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Jacaranda Part 1

1. ​A. ​ In a magic circle -​or ch 4 closed with a sl st-​, ch 3, 11dc. {Total: 12 st)

2. ​D. ​*Join with a beginning dc in any st, 3 dc in that same st, *ch 1, skip 1 st, 4 dc in the
next st* Repeat between * and * 5 more times. Omit 4 dc at the last repeat. ​-​Don’t cut off
the yarn-​. {Total: 24 dc and 6 ch 1-sp}

Special Stitch: tr5tog (treble 5 together) – *yarn over 2 times, insert hook into next
stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop, (yarn over and pull through 2 loops on hook) 2
times*. Repeat from * to * 4 more times, yarn over, pull through all loops on hook.
3.​ D. ​If you continue with the same color make ch 3 ​-counts as the first tr from the tr5tog-, ​or
join with a beginning tr but don’t finish it, leave 2 loops on the hook​ -this then counts as the
first unfinished tr of the first tr5tog in this round-​, *tr5tog in the 4 dcs ​and ​in​ the ch-st ​not in
the ch 1-sp!​, ch 7*. Repeat between * and * 5 times. {Total: 6 x tr5tog, 6 x ch 7-sp / 48 st}

Special stitch: fpsc (front post sc). Insert your hook around the stem of the stitch from
front to back and to front again. Finish as a normal sc.
4. ​B.​ Join with a beginning sc in a ch 7-sp, 3 sc in that same sp, tr in the ch 1-sp of round ​2​,
-keep the ch 7-sp behind your work​, 4 sc in the same ch 7-sp, fpsc around the tip of tr5tog,
*4 sc in the next ch 7-sp, tr in the ch 1-sp of round ​2​, ​-keep the ch 7-sp behind your work​, 4
sc in the same ch 7-sp*. Repeat between * and * 4 more times. ​-​Don’t cut off the yarn!-
{Total: 48 sc, 6 tr, 6 fpsc / 60 st}

Special stitch: fphdc (front post hdc). Yo, insert your hook around the stem of the
stitch from front to back and to front again. Finish as a normal hdc.
Special stitch: BLO: (back loop only). Insert your hook just in the back loop of a stitch.
5. ​B. ​Start in a fpsc.If you continue with the same color make ch 1 ​-counts as a scBLO-​ ​or
Join with a beginning scBLO in the fpsc, scBLO in the next 4 st, *fphdc around the next tr,
skip the st behind the fphdc, scBLO in the next 9 st ​-the first one is a bit hidden-*​. Repeat
between * and * 5 more times. Omit 5 scBLO at the last repeat.
{Total: 54 scBLO, 6 fphdc / 60 st}

Special stitch: Beginning cluster2dc. Join with a standing unfinished dc (2 loops on

the hook), make another unfinished dc in the same st or sp (3 loops on the hook), yarn
over and pull through all 3 loops.
Special stitch: Cluster2dc. Make an unfinished dc (2 loops on your hook), make
another unfinished dc in the same st or sp (3 loops on your hook), yo and pull through
all 3 loops.
6.​ B. ​Start in a fphdc. *Join with a beginning cluster2dc, (ch 2, cluster2dc) in the same fphdc,
*ch 3, skip 4 st, (cluster2dc, ch 2, cluster2dc) in the next sc ​-is the one made in a fpsc of
round 4-, ch 3, skip 4 st​, (cluster2dc, ch 2, cluster2dc) in the next fphdc​*. ​Repeat between *
and * 5 more times. Omit (cluster2dc, ch 2, cluster2dc) at the last repeat.
{Total: 12 x (cluster2dc, ch 2, cluster2dc),12 x ch 3-sp / 84 st}

Special stitch: Beginning cluster3dc. Join with a standing unfinished dc, (2 loops on
your hook), make another 2 unfinished dc in the same st or sp (4 loops on your hook),
yo and pull through all 4 loops.
Special stitch: Cluster-3dc. Start with a (standing) dc but do not complete it; leave 2
loops on your hook, make another 2 unfinished dc in the same sp; you have 4 loops
on your hook, yo and pull through all 4 loops.
7. ​A. Just work in the ch 2-sps between the two clusters2dc!!!
Join with a beginning ​cluster3dc ​-see special stitches-,​ ​(ch 2, cluster3dc)2x​ in the ch 2-sp,
*​ch 5​, skip the next (cluster2dc, ch 3, cluster2dc), ​(cluster3dc, (ch 2, cluster3dc) 2x)​ in the
next ch 2-sp*. Repeat between * and * 11 more times. Omit (cluster3dc, (ch 2, cluster3dc)2x)
at the last repeat. {Total: ​36 x cluster3dc, 24 x ch 2-sp, 12 x ch 5-sp / ​144 st}

Special stitch: popcorn. Make 5 dcs, take the hook out of the last dc, insert the hook
in the first dc and pick up the last dc again, yo, pull through the 2 loops.
8. ​D. ​Join with a beginning tr in the ch 2-sp between the first0 2 clusters, 4 tr in the same sp,
skip the next cluster, *5 tr in the next ch 2-sp, skip the next cluster, ch 2, popcorn in the ch-3
sp of round ​6 ​-work ​behind​ the ch 5-sp of round 7-​, ch 2, at round ​7 ​skip the ch 5-sp and the
first cluster, 5 tr in the next ch 2-sp*. Repeat between * and * 11 more times. Omit 5 tr at the
last repeat. {Total: 120 tr, 48 ch 2-sp, 12 popcorn / 180 st}

Special stitch: fpdc (front post dc). Yo, insert your hook around the stem of the stitch
from front to back and front again. Finish as a normal dc.
9. ​C. ​Join with a beginning *fpdc around the popcorn ​-work ​in front​ ​of the ch 5 sp of round
7​-​, skip the next ch 2-sp, fpdc around the next 10 tr, skip the next ch 2-sp*. Repeat between
* and * 11 more times. ​-Don’t cut off the yarn!- ​{Total: 132 fpdc}

Special stitch: fpdc2tog (2 front post dc together)

Yo, insert your hook around the stem of the first stitch from front to back and front
again, yo, pull through, yo, pull through 2 loops (2 loops on the hook),
yo, insert your hook around the stem of the second stitch from front to back and
front again, yo, pull through, yo, pull through 2 loops (3 loops on the hook),
yo, pull through all 3 loops.
10. ​C.​ Start at the first fpdc of the group of 10. Place a stitch marker in the ch 2-sp at the
beginning of this round so you will know where to end.
Fpsc in the first fpdc, ch 2 ​-this counts as your first *fpdc in the first fpdc-,​ fpdc2tog in the
next 2 st, fpdc in the next 4 st, fpdc2tog in the next 2 dc, fpdc in the last fpdc, ch 2, skip the
next st ​-that is the fpdc around the popcorn-*. ​Repeat between * and * 11 more times. End
with a ​sc in the ch2-sp​ of the beginning st. ​-Don’t cut off the yarn!-
{Total: 12 x (6 fpdc, 2 fpdc2tog, ch 2-sp ) / 120 st}

11. ​C​. Continue with the same color. Move the stitch marker to the first ch 2-sp of this
round. Ch 2 ​-that is your first ​*​fpdc in the first fpdc-​, fpdc2tog around the next fpdc2tog
-take care: insert your hook around both stems- ​and​ around the next fpdc, fpdc around the
next 2 fpdc, fpdc2tog around the next fpdc ​and​ around the next fpdc2tog ​-take care: insert
your hook around both stems-​, fpdc around the last fpdc, ch 2, sc in the ch 2-sp, ch 2*.

Repeat between * and * 11 more times. End with a ​sc in the ch 2-sp​ of the beginning st.
-Don’t cut off the yarn!-.​{Total: 12 x (4 fpdc, 2 fpdc2tog, ch 4, 1 sc) / 132 st}

12.​ C.​ Continue with the same color. Move the stitch marker to the first ch 2-sp of this
round. Ch 2 ​-is the first ​*​fpdc in the first fpdc-​, fpdc2tog around the next fpdc2tog ​-take
care: insert your hook around both stems-​ ​and​ ​around the next fpdc, fpdc2tog around the
next fpdc ​and​ ​around the fpdc2tog ​-take care: insert your hook around both stems-​, fpdc
around the last fpdc, (ch 2, sc in the ch 2-sp)2x, ch 2*.​ ​Repeat between * and * 11 more
times. End with a ​sc in the ch 2-sp​ of the beginning st. ​-Don’t cut off the yarn!-
{Total: 12 x (2 fpdc, 2 fpdc2tog, 3 x ch 2-sp, 2 sc) / 144 st}

13. ​C​.​ ​Continue with the same color. Move the stitch marker to the first ch 1-sp of this round
-that is actually part of the first fpdc-​.
(ch 1, fpdc around the fpdc2tog) ​-the ch 1 and fpdc ​together ​make the first fpdc2tog-​,
*fpdc2tog around the fpdc2tog ​and​ the last fpdc, ch 3, (sc in the ch 2-sp, ch 2)2x, sc in the
next ch 2-sp, ch 3, fpdc2tog around the first fpdc ​and​ the fpdc2tog*.​ ​Repeat between * and *
11 more times. Omit fpdc2tog at the last repeat. End with a ​sl st in the first fpdc2tog​.
-Don’t cut off the yarn!-. ​{Total: 12 x (2 fpdc2tog, 10 ch, 3 sc) / 180 st}

14. ​C​. Continue with the same color. ​This round is just sc in the ch 3-sps, ch3.
Sl st into next ch-sp, sc in the same ch-sp, ch3, (sc in the next ch-sp, ch 3)3x, *skip the
next 2 fpdc2tog (sc in the next ch-sp, ch 3)4x**. Repeat between * and * 10 more times,
skip the last 2 fpdc2tog and end with a sl st in the first sc. ​-Now you can cut off the yarn-.
{Total: 192 st}

Special stitch: fpsc3tog. (3 front post sc together).

Insert your hook around the stem of the appointed st, yo, pull through ​-2 loops on
the hook-, ​(insert around the stem of the next appointed st, yo, pull through)2x ​-4
loops on the hook-​, yo, pull through all the loops.
15. ​E. The video of Saartje may be a good support here!
We‘ll crochet at the surface.
*fpsc3tog around: the fpdc of round ​9 ​before​ ​a popcorn ​and
the fpdc of round ​9 ​around ​the popcorn ​and
the fpdc of round ​9 ​after ​the popcorn,
ch 1, sc around the stem of the fpdc of round ​10​ ​-insert your hook from the center of the
petal to the outside-,
ch 1, sc around the stem of the fpdc of round ​11​,
ch 1, sc around the stem of the fpdc of round ​12​,
ch 1, sc around the outer stem of the fpdc2tog of round ​13​,
ch 1, (sc, hdc, sc) in the 2nd fpdc2tog of round ​13​,
continue at the other side of the petal
ch 1, sc around the outer stem of the fpdc2tog of round ​13​,
ch 1, sc around the stem of the fpdc of round ​12​,
ch 1, sc around the stem of the fpdc of round ​11​,
ch 1, sc around the stem of the fpdc of round ​10, ​ch 1​*.
Repeat between * and * 11 more times. {Total: 12 petals}

Special stitch: bphdc (back post hdc). Yo, insert your hook around the stem of the
stitch from back to front and back again. Finish as a normal hdc.
16. ​A​. Start in round ​14​ in the first ch 3-sp after the tip.
Join with a sc, 3 sc in the same ch 3-sp, skip the next sc, (4 sc in the next ch 3-sp, skip the
next sc)2x, *2 sc in the next ch 3-sp, bphdc around the hdc of round ​15 ​-is the center st of
the tip-, ​round ​14​ ​in the same ch 3-sp as where you made the 2 scs before:​ ​1sc​, skip
the next sc, (4 sc in the next ch 3-sp, skip the next sc)3x*. Repeat between * and * 11 more
times. Omit (4 sc in the next ch 3-sp, skip the sc)3x at the last repeat.
{Total: 180 sc, 12 bphdc / 192 st}

17. ​B. ​Join with a hdc in the 2nd sc made in a ch 3-sp, *ch 1, skip 1 sc, hdc in the next st
-the hdcs are made in the 2nd and 4th sc made in the ch 3-sp, except at the tips; there you
make the hdc in the 2nd sc and the sc after the tip-​*. Repeat between * and * 95 more
times. Omit 1 hdc at the last repeat. {Total: 96 hdc, 96 ch 1-sp / 192 st}

18. ​A​. Just work in round ​16. ​Start in the bphdc around the hdc at the tip.
Join with a *dc in the skipped st of round 16 ​behind ​ch 1-sp of round 17, ch 1, dc in the
skipped st of round 16 ​in front of ​ch 1-sp of​ ​round 17, ch 1*. Repeat between * and * 47
more times. ​Don’t cut off the yarn. ​{Total: 192 st}

19. ​A. ​Sc in every stitch and in every ch 1-sp all through the round.
{Total: 192 st}

End of part 1

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