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Read the following situation carefully:

María has managed to write in her notes the price relationships that
maintained each of the items she bought to supply her store:
Note 1
A kilo of tomato costs 3 times more than a kilo of lemon. In turn, a kilo of
lemon costs a quarter of what a kilo of apples costs, whose price is $44.00.

Note 2
A kilo of onion is bought at the same price as a kilo of orange. A kilo of
avocado costs 3 times the cost of a kilo of pear, whose price is half that of
onion. Additionally, cilantro cost $8.00, which is one-fifth the cost per kilo
of orange.
2. Based on the previous information, answer the following questions and
justify your results.
a) Express algebraically the cost of each fruit or vegetable, according to the
Note 1. Note 2
X= 1 kg of tomato. A= 1kg of onion
Y=1kg of lemons b= 1 kg of orange
Z=1 kg of apples c= 1 kg of avocado
Algebraic language d= 1kg of pear
Z= 44 e= cilantro
Y= z/4= Algebraic language
X= y (3) = e= 8
D= b/2
C= d (3)
B= 5(e)
b. What is the cost per kilo of each item?
Note 1:
1 kg of tomato = y (3) = 11 (3) = $33
1kg of lemons= z/4= 44/4= $11
1 kg of apples =z= $44

1kg of onion = a= b = $40
1 kg of orange= b= 5 (e) = 5(8) = $40
1 kg of avocado= c=d (3) = $60
1kg of pear= d= b/2 = 40/2= $20
Coriander = e= $8
Calculate the polynomial of María's utility, that is, her income minus her expenses.
Consider that your income is calculated using the polynomial:
And your expenses are calculated using the polynomial:
Consider that your income is calculated using the polynomial: Income=4x²+8x-4 And
your expenses are calculated using the polynomial: Expenses=3x²+6x-2
U(x) = 4x²+8x-4 – (3x²+6x-2)
U(x) = 4x²+8x-4 -3x²-6x+2
U(x) = x² + 2x – 2
Develop 5 examples with situations where it is translated from common language to
algebraic and explain how it helps you solve problems in everyday life.
1. Ana pays $120.00, twice as much as Luis for a table.
A = 2L ⇒ 120 = 2L ⇒ L = 120/2 ⇒ L = $60.00
2. For three notebooks, María paid $25.00 and Juan paid two-fifths of what María
M = 25 ⇒ J = 2/5 M ⇒ J = 2/5(25) ⇒ J = $10.00
3. Karla pays $130.00, twice as much as Marta for a table.
K = 2M ⇒ 130 = 2M ⇒ M = 130/2 ⇒ M = $65.00
4. For two pencils, María paid $5.00 and Juan paid two-fifths of what María paid.
M = 5 ⇒ J = 2/5 M ⇒ J = 2/5(5) ⇒ J = $2.00
5. Juan bought a phone for $200.00, Amanda paid a fifth of the phone for the
A = 200/5 ⇒ A = $40.00

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