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This transcript was exported on Apr 05, 2019 - view latest version here.
Dean Graziosi: Another one of the byproducts of a mastermind that people don't even realize is
the networking. See, I'm not a big networker. I haven't had a business card in
probably 25 years. It's not my thing. I'm not like, "Hey, how you doing? Dean."
Even when I wasn't successful. I wouldn't consider myself a networker, but I'm
lying, because I love to make strategic relationships that could be beneficial for

I mean, what's better than a relationship that's a win-win? Right? You have
clients. They have product. You have clients, and they have clients, and you
could cross-promote each other. Somebody has experienced a problem that
you're facing now and they solved it and grew. They hired the right person.
What you want to share with your mastermind attendees is the power of
networking to always leave their ears open, to hear what people are saying;
their success they had, the failures they have. You might find someone that
went through a divorce and came out good on the other side, or lost the weight,
and you're there for a money-making thing and you're talking to somebody
about fixing your relationship because they experienced it. That's the power of
collective genius, collective wisdom in a room.

But a lot of times, I don't know about you. I'm not the best at just saying, "Hey,
how's it going? Let's meet, and let's do this." So, we created a tool, a networking
tool, to make the connection. This has worked so magically. This is something
you're going to want to go over at some point in the mastermind just so they
know, hey, when someone's got something you need or you have something
they need, it could be mutual beneficial, fill out this tool. Here's the real simple
process of this tool.

Hey, this is ... I want to make it casual. Hey, this is Dean Graziosi. My company is
BBG Enterprises. We help impact people's lives by giving them the success tools
that tap into their full potential and go to the next level. I think we should
collaborate because you have students that need what I have, and my students
need what you have. I think we should collaborate because you're a great
marketer. I think we should collaborate because you hired under values and
culture, and I want to take that to another level. I think we should ... whatever it
is. And then the next piece is, the best result would be is that we both raise the
sales and the impact of our company without additional revenue. The best thing
would be that I hire the perfect CFO and I can help you with your marketing. You
make it a win-win on this sheet rather than, "Hey, can I get your number on the
phone?" Right?

Also, best way to connect. Me, I love text messages. I don't like phone calls. I
don't even do phone calls. I don't check email as much as I used to. I like text
message, so you check that out, and then a lot of us have assistants or someone
that helps us. You can put your assistant's name on here. That's how simple it is,
and that's how quick this tool is. But that's how powerful it can be. Networking
and having the right relationships, it's the key to your next level. And that's what
masterminds can do when they're treated the right way, using the right tools.
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This transcript was exported on Apr 05, 2019 - view latest version here.

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