

and to apprise and interpret them
properly in the light of previous
Types of Research

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Brainstorming question

 What are the types of research?

Types of Research
⚫ Generallyresearch can be classified on the basis of
the following traits.
• Fundamental Research
Out come of the research

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• Applied research
• Exploratory research (Pilot Survey)
• Descriptive Research
• Analytic research
• Predictive research

Environment research • Field research

conducted • Laboratory research
• Simulation research

Time required • One -time research

• Longitudinal research
• Qualitative research
Process of research
• Quantitative research
1. Out come of the research:
i. Fundamental Research

 Fundamental research: is also called academic or

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basic or Pure research
 aimed at investigating or search for new
principles and laws

 it focused on the advancement of

 mainly concerned with generalization and
formulation of a theory 10
1. Out come of the research:
i. Fundamental Research…..

 it answers the initial question of how

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things work.

 It is theoretical type not a practical one.

 it can be seen in medicine, education,

psychology, technology,…
1. Out come of the research:
i. Fundamental Research

Compiled by Zinashbizu L. (Ph.D) 12/7/2022

A research to discover the components of the
human DNA. –Science
⚫ How do teaching methods affect student's
concentration in class? – Education

⚫ To what extent does caffeine consumption affect

classroom concentration?- Psychology
⚫ An investigation into the symptoms of Corona 12
virus. - Health
1. Out come of the research:
ii. Applied research

⚫ Applied research:

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◦ aimed at finding a solution for an immediate
problem facing a society, a group or industry
(business organization).
◦ is designed to answer specific questions aimed
at solving practical problems.
◦ is the implementation of theoretical study
upon a problematic situation. 13
1. Out come of the research:
ii. Applied research….

⚫ Itapplied its theories and facts to know about the

nature of the problem and give a concrete shape

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for the solution.

⚫ the researcher takes extra care to identify a

problem, develop a research hypothesis and goes
ahead to test these hypotheses.

⚫ applied research discovers the application of

scientific methods in solving some social,
economical or any other problems
1. Out come of the research:
ii. Applied research….
Eg, Research:
 toimprove workplace efficiency and

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organizational policies. –Business

 way to improve student’s classroom

concentration.- Education

 to treat or cure Covid 19.- Health Science

2. On the basis of the purpose:
i. Exploratory research (Pilot Survey)

 Exploratory research (Pilot Survey): is also

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called preliminary research

 is aimed at discovering, identifying and

formulating a research problem and

 When there are few or no studies that can be

referred such research is needed. 16
2. On the basis of the purpose:
ii. Descriptive Research

 The main purpose of such research is description

of the state of nature or affairs, as it exists at

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 In social science and business research we often

use the term ex-post facto research for descriptive
 The main characteristic of such research is that the
researcher has no control over the variables;
he/she can only report what has happened or what 17
is happening.
2. On the basis of the purpose:
ii. Descriptive Research

 Ex-post facto studies also include attempts by

researchers to discover causes though they

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cannot control the variables

 Explanatory research is the most common type

of research method and is responsible for
establishing cause-and-effect relationships that
allow generalizations to be extended to similar
2. On the basis of the purpose:
ii. Descriptive Research …

 Descriptive studies answer what, who, where

and when question

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 Example:
o what is the rate of absenteeism among a
particular group of workers?

o What is the level of customer compliant?

2. On the basis of the purpose:
iii. Analytic research

 It goes beyond simple description of the state of nature.

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 When a researcher encounters an issue that is already
known and have a description of it, you may begin to
ask ―why” things are the way they are.
 It uses facts or information already available, and
analyzes them to make a critical evaluation of the
 Not only describe the characteristics, but also it
analyzes and explains why and how it happened or is 20
2. On the basis of the purpose:
iii. Analytic research…

⚫ Goals of analytical research

 To determine the accuracy of a principle or a theory

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 To advance knowledge about an underling process
 To link different issues or topics under a common
general statement
 To build and elaborate a theory so it becomes more
 To extend a theory or principle into new areas or issues
 To provide evidence to support or refute an
explanation or prediction 21
2. On the basis of the purpose:
iii. Analytic research…

🞄 E.g.,
 How can we reduce the numbers of

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complaints made by customers?

 How can the absentee rate among employees

be reduced?

 Why is the introduction of empowerment

seen as a threat by departmental managers ? 22
2. On the basis of the purpose:
iii. Analytic research….

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2. On the basis of the purpose:
iii. Analytic research…

A. Case studies:
◦ A case study is an in-depth study of one person, group, or

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◦ In a case study, nearly every aspect of the subject's life

and history is analyzed to seek patterns and causes of

◦ Mostly data involved are qualitative data about a few

2. On the basis of the purpose:
iii. Analytic research…

A. Case studies:…

Compiled by Zinashbizu L. (Ph.D) 12/7/2022

◦ Case studies can be used in various fields, including
psychology, medicine, education, anthropology, political
science, business and social work.

◦ Example: Research question:

◦ How can teachers implement active learning

strategies in classrooms?
◦ Case study of a local school that promotes active
2. On the basis of the purpose:
iii. Analytic research…
B. Tracer Study
◦ Tracer study is also known as follow up study.

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◦ aims at investigating the subsequent
development of individuals after a specified
treatment or condition
◦ For example, a tracer study might be designed to track
individuals who have received vocational training in
order to find out:
◦whether or how they use the training, and 26
◦how their lives progress over time.
2. On the basis of the purpose:
iv. Predictive research
 Such research goes beyond explaining why and

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how things happened.

 It predicts (forecast) the possible (probability of)

happening similar situation in other places.

 It tries to explain about the probability of

happening similar thing in the future. 27
3. On the basis of the environment in which the
research is carried out research
i. Field research

 It is a research carried out in the field.

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 Such research is common in social science,
agricultural science, history and

3. On the basis of the environment in which the
research is carried out research
ii. Laboratory research

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 It is a research carried out in the laboratory.

 These are commonly experimental research.

 Such researches are common in medical science,

agriculture and in general in natural sciences.

3. On the basis of the environment in which the
research is carried out research
iii. Simulation research

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 Such research uses models to represent the real

 Simulation is common in physical science,

economics and mathematics.

4. On the basis of the time required to complete the

i. One -time research

◦ It is a research limited to a single time period

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ii. Longitudinal research
◦ Such research is also called on-going research.

◦ It is a research carried out over several time

5. On the basis of the process of research: on the
basis of data used
i. Qualitative research

 Qualitative research is concerned with

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qualitative phenomenon.

 Such research is applicable for phenomenon that

cannot be expressed in terms of quantity.

 Things related to quality and kind.

5. On the basis of the process of research: on the
basis of data used
i. Qualitative research….

 Research designed to find out how people feel

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or what they think about a particular subject or
institution is an example of such research.
o Example: A marketing organization presents a
new commercial to a focus group before airing
it publicly to receive feedback.
o The company collects non-numerical data—
the opinions of the focus group participants—
to make decisions.
5. On the basis of the process of research: on the
basis of data used
ii. Quantitative Research

 It is based on the measurement of quantity or

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 It is applicable for phenomenon that can be
expressed in term of quantity.
o Example: A car manufacturer compares the number
of sales of red automobiles compared to white
o The research uses objective data—the sales figures
for red and white automobiles—to draw
Motivation of doing research

Compiled by Zinashbizu L. (Ph.D) 12/7/2022

Brainstorming question

 What motivates researchers to conduct


Motivation of doing research
⚫ Researchis not a trouble-free duty rather it is
time consuming, tiresome and expensive

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⚫ Sowhat are the possible motives of individuals to

undertake research work?

Motivation of doing research
1 • Desire to get degree with its consequential benefit

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• Desire to get respect and promotion – publish or
2 perish
• Desire to face a challenge in solving the unsolved
3 problem
• Desire to get intellectual joy of doing some creative
4 work
• Employment condition- Some employers set as
5 criteria at least one publication in international
6 • Directive of government 37
Research and Scientific method
⚫ These two terms, are closely related.
⚫ Theresearcher is not interested in particular results

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 the repeatability and validity of results and
 their application to more complicated and
general solutions.
⚫ Research methodology and technique are mostly
different from one science to another or can be
different from research to research
⚫ Thephilosophy common to all research methodology
and technique is called Scientific methods.
Steps in scientific method
 Observation:
◦ the first or initial step in the scientific

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method is a minute and careful observation
of the subject matter of research.

 Recording:
◦ The next step is a careful recording of all
information (data) obtained in the first step

Steps in scientific method…
 Classification:
◦ the collected data have to be classified and

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◦ The classification implies systematically

arranging and organizing the recorded data
on the logical basis so that they will become
viable for the analysis and to make
Steps in scientific method…
 Generalization:
◦ It is an extension of general laws and

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principles on the basis of the pattern
exhibited by the classified material.

◦ This general law is known as scientific law.

Steps in scientific method…
 Verification:
◦ the scientific method does not stop only at the

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formulation of general law.

◦ The general principle must be also verified.

◦ The validity of scientific principles can be

confirmed by examination.
Research Processes

Compiled by Zinashbizu L. (Ph.D) 12/7/2022

Brainstorming question
 What could be the steps in research process?

Research Processes
 Research processes consist of a series of actions or steps,
which are necessary to successfully carry out research

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 The research processes consist of a number of closely
related activities.
 These activities (steps) can overlap continuously rather
than following a strictly prescribed sequence.
 They do not necessarily follow each other in any
specific order
 The first step can determine the nature of the last step to
be undertaken.
 These steps are not separate and distinct.
Steps in the research process
Identify the Research • What decision (s) must be made;
Problem • why is the information needed?
Establish Research • What information is needed to improve the
Objectives quality of this decision?

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Decide Research • What is the best and most cost-effective
Strategy way to gather this information?
• What specific steps must be taken to gather
Prepare a Research Plan
this information?
Conduct a Literature • Investigate and evaluate how other
Review researchers have looked at the issue

• Monitor and manage the process to be sure

Gather the Data
the right data are collected

Analyze and Interpret • What do these data mean, specifically in

the Data terms of the problem?
Prepare and Present the • What impact does this information have on
Findings the decision to be made?
Research process summery
What –what will be studied ? • 1. Introduction
What about –what aspect of • Research problem
the subject will be studied? • Research justification
What for – what will be the

• Research objective
significance of the study?

Compiled by Zinashbizu L.
What did prior research • 2. Litrature review
What will be done? • 3. Methods and methodology
How will the study be Sampling, Data collection, Data analysis
• 4. Result and Discussion
What is found? • 5. Implication
So what? • 6. Conclusion, recommendation, 46
What now? future research direction
Thank you!
End of the chapter

Compiled by Zinashbizu L. (Ph.D) 12/7/2022


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