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Hi, I am Justin. Can I speak to the person in charge of your Janitorial?


If DM available then

“Not sure if this applies but I was calling to see if you would be OPEN to
looking at any hidden gaps in your commercial cleaning that might be
causing you problems… headaches?”

“We’re just trying to figure out a synergy here to build a relationship,

introduce our self’s and see and understand how we can help you, should
you be open to that?”

How’s Office Cleaning done at this moment? Is it In-house or Outsourced?

Customize to Prospect's Needs + Objection Handling:

Here they will tell you if they have any hidden gaps and explain what are
they currently cleaning situation.

Here this are the options:

“No, I’m good”: “That’s amazing that you guys are good we only work
with people that are good! So how are the currently cleaning situation in
your office? Do you do in house or outsource?

“We already have a team in house”:

“Amazing, a lot of companies now days handle this in house, do you have
a specific person or your team split the cleaning tasks?”

If they don’t have a specific cleaning team and just use some of their
staff to split the tasks:

“Ok I understand that DM NAME, so we will be close to your location next

days and we would love to stop by to a friendly visit to provide you a free
quote, no strings, just for you to have an idea how we can help you and
how the price could even help you save money letting your team doing
their normal tasks, PITCH!”

(Check “Setting Appointment” section 4 to understand about how to pitch

the appointment with success)

“We already work with cleaners”

“Amazing, a lot of companies now days have a company doing their

cleaning, in a scale 1 to 10 how much are you satisfied with them?”

If they say 9 or below, ask: “Why not a 10?”

They may tell you something that they don’t like in this current
company that they are working with, so you just say:

“Ok I understand that DM NAME and we certainly can help you with that”

>>>Adapt this on what they say have infinity variables for this, but
basically mention that we can help them and we do that differently,
then proceed:

“So we will be close to your location next days and we would love to stop
by to a friendly visit to provide you a free quote, no strings, just for you to
have an idea how we can help you, PITCH!”

(Check “Setting Appointment” section 4 to understand about how to pitch

the appointment with success)

Not interested/Happy with currently cleaner:

-I’m very happy to hear that you're happy with your currently cleaners but
are always areas of improving right?
-Would you say that have nothing that your currently cleaner cant
improves on?
They answer… “yes, always have something to improve” … (or something
-Thats exactly why I was calling, I want to see if we can identify those
areas in a walkthrough?

(“Setting Appointment” SECTION 4)

Verification question–

How many times a week do you plan to get your office cleaning done at
this moment?

- Cool.

Can you give me a rough idea, What can be the size of your office?

- That's Great

Can you spell out your first and last name so that our sale manager can
address your properly?

- Cool You’ve got a lovely name

Correct If I am wrong, Business Name And Address. Accurate? / Can you

Confirm your business adress

- Perfect

We will send you a confirmation Email Can you spell out your email
address, please?

- Perfect

Lastly Will you be the one who will meet our sales manager right?

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