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Combined oral contraceptives: If the patient misses taking a pill, you should advise her: The correct
answer is: Take it immediately at any time, no matter what time it is.

2. Progestin-only oral contraceptives: Do you consider it important to contact the user of progestin-only
oral contraceptives (POCs) after a while?
The correct answer is: Yes, because if the user stops breastfeeding at any time the effectiveness of the method
may be reduced.

3. PAU: If the patient took a PAU (for example, ulipristal acetate), the health care professional may
recommend the provision of a hormonal contraceptive method, such as combined birth control pills. When
should I start them?
The correct answer is: 6 days after taking the PAU

4. Progesterone injectable: When can a progestin-only injectable be given to a woman who has just given
The correct answer is: You can put it in after six weeks after giving birth.

5. combined injectables: If a woman partially feeds her child with breast milk (since it also incorporates
other fluids) and wants to start using monthly injectables, when could she do it? The correct answer is: Six
weeks after delivery

6. Patch: The combined contraceptive patch...can it cause irritation or redness in the woman's vagina?
The correct answer is: Yes, it may be possible. It can even cause vaginitis (inflammation in the vagina).

7. Combined Contraceptive Vaginal Ring: What happens if the user has had the ring in place for more than
four weeks? For example, for 33 days.
The correct answer is: You should put on a new ring and skip the ring-free week. No backup method is needed.

8. Progesterone vaginal ring: Can the progesterone-releasing vaginal ring be removed for sexual
The correct answer is: Yes, it can be removed but it must be replaced within a maximum of two hours after
having sexual relations.

9. Implants: Among the characteristics of implants, we find various functions. One of the following
statements is NOT correct. Choose which one.
The correct answer is: They help prevent endometrial cancer

10. Copper IUD: Can a woman who has HIV use a Copper T IUD?
The correct answer is: Yes, you can use it only if you do not have a serious clinical illness as well.

11. LNG IUD: Is a follow-up visit necessary after insertion?

The correct answer is: Yes, between the third and sixth week after the IUD insertion or after the first

12. Female sterilization: Surgical sterilization helps protect against…

The correct answer is: ovarian cancer

13. Vasectomy: Can the ends where the vas deferens were cut be put back together?

The correct answer is: Yes, and in that case, there is a risk that the woman will become pregnant.

14. Male condom: If the male condom user reports that the condom came off, you can ask him…
The correct answer is: At what moment did he remove the penis. Because if you wait too long, the chance of the
condom coming off may increase.

15. Female condom: How many hours/minutes before can the female condom be put on?
The correct answer is: Up to 8 hours before.

16. Spermicide and Diaphragm: If the woman has recently given birth, when can she start using the
The correct answer is: From the sixth week postpartum.

17. Cervical caps: At least how many hours should the cervical cap be left in place after the couple's last
The correct answer is: 6 hours minimum and less than 48 hours.

18. Methods based on fertility awareness: Menstrual cycles can last…

The correct answer is: from 26 to 32 days

19. Withdrawal intercourse: In which cases is the use of this method not recommended?
The correct answer is: premature ejaculation

20. Lactational amenorrhea method: In order for a woman to use the lactational amenorrhea method, three
questions must be asked. Which of these does not apply?
The correct answer is: Are you an HIV carrier?

21. Attention to diverse groups: All adolescents of both sexes must have access to sexual and reproductive
health services…
The correct answer is: …and the professional must ask you open and comprehensive questions.

22. STIs: The microorganisms that cause sexually transmitted infections are transmitted through body fluids
and secretions. Which of these do NOT transmit infections?
The correct answer is: Urine

23. Maternal and neonatal health: How many visits are recommended in prenatal care?
24. The correct answer is: At least schedule 8 contacts.

25. Reproductive health: The health professional's response to a woman who is experiencing violence
should be:
The correct answer is: Offer you first-line support, which involves practical care.

26. Contraceptive services: With which of the following methods is it important to perform a vaginal
examination beforehand?
The correct answer is: Female sterilization.

27. Provision of contraceptive counseling in epidemics: It is important to continue providing counseling even
in the context of epidemics. Which of the following methods could women not place themselves independently?
The correct answer is: Vaginal rings

28. Contraception for women at high risk for HIV: In high-HIV settings, how often is it recommended that a
woman get tested for HIV?
The correct answer is: Every year

29. combined injectables: Which of the following expected effects is associated with monthly injectables?
The correct answer is: Breast tenderness

30. PAU: Teach the woman to take the PAU. For example, if we give you emergency pills with two doses,
we must tell them to take one immediately and then the next...:
The correct answer is: At 12 o'clock.

31. Female condom: In addition to latex, there are nitrile and polyurethane condoms. It is important to take
them into account because some women or men may be allergic to latex, so the health professional should
evaluate offering them these alternatives. If a woman is offered a polyurethane condom, which of these
lubricants should the health care professional NOT recommend?
The correct answer is: None, You can use any.

32. Combined oral contraceptives: Which of the following characteristics can be recognized as an expected
effect of combined oral contraceptives (COCs).?
The correct answer is: Acne and mood changes.

33. Progesterone oral contraceptives: If the woman returns to the health facility because she has irregular
bleeding, how should the health professional handle the situation?
The correct answer is: You can give doses of ibuprofen (800 mg) three times a day to try to relieve symptoms.

34. PAU: A woman calls the emergency room because she is vomiting after taking progestin-only PAUs.
The doctor asked her how long she had been taking the emergency contraceptive pills and she replied that it
had been four hours ago, around noon. What should the professional tell you?
The correct answer is: There is no need to take another dose, because more than two hours have passed since
you took them.

35. Progesterone Injectable: Can Self-Injection Be Possible?

The correct answer is: Yes, but only subcutaneous injection of DMPA with the Uniject system.

36. combined injectables: How many days can the user delay getting a monthly injectable again?
The correct answer is: 1 week (seven days)

37. Patch: When does a woman regain fertility when she stops using combined contraceptive patches?
The correct answer is: Immediately

38. Combined Contraceptive Vaginal Ring: Which of the following is not an expected effect that the
combined contraceptive vaginal ring can cause?
The correct answer is: Vomiting/dizziness.

39. Progesterone vaginal ring: When is it feasible for a woman to insert it after childbirth?

The correct answer is: Between the fourth and ninth week after giving birth. However, it is always recommended
to at least try to wait until the sixth week postpartum.

40. Implants: Which of the following statements are correct? Regarding advice on the expected effects, you
can inform the user that...
The correct answer is: Don't worry, the signs may disappear over time, although if they persist or are very
bothersome, you can return for a consultation.

41. Copper IUD: Which of the following characteristics may not correspond to the functions that the TCu
380 A IUD can fulfill?
The correct answer is: Helps combat iron deficiency anemia.
42. LNG IUD: Is the levonorgestrel IUD recommended for women who have heavy bleeding periods?
The correct answer is: Yes, because it could help reduce bleeding.

43. Female sterilization: “If the woman has hyperthyroidism, it is better for the health professional to delay
surgical sterilization.” The next statement is…
The correct answer is: Female surgical sterilization can be performed without any problem, although you must
act with caution.

44. Vasectomy: Which of the following points does not belong to what is stated in a medical consent that is
signed prior to performing the vasectomy?
The correct answer is: “You should know that once you sign the consent, there is no turning back.”

45. Male condom: To what extent do male condoms protect against HIV infection?
The correct answer is: Between 80% to 95%

46. Female condom: Can the female condom be used while a woman is menstruating? The correct answer
is: Yes, but it cannot be used at the same time as a tampon (if the woman has one). You must remove the
tampon before putting on the female condom.

47. Spermicide and Diaphragm: When should a woman apply the gel (spermicide. before having a sexual
The correct answer is: Up to one hour before having sexual intercourse.

48. Cervical caps: The cervical cap…

The correct answer is: if it is used with spermicides, it is more effective.

49. Methods based on fertility awareness: The woman must record the number of days of each cycle of
each menstrual cycle during…
The correct answer is: six months at least.

50. Withdrawal: What should the advice on the withdrawal method be like?
The correct answer is: It would be important for both men and women to participate and learn.

51. Lactational amenorrhea method: In the first months, how many feedings are recommended to give to
the infant and is this method then more effective in postpartum women?
The correct answer is: Between 8 and 10 doses a day.

52. Attention to various groups: Is it recommended for adolescents to use a copper IUD?
The correct answer is: Yes, it is possible. Age alone does not prevent this.

53. STIs: Which of the following STIs cannot be cured?

The correct answer is: Those infections caused by viruses

54. Maternal and neonatal health: Both women and newborns should receive postnatal care. Several visits
are recommended after delivery. When should they be?
The correct answer is: Within 24 hours; after 3 days; on days 7 to 14 after delivery and at six weeks.

55. Reproductive health: If the woman suffers violence, the health professional is trained to detect it. It is
important that you accompany the woman, because repeated violence can cause…
The correct answer is: Pain during sexual relations

56. Contraceptive services: Can a nurse provide contraceptive services?

The correct answer is: Yes, especially in communities where there are not many professionals available.

57. Contraception for women at high risk of contracting HIV: Read the following statement and indicate
which definition it responds to: “it refers to the rate of new cases of infection because they occur in a specific
population over a given period of time”
The correct answer is: HIV incidence

58. Progesterone injectable: For some women, it is sometimes not advisable to indicate the use of
progestin-only injectables. Or at least, the risks they run should be made clear to them. Which of these?
The correct answer is: Women who are at risk of contracting HIV.

59. Copper IUD: If a woman has recently given birth (72 hours ago) and wants to start using a Copper IUD,
when can she do so?
The correct answer is: Depending on your situation, you should wait at least four weeks after giving birth.

60. Contraceptive services: The concept of task sharing (addressed in module 25) refers to expanding the
levels of health professionals who can adequately provide health services. How could it benefit if the
competent tasks of contraceptive services are diversified and there are more people capable of providing
The correct answer is: This addresses the shortage and unequal distribution of professionals, particularly in rural
and remote areas.

61. Combined oral contraceptives: If a woman gave birth a week ago but will not give breast milk to the
newborn (either due to a personal/biological/anatomical situation, such as, for example, she did not generate
milk), when should the professional recommend that start combined oral contraceptives again?
The correct answer is: Between 21 and 28 days after delivery.

62. Progestin-only oral contraceptives: If the woman is exclusively breastfeeding and her menstruation has
not yet returned, she can begin taking progestin-only pills (POPs). But when should you do it?
The correct answer is: At any time in case of difficulty of access.

63. PAU: Which of the following statements is incorrect?: The correct answer is: “PAUs could cause
infertility if used too often.”

64. Progesterone Injectable: Which of the following locations cannot be given a subcutaneous injection of
DMPA with the Uniject system?
The correct answer is: Gluteus

65. combined injectables: When does fertility return after stopping monthly injectables? The correct answer
is: It takes approximately five months.

66. Patch: A very important part of supporting the ongoing user is to ask if she is satisfied with the method.
Additionally, your healthcare professional should tell you how often you should change the patch…
The correct answer is: You should change it every week, always on the same day of the week (for example,
every Monday). This must be done for three consecutive weeks.

67. Combined Contraceptive Vaginal Ring: The ring cannot be removed until the third week... The correct
answer is: Yes, it can be removed, but it cannot remain outside the vagina for more than 48 hours. It is important
to wash it with soap and water before replacing it.

68. Progesterone vaginal ring: How long should the progesterone-releasing ring remain in the vagina?
The correct answer is: Three months
69. Implants: A woman has irregular bleeding and returns for a consultation to treat this expected effect. He
argues that he has been trying taking ibuprofen 800 mg five times a day, after each meal, but that does not
stop him. What should the health professional do?
The correct answer is: You can suggest taking combined oral contraceptives containing levonorgestrel for 21

70. Copper IUD: If the Copper T IUD is used as emergency contraception, at what point should it be
inserted into the woman's body?
The correct answer is: Up to five days after having sexual relations.

71. LNG IUD: The user may return to the health facility due to pelvic inflammatory disease. How can we
identify that?
72. The correct answer is: Because the user comments that she has nausea and pain in the lower
The correct answer is: Surgical sterilization does not affect a woman's sexual behavior.

73. Vasectomy: What procedures are necessary to perform on a man before having a vasectomy?
The correct answer is: genital examination

74. Male condom: Lubrication helps promote condom use. There are three ways to lubricate. Which of
these does not apply?
The correct answer is: using soapy water

75. Female condom: Among the characteristics of female condoms, there is…
The correct answer is: They can be placed beforehand, so they do not interrupt sexual intercourse.

76. Spermicide and Diaphragm: The diaphragm can help protect against:
The correct answer is: Some STIs (chlamydia, freeloading).

77. Cervical caps: It is less effective…

The correct answer is: in women who have already given birth.

78. Fertility awareness-based methods: If the woman takes medications (for example, for thyroid), can she
use this method normally?
The correct answer is: It is recommended that you do not use it, postpone it, or handle it with caution.

79. Withdrawal intercourse: Withdrawal intercourse is:

The correct answer is: one of the methods that has the highest pregnancy rate

80. Lactational amenorrhea method: Can women with HIV infection use the lactational amenorrhea
The correct answer is: Yes, as long as they receive antiretroviral treatment to avoid transmitting HIV to the

81. Attention to diverse groups: For health professionals who provide contraceptive services, men are
important only because they can influence the decisions of many women, either by supporting or interfering.
The correct answer is: False, they are also important for their user quality

82. STIs: Who can benefit from talking about the prevention of sexually transmitted infections? The correct
answer is: Both

83. Maternal and neonatal health: How long is it recommended that women wait to have a new pregnancy?
The correct answer is: 24 months.

84. Reproductive health: Those women who have undergone an intentional abortion need very careful
support and counseling. What should the professional not do?
The correct answer is: Try to know the reasons that led you to make that decision.

85. Contraceptive services: Which of the following methods is the least effective?
The correct answer is: Diaphragm

86. Methods based on fertility awareness: Vaginal secretions determine women's fertile days. When can a
woman have sex again using a fertility awareness method?
The correct answer is: 48 hours after you stop having vaginal secretions.

87. Attention to various groups: How many months must have passed to consider that a woman has
reached menopause?
The correct answer is: 12 months

88. Female sterilization: When can women undergo surgical sterilization after childbirth? The correct answer
is: If seven days have passed postpartum, postpone sterilization until at least six weeks after delivery.

89. Combined oral contraceptives: Combined oral contraceptives: Can a woman who is HIV positive use
The correct answer is: It depends, only if you are receiving antiretroviral treatment

90. PAU: If 100 women had sexual intercourse at least once during the second or third week, which of the
following emergency pills is the least “effective” according to its components?
The correct answer is: combined estrogen and progestin PAU

91. combined injectables: “Before instructing the patient to use monthly injectables, you should do a
gynecological examination…”. The following statement is:
The correct answer is: False, no type of procedure is necessary.

92. Combined Contraceptive Vaginal Ring: Among the characteristics of this method, it can help against…
The correct answer is: Ovarian cysts and endometrial cancer

93. Progesterone vaginal ring: Which of these signs/symptoms are not expected effects of the
progesterone-releasing vaginal ring?
The correct answer is: Headaches

94. Implants: Based on the medical eligibility criteria for the use of implants, which of these women should
not use implants?
The correct answer is: If you had breast cancer.

95. Copper IUD: What type of evaluations are necessary to perform on women before inserting a copper
The correct answer is: An STI risk assessment and a gynecological examination.

96. LNG IUD: Which of the following statements does not apply to the levonorgestrel IUD?
The correct answer is: The LNG IUD increases the risk of contracting STIs

97. Female sterilization: What procedures are necessary to perform before female surgical sterilization?
The correct answer is: A gynecological examination, vaginal examination and measurement of blood pressure.

98. Vasectomy: How long does a vasectomy start to take effect?

The correct answer is: Three months after the operation.

99. Female condom: If the external ring of the female condom slides in during sexual intercourse, how
should the user act?
The correct answer is: You should take it off and adjust it well.

100. Spermicide and Diaphragm: Which women cannot use spermicides?

The correct answer is: Those who are at risk of contracting infections such as HIV.

101. Fertility awareness-based methods: After a miscarriage, when

Can you start using the fixed days method?
The correct answer is: You should wait at least until your next menstruation occurs.

102. Lactational Amenorrhea Method: When Does Fertility Return After Stopping Breastfeeding?
Use the lactational amenorrhea method?
The correct answer is: This will depend on how often the woman continues to breastfeed.

103. STI: Which of the following are not expected effects of any sexually transmitted infection?
The correct answer is: Rash in areas such as the armpits.

104. Maternal and neonatal health: Maternal health: it is important that women be advised about
Postpartum contraception in prenatal care. One of the things that needs to be informed is that…
The correct answer is: If you are going to breastfeed partially, know that after four weeks you can get pregnant.

105. Reproductive health: If the woman has post-abortion infection, which of these methods
Can you start using contraceptives immediately?
The correct answer is: Female condom

106. Contraceptive services: When talking to the client about the effectiveness of the methods, the
health professional must…
The correct answer is: Compare the effectiveness of the methods in general and ask if you are able to use it

107. Progesterone vaginal ring: The user can place the ring inside the vagina herself.
If at the end, she feels or perceives it...
The correct answer is: It is possible that you did not insert it far enough into the vagina. If it was entered
correctly, you shouldn't feel it.

108. STIs: If left untreated, infections can cause:

The correct answer is: Infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease.

109. LNG IUD: During the insertion procedure, can the user…feel pain?
The correct answer is: Yes, and it is necessary to talk to her before the procedure, to warn her what can happen.
Plus, knowing beforehand would help put her mind at ease.

110. Contraceptive services: When talking to the client about the effectiveness of the methods, the
health professional must…
The correct answer is: Compare the effectiveness of the methods in general and ask if you are able to use it

111. Spermicide and Diaphragm: Which of the following spermicides cannot be used with a
The correct answer is: foaming eggs

112. Withdrawal: Check the correct statement regarding withdrawal:

The correct answer is: you should always advise that it is a method that does not protect against STIs.

113. Vasectomy: With the no-scalpel vasectomy technique, to reach the vas deferens...
The correct answer is: a single small puncture is made instead of 1 or 2 incisions in the scrotum.

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