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1.1 Background of the Study

Food is a very important basic need in life to ensure a more secure individual health as well as it gives strength to the people to implement the various activities of life. A balanced food intake and cleanliness guaranteed to give life to the perfection of human health. Food also plays an important role for the cause and prevention of various diseases. Among the effects of food on the body is to provide the body with the necessary ingredients that it enables one to work and obtain heat. In addition, providing food materials for growth maintain and build body tissues. In addition, food is also a supplier of materials that are often cyclical needs like energy production or for the growth and body impairment.

According to the State Nutrition Officer, Sarawak State Health Department (2001), a healthy diet contains all the nutrients (nutrients) are important and necessary to prevent energy shortages and excess nutrients and health guarantee. Such diets can be obtained from a variety of foods that are easily accessible, affordable and enjoyed by anyone.

Good food not only looks appetizing and tempting but should be balanced. This means that our food should contain all seven classes of food in the proper and consistent with the needs of the body. Food and beverages have large effects on growth, spiritual and physical health. Both are also forms of human personality and character. (Encyclopedia of Islam Issue 4, 2003).

Good nutrition is essential to ensure a brilliant health. Food supply nutrients to the body. Lack of nutrients can lead to the diseases and may affect academic

performance. However sometimes the food we eat does not supply sufficient nutrition to the body. Meals should be prepared in a clean and safe to eat. The food supply will increase one's health. In Malaysia, many diseases caused by water-borne and unclean food intakes in which involves a lot of people regardless of race, gender and age. This situation occurs if we do not give priority to hygiene while preparing food. Cafeteria which located at the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Polytechnic, Shah Alam is the primary place where students buy their daily meals.This cafeteria holds a direct responsibility for providing a variety of foods that are clean to cater both physical and mental needs for their customers; the students. It is therefore very important to note that the preparation of clean food provided by operators catering to always be in good condition from a variety of ways. Therefore, the food is supposed to be in a clean and safe to eat. Cleanliness is the key to a healthy and harmonious life.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Awareness about the control and proper food preparation among food operators remained at low levels. Following that the authorities have increased All food

enforcement operations and cleanliness campaign among food operators.

operators were given exposure on hygiene rules to be followed in the preparation of food according to the Food Act 1983. This is so because the employers are a critical element in determining the health of the services provided to customers.

The study was conducted to see whether the practices and procedures fully complied with by operators in the food Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Polytechnic in their premises in terms of preparedness and knowledge of food handling, quality of food provided by your food and drink, things you need before, during and after handling food, hygiene equipments used and the use of basic facilities provided by the authorities. Hygiene practice is to determine the level of cleanliness in the preparation, presentation and sale of food.

Image of the food service business depends largely on the cleanliness of the food premises. Most cafeterias have no wall or fence to prevent stray animals from wandering in the dining area. Sometimes a cat is possible to climb onto the table and chairs. These symptoms should not occur because the animals can cause of the bacteria and food contamination. Contamination of food by the agents of the animal if the animal is very easy to roam in food premises. This situation was exacerbated by several

other factors. For example, dumpsites are constructed too close with food preparation. Other than that, drainage and waste-water drainage is not covered.

In addition, the floor cafeteria has always been in the wet, slippery, dirty and smelly. Apart from that problem is caused by the cleaning work is not complete by those responsible. A clean business environment is to attract customers to visit the business. Therefore it is very important for a business environment that ensures

businesses are always clean and tidy.

According to Azman Kamaruddin, school cafeteria operators, in an interview by Harian Metro newspaper (January 14, 2002) says that clean floors and cafeteria tables that he earned in hospital cafeterias are able to show the image. He can change public opinion by making drastic changes to the cafeteria, particularly in terms of cleanliness of the cafeteria. This means that it can do something about the state of cleanliness of the cafeterias in Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Polytechnic.

1.3 Research Question

The following were the research questions that guided the researcher throughout the study: i) The condition of the kitchen in cleanliness aspect while carrying out food handling? ii) Do employees comply with the regulations set by the Food Quality Control Division Ministry of Health? iii) iv) Do operators ensure that all food preparation is in perfect condition? Do the operators know that the operation of the toilet stalls are under their responsibility? v) Does the employer really study his or her responsibilities as operators of food at of Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Polytechnic with both? 1.4 Research Objectives

i. ii.

To identify the contractors responsibility To identify the contractors roles in ensuring the compliance of guideline of the safety food in the education institution kitchen with focused on critical places


To identify the compliance of guideline of the safety food in the education institution kitchen with focused on critical places among food operators.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study aimed to determine the perception of food operators regarding of food safety and health practices at the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Polytechnic, Shah Alam. The result of the study and the information collected is important and useful as a guide and reference to certain parties, such as catering operators and authorities.

The study was conducted with the aim of helping the parties involved:


To identify the knowledge possessed by the stall operators on the importance of health and safety in food preparation in order to ensure a clean and safe food is served to the students.


Knowing how far the operators will complied the guidelines which given by the authorities.

1.6 Limitation of the Study

The study was conducted at cafeterias around the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Polytechnic, Shah Alam. The study was conducted through observations and interviews with the food operators. Certainly, there are few problems we faced while making the observations for instance, the limitation inherent in qualitative research in general. With direct observation, typically only small numbers of subjects are studied and usually under special circumstances, so their representativeness is a concern. The study might have a limitation on observations because the researcher may evaluate with different opinion on research factors. For an example, the research evaluator might give a different opinion on cleanliness. The finding does not match with other researcher that has been done. It is not representative others research if doing the research in others places.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Following are terms that will be used extensively in the study. A working definition for each is set forth:

Health means that the description of healthy, fresh, good, condition (body and others). (Student Dictionary Fourth Edition).

Health workers refer to the situation of an employee who is in a healthy condition that an employee is free from any diseases and other disorders. (Book of Human Resource Management, Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn.Bhd, 2006, the author Sarimah Hanim Aman Shah,199) .

Security is safe; secure (Student Dictionary Second Edition).

Security is about safety, welfare, security (Kamus Dewan Edisi 4).

Security refers a protection that given to the workers assigned to employees for accidental injuries in the workplace. (Book of Human Resource


Management, Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn.Bhd, 2006, the author Sarimah Hanim Aman Shah, 199).

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