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Speaker 1: Hey, guys. My name is Jeremy Gabert, and Dean has asked me to come on here to talk
to you about affiliates, or what we call in our office partners. Because that's exactly
what they are. They're strategic partnerships that help you get your message out to
people who you wouldn't normally do. When working with partners, when working with
affiliates, the biggest thing that they know, that- that you want them to know is that it's
not a- a competition. You're not going to compete against their office. This is something
to add value onto what they're already doing, and the best thing about a strategic
partnership like this is that your partnership should provide something that they don't.

Speaker 1: Now, what is an affiliate? An affiliate is just really, uh, somebody to help you spread
your mission, and these affiliates, or partners, should become friends to you. The
biggest thing and the most crucial part to working with affiliates and partners is bonding
and constant communication. You'll see it. It's a numbers game. You could have 600
affiliates like what we did for our mastermind.com launch, but if they don't feel a part of
a mission, they don't feel a part of something bigger than themself, and they don't feel a
connection with you and your products, they're not going to push for you. So the biggest
thing when working with affiliates is connection and bonding and communication.

Speaker 1: So, let's take a step back. If you're here, and you're new for the first team, I- I-, we
wouldn't recommend working with affiliates right now, because there's just too much
that goes into it. But if you have an established event or if you have an established
mastermind, and you're already doing them, but you want to take it to a step further
and go to the next level, then yes, affiliates or partners could be a great move for you,
because they're already tapping into something that you haven't.

Speaker 1: On a phase two, definitely work with affiliates and partners. So one of the first things
that we actually recommend doing before you actually even reach out to people is
building a landing page. Build them a page that you can send people to, to check out
more about what you're offering. You know, I'll, we'll get into it in a second, but you'll f-,
you know, you'll start with a direct message, and in that direct message, you'll put your
link, say, "Hey, check out f- for more information, go to xyz.com."

Speaker 1: "If you were a partner of ours for our Knowledge Business Blueprint, congratulations
and thank you so much. It was such an amazing time to spend that- that 30 days with
you before the launch and then going through the launch. And without your guys' help,
we wouldn't have been able to reach as many people as we did. It was the 600 partners
that we had that was able to help spread this message." So what we actually
recommend doing first before you do anything, before you contact anybody, is build a
page for people to go to, to check out more about your offer. This is a page where you
paint the vision. You show them the offer. You show the commissions. You let them feel
a part of something bigger than themself.

Speaker 1: And one thing with partners is make sure that they know this isn't competition. This isn't
going to take away from stuff that they're already doing. This is an added value that
you're bringing to their students or they're following because it's something that they
don't offer. That's what makes these partnerships so good. That's why when we came
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out with K- Knowledge Business Blueprint, it was something that's never been a part of
this industry to before and that's why we had over 600 partners that were able to make
this launch so amazing. So, on this page, you want to paint the vision. You want to go
through all of the commissions. You want to, basically, give them every single offered
detailed possible.

Speaker 1: If you're a part of our launch with mastermind.com, you saw all our page and if not, go
to partnerwithmastermind.com. You'll see that page. We'll go through it. There's a video
from Dean and Tony on it. There's some prize information because this was a live
launch. If you're doing evergreen, you might not have those, uh, prizes. But, you can see
everything is there. Clarity is king. You want to make sure that they know everything
about that offer so that they feel a part of it because, you know, if you don't believe in
something, you're not going to be able to push it. So you're ... That's a very, very big
thing that you want to do with your partners is make sure that they believe in the
product and service that you're offering and that's going to make it that much better
when they're reaching out to the communities because they feel truly down deep in
their heart that your product and service can help them.

Speaker 1: So, what do you do when you have your landing page? You want to start reaching out to
people. Now, there's a few things that you might want to do to figure out who you
actually should reach out to. Instagram is where I always start if you're in the health's
space. What I would do is I would find people who are in the health space and that
they're already killing it. But, I would also find somebody in the health space that's
doing, that's not doing what you want to do. So, let's just take a mastermind for an
example. You know, find a health expert that's not running a mastermind and go to their
page. And- and I'll, and I'll start this, with a, um, we'll teach you the dr-, actual dr-, um,
message that we use.

Speaker 1: But find somebody in the health space that doesn't have a mastermind. And then also
on their screen, there's a little drop-down menu and we'll throw it up on the screen
here. But it's a drop-down menu where you can see people that are a- alike, um, w-
where you'll see accounts that are like the one that you're already searching on. So, let's
just take Steve Weatherford for an example. Click on Steve Weatherford. Go to Steve's
account and then there's a drop-down menu you'll see right here and you'll see, oh,
here's the people that are similar to him. Those might be similar people you would want
to reach out to.

Speaker 1: I said Instagram because that's where we've had the most luck reaching out to people.
Uh, even Twitter and Facebook, everybody always routes to Instagram for some reason
and maybe it's the blue check marks. Maybe it's more, uh, more credible, I don't know,
because they can see your life there. But Instagram has always been the number one
platform that we use to actually reach out to people. Now, sometimes, IG can get a little
tricky, just because if you're not following that person or they're not following you, their
message could get lost in their request option. I'm sure that you've seen it before. You
have that little one request in your message and they may not see it.

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Speaker 1: So, if you send a message to somebody and maybe a few days go by or maybe a week
goes by and you don't hear back, I ... There's also an email, uh, option on Instagram that
you can pull that. You can send them an email or you can go to another platform, maybe
it's LinkedIn or maybe it's Facebook or Twitter. I would find out what that, uh, expert
uses on a regular basis more often than a, than, uh, Instagram and I would message
them. But the one thing I'll tell you with, uh, with messaging is don't get discouraged.
Message them on another platform in a tasteful way so that you're not bugging them or
annoying them, but you're rather just trying to get a, in communica-, in contact with

Speaker 1: But don't get discouraged if they don't email or message you back right away. You know,
sometimes it takes two or three messages to actually get in contact with somebody and
s-, build a relationship with them. It's like when you met the per-, you know, when you
met somebody for the first time. You know, maybe you're like, ah, I don't know if they
liked me. But then the second time you started meeting up with them, they're like, "Oh
yeah, we're best friends now." So, it's the same thing with the affiliates. You don't, you
want to have, uh, a strategic way to build rapport with them. You want to build and
bond a rela-, uh, and build a relationship with them.

Speaker 1: What could that message be? Now, I don't have the perfect message. I, uh, when I
message people, I speak from the heart because that's truly, I believe in the products
and services that Dean and our company provides. And I know that I am doing
somebody a disservice if they read my message and they don't get engaged. It's the
same thing that Dean says. It's if you truly believe in what you do, then you're doing
them a disservice if they don't actually do what you're telling them to do. So, I always
speak from the heart. I always, you know, add some emojis in there. I, smiley face,
smiley face king. Like, I want people to see my personality through my message, even if
they can't s-, you know, you can see me on camera right here, like I am people person. I
love communicating with people.

Speaker 1: But on a- a message, it's a little bit different. So, throw some emojis in there. Throw the
fire. Throw the 100 symbol. Like, do whatever you can to make this personal. You got to
think that these people get hundreds and hundreds of messages every single day. You
got to stand out. One of the things that, uh, we like to touch in our message is have a
personal touch. Say, "Hey, you know, I've been looking at your page for over- over the
last couple of days and I love what you do. I love what you, you know, your message. I
love what your work is. I've seen this testimonials. It's great and I was really impressed
by XYZ." Make it really personal and how it's different from, you know, other people out
there. I can see your passion. I can see your authenticity. I can see whatever it is that
makes them different.

Speaker 1: Obviously, you're reaching out to them for a reason. So, tell them on what makes them
different and make it personal and they'll, and then it won't just be like another
message in their inbox. You can go into it like, "I'm not sure if you heard, if you know
about me or you know about anything that I do, but here's kind of what I do." And- and

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give them a few achievements of yours or give them a few accomplishments or give
them something to- to let them know a little bit more about you.

Speaker 1: And then say, "Hey, you know, I'm probably the best at XYZ in the world and that's why I
r-, I'm reaching out to you is to open up the possibility of sharing my products and
services with you and your audience so that we can impact more lives and make more
money. But more importantly, adding significant value to your customers, followers and
communities by helping them, XYZ, put benefits in there." Let them know what you
want to provide to their following. And again, this isn't something that's going to
compete against each other. This is something that's going to supplement whatever
they're already doing. That's what makes a perfect relationship.

Speaker 1: "Anyways, you can go check out more details at, insert your website here, the landing
page that we just talked about and let me know if that's something that interests you. If
not, totally cool. But, like I said, I've been following you for years, right? I've been
looking at your stuff or whatever that relationship looks like for you guys." Be honest.
You don't have to lie. People know when you're, you know, bull crapping. What you just
need to know is make it personal and make it feel like you're talking to your friend.
Make it feel like you're talking to a parent, a loved one, a sister, a brother. Make it super
personal because at this day and age, people are going to just eliminate all the BS in
their life.

Speaker 1: They want authenticity. Dean preaches this all the time to me. They want authenticity.
They want just the- the down and dirty, exactly what it is, but they want it in a personal
way. People will do things for you based on relationships, nothing else, most of the
time. You know, there's always, obviously, some bad people out there that will do more
than that. But, for the most part, people do things based on the relationship what they
have with the o- other party. Let me know if this is something that interests you. If not,
totally fine, but I- I- I sp-, I spot-, yeah, I spotted you out for a reason or I've been
following you for a reason and let me know because I know that this could be, not only a
very impactful thing for me and you and your followers, but it could be a very profitable,
as well.

Speaker 1: Then I would, maybe, if you have some testimonials or if you have a success story or if
you have something, I would say, "Hey, here's just a few people, uh, w-, that have been
to my mastermind that, what they had to say." And don't give them like a huge, long
thing because they won't read it. Like, make sure it's short and concise that they can
read in just a few minutes. And then always end the message with, "Hey, I'm always
here. You can Insta-, you know, you can message me on Instagram. You can contact me
here or you can email. I want to make sure that this is a- a great win for you as well it is
for me and I'm looking forward to hearing from you." Something along those lines. Isn't
it a lot more personal?

Speaker 1: I know that you've probably, if you've been on Instagram and you have a following, like
I- I always get hit up like, with this canned response from these people like, "Hey, have
you been sponsored? Check out our stuff. I'm not sure if you heard about this," or, you
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know, i- it's just a lot more impersonal message than what we just shared. And like
anything, don't just take my word for it or our word for it. Test, like Dean says,
marketing stamina. Have a, have-, draft a response and send it to five people. See if you
get a response back. If you don't get a response back, then change your messaging. Or if
you get a response back and they're not interested, then it might be something in the
offer or maybe something's not clear. Or maybe they're responding back, but they're
not going to your landing page. It's all marketing stamina and it all can be dissected. And
you'll know exactly what went wrong.

Speaker 1: It's like an email. You know, if someone doesn't open up your emails, it's the subject
line. If someone opens up your emails, but doesn't click on the link, could be the
message in the actual email. If someone opens up your email and clicks on the link, but
doesn't actually do what the- the page, you know, do what you have on the page, then
it's your page that you need to fix. You know, so there's different things that you can
dissect. Same thing with the direct message. They don't open up your message, it's
might be your, uh, your opening line. If they open up your message, they don't click on
your website, it might be what's in that body. Or if they go to your website and they
don't sign up, the offer may not be for them and that's the same thing with this.

Speaker 1: Just have the marketing stamina to be able to split test and being able to pivot. So, once
you send them the page and they signed up, now it's the approval and welcome
process. You know, this is very crucial because as soon as they sign up, you, they're
excited and you want to keep that e- excitement. So, we'll go on to, there's some
tracking systems that I'll give, uh, later on this training just in a little bit in a Facebook
group. But this, the approval process, you want to make sure that you have the right
people. You don't want just people that have, that can buy a list and put in a fake credit
card or do this because there will be people out there.

Speaker 1: You want to put them through a qualification process and maybe, if this is going to be a
long-term partnership with you, maybe you want to jump on the phone with them and
just make sure that they have the right core values as you do. There's nothing worse
than having a bad partner, whether it's a bad partner relationship or a bad partner in
business or a bad partner in a- a game. So, make sure to have an approval process
because you don't want just to a- allow anybody to become a partner.

Speaker 1: And one of those things that they'll do to approve, to be approved, is sign a terms and
conditions. Now, we'll have a, uh, example, uh, terms and conditions right below this
video, so that you can model something that we did. But, again, I'm not an attorney.
This, we aren't attorneys. So, we always recommend that you get that approved
through an attorney or somebody that's a lot (laughs) smarter and a lot more qualified
than us. But, we'll give you what we used. The other thing is once they're approved, let
them feel a part of something bigger than themself. I know I keep on saying that, but it's
because it's so important. These relationships with partners have to be so good and it's
so easy to do.

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Speaker 1: It's just like your best friend that you've been talking to since you were nine years old or
whatever. It's just easy and that's what you want this to be. If you have to force a
relationship, they're probably not the right fit for you. So, once they're approved, send
them out your welcome email. And I'll send you a ... I'll put down below, as well, the
welcome email that we used. And basically, we'll just say, "Hey, congratulations. It's, not
everybody's accepted, but you were. And we are a-, we are so grateful and so happy to
have you a part of this mission."

Speaker 1: "So below, it's going to be a few things. Uh, there's going to be a link to your back office.
This is your partner dashboard. This is where you can see all your options. This is where
you can see your sales. This is where you see your clicks and your conversions and swipe
files and- and all that good stuff. And then there's also a Facebook page. If you're doing
a live launch, a Facebook page is a lot more important than an evergreen, but also, if
you're doing evergreen, the Facebook page allows you to, uh, build a community." And
we'll talk about that in just a second.

Speaker 1: But give them a community to join. And then also, what we did is we sent out a gift. You
know, you can see we sent out a mastermind.com shirt. We sent a coffee mug. We sent
a power bank. We sent a water bottle. We sent a journal. We sent all these things. And
you don't have to do all that. We always go over and beyond what's expected, but that's
what makes Dean and Russell and Tony who they are. I would send them something.
Send something, maybe a shirt that they could wrap. Like, maybe a coffee mug that they
see every day or a journal that they use. You always want to be on top of their mind
because that, you know, a good partnership and it's always being reminded of the other
person and being able to work with them so well.

Speaker 1: And those constant reminders, when they go up and get a drink of coffee and they see
the coffee mug. I'm like, "Oh, I could do a, I could do a shout out for mastermind.com
right now and d- drive a lot more people over there and we can touch and- and impact
the mil-, uh, you know, more people today." Or I could send an email out or I could send
a DM, or I could have my guys call or whatever it is. But constantly be in front and where
they are, private Facebook group. So, this is a little bit different, uh, if you're doing a live
launch versus an evergreen. But, if you're doing a live launch, you don't want to open up
your Facebook group too soon.

Speaker 1: Um, if you're doing a live launch, it's approximately, maybe 20 days and that's including
registration and then the close down. Um, Dean talked about it in, earlier in the course.
Um, what I would recommend doing is open up the Facebook group about 20 days
before you launch. Start getting some pre hype. Get them some videos in there. Let
them start n-, um, communicating. Let the messaging get rolling. Let them build the
energy their self. And then what we did is Dean went in there and Tony went up in there
and Russell went in there. And we were able to hype them up with different videos and-
and build the energy as much, so when we went to go launch this, everybody was so
excited. They were just begging just to get that out there and get the message out
because they so excited to be a part of our mission and they truly believed what we did.

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Speaker 1: And ma-, like Knowledge Business Blueprint, it's changing the lives of thousands of
people and they truly believe that from their heart and that's what made this launch
possible and as big as it was. A few things for the Facebook group, I just made some
quick notes. It's find the perfect time to open this up because you have to keep the
energy. If you open this up too soon and the energy goes up, it'll come down. And then
by the time you launch, you got to bring it back up and not more p-, not as many people
as going to be excited. So, if you bring it up at the certain time and then when you
launch, then you carry out the energy to go forward.

Speaker 1: But put yourself in their shoes. Let them know or like- like see what's the first touch
point. When they log into their Facebook group, do they see any messages? Do they see
a welcome video for you? You know, that's what we did. Say, "Hey, you know,
congratulations. Can't wait to get this started with you. But here's a few things that we
could do to get started." Build some hype and give them a few action steps, but make
them feel a part of this community. I can, I can't stress that enough because that's the
biggest thing. But, for the Facebook group, lay out a plan for communication. Whether
you get in there two times a day or once a day or every other day, lay out what you
want to do because if you don't have it planned out, then that's when a day goes by or
two days goes by or a week goes by and you don't get in there and the energy's just
going to die.

Speaker 1: The worst thing you can do is open up that Facebook and let the energy die. And then,
whenever they go out to push, then it may not be there. With an evergreen model, um,
like, look at ClickFunnels. ClickFunnels has a ongoing, uh, it's called the Avengers Group
and that's all about affiliates. They c-, they have one that's constantly going and they're
messaging and say, "Hey, what about this affiliate offer and what about this?" And it's a,
it's a community of all people wanting to go at once to master affiliates. And that's
exactly what Russell's created and- and done so well about. But he has more of an
evergreen model that people are constantly coming in, new affiliates coming in and
pushing what he has. And that's what I would recommend. But you need somewhere for
these affiliates to go or these partners to go and to feel a part of this community.

Speaker 1: The number one thing when working with affiliates ... I've said this i-, o- one time and
I'm going to say it again, is bonding and constant communication. You want these
partners to be your friends. You want to be best friends with them. You want to be able
to text them when you're in their area and say, "Hey, I want to, you know, you want to
grab lunch? You want to grab a drink? You want to grab dinner? Or can I come over to
your house? Can I see the fam? Hope the kids are doing well." Like, very, very personal,
like you would with your kids or with your, um, you know, best friends or family. Like, be
personable. Um, but also, if you have an, a lot of affiliates like we did, there's an 80/20

Speaker 1: If you have a lot of affiliates, then you want to focus on the one-, on the top 20, the top
20%. The ones that, if you spend your time with, you know that that will make you the
most impact and most money. And if you're just getting started, then obviously, you
want to focus on everybody and figure out who your top affiliates are. But you will start
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to see a few go away from the pack and that's the ones that you want to focus on. I'm
not saying don't forget about these people, but there's just a little bit different
relationship that you can do with these people up here and constantly texting back and
messaging and all h-, off hours.

Speaker 1: But you want to be personal and you want to make sure that you're best friends with
this. You'll know if you have 10 affiliates or 10 partners, what that looks at and sells. And
then it's just a rep-, and it's replicating the process after that. So, some things that we
do to help our partners with, uh, the marketing of this product because no one's going
to know this product or service like you. You're the one that created it. You are the one
that knows it like the back of your hand. And you need to help your affiliates and
partners be able to do, uh, be able to know what you know, so that they can push it out
to their communities. So, what we do is we create a- a swipe file.

Speaker 1: And swipe files are just a, uh, a folder of pre-written emails, um, some copy for social
media, some social media graphics, uh, different marketing angles, different subject
lines. And, you know, you're obviously in this industry for a reason. You're killing it and
you have a product or service that you've already been marketing and it's doing well.
Find your best converting email, subject line, social media copy and put it into a file so
that when people come into your world and they become a partner of yours, you can
say, "Hey, here's everything that's working for me. Here you go." It's not something that
you have to make up. It's not something that you have to like, create on the spot. This is
stuff that's already working for you.

Speaker 1: Now, if you're just getting into this and you're like, "Hey, I don't have any of this
already." Well, you're going to want to tes- test some messaging and figure out what
works best for you. But I will include, uh, what we included on our swipe files for our
partners down below. And you can kind of, and you can model just exactly what we did,
just model someone doing it at a much (laughs) higher level and that's exactly what we
preach. So- so you're probably wondering what you do for technology and how you ke-
keep track of all these payouts and commissions and sales and options and everything
else going on because it is, it's a whole nother leg of your business. This can become a
foundational piece of your business, which is constant leads and constant volume and
constantly more people impacted.

Speaker 1: And what you can do that with is ClickFunnels. ClickFunnels has a built-in affiliate system
and there's tutorials. And there's all these how-tos and- and everything else that you
need to do that. And it tracks options and sales, payouts, commissions, makes it easy so
you can, you know, uh, export a CSB and be able to deliver and fulfill to your partners in
a timely manner. And last, but certainly not least, um, if you're doing this by yourself, it's
totally fine. When I first started, I was doing everything by myself and same thing with
Dean. Same thing with Tony and same thing with Russell. It's a bl-, it's the beauty of h-,
of being an entrepreneur is that you get to wear multiple hats and, but you also get to
know the process better than anybody else, so that when you do hire, you already

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Speaker 1: It's not like somebody can come in and say, "All right, I do it this way." You're like, "No,
I've already done that. I know exactly what it is. All you got to do is just take this and run
with it." And they have a foundation. Whenever you start to see the benefit and see the
ROY on these, uh, partner relationships, you probably need a partner manager. This is
somebody who really just focuses and obsesses on just the high-level relationships. We
have plenty of high-level relationships that I work with on a weekly basis. And I'm
constantly texting them, sending them birthday gifts, sending them, you know, flying
out to see them or they're f-, coming out there and we always hang out. We'll go hik-,
camelback together. But we spend time together because, like I said, these people are
my best friends.

Speaker 1: These people are closer to me than some of my (laughs) family members or some
friends that I graduated from high school. But it's because we both see the value in each
other and that's why it's going to be a great partnership. So, I hope this helped. I hope
this just gave you a- a glimpse at what we did. But the biggest thing with affiliates is just
be personal. Be best friends with them and bond with them and have constant
communication. Because if you do that, you'll build the best relationships in the world
and they could be the best partnerships for you to have for a very, very long time. Thank
you, guys and appreciate you. We'll see you later.

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