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According to the case analyzed "Training as a Form of

Updating and Self Updating", it can be observed that when working

with adults, we must consider the needs they have,
the learning rhythms, and the paradigms they have.
In the case at hand, the instructor could try to get the
participants involved from their own perspective. As well as
review and update socially constructed assumptions, personal
beliefs and values related to the experience or problem to
be able to arrive at a situation where teachers feel comfortable
with the new experience they are helping to build.
Speaking of the case analyzed and of experiences that you have
had as an education professional, a very important aspect of
an educational intervention, is the evaluation of the same, since this
will allow us to know if the intervention met the objective
set out.
What should the evaluation of an intervention program look like at

Select one:
The evaluation process should be based on the design of valid and
reliable information gathering instruments
, so that
based on their results, we can make the pertinent decisions to improve,
replace or recycle our program

The evaluation process should be carried out based on the criteria of the
person who designed the program, since he/she knows better than
anyone else whether
the program works or not or whether it requires modifications according
to his/her
The evaluation process should be carried out by obtaining information
informally from
, asking the participants if they liked or disliked the
course, and then reaching a consensus among the participants to
to define what could be improved.

The evaluation process should be based on the design of

instruments to obtain information that we copy from other
works, so that we can make the pertinent decisions, whether it be to
improve, replace or recycle our program,

Why is it important to establish congruence between each and every

of the parts of an educational intervention program aimed at

After analyzing last week's case where the needs of adult learners were identified, it is very
important to have congruence throughout the program in which all the skills and abilities with the
use of new technologies are analyzed, as well as the collaborative and cooperative work among
adults. to work with personalized and functional individual strategies, recovering principles, goals,

To share experiences, knowledge and in this way achieve the objective and from this start working
to demonstrate the training strategy in a congruent way, through diversity.

Why should we include competencies to be developed or increased in the

case of an educational intervention program aimed at adults?

develop individual digital skills in their educational practice, on the use of digital resources.

positive interdependence as experiences are shared within the group.

What is the importance of the evaluation of a

educational intervention program aimed at adults?

self-evaluation according to the knowledge of each of the teachers, the main idea is to know the
previous knowledge in the beginning phase, after that in the development phase each of the
teachers of the program directed to adults is evaluated and co-evaluated, and finally in the closing
phase the final evaluation and follow-ups are carried out.The evaluation instruments can include a
checklist, a performance or product evaluation, a rubric instrument, and a rating scale.

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