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Worksheet Chapters 22-25 (Past Papers Questions)


(a) Explain what is meant by the term isomerism.


(b) The displayed formula of heptane (C7H16) is

Which one of the displayed formulae below does not represent an isomer of heptane?

Place a cross ( ) in the box to indicate your answer.

(c) Heptane belongs to a homologous series of compounds called alkanes.

The general formula of the alkanes is CnH2n+2

(i) Heptene belongs to a homologous series of compounds called alkenes.

Give the general formula of the alkenes.


(ii) Complete the following diagram to show the structural formula of heptene (C 7H14) by inserting lines to

represent the covalent bonds between the carbon atoms.


(d) When heptene is added to bromine water, and the mixture is shaken, a reaction occurs.

State the type of reaction and give the colour of the bromine water before and after the reaction with heptene.
Type of reaction


Colour before


Colour after

(e) Explain, in terms of the bonds present, why heptane is described as saturated and heptene as unsaturated.
(Total for Question = 11 marks)

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The alkanes are a homologous series of hydrocarbons.

The cycloalkanes are another homologous series of hydrocarbons, where the carbon atoms are arranged in a
ring structure.
Cyclopropane is the simplest cycloalkane. It can be represented as

The tables give the names and molecular formulae of the first three members of each series.

(a) One feature of a homologous series is that each member has the same general formula.

(i) What is the general formula for the homologous series of alkanes?
A CnHn
B CnH2n–2
C CnH2n
D CnH2n+2

(ii) What is the general formula for the homologous series of cycloalkanes?
Use the information from the cycloalkane table to help you answer the question.
A CnHn
B CnH2n–2
C CnH2n
D CnH2n+2

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(iii) State two other features of a homologous series of compounds.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................
2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(b) Alkanes and cycloalkanes are saturated hydrocarbons.

(i) State what is meant by the term saturated.


(ii) Draw the displayed formula for ethane, C2H6


(iii) The displayed formula for cyclopropane is

Draw a displayed formula for cyclobutane, C4H8

(c) The reaction between cyclopropane and bromine is similar to the reaction between methane and bromine.

One product of the reaction between cyclopropane and bromine is hydrogen bromide, HBr.

(i) State the condition required for this reaction to occur.


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(ii) Complete the displayed formula for the other product of this reaction.

(Total for question = 9 marks)

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A teacher explained the different types of formula used in organic chemistry, using ethene as an example.

(a) Use this example to help you write the formulae described below.

(i) The empirical formula of methane


(ii) The molecular formula of ethane


(iii) The structural formula of propane


(iv) The displayed formula of butane


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(b) All the compounds in part (a) belong to the same homologous series and have the same general formula.

(i) State the name of this homologous series.


(ii) State the general formula of this homologous series.


(iii) State two characteristics of the compounds in a homologous series, other than having the same general


(c) All the compounds in part (a) are hydrocarbons. They can undergo complete combustion when burned in

oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water.

(i) Write a chemical equation for the complete combustion of propane (C3H8).

(ii) Identify one solid product and one gaseous product that could form during the incomplete combustion of

Solid product


Gaseous product


(d) The displayed formula of pentane is

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Draw a displayed formula for each of the two isomers of pentane.

(e) When methane reacts with bromine, one of the products is hydrogen bromide.

(i) State a condition needed for this reaction.


(ii) Name the organic product of the reaction.


(iii) Write a chemical equation for the reaction.


(Total for question = 18 marks)

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The table gives some data about the first six members of a homologous series of compounds called the

(a) Complete the table by

 giving the molecular formula of hexane

 giving the relative formula mass of butane
 suggesting the boiling point of pentane (3)

(b) What does the data show about the relationship between boiling point and relative formula mass?




(c) The molecular formula of ethene is C2H4

Ethene and ethane are in different homologous series.

Explain how the formulae of these compounds show that they are in different series.


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(d) (i) In the table, draw displayed formulae for the two alkanes with the molecular formula C 4H10

(ii) What is the name given to compounds that have the same molecular formula but different displayed


(e) The reaction between ethane and bromine (Br2) is similar to the reaction between methane and bromine.

(i) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between ethane and bromine.


(ii) What is the name given to the type of reaction that occurs when ethane reacts with bromine?


(iii) Suggest the condition necessary for this reaction to occur.



(Total for Question = 12 marks)

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The table shows the displayed formulae of three unsaturated hydrocarbons.

(a) Explain the meaning of the term hydrocarbon.


(b) Explain the meaning of the term unsaturated.


(c) Compounds A, B and C belong to the same homologous series. One characteristic of the compounds in a

homologous series is that they have the same general formula.

(i) State the name of this homologous series.


(ii) State the general formula of this homologous series.


(iii) State two other characteristics of the compounds in a homologous series.


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(d) Compound C has several isomers.

(i) What is the name of compound C?


(ii) What is the molecular formula of compound C?


(iii) Explain the meaning of the term isomers.


(iv) Draw the displayed formula of an isomer of compound C.


(e) Bromine water can be used to distinguish compound A from ethane.

(i) Complete the sentence to show the colour change when compound A is bubbled through bromine water.
Bromine water changes from orange to .............................................................. .

(ii) Complete the chemical equation for the reaction between compound A and bromine water.
C2H4 + Br2 → ...........................................
(Total for Question = 14 marks)

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Crude oil is a liquid that contains a mixture of many hydrocarbons.

The diagram shows a fractionating column used in the distillation of crude oil.
The six fractions obtained are shown. One use for each of four of the fractions is also shown.

(a) Describe what is done to the crude oil before it enters the fractionating column.

(b) State how the temperature changes from the top of the column to the bottom.

(c) Give a use for gasoline and a use for bitumen.





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(d) Name the fraction that contains the largest molecules.

(e) State the physical property that allows the different fractions to be collected at different heights in the

(Total for question = 7 marks)


Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons.

(a) The diagram shows a column used in the industrial process to separate crude oil.

(i) Name the industrial process used to separate crude oil.


(ii) State a use for kerosene and a use for bitumen.



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(b) A molecule of the hydrocarbon eicosane has the formula C20H42

(i) Explain which homologous series eicosane belongs to.





(ii) Name a catalyst used in the industrial cracking of eicosane.


(iii) In a possible reaction for the cracking of eicosane, the products are three molecules of C 4H8 and one

molecule of another hydrocarbon.

Complete the equation for this reaction.

C20H42 → 3C4H8 + ...............................................

(c) Hydrocarbons can be saturated or unsaturated.

(i) Explain what is meant by the term hydrocarbon.





(ii) State what is meant by a hydrocarbon being saturated.



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(iii) Describe a chemical test used to distinguish between unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbons.







(d) The unsaturated hydrocarbon C4H8 has several isomers.

The displayed formula for one of these isomers is

(i) Name this isomer.


(ii) Draw the displayed formula of another isomer of C4H8


(Total for question = 15 marks)

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This apparatus can be used to obtain ethene by cracking a liquid alkane.

(a) What is meant by the term cracking?


(b) Give a chemical test to show that the gas collected is unsaturated.

(c) Cracking is also carried out in industry.

Give the name of the catalyst and the temperature used in the catalytic cracking of hydrocarbons.


(Total for question = 5 marks)

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The diagram shows a typical fractionating column used to separate crude oil into fractions.

(a) The diagram shows the names of some of the fractions.

State the name of fraction A and the name of fraction F.

fraction A ..................................................................................................................................

fraction F .................................................................................................................................

(b) Most compounds in crude oil are hydrocarbons.

State the meaning of the term hydrocarbons.


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(c) Describe how the boiling point, colour and viscosity of the fuel oil fraction differ from those of the gasoline

(d) Some fuel oil undergoes catalytic cracking. This involves the conversion of long-chain alkanes into alkenes
and short-chain alkanes.
(i) A temperature of about 650°C is used in this process.

Identify a catalyst that is used.


(ii) The alkane tridecane can be cracked to produce octane and two different alkenes.

Complete the equation to show the formulae of the two alkenes.


(e) When hydrocarbons undergo incomplete combustion, a poisonous gas can form.

(i) State the condition that causes incomplete combustion.


(ii) Identify the poisonous gas.


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(iii) Explain why this gas is poisonous.



(f) Another problem with using hydrocarbon fuels is the formation of substances that cause an environmental
problem. This sequence of equations shows how one of these substances forms.

S + O2 → SO2

2SO2 + O2 → 2SO3

SO3 + H2O → H2SO4

(i) State the name of the product of each of these reactions.

SO2 ........................................................................................................................................

SO3 ........................................................................................................................................

H2SO4 ........................................................................................................................................

(ii) Describe one environmental problem caused by the H 2SO4 formed.





(Total for question = 17 marks)

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The diagram shows the separation of crude oil into fractions.

(a) What is the name of this method of separation?


(b) Complete the table by giving the correct fraction, A, B, C, D, E or F, for each description.

You may use each letter once, more than once or not at all.

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(c) State the relationship between the number of carbon atoms per molecule and the boiling point of the


(Total for question = 5 marks)


The table shows the structures of six organic compounds, A to F.

(a) The letter of the compound in the table that is not shown as a displayed formula is ..............................

(b) (i) State what is meant by the term hydrocarbon, and give the letter of one compound in the table that is not

a hydrocarbon.




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(ii) State what is meant by the term unsaturated, and give the letter of one compound in the table that is






(iii) State what is meant by the term isomers, and give the letters of two compounds in the table that are

isomers of each other.




Letters ......................................................................................... and


(c) Some of the compounds in the table are members of the same homologous series.

(i) One feature of a homologous series is that adjacent members have formulae that differ by CH2

State two other features of members of the same homologous series.





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(ii) Give the letters of two adjacent members of the same homologous series shown in the table.
Letters ......................................................................................... and


(d) (i) Compound G has the molecular formula C2H4Br2

It can be made from a compound in the table by a reaction that does not need UV light.

Draw the displayed formula of compound G.


(ii) Compound H reacts with bromine to form one of the compounds in the table.

The reaction needs UV light.

Draw the displayed formula of compound H.


(Total for Question = 14 marks)

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The table shows the displayed formulae of some organic compounds.

(a) Explain why all of these compounds are described as hydrocarbons.


(b) Why are B and E described as unsaturated?


(c) Which letter represents the first member of the homologous series of alkanes?

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(d) Which letters represent compounds that have the empirical formula CH 2?

(e) Compound F has the same general formula as an alkene.

Why does F not decolourise bromine water?


(f) One of the compounds in the table reacts with bromine to form G, a compound with the composition by

mass C = 22.2%, H = 3.7%, Br = 74.1%.

(i) Show, by calculation, that the empirical formula of G is C 2H4Br


(ii) The relative formula mass of G is 216

Deduce the molecular formula of G.


molecular formula ...........................................................

(Total for question = 12 marks)

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The diagram shows the displayed formulae of five hydrocarbons A, B, C, D and E.

(a) Give the letter of a hydrocarbon to answer these questions.

You may use each letter once, more than once or not at all.

(i) Which hydrocarbon is the main component of natural gas?


(ii) Which other hydrocarbon is produced, together with D, when pentane (C 5H12) is cracked?

(iii) Which hydrocarbon can undergo an addition reaction with hydrogen to form B?

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(b) Give the molecular formula and the empirical formula of E.
molecular formula


empirical formula


(c) Hydrocarbons A, B, D and E all belong to the same homologous series.

(i) Give the name and the general formula of this homologous series.


general formula


(ii) Draw the displayed formula of an isomer of E.


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(d) Two reactions that can occur when hydrocarbon A is burned in air are represented by these equations.

Equation for reaction 1 CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O

Equation for reaction 2 CH4 + 1½O2 → CO + 2H2O

Explain why a different product is formed in reaction 2 and why this product is dangerous.






(Total for question = 11 marks)

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These are the displayed formulae of six organic compounds.

(a) Use the letters above to select

(i) the compound that is not a hydrocarbon.


(ii) one compound with the empirical formula CH2


(iii) one compound that can form a polymer.


(b) Describe a test that will distinguish between compounds Q and T, and state the observation made with

compound T.


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Observation with compound



(c) Draw the displayed formula of an alkene containing four carbon atoms.

(d) Three of the compounds belong to the alkane homologous series.

All the alkanes in this homologous series have the same general formula.

(i) What is the general formula of the alkanes?


(ii) State two other features of a homologous series.


(e) The displayed formulae below represent isomers.

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Explain what isomers are.

(Total for Question = 11 marks)

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The table shows the displayed formulae of six hydrocarbons, Q, R, S, T, U and V.

(a) Which two hydrocarbons will instantly decolourise bromine water?

A R and V
B Q and U
C S and T
D Q and T

(b) Which two hydrocarbons have the general formula C nH2n + 2?

A R and V
B Q and U
C S and T
D Q and T

(c) Which hydrocarbon is an isomer of U?


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(d) Which two hydrocarbons have the empirical formula CH 2?
A R and V
B Q and S
C R and S
D T and U

(e) The substitution reaction between hydrocarbon T and bromine is similar to the reaction between methane

and bromine.

(i) State a condition, other than temperature, that is required for this reaction to take place.


(ii) Suggest a displayed formula for a possible organic product of the reaction between hydrocarbon T and


(Total for question = 6 marks)

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The table shows the displayed formulae of four hydrocarbons, W, X, Y and Z.

(a) Give the name of hydrocarbon W.


(b) Give the molecular formula for hydrocarbon X.


(c) Which of the hydrocarbons belong to the same homologous series of compounds?

(d) Give the empirical formula of hydrocarbon Z.


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(e) Z is an unsaturated hydrocarbon.

Explain what is meant by the term unsaturated hydrocarbon.






(f) (i) The substitution reaction between W and bromine is similar to the reaction between methane and


Suggest the displayed formula for a possible product of the reaction between W and bromine.


(ii) State the condition required for this reaction to take place.

(Total for question = 9 marks)

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The diagram shows formulae for six organic compounds.

(a) Which letter represents a compound shown as a displayed formula?


(b) Which two letters represent compounds that are members of the same homologous series?
............................................................ and ............................................................

(c) Which letter represents a compound that is formed from methane by a substitution reaction?

(d) Compounds U and W are burned in air.

Compound U undergoes complete combustion and compound W undergoes incomplete combustion.

(i) Balance the chemical equations for these reactions.


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(ii) State why the carbon monoxide formed from compound W is poisonous.


(e) Burning compound X in a car engine can cause an environmental problem.

These steps show how the environmental problem occurs.

step 1 two gases react to form nitrogen oxides

step 2 nitrogen oxides react with water in the atmosphere to form an acid

step 3 this acid damages some building materials

(i) Name the two gases that react to form nitrogen oxides.
............................................................ and ............................................................

(ii) Give the formula of the acid formed in step 2.


(iii) Name a building material that is damaged by this acid.


(Total for question = 9 marks)


Crude oil is a mixture of substances.

(a) Which word best describes the main substances in crude oil?
A bases
B carbohydrates
C elements
D hydrocarbons

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(b) This apparatus can be used to separate the substances present in a sample of crude oil into several

These sentences describe the steps in the method for separating the substances into fractions, but the steps
are in the wrong order.

R Connect a delivery tube to the boiling tube.

S Pour crude oil into a boiling tube.
T Collect each fraction in a different test tube.
U Fit a thermometer into the boiling tube.
V Heat the crude oil gently at first, then more strongly.

Put a letter in each box to show the correct order. One has been done for you.

(Total for question = 3 marks)

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Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons that can be obtained from crude oil.
The general formula of the homologous series of alkanes is C nH2n+2
(a) (i) What is the meaning of the term saturated?


(ii) What is the meaning of the term hydrocarbons?





(iii) Pentane is an alkane with five carbon atoms in its molecule.

What is the molecular formula of pentane?

A C5H8
B C5H10
C C5H12
D C5H14

(b) (i) Octane (C8H18) is an alkane that is present in petrol.

When octane burns completely in oxygen it forms carbon dioxide and water.

Write a chemical equation for the complete combustion of octane.



(ii) Give the name of a toxic gas that may be produced by the incomplete combustion of octane.


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(c) Dodecane (C12H26) is another alkane. When heated and passed over a suitable catalyst, it decomposes to
form octane and one other hydrocarbon.
(i) State how a catalyst increases the rate of this decomposition.



(ii) Give the name of a suitable catalyst for this process.



(iii) Complete the equation that represents the reaction


(iv) Name the other hydrocarbon produced in this reaction.


(Total for question = 11 marks)

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